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William Cooper > 30-Aug-94 Raw Intelligence #FFW 8:20; Police_gassings; BLM_Rangers & Federal_PoPo; Use of deadly force to defend selves/family/property; Special protection under color of law To Masonic organizations (state & federal); #Extract > Bankers_Manifest Jan 1934; Gun bans; Vets; Project Phoenix; Gov_terrorism; Categorization; Power of counties; Backpack_nukes green_light_teams special_forces; Oaths & promises; BATF_No_Domestic_Jurisdiction aka color_of_law_operations; 4H_leaders; Fort Polk; 3rd World Village; Joint Readiness Training Center; Urban Warfare Training Area; Phones for children; Controlling_all_information goal; Bulldozer vs Feds; We draw the line; We will not obey your laws; Do not comply with your own enslavement; Gov_out_of_control; Real reason for keeping & bearing arms@Jefferson; Crime_bill; Technology & sheeple_factor; Slavery worse than dying for good cause; Behold a Pale Horse; Validation of a plan; Obelisks; Southern Generals not tried for treason;

William_Cooper > 9-Aug-94 Raw Intelligence #FF 12:30; Innocent drug raid USA; Future chemical weapons; Gov desires asset seizure expansion; Read everything, listen to everyone, believe absolutely no one, unless You can prove it in your own research; Media elite meet Idaho retreat > media_complicit; FBI_enemy_of_people; Democracy code word for socialism / dictatorship / communism; Call reps even if never represented you; Fed paper dollar vs gold historically; Gold 20 per oZ vs paper historical_theft; Constitutional_Amendment_1; 7_Noahide laws; Public_law_102-12; Pit Jew against Christian aka yet another example of divide_&_conquer; RF Tracking; Open Skies Treaties OSTs; Rise of citizen_militias marxist propaganda to destroy America; Traitors arrested & dealt with accordingly; Patriots_classified_terrorists; BS_Unconstitutional_laws 4_police; WACO_lawyers & branch_davidians; GN_eD;

William Cooper >29-Jul-94 Raw Intelligence #Behind masks; Brownshirts; When rare viruses threaten human race; Antibodies BS; Biological warfare tests; Acceptable IDs; Hate speech; Omnibus crime bill; CIA trained WTC suspects; CIA Moscow office; Crime Bill; 40k freemasons meetup; CIA budget 28 billion; Right to life; Representation under law; Take away another's rights & you take away your own as well; GPS; Merging programs; Service to country begins in our communities; National Guard are not militia; Cell Antennas in your hood; Devaluation of dollar coming; Protection precious metals; If everyone purchased gold & silver & dealt with same in all their finiacial interactions @central_Banks_DOA; Controlling info super highway; Wireless easily tapped & controlled; Are you listening Dear Sheeple ? Stopping birth rate or increasing death rate@Bill_Gates; How many people are too many ?; Experimentation on American Citizens; Vassal state of IMF?; Mexico; Wake up sheeple; When individuals give away individual rights to group; Computer glitches on stock exchanges; No due process; Behold a Pale Horse book; eDcetera;

William_Cooper > 22-Jul-94 ACLU, Raw Intelligence #Constitution in wrong hands; P_Robertson; Christian_Coalition; Preying upon fears of people; History ACLU subversive organization; Religions scheduled for extermination NWO; Labels divide & conquer; O_North; Rescue from Marxism; Societies have rules; Against Marxism? => anti-semantic; People for American Way PFAW; Gold & silver vs money thin air; Censorship schools; Communist tactics; Media owned by Marxists; ID; Media concerto; Corporate logos symbolism; Goal > controlling information; Truth cyberspaceD; Raw Intelligence; US Military ops under UN Control; War someday USA (open borders recruiting?) Satelite_Inet; Omni; @eDcetera;

Patricia_Janecova Les_oiseaux_dans_la_charmille
For eDucational purposes only support bands & their fams. TY eD

William Cooper 22-Jun-94 Raw_Intelligence #Real messages in movies; MMPI; Pay to order of United States Treasury @IRS; UN Human Development Report 1994; Do not be slave in NWO; Bill's timing off at times, but eventually proven correct overall; UN population reduction; Zero population growth enforced; US & Russia will join forces & become world police force in future; Collective Security Participation Resolution; UN Charter Articles & Desert Storm, Kuwait, Iraq, Somalia; State Department #7277; UN Participation Act 1945; Understanding enemy; DC traitors; UN Peace Enforcement Units; Brady; Posse Comitatus Act; Turner & Hanoi Jane; CFR; Military spending & UN; Truman; Alger Hiss; Constitution; Germany; Technology you never dreamed; Congress doublespeak; US Military World Police Force; Biden; Bill tough at times good info;

William Cooper > 31-Jan-00 Kipland Kinkel #1 #FFW 4:05; #How Bill communicated knowledge 1988 & not murdered; Martyrs; Demonizing enemies; Identification & law; Testifying against yourself not required under law; Level of our corruption; McCain; Totalitarian socialist world government is goal; Bill predicted mass shooters, purpose disarm America; Mass shooters on psychotropics; Mass shooters rarely live; Profile of mass shooter Kip Kinkel Oregon; Kip's psychoanalyst Dr Jeffery Hicks; Kip prescibed Prozac; Marilyn Manson songs; Kip buys stolen gun caught@school; Kip's murders begin with parents; Kip school mass shooter; Kip interrogation tape; Open phones on topic;

William Cooper > 7-Jan-00 Income Tax Challenge #Bill being controversial but prove Bill wrong if you can (no one could ); Bill on federal income tax & law; No law exists requiring people not in government & few other exceptions to file & pay federal income tax; Bill did not file & pay because there is no law; Bill winning case against IRS then illegal dirty tricks; 16th amendment; No one can quote law that requires non-gov people & few other exceptions to file & pay federal income tax; Overall intelligent open phones @18:05>; They made it so Bill could not work, so Bill employed himself exposing them for life; Bill eDucating broadcast; Law that never was book; eDcetera; Not advice from eD;

William Cooper 16-Dec-99 War on the River #FFW 1:35 Bill setting up show or 4:55; Bill recounts Vietnam as riverboat captain; Bill reads from unreleased book Cua Viet; If in Vietnam, if never seen war, if around those who have seen war but never talk. . . Does this describe you @idk ? end if; Hollywood war depictions vs reality; Some Bill's shows strike cord with eD; Bill open phones vets Cua Viet; History to never repeat for those whom do not know history; eDcetera;

bluegrass 4 eDucational purposes only support bands & their fams TY eD !

For eDucational purposes only > bluegrass
Support bands & their fams TY eD

3-Nov-99 Norman Grigg #2 #Bill nice intro imho to 7:30, communism origins, re_education, secret_societies, goal, soviet union got their technology from us; Then FFW 22:30 to avoid overlap from show 1712; Gov is agency of coercion; State vs family; Plato; UNESCO UNICEF; UN Convention Rights of Child; Licensing parents; Too many people; Michael New; Standing against UN; Defunding UN; Truth; Freedom vs surrendering freedom; 170 million dead; UN failings or better yet eliminate_UN; Open phones @46 & eD does not usually recommend open phones; Marc_Chagall_Peace_Window_UN

William Cooper > 2-Nov-99 Norman Grigg #1 (UN Plans for us) #FFW 9:05 if desired to skip Bill's intro & Michael New; CFR; Isolationism; Independence vs Interdependence; Communitarianism; Inalienable vs Collective Rights; Bill of Rights vs Universal Declaration of Human Rights(UN); Democide; Unaccountable gov; Comprehensive disarmament;
China; Tibet; Rwanda; Sustainable Development; Cambodia; Soviet Georgia; Cousteau; Gorbachev; Gore; UN religious vision; Declaration of Global Ethic; ; Eugenics Population Control Huxley;

Phoenix_Program; MK_Ultra (Mind Kontrol) 4:35; Paperclip_scientists; Helms 19:45; Human_radiation_experiments 24:55; C_Mullen 29:45; Pandora 35:12; Greenham_Common 39:37; 49:08 Psy_ops Aquino_Lavey Jonestown Manson Mormon_church; Franklin_Conspiracy 57:45 Unification_church Children_of_God cult_Awareness_Network Hubbard_Dianetics High_level_freemasons & satanic_ritual_abuse; False_Memory_Syndrome_Foundation McMartin 1:07:27; CIA hypnosis demo 1:13:32; Trojan Horse Weimar Reichstag Nuremburg 1:17:37;
Remote_viewing Psychotronics 1:22:05; Cointelpro_targets & FBI Seberg_&_other_suicides Kitson Low Intensity Operations 1:25:09; Blowback CIA_overthrown_countries Iran Guatemala Iraq 1:32:07; CIA_drug_dealing Golden_triangle Vietnam Iran_contra Nicaragua North Webb_murdered 1:40:55; Electromagnetic weapons USSR Smirnoff Psi_Tech WACO 1:46:47; Unclassified_research electromagnetic_microwave_frequencies & wavelengths Persinger 1:53:51; HAARP SDIO Star_wars Dr_Teller Reagan_Aliens HAARP_patents Ionosphere Crossing_thresholds 2:02:32; Part 2 Tuskegee 2:15:20; MK_Ultra continues Japan_human uwave_weapon_experiments Psychlotronic_Resonance Mind_Kontrol_Ultimate_Weapon 2:18:50; Weapons_testing criterion & other facts 2:24:40; Whistle_blowers 2:35:00;

William Cooper 7-Sep-99 CNN 3/5/92 #2 #FFW 2:30; MK Naomi; Green movement; Right & Left definitions; ETs aliens scenarios; Kennedy assassination disinfo; Dealey Plaza 33rd_degree parallel; Supreme Counsel of free_masonry; Secret_societies assassinated JFK; Revolutions; Washington DC & right to contract; FED is a private corporation designed to destroy middle class; What humans should do; Lvciferian beliefs; NWO since 1945 or earlier; Atlantis Lemuria; World rulers methods/plans; Personal responsibility vs secret_societies social_engineering; JFK_cover_up; Infiltration methods; ZbigniewB; Term limits; Reforming DC; Clinton choosen; Bush pagan; Losing rights entrapment; Cops (TV) war on drugs propaganda; Prove Bill wrong, do your own research; Saddam Hussein & created Hitlers; Planned wars; CNN broadcasted 5 minutes of interview out of context, supriseD?;

6-Sep-99 CNN 3/5/92 #1 of 2 #FFW 18:00 #CNN interviews Bill hour 1; Bill's early military service & 1966 UFO sighting while on Navy submarine; ONI Office of Naval Intelligence; Military projects; UFO magazine, psyops, & propaganda; Reasons for Kennedy assassination; Gov infiltrated by secret_societies; Free_masons keep secrets; Physical attacks on Bill; Secret power structure uses wrong methods to achieve goals; Bill's book Behold a Pale Horse; Revelations;

instrumental For eDucational purposes only support bands & their fams .

1510 30-Jan-98 Andrews, NC #FFW 12:15 #Posting for Bill's analysis of propaganda operation in Andrews NC (UN martial law lies deception); No federal jurisdiction in states unless seeded by each state; Police psychological evaluations; Communist vs patriot ideologies; Message to communists who think they do right; Verifying remote information; Police academies teach > public is enemy; Would they lie to you ;?; Certified photos, affidavits, & proof; Living in USA; Good police officers vs bad; ... Colloidal silver;

William Cooper > 30-Jan-98 Andrews, NC #FFW 12:15 #Rudolph; Bill analysis of propaganda operation in Andrews NC (UN martial law lies deception); No federal jurisdiction in states unless seeded by each state; Police psychological evaluations; Communist vs patriot ideologies; Message to communists who think they do right; Verifying remote information; Police academies teach > public is enemy; Would they lie to you ;?; Certified photos, affidavits, & proof; Living in USA; Good police officers vs bad; ... Colloidal silver;

William Cooper > 24-Nov-98 Dr. Wallach Health & Minerals #2 #Heart attacks & causes of cardio myopathy; Injuring people for money; Can you trust your doctor; Kick backs; Chutes; Pica; Deficiencies; Sugar; Plants are chemical factories; Diseases are caused by deficiencies; Ancient civilizations; Floods & minerals; Receding gums; Osteoporosis; Arthritis; Pain relievers & joint replacement; Hypertension & salt (himilayan, celtic, Redmond's Realsalt, not mortons); Butter (grass fed pastured); Insomnia; Kidney stones, bone spurs, calcium deposits, cramps, twitches; PMS & hysterectomy; Low back pain; Specialists versus supplementation; Diabetes & insulin; Types of minerals, chelated, colloidal & absorbability; Glacial milk & no diseases; Do your own research; . . .

William Cooper > 23-Nov-98 Dr. Wallach Health & Minerals #1 #Nutrition; Livestock supplementation; Veterinarians lessons learned; World's longest living people do not live near doctors; Disease caused by deficiencies of one or more of 90 essential nutrients; Prevention through nutrition; Examples of supplementation curing disease & or statistically significant improvements; Dead doctors do not lie; Doctors live to 58 on average; What people who live to 120 do; Deficiencies versus disease in animals & people; Arthritis. grey hair, aneurysms; etc.

#William Cooper > 11-Nov-98 Behold a Pale Horse #Bill interviewed by ?;
@18:00 Bill selected readings from Behold a Pale Horse; Bill on secret_societies ;
Initiations & higher degrees; Mature minds; Exoteric versus esoteric; History of Ancient cults;
Trilateral_Commission (300); CFR; 322_Skull&Bones; Scroll&Key; RIIA; Majesty_12 aka Majority_12;
Jason_Society; NWO; Bilderberg; Illvminati, 39; Black_Nobility; Switzerland; etc.

William Cooper 10-Nov-98 Let's Get it Straight #Heavy one from Bill; #Bills life story; How to fix a bully; Life as traveling military brat, no hometown; Bill in military; Security clearances, Mormons, & freemasonry; Bill while in Naval Intelligence saw plans to destroy USGov by USGov; Bill riverboat captain Cua Viet Vietnam; Bill hoped to see more actions by Americans; Income tax unconstitutional; Right vs wrong; Protecting freedom; Citizen of your state; Militia; Decalogue; Love yourself before can love your neighbor; Police, military, & constitution; Knowing law; Jurisdiction & federal crimes; Freedom in enemy hands equals enslavement; Standing together for a good future against treasonous traitor cowards; Human nature & history; Spiritual motivation; Fighting for a higher cause; Things Bill would like to see; Hour 2; No future aka doomed if humanity is not free; Without god, man is not god, rule of jungle; Open phones @ 1:07

For eDucational purposes only, support bands & their fams TY > Patricia Janečková was a classically trained singer who died of breast cancer on October the 1st of 2023 at the age of (only) 25. I really loved her voice and I know she will be missed by more than her family. All credit to PJ & jos_geusens.


Created 3 years, 6 months ago.

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Category Education

Read everything, listen to everyone, believe absolutely no one, unless YOU can prove it in your own research. Quote Bill Cooper RIP, assassinated murdered by freemasonic filth government for broadcasting truth, Hour of Time 1993 - Nov 2001.