Jayce Ran

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Jayce Ran

Jayce Ran


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Created 4 years, 11 months ago.

256 videos

Category Arts & Literature

Ever wonder what happens to the creepy quiet yet sometimes loud kid who always drew horrible pictures during class? Well, I am the demonstration of that. Hello everyone, my name is Jayce Ran, and you have stumbled upon my blog. To protect myself from falling to pieces, I love writing. I enjoy a life of subtle seclusion and I rather like to carry it that way. At the same time I bare an undying urge to share my fantasies with all you wonderful people online.

So here, a blog, featuring me, this random guy who has a hobby of composing stories. I am the summoner of nothing in particular, you never know what I‘ll post here. If you revel in that kind of slow spiraling entropy this is the place for you. Come have my sweet insanity.