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Taking a look at the global object. What is it, how does it work and what are some of the useful properties on it that we can use in our JavaScript.


In this first video on the Document Object Model (DOM) I will give a brief introduction of what it is, how it works, and what it can do for us.


I am changing this to be a simple single player game of blackjack against the house. Also, I start working on displaying the cards and making a better visual experience in the browser.


In this lesson I will describe how margin padding and border work and try to clarify the difference between all three of them.


We are taking a look at an example of how a class works in this lesson. This is an example of how classes might be used in the real world so that you can better understand what they are for.


This time we add some functionality to choose to hit or pass and then determine whether the dealer or the player wins.


In this lesson we are taking a look at pseudo classes and how they can help you to get more fine-grained and interactive controll over where to apply styles.


This lesson takes a look at classes. What they are, how to create them and how to use them. Classes are a pretty complex subject and this lesson takes a look at the basics of them to start to give you an understanding of how they work.

Exercises and more on my website: https://leemorgan.io/learn/lectures/61d1b3000f511523baf34414

Continuing on creating a game of blackjack in the browser. In this video I work on starting to create the flow of the game as well as creating a function to shuffle the deck.

See the files on my website: https://leemorgan.io/learn/lectures/61d04ca80f511523baf34359

In this lesson we are taking a look at CSS combinators. Combinators will help you to better select the elements that you want to choose in a more specific way.

Exercises and more on my website: https://leemorgan.io/learn/lectures/61cd4fc30f511523baf34196

In this lesson we will take a look at scope, what it is and how it works. Also we will take a look at the 'this' keyword.

Exercises and more on my website: https://leemorgan.io/learn/lectures/61c86d440f511523baf33f70

The second video in our project to create a game of blackjack in the browser. In this video I make some changes to create a seeperate class for the deck and add a method to deal cards from the deck to players.

Ask questions on my website: https://leemorgan.io/learn/lectures/61c68b040f511523baf33e84

In this lecture we are taking a look at colors. What are the different ways that we can define colors and where can we use them?

Exercises and more on my website: https://leemorgan.io/learn/lectures/61c2e77604f1bf2730e432e0

This lecture discusses how to do different things with math in JavaScript. We start with the basics and move up to using functions from the Math Object to do more complex math easily.

Exercises and more on my website: https://leemorgan.io/learn/lectures/61beddce04f1bf2730e42d79

In this lesson we are learning all about objects. How to use them, what they are for, and how they can help us in our programming.

Complete exercises and ask questions: https://leemorgan.io/learn/lectures/61877af07396d2917e47b021

The first video in a series where we will build a simple game of blackjack that we can play in the browser.

View on my website to ask any questions: https://leemorgan.io/learn/lectures/61866d467396d2917e47af6b

In this lesson, you will simply watch as I create a very simple website layout using flexbox.

Complate exercises and ask questions: https://leemorgan.io/learn/lectures/618541287396d2917e47aeb0

In this video I finish up our simple game of rock, paper scissors.

In this lesson we are looking at functions. Functions are one of the most important parts of programming in any language and allow you to create blocks of code that can be reused.

Complete exercises and ask questions on my website: https://leemorgan.io/learn/lectures/617e1ce27396d2917e47ab81

In this lecture we are going to take a look at how we can use flexbox to resize the internal elements in a dynamic and responsive manner.

Complete exercises and ask questions on my website: https://leemorgan.io/learn/lectures/617980e77396d2917e47a9e2

In this lecture we are going to take a look at for loops. Similar to a while loop, but with a different syntax that works well for arrays.

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In this video we start the creation of a game of rock, paper, scissors that users can play against the computer.

In this lesson we are going to look at how we can align items in a flexbox exactly how we want using "justify-content" and "align-items".

Complete exercises and ask questions on my site:

In this lesson we are taking a look at while loops. Loops are used for repeating some block of code over and over as many times as needed. Loops are one of the most important concepts in programming and while loops are one version of them.

Complete exercises and ask questions on my website:

In this video were are creating an array with a large quantity of random numbers. Then we will loop through the array, performing a simple action on each element and display the time that it takes to do that with different quantities of elements in the array.

Complete exercises and ask questions on my website:


Created 2 years, 10 months ago.

49 videos

Category Science & Technology