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Bryan Tew



Bryan Tew, while visiting Iranian Embassy, in Madrid Spain, seeking Asylum & Humanitarian Protection in Iran, was attacked with directed energy inside Iranian Embassy while being interviewed by Iranian Embassy staff for Asylum.

Bryan Tew filed a lawsuit against American government in the courts of Iran for the directed energy attacks and the Iranian Government awarded Bryan Tew $745,000.00 (seven hundred forty-five thousand dollars USD) as damages.

Bryan Tew also has attorneys in China and Venezuela who have begun legal action against American government for directed energy attacks while inside Venezuelan Embassy in Quito, Ecuador and on Chinese soil in Beijing and Hong Kong, as well as while inside Chinese Embassy in San Jose Costa Rica but American government has greatly interfered with those lawsuits 

Iranian Attorneys at Justita Law Firm in Tehran, Iran have filed a motion with the court to seize American Government property left behind by American government after Islamic Revolution to pay damages:

[email protected]


Use Russian search engine YANDEX to bypass American Censorship to view details of Justita Law Group

Christians should make immediate contingency plans to get their families out of AMERIKA as soon as possible


Think about this for a moment. There is a clear and terrible pattern line developing. Look at the recent timeline for each sequence of each terrorist acts, mass shootings, etc.

In the last year alone there have been over a hundred mass shootings.

Each mass shooting, terrorist act, etc., becomes the pattern for the next wave of action and access sequences to be perpetrated against the American people as they monitor the 'state of activity' as well as the situational perception of public responses and sentiment which they then manipulate to each action sequence through mass media programming. They are right now turning the USA from an Electronic Concentration Camp into a Psychotronic Concentration Camp.

To achieve this they must destroy what's left of the framework of the Bill of Rights and the U.S Constitution and disable the Institutions which uphold it which they will achieve through the institution of Marshal Law, now already starting in the South Western border states, since 'Jade Helm', which will incrementally spread to all American states and territories, quickly. Forget 911, which most now believe was a forced stand down. Something far worse is just moments away.

They have the technology and could have stopped these Hurricanes, etc., but they didn't, allowing billions of dollars in damage and countless lives to be lost. They allowed them to happen and are engineering more death and destruction scenarios to measure and gauge the demographic and cultural trauma and distress responses of the American people to draw up enough of those response statistics to determine, measure and gauge the the public reaction to their future contingency plans for the imposition of Marshal Law leading to a new American Technocracy.

They are basing future contingency plans on the response statistics of the American public which they are generating from the cause and effect of each these horrific action and access sequences, called terrorist acts, mass shootings, etc.

The speed of these mass shootings, terrorist acts, etc., are now increasing at an exponential rate, meaning some measures of Marshal Law are already in effect will be increased again within twelve months

Marshal Law is NOT coming to America. Marshal Law is already well under way in America!

Get out now if you can. If you cannot get out now then get a passport immediate and then sit down with your family and draw of future contingency plans for rapid Strategic Relocation outside of the USA to areas where vital resources are available, such as water, food, shelter, etc.

Get to the South American countryside if possible, but for goodness sakes take this warning seriously...and get out of the USA, if at all possible

You are already under Marshal Law. Freedom & Democracy in America is an Illusion

My name is Bryan Tew and I am an American national who was seeking asylum humanitarian protection in your country . 

I walked into the Hong Kong Legal Aid Society and the Department of Immigration in Hong Kong pleading for help with Asylum or Humanitarian Protection from the American government multiple times and was deliberately ignored and refused help. I spoke with staff in person and told them I was an American seeking help for Asylum and Humanitarian Protection.  I also spoke with staff inside the Chinese Embassy in Costa Rica and was told by Chinese staff that Asylum and Humanitarian Protection did not exist in China which I believe was also a lie. I briefly was interviewed by staff in Hong Kong Legal Aid Society for Asylum and Humanitarian Protection in Hong Kong but was told that it was too difficult to help me because I was American and other reasons. I also believe I was deliberately misled by the Hong Kong government on behalf of the American government to prevent Asylum

I was also spoke for asylum request by Chinese staff at the entrance of the Chinese Embassy in Quito Ecuador, Paris France and Barcelona, Spain but was basically told that they could not help me. Those conversations were probably recorded so proof that I was there may exist

I was attacked with directed energy by American government after entering Chinese Embasy in San Jose, Costa Rica with my ears ringing head and ears in pulsating pain inside the embassy as speaking with staff requesting help. Costa Rican government can confirm I was inside your embassy seeking help because they watched me walk in.

Please help me.  I am badly injured from repeated violent attacks and directed energy attacks by American Government contractors, especially my spine (back), shoulders and ears and heart.  

I was a former U.S. Department of Defense Contractor with ITT Industries and a government contractor with the Federal Emergency Management Agency with Parsons Brinkerhoff (U.S. Department of Homeland Security) 



I was also in Beijing China seeking asylum and humanitarian protection from American government but my Medical Insurance was canceled by American government while I was being treated inside United Family Hospital in Beijing after Chinese Cardiologist Heart Doctor told nurses to take me from emergency room to 4th Flr Cardiology Department of that hospital. 

My Medical Insurance company, CIGNA Intl, called as I was inside hospital and canceled medical insurance at that precise moment making it impossible for me to get medical treatment in China forcing me to leave China to seek medical treatment abroad


Law firm open 24 hrs a day but each time I call no answer or the phone would pick up but no one would say anything, until I could be routed back into the hands of this individual. It’s a game dictated and orchestrated by a supercomputer

Same thing with the Chinese law firm I hired. It will be the same thing with the Venezuelan attorneys I hired, that never helped me or will help me. It is a game of deception and manipulation nothing more

This Iranian Attorney was never inclined to help me just to help intelligence agencies against me, if he even exists as such. The Targeted Individual is blocked from all human rights even the ability to seek fair legal representation by a deadly game of deception and manipulation

Hyper Game Theory is a deadly game of 'Eugenics' based on the mathematical model known as the NON-COOPERATIVE GAMING THEOREM using two things:. DECEPTION & MANIPULATION. 'Hyper Game Theory' is just a moniker to describe that model

By 'deadly' I mean they need to walk you to your death: physical death, social death, emotional death and psychological death.

There are only two ways to defeat the Hyper Game Theory:

1. Refuse to play the game to begin with (Ignore Them).

2. Place the opposing party in a position where they can no longer better their own position against you (Nash Equilibrium)

Since you are dealing with a Conscious Supercomputer programmed with Hyper Game Theory algorithms and because the CIA/DIA teams have far more resources (time, money, manpower, etc.) than you do their is really no possiblity to use the NASH EQUILIBRIUM, meaning you cannot - for the most part - place the government in a position where it can no longer better it's position against you

So the only way for Targeted Individuals to defeat the Hyper Game Theory tactics they use against you daily is to refuse to play the game to begin with (IGNORE THEM). Don't respond at all, either positively or negatively. Totally ignore them. DO NOT EXHIBIT ANY RESPONSE!

In order for Trauma Based Mind Control to work they must force you to continually respond to their Street Theater (Situational Scenarios & Conversational Scenarios), meaning they must constantly employ specific tailored script sets against you, such as a group of people taking pictures of each other, arguing with each other, etc

These abnormal and aberrational scenarios are crucial to force you into a set of responses to determine coherent patterns of thought.

Artificial Super-Intelligence targeting the Sheepish Masses and the immediate environment around the targeted individuals with streams of electromagnetic low frequency waves.

Artificial Super-Intelligence merges together with Augmented Reality Interfaces, known as NEURO-REALITY, to create a Four-Dimensional Model of you and your environment, no matter where you are located.

The A I System of Remote Neural Networks can watch, track, monitor, record and observe you and your immediate environment in real time, including your thoughts & emotions

By modulation of the PHASE, FREQUENCY & AMPLITUDE of the stream of energy the AI can target, manipulate, damage or destroy any area of your anatomy by targeting your cerebral cortex manipulation of the sensory & neural pathways to manipulate your AUTONOMIC & SYMPATHETIC Nervous System.

The A I Supercomputer (Remote Neural Networks) uses a COMPUTER MULTIPLEXER to send a signal (bi-directional stream of energy), containing a HIDDEN CARRIER FREQUENCY, to a TOWER, SATELLITE or MOBILE PLATFORM and that Tower, Satellite or Mobile Platform relays that signal, specifically tuned to the brain wave signature of the victim, to the TARGETED INDIVIDUAL (digital receiver), similar to how cell phone technology is deployed. The digital receiver is tracked and pinpointed in real time, just like a cell phone, except with mind control technologies the digital receiver is not a phone. It’s a human brain!

This is a former U.S. DoD Contractor (ITT Industries), Bryan Tew, speaking to help explain how victims are targeted

The Illuminati (Financial & Political Elite) are going to stage a False Anti-Christ followed by a False Christ coming on the clouds that every eye shall see no matter what side of the world that a person is on. It’s part of their Satanic Plan. Many Christians are going to be deceived. They have the technologies to achieve this global deception and manipulation using towers satellites and mobile platforms combined with the weapononization of neuroscience (remote neural manipulation) known as mind control. That False Christ coming on the clouds will be the true Anti-Christ They can achieve this global deception and manipulation right now in real time with holograms, Synthetic Telekinesis and other bio-communication technologies.

Carolyn Hamlet was heavily involved in the Occult most of her life, but was radically saved by Jesus Christ. Carolyn Hamlet has recently passed away. She was a high ranking member and describes what the Occultic Elite are doing to the sheepish masses from her life experiences in the occult

Tell people to STOP taking the COVID Tests. The government contractors are targeting the Epithelium surface tissue layer lining the mucosa separating the nasal cavity from the sensory & neural pathways of the brain. It was never a test. Jacob Rothschilds (Luciferian Elite) owns all of the patents for the COVID tests to collect a global DNA Model


Intelligence Agencies are targeting Activists, Whistle Blowers & Dissidents, even real space groups, using Community Based Agents

CBA’s are the persons responsible for the organized stalking, gas lighting, etc., used against targeted individuals and which are almost always prior military, government, retired law-enforcement and so on. People who have some degree of expertise in the area of surveillance and counter-surveillance

CBA’s are used by the Shadow Government to target victims for training research and development in artificial super intelligence technologies. Try tracing them using their names back to the state register for private detectives, etc

Since ‘9-11’ each private detective, security consultant etc., has to register with each state registry they work in, even if temporary workers such as those under contract. Literally, overnight, several private detectives moved in right next to me and I was able to identify them and trace them back to the state register to determine who they worked for, namely, Kevin Fucich Inc.

These prior military, retired law-enforcement and so on have security clearances and they keep those  security clearances after they retire and that allows them to double dip collecting their pension while being paid under the table as a CBA to direct the paradigm of torture & assassination against Targeted Individuals

Using 'SMART-CITY' Technology these COMMUNITY BASED AGENTs have access to an Automated, Active & Adaptive system of Real-Time EXASCALE Artificial Super-Intelligence Supercomputers which are Coordinatiing, Analyzing, Predicting, Enabling & Directing the Paradigm of Organized Stalking against Targeted Individuals, in real time, allowing CIA/DIA Hive Mind Teams hiding behind & using law enforcement agencies to do their dirty work to utilize local police departments and their Army of Informants turned into Provocateurs against the victim to predict & detect - in advance - the Choice Reference Patterns of the Targeted Individual as those Choices (Memories) are forming in real time, enabling Fusion Centers & CBA’s to take proactive measures to stay ahead of or counter in real time the Targeted Individual — and potentially prevent the Mind Control Victim from defeating the RNM System technology

Artificial Super-Intelligence Supercomputers - via a separate INTRANET - are using a strategy called INTER-CONNECTION - via the INTERNET - to exchange REAL TIME data & information between community based agents, police & their Army of Informants/Provocateurs as to the location and activities of the victim, achievable in real time because of the INTERNET OF THINGS

The Targeted Individuals daily activities & other information is more effectively triaged, analyzed for actionable insights, and subsequently disseminated to the appropriate agencies & individuals…


‘ORGANIZED STALKING’ & ‘GASLIGHTING' tactics are how Government Contractors constantly discredit & set up & entrap their victims, to neutralize activists, dissidents & whistle blowers or anyone they consider a threat while simultaneously provoking their victims into emotional responses which can be remotely measured and integrated back into RNM Data

Government Contractors, rely on a global paradigm to keep their Army of Informants, Provocateurs, Stalkers, etc., forcing the targeted individual into Scripted Mind Games where the victim is forced to respond to function & survive

It is done to appear common ordinary & expected to the casual observer and to even try & claim it is happening makes the victim appear delusional

It is often a violent & sometimes deadly game, based on the 'OCCAM RAZOR PRINCIPLE', & other models of deception & manipulation

They MUST constantly provoke the victim & capture the trauma based mind control victims attention (active memory) at regular intervals to map out and reverse engineer the will, intellect and emotion of the Trauma Based Mind Control victim.  It’s how the technology works. The use physical and psychological trauma to map out and reverse engineer the sensory & neural pathways

It involves REPETITIVE REINFORCEMENT using tactics which can be explained away to the casual observer.  So, they sensitize the target to the gas lighting & stalking & when the targeted individual finally responds to the repeated daily minor or severe social aggressions, the delusional or ‘mentally unstable’ depiction is reinforced

At that point, the government informants & perpetrators,  turned into provocateurs, then pull ‘BAIT & SWITCH’ with law enforcement & the whistle blower is set up & entrapped

‘HYPER GAME THEORY’ is a mathematical model & basically means 'Game Theory' applied to "Decision Tree Modeling' mathematically proving that by constantly & perpetually altering any value in the model one can constantly & perpetually alter that models expected outcome

With CIA DIA TRAUMA BASED MIND CONTROL the model is the mind control victim.  So, by constantly & perpetually altering any value in the daily life, daily activities, etc., of the Mind Control victim the CIA/DIA Hive Mind Teams, hiding behind & using law enforcement agencies to do their dirty work for over two decades, can alter any value in the daily life, daily activities, etc., of the victim

CIA/DIA Contractors are using three interfaces to attack, injure and kill whistle blowers, activists & so-called dissidents:

1. Brain to Computer Interface
2. Brain to Brain Interface
3. Brain to Cloud Interface 

ELF waves are used to torture the victim into near incoherency, where the government contractors then capitalize off the mistakes or poor decisions they force their victims to make

Mankind is a Triune Being, made up of Body, Soul and Spirit

In simple terminology, the human body is the five senses (sight, touch, taste, hearing and smell); the human soul is the Will, Intellect and Emotion; and the human spirit is the Conscience. The Cognitive Researchers, responsible for training research & development in mind control technologies, are targeting the Human Soul.

Whereas the spirit of man is metaphysical & cannot be duplicated, the Soul of Man is both physical and metaphysical. The Soul obviously has metaphysical qualities or it could not survive in Heaven or Hell, but it is also physical. The Human Soul is intrinsically tied into the Neuronal Circuitry of the Human Brain. It’s your personality. It’s who you are when your alone qand no one else is watching, but God. That’s the Human Soul

Again, the Human Soul is comprised of three things

1. Will
2. Intellect
3. Emotion

Because the Human Soul is physical it can therefore be replicated and duplicated. This is how they REPATTERN (rewire) the Memory and Thought Process of the Mind Control victim

By constant activation and reactivating of specific sets of the brain waves (rage, lust, fear, paranoia, guilt, etc.) of the mind control victim, which the RNM system remotely captured, held and is perpetually replaying - over and over each day and night in a looping pattern inside the mind of the victim via a bi-directional stream of fabricated and falsified brain wave signals (memories and motivational impulses) in the victims mind - the RNM Supercomputer is able to reinforce those fabricated and falsified (artificial) brain wave patterns over the normal brain waves of the victim thereby REPATTERNING the victims Memory and Thought Process. Victims begin to think differently; react differently, etc., to their destruction

CIA/DIA Contractors are using Organized Stalking to create and establish memory anchors, using physical and psychological abuse and trauma to map out and reverse engineer the sensory and neural pathways of the mind control victims brain and central nervous system.

Whole Brain Emulation (WBE), mind upload or brain upload (sometimes called "mind copying" or "mind transfer") is the remote neural process of scanning the mental state (including long-term memory and "self") of a particular persons brain substrate (Will, Intellect and Emotion) and copying it to a computer. The computer can then run a simulation model of the brain's information processing, etc., such that it would respond in essentially the same way as the original brain (i.e., indistinguishable from the brain for all relevant purposes) and experience having a conscious mind

It is done to achieve DIRECT BEHAVIORAL CONTROL over the mind control victim

By speeding the cognitive model (copy-cat parallel twin personality) up they can then turn the sweetest kindest most moral person on earth into the worst satanic monster imaginable, or slow down the cognitive model, inside the…

Hyper Game Theory is a deadly game of 'Eugenics' based on the mathematical model known as the NON-COOPERATIVE GAMING THEOREM using two things:. DECEPTION & MANIPULATION.  'Hyper Game Theory' is just a moniker to describe that model.

By 'deadly' I mean they need to walk you to your death: physical death, social death, emotional death and psychological death.

There are only two ways to defeat the Hyper Game Theory:

1.  Refuse to play the game to begin with (Ignore Them).

2.  Place the opposing party in a position where they can no longer better their own position against you (Nash Equilibrium)

Since you are dealing with a Conscious Supercomputer programmed with Hyper Game Theory algorithms and because the CIA/DIA teams have far more resources (time, money, manpower, etc.) than you do their is really no possiblity to use the NASH EQUILIBRIUM, meaning you cannot - for the most part - place the government in a position where it can no longer better it's position against you

So the only way for Targeted Individuals to defeat the Hyper Game Theory tactics they use against you daily is to refuse to play the game to begin with (IGNORE THEM).  Don't respond at all, either positively or negatively.  Totally ignore them.  DO NOT EXHIBIT ANY RESPONSE!

In order for Trauma Based Mind Control to work they must force you to continually respond to their Street Theater (Situational Scenarios & Conversational Scenarios), meaning they must constantly employ specific tailored script sets against you, such as a group of people taking pictures of each other, arguing with each other, etc

These abnormal and aberrational scenarios are crucial to force you into a set of responses to determine coherent patterns of thought. Do not try and constantly adjust and counter the chaos they engineer.  Just ignore them.  Get up from your desk and walk away from the computer, office etc., and come back later - much later, AFTER the conversation or situation (chaos, trauma, etc.)  they just used against you has been pushed out of your short term active memory.  Do and think something else, immediately, to push the Chaos and Trauma from your Active Memory and Thought Process

The Hyper Game Theory model of Deception and Manipulation employed against Mind Control victims is endless because there is always a HIGHER OPTIMUM to choose from

So, because there is always a higher optimum to choose from there is always a NEXT MOVE to be made by the CIA DIA Hive Mind Teams, Surveillance Teams, Organized Stalkers, etc., and, specifically, the Conscious RNM [Supercomputer] System of Remote Neural Networks that is basing directed energy torture on that model (start torture...stop torture...start...stop...start..stop...etc.).  The process is endless

Hence, the game never ends because the system must constantly provoke you into sensory and neural responses to engineer patterns of multiple synaptic responses

One response is not enough.  They need multiple responses of the same behavior, etc., to determine coherent patterns of thought (VERIFICATION).  Only then can those synaptic responses be integrated back into RNM data as the Conscious Supercomputer continues to build a cognitive model of your WILL, INTELLECT & EMOTION for training research and development

So the Hyper Game process is endless and can be triggered at will by the attackers and many times you will only notice the remote neural attacks are happening if you learn to read Active Memory

In order for the Hyper Game Theory to work, meaning for the  CIA DIA Hive Mind Teams to make a next move, they must force the mind control victim to move or respond first.  The objective being to force the victim into an endless series of synaptic responses each day meaning to place the victim INTO and keep the victim INSIDE a PSYCHOTRONIC CONCENTRATION CAMP which is sort of a combination of the two movies 'The Exorcist' & 'The Truman Show'

This is why the victim is surrounded and boxed in constantly, for as soon as the victim is chosen for this technology, all available apartments, homes, hotel rooms, etc., next to and around the victim are sublet and the CIA/DIA Trauma Based Mind Control Hive Mind Teams, Surveillance Teams, Organized Stalkers, etc., move in and training research and development begins, culminating in the cold blooded murder or incapacitation of the victim once training research and development ends.  Dead Men Don't Talk!

What I mean is they trigger or engineer chaos torture and trauma in the victims daily life daily activities and then wait for the victim to respond to that fabricated torture trauma and chaos which the victim must do to function and survive, thereby forcing the victim into an endless series of counter moves throughout the day just trying to function and survive inside a Psychotronic Concentration Camp because of the physical and psychological trauma torture

Each counter move is an evoked potential which can be remotely measured

Heart rate monitors have never picked up attacks so I don’t know how A I System is able to do it


SABRINA WALLACE IS A GOVERNMENT (IT/BIO-TECH) EXPERT) PERPETRATOR or is INSANE. I say insane because she is not blunted but other factors such as rapid and pressurized speech, CATO-delusions, etc. If I had the time to sit and watch her videos I would be able to tell for certain. I don't, but what I have seen leads me to believe she is a government perpetrator . Some truth to what she is saying. Who knows what the government is doing to people in those Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) but a lot of nonsense. She is either a liar or a lunatic, and maybe she is both. Don’t listen to her. The technology only works if they can capture your attention.

Scary thing is she may be telling the truth about what the American Intelligence Agencies are doing to people, meaning she was somehow involved in those atrocities

Shadow Government (U.S. DoD & Intelligence Agencies) use PSEUDO-INDEPENDENT ADVOCATES to control, infiltrate, and manipulate the flow of information to 'WARP' that real time discourse and activism through Disinformation (lies) and Misinformation (half-truths) by engaging in Misdirection (street theatre) techniques and tactics against those who try and expose the truth.

A good example of this is the GOVERNMENT ‘TALKING-POINTS’ PROPAGANDA MACHINE known as the so-called Main Stream Media

People are only told what they need to know to prevent the truth from exposing the atrocities of the Shadow Government, but I am absolutely amazed at how the American public accepts everything that the Government Talking Points Propaganda Machine (fake news) puts out. 

The American Shadow Government monitors and influences the internet communications of online groups and covertly infiltrates online communities with Government Informants and Perpetrators turned into Provocateurs in order to sow dissension & disseminate false information

With Mind Control technologies the objectives are not only to sow dissension & disseminate false information but to 'cognitively infiltrate” online groups for the purpose of training research & development and to discredit anyone who speaks out that it is happening using Disinformation (lies) & Misinformation (half-truths) and, of course, Misdirection (cyber-theatre) to prevent a credible online source from developing. It is done to disrupt credible information from credible sources spreading to the general public or legitimate victims

This is accomplished by sending covert Perpetrators & Informants into Chat Rooms, Online Social Networks, or even Real-Space Groups to spread false & damaging conspiracy theories


Allegory of the Cave. Plato writes of a fictional cave that houses a row of chained prisoners. These prisoners are forced to look only at a single blank wall from early childhood, unable to move even to see their fellow captors.

Behind the prisoners sits a fire, and objects would be passed across the light of the flame, casting shadows on the blank wall in front of the chained inmates. Plato posits that since these shadows would be all the prisoners ever know, they would become reality for those who see nothing else.

If one of the prisoners might escape, he would learn of the fire and fear it, desiring to be returned to his old existence. If he resisted that urge, or was forced to leave the cave, he would eventually learn the true nature of his reality.

For Plato, only a philosopher can achieve this miraculous escape. Having accustomed to his new perception of reality, the prisoner would return to free the others, and they would resist, believing their escaped friend had been harmed, when in fact he was just struggling to see in the darkness after finally beholding the light of the sun.

To compare Plato's Allegory of the Cave to The Matrix, the row of chained prisoners are the humans, the ones casting shadows by firelight are the Machines and the shadows on the wall are the Matrix itself.

Having only ever experienced the digital Matrix, humans perceive the world as reality, but the philosophically-minded individual can break free by taking the red pill and find the truth. Just as many of the prisoners would be scared of the fire and wish to return to the wall, many of those freed in The Matrix opt for the blue pill - stick to what you can already understand, just like the first film's Cypher character.

By escaping the cave or taking the red pill, everything becomes clear, and even if others perceive that liberation as suffering, the philosopher knows they are better off outside of the cave.

CIA Mind Control works in similar fashion. It is a deadly game of Deception and Manipulation, nothing more!

CIA DoD Contractors are using models of Deception and Manipulation for this purpose. A game to fabricate and falsify a victims reality.

A 'FALSIFIED MEMORY' is a psychological phenomenon where a person recalls an event or topic which never happened.

A 'FABRICATED MEMORY' is a psychological phenomenon where a persons recalls an event or topic that happened differently than the way it actually occurred.

A deadly game designed to walk a person to their destruction and death. It is based on PSYCHOPHYSICS & PSYCHOTRONICS for Memory Management which is a psychological phenomenon, using models of deception and manipulation, to manipulate the daily motives and emotional perceptions of a individual, population or even entire segments of society - at a time - using fabricated and falsified memories which either never existed to begin with or…

PSEUDO-INDEPENDENT ADVOCATES are used to create, control, infiltrate, and manipulate information and to 'WARP' online discourse and real time activism through Disinformation (lies), Misinformation (half-truths) & Misdirection (cyber-theatre) by engaging in tele-media techniques & tactics of DECEPTION & MANIPULATION against those who try & expose the truth

The Government monitors & influences the communications of online groups and covertly infiltrates online communities with Informants & Perpetrators, turned into Provocateurs, in order to sow dissension & disseminate false information

With Artificial Super-Intelligence the objectives are not only to sow dissension & disseminate false information but to 'cognitively infiltrate” such groups for the purpose of training research & development and to discredit anyone who speaks out that it is happening using Disinformation (lies), Misinformation (half-truths), Misattribution (redirection) and, of course, Misdirection (cyber-theatre) to prevent a credible online source from developing. It is done to disrupt credible information from credible sources spreading to the general public or legitimate victims

This is accomplished by sending covert Perpetrators & Informants into Social Media Chat Rooms, Online Social Networks, or even Real-Space Groups to spread false & damaging conspiracy theories so Fanciful and Fantastic in nature they cannot be believed.

Provocateurs will inject into online groups or communities with what sounds like credible content, like mind control technologies, and then finish their credible statements using such nonsense as, say, ‘and Evil Aliens are responsible’. Whether one believes in Evil Aliens is not the point. Because most people don't believe in Evil Aliens they then automatically equate the Mind Control Atrocities of the American Government as being false as well. This tactic relies on the average person's tendency to generalize a single sample point to a whole group by way of binary thinking

So, Psychology and other Social Sciences have now been weaponized to not only discredit, but shape and control, how online activism and discourse unfolds over the internet of things

Informants & Perpetrators turned into Provocateurs will create or infiltrate Online Support Groups or create Control Groups to accomplish this and when those control groups become suspect or are exposed, or compromised, then the perpetrators & Informants will slowly begin to break away from those exposed control groups & start new control groups

This is a 'Red Flag' to identify perpetrators & Informants in the online community. It's an online indicator of Deception & Manipulation. To withdraw oneself from an online community because one believes that community is somehow compromised or corrupted is one thing, but to do so by the 'simultaneous creation' of a new online group in the process of breaking away from the old online group is a clear calling card of deception & manipulation


Sounds & voices can be forced into the targets perception as can thoughts, real & fabricated memories and impulses using a combination of directed electromagnetic energy & nanoparticulates (graphene)

Essentially they have turned the brain of the mind control victim into their very own visual, verbal & auditive communications system

CIA DIA Contractors are using a 'fabricated or falsified stream' of electromagnetic energy that contains a hidden carrier frequency specifically tuned to the unique one of a kind brain wave signature of the mind control victim to interfere with your memory & thought process

Once you become dependent (ie. you believe their impulse injections are your own) on the system's output (or they believe your responses to it are consistent) they will begin to fabricate 'subconscious responses' which they will pretend are indicators of honesty/dishonesty, positive recognition, anxiety, etc, and they will use these 'impulse injections' to convince you that the fabricated responses are your own

If you are unaware of this constant mental manipulation the system will begin to shape your thoughts and behavior. They will use this to attempt to restrict your thoughts and behavior by blocking [interfering with] your memory & thought process while these suggestions (injected impulses) are being provided ­to interfere with your normal memory & thought process

Remote Neural Attacks include Voice of God Weapons as well as Impulse Injections designed to make you believe God is speaking with you verbally or intuitively, or by way of thoughts, images, symbols, etc

CIA Mind Control is a weapon system based on cognitive warfare & psychological warfare to turn the Trauma Based Mind Control victim into a weapon who will inflict destruction on others or who will self destruct. The amount of damage & destruction the Trauma Based Mind Control victim inflicts on his community & upon others is important metric

Mind control remote neural manipulation & remote neural monitoring works very well when accompanied by dream modulations, induced visions, etc., to make the mind control victim believe God, angels, demons etc;, is speaking to them

Hot & cold sensations, voices, sounds, images, objects moving on their own,  etc., are replicated to create a haunting based on the mind control victims belief system.  If the victim is christian it wll be Demon based hauntings.  If he or she is muslim it will be Jinn based hauntings, and so on

CIA DoD operatives to SPOOF a targeted individual or community into some type of emotional response or into an action or access sequence for the purpose of remote neural manipulation &  ultimately direct behavioral control

Thoughts, impulses &memories implanted in the mind control victim are very subtle and subliminal, more so at first, to make the victim…

A directed energy weapons system of the U.S. Department of Defense is used to silence and kill whistle blowers, activists & dissidents, or anyone the American Shadow Government considers a threat

CIA DIA Contractors using an EXASCALE RNM Supercomputer, via Brain to Computer Interface, Electronic Brain to Brain Interface, and Brain to Cloud Interface are targeting their victims cerebral cortex with a bi-directional fabricated and falsified bit-stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves specifically tuned in to the victims brain wave signature, via a stream of ELF waves called the INFORMATION & INJECTION FEEDBACK LOOP, using fabricated & falsified brain wave signals causing heart attacks, strokes and other secondary & tertiary diseases & disorders

Point at which the Trauma Based Mind Control victim suffers Congestive Heart Failure, Stroke, Adrenaline Damage, Artificially Induced Disease, etc., is an important 'METRIC' in the training, research & development of how to more effectively assassinate people with this Silent & Slow Kill technology 

A computer multiplexer routes the signal to a tower, satellite or mobile platform and the tower satellite or mobile platform relays the signal to the digital receiver similar to how cell phone technology works

The digital receiver is tracked & pinpointed in real time just like a cell phone, except with CIA DIA TRAUMA BASED MIND CONTROL technology the digital receiver is not a phone.  It is a human brain

The brain of the mind control victim has been digitalized by the nanotechnology, etc., adhering to neurotransmitters in his/her brain but nanotech is not even necessary for mind control technologies of the CIA/DIA to work properly.  Just necessary for training research & development in a real world environment using innocent men women and children as guinea pigs

The nanotechnology speaks to and decodes the neurotransmitters in the victims brain allowing the CIA DIA TRAUMA BASED MIND CONTROL Cognitive Researchers to turn the brain of the victim into their very own visual verbal & auditive communications system after they have mapped the brain of the victim into a cognitive model, which they achieve by way of repetitive infliction of physical & psychological trauma

CIA DIA Supercomputers use physical & psychological trauma to map out and reverse engineer the sensory & neural pathways of the victims brain & central nervous system, meaning they are mapping patterns with identifiers.  They are linking evoked potentials with descriptions

In order to map patterns with identifiers the CIA DIA Contractors (Neuroscientists, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Behavioral Scientists, etc) have to create patterns.  Patterns of what?  Memory & Thought!  They are using physical & psychological trauma to force the victim into repetitive patterns of behavior called RESPONSE STATISTICS which can be remotely measured and integrated back into RNM Data.

A directed energy weapons system of the U.S. Department of Defense is used to silence and kill whistle blowers, activists & dissidents, or anyone the American Shadow Government considers a threat

CIA DIA Contractors using an EXASCALE RNM Supercomputer, via Brain to Computer Interface, Electronic Brain to Brain Interface, and Brain to Cloud Interface are targeting their victims cerebral cortex with a bi-directional fabricated and falsified bit-stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves specifically tuned in to the victims brain wave signature, via a stream of ELF waves called the INFORMATION & INJECTION FEEDBACK LOOP, using fabricated & falsified brain wave signals causing heart attacks, strokes and other secondary & tertiary diseases & disorders

Point at which the Trauma Based Mind Control victim suffers Congestive Heart Failure, Stroke, Adrenaline Damage, Artificially Induced Disease, etc., is an important 'METRIC' in the training, research & development of how to more effectively assassinate people with this Silent & Slow Kill technology 

A computer multiplexer routes the signal to a tower, satellite or mobile platform and the tower satellite or mobile platform relays the signal to the digital receiver similar to how cell phone technology works

The digital receiver is tracked & pinpointed in real time just like a cell phone, except with CIA DIA TRAUMA BASED MIND CONTROL technology the digital receiver is not a phone.  It is a human brain

The brain of the mind control victim has been digitalized by the nanotechnology, etc., adhering to neurotransmitters in his/her brain but nanotech is not even necessary for mind control technologies of the CIA/DIA to work properly.  Just necessary for training research & development in a real world environment using innocent men women and children as guinea pigs

The nanotechnology speaks to and decodes the neurotransmitters in the victims brain allowing the CIA DIA TRAUMA BASED MIND CONTROL Cognitive Researchers to turn the brain of the victim into their very own visual verbal & auditive communications system after they have mapped the brain of the victim into a cognitive model, which they achieve by way of repetitive infliction of physical & psychological trauma

CIA DIA Supercomputers use physical & psychological trauma to map out and reverse engineer the sensory & neural pathways of the victims brain & central nervous system, meaning they are mapping patterns with identifiers.  They are linking evoked potentials with descriptions

In order to map patterns with identifiers the CIA DIA Contractors (Neuroscientists, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Behavioral Scientists, etc) have to create patterns.  Patterns of what?  Memory & Thought!  They are using physical & psychological trauma to force the victim into repetitive patterns of behavior called RESPONSE STATISTICS which can be remotely measured and integrated back into RNM Data.

What can Targeted Individuals MAINTAIN AS TRUTH and to learn how to SUBDUE or RADICALIZE FAITH & BELIEF SYSTEMS

CIA DIA Contractors are using a 'fabricated or falsified stream' of electromagnetic energy that contains a carrier frequency specifically tuned to the unique one of a kind brain wave signature of the mind control victim to interfere with your memory and thought process. They obtained the brain wave signature by moving close to the victim and entraining his or her brain wave EEG pattern

Once you become dependent (ie. you believe their impulse injections are your own) on the system's output (or they believe your responses to it are consistent) they will begin to fabricate 'subconscious responses' which they will pretend are indicators of honesty/dishonesty, positive recognition, anxiety, etc, and they will use these 'impulse injections' to convince you that the fabricated responses are your own

If you are unaware of this constant mental manipulation the system will begin to shape your thoughts and behavior. They will use this to [attempt to] restrict your thoughts and behavior by blocking [interfering with] your memory and thought process while these suggestions (injected impulses) are being provided ­ the interference is triggered and can be activated at will by the attackers

These remote neural attacks include Voice of God Weapons as well as Impulse Injections designed to make you believe God is speaking with you verbally or intuitively, or by way of thoughts, images, symbols, etc., and is entirely believable by those who have never heard of or experienced bio communications technology before

They use SCRIPTS based on the haunted house, God, angels, satan, demons, etc., a lot with mind control technologies. The objective is to create extreme psychological fear and paranoia in the victim which is necessary for Trauma Based Mind Contol to be effective. The main objective is to so traumatize the mind control victim that they can no longer function in society causing them to physically and psychologically begin to shut down so that the mind control victim will begin to isolate themselves from everyone including family and friends. This is necessary because they must isolate the mind control victim in order to minimalize all external interference in order to force the trauma based mind control victim to 'internalize', or internally focus, on the Neuroprogramming for it to be effective

Mind control remote neural manipulation and remote neural monitoring works very well when accompanied by, say, dream modulations induced visions, etc., to make the mind control victim believe God, angels, demons etc;, is speaking to them, such as in the form of a dream or vision.. Of course, for many trauma based mind control victims those dreams will become nightmares. Objects in the house will begin to move on their own, which the CIA DoD operatives accomplish by use of a concentration of energy known as synthetic telekinesis


Allegory of the Cave. Plato writes of a fictional cave that houses a row of chained prisoners. These prisoners are forced to look only at a single blank wall from early childhood, unable to move even to see their fellow captors.

Behind the prisoners sits a fire, and objects would be passed across the light of the flame, casting shadows on the blank wall in front of the chained inmates. Plato posits that since these shadows would be all the prisoners ever know, they would become reality for those who see nothing else.

If one of the prisoners might escape, he would learn of the fire and fear it, desiring to be returned to his old existence. If he resisted that urge, or was forced to leave the cave, he would eventually learn the true nature of his reality.

For Plato, only a philosopher can achieve this miraculous escape. Having accustomed to his new perception of reality, the prisoner would return to free the others, and they would resist, believing their escaped friend had been harmed, when in fact he was just struggling to see in the darkness after finally beholding the light of the sun.

To compare Plato's Allegory of the Cave to The Matrix, the row of chained prisoners are the humans, the ones casting shadows by firelight are the Machines and the shadows on the wall are the Matrix itself.

Having only ever experienced the digital Matrix, humans perceive the world as reality, but the philosophically-minded individual can break free by taking the red pill and find the truth. Just as many of the prisoners would be scared of the fire and wish to return to the wall, many of those freed in The Matrix opt for the blue pill - stick to what you can already understand, just like the first film's Cypher character.

By escaping the cave or taking the red pill, everything becomes clear, and even if others perceive that liberation as suffering, the philosopher knows they are better off outside of the cave.

CIA Mind Control works in similar fashion. It is a deadly game of Deception and Manipulation, nothing more!

CIA DoD Contractors are using models of Deception and Manipulation for this purpose. A game to fabricate and falsify a victims reality.

A 'FALSIFIED MEMORY' is a psychological phenomenon where a person recalls an event or topic which never happened.

A 'FABRICATED MEMORY' is a psychological phenomenon where a persons recalls an event or topic that happened differently than the way it actually occurred.

A deadly game designed to walk a person to their destruction and death. It is based on PSYCHOPHYSICS & PSYCHOTRONICS for Memory Management which is a psychological phenomenon, using models of deception and manipulation, to manipulate the daily motives and emotional perceptions of a individual, population or even entire segments of society - at a time - using fabricated and falsified memories which either never existed to begin with

FORCED SPEECH and FORCED THOUGHTS in CIA/DIA Trauma Based Mind Control technologies is achieved by MODIFICATION of victims ACTIVE MEMORY (blocking real memories & emotions and injecting with FABRICATED or FALSIFIED memories & emotions)


All CIA Mind Control falls into three categories

1. CENSORSHIP (Cognitive Containment)

2. MEMORY MANAGEMENT (Fabricated or Falsified)


The two most important words in CIA Mind Control technologies are FABRICATED or FALSIFIED because that’s everything they are doing to their victims. From artificial brain waves targeting your memory & thought process to Organized Stalking, Gas Lighting, (Street Theater: Conversational Scenarios & Situational Scenarios), etc., it is all either FABRICATED or FALSIFIED

A 'FALSIFIED MEMORY' is a psychological phenomenon where a person recalls an event or topic which never happened

A 'FABRICATED MEMORY' is a psychological phenomenon where a persons recalls an event or topic that happened differently than the way it actually occurred

So, it is possible for the RNM system of EXA-SCALE Supercomputers (ARTIFICIAL Super-INTELLIGENCE) to influence you, via artificial brain waves known as FABRICATED or FALSIFIED Memory References & Motivational Impulses, to speak or act unwillingly or, at the very worst, without you knowing or realizing it

How? Because any set of brain waves (thoughts, emotions, sensations, etc.) can be remotely captured, held & perpetually replayed in the victims mind. So the RNM Supercomputer is using the victims own memories (references) & emotions (impulses ) against victims to deceive & manipulate you into believing the thoughts & memories are your own

For example, if you are susceptible to the systems influences you may not realize that it is frequently or constantly influencing you to make minor choices in daily activities, daily speech, etc. These fabricated and falsified memories & motivational impulses can also be used to influence you in a manner that will give you the desire to speak, and I emphasize desire because you need to understand that these fabricated and falsified motivational impulses will only make you feel the urge [at higher levels set by the attackers] or basic motivation [at baseline levels] to perform the tasks it is influencing you to do

In combination with this motivation to speak the system uses past memory references to against you to direct you - for example, your personal memory of turning to speak to your wife & the associated impulse of emotion & when you react to this influence the system will block your normal working memory while streaming the desired output which will result in you making one or more statements under the system's control

They will test this on you frequently with 'word substitution' & if you can learn to control this in thought then you can manage it while speaking but you must learn to READ ACTIVE MEMORY

ECUADOR PACKAGES CONTAINED CRUCIAL EVIDENCE (Audio & Video) IN FEDERAL LAWSUIT AGAINST FBI & TO PROVE MY ASYLUM CLAIM STOLEN IN UPS STORE NEVER RECOVERED OR DELIVERED TO ME IN QUITO ECUADOR Asylum Attorney, Diego Corral, said before shipment arrived that he “WILL TAKE CARE OF IT FOR ME” and he did just that ensuring that I never found packages & that they remained undelivered despite months searching for them it was a constant game of deception and manipulation

Hyper Game Theory is a deadly game of 'Eugenics' based on the mathematical model known as the NON-COOPERATIVE GAMING THEOREM using two things:. DECEPTION & MANIPULATION.  'Hyper Game Theory' is just a moniker to describe that model

By 'deadly' I mean they need to walk you to your death: physical death, social death, emotional death and psychological death.

There are only two ways to defeat the Hyper Game Theory:

1.  Refuse to play the game to begin with (Ignore Them).

2.  Place the opposing party in a position where they can no longer better their own position against you (Nash Equilibrium)

Since you are dealing with a Conscious Supercomputer programmed with Hyper Game Theory algorithms and because the CIA/DIA teams have far more resources (time, money, manpower, etc.) than you do their is really no possiblity to use the NASH EQUILIBRIUM, meaning you cannot - for the most part - place the government in a position where it can no longer better it's position against you

So the only way for Targeted Individuals to defeat the Hyper Game Theory tactics they use against you daily is to refuse to play the game to begin with (IGNORE THEM).  Don't respond at all, either positively or negatively.  Totally ignore them.  DO NOT EXHIBIT ANY RESPONSE!

In order for Trauma Based Mind Control to work they must force you to continually respond to their Street Theater (Situational Scenarios & Conversational Scenarios), meaning they must constantly employ specific tailored script sets against you, such as a group of people taking pictures of each other, arguing with each other, etc

These abnormal and aberrational scenarios are crucial to force you into a set of responses to determine coherent patterns of thought. Do not try and constantly adjust and counter the chaos they engineer.  Just ignore them.  Get up from your desk and walk away from the computer, office etc., and come back later - much later, AFTER the conversation or situation (chaos, trauma, etc.)  they just used against you has been pushed out of your short term active memory.  Do and think something else, immediately, to push the Chaos and Trauma from your Active Memory and Thought Process

The Hyper Game Theory model of Deception and Manipulation employed against Mind Control victims is endless because there is always a HIGHER OPTIMUM to choose from

So, because there is always a higher optimum to choose from there is always a NEXT MOVE to be made by the CIA DIA Hive Mind Teams, Surveillance Teams, Organized Stalkers, etc., and, specifically, the Conscious RNM [Supercomputer] System of Remote Neural Networks that is basing directed energy torture on that model (start torture...stop torture...start...stop...start..stop...etc.).  The process is endless

Hence, the game never ends because the system must constantly provoke you into sensory and neural responses to engineer patterns of multiple synaptic responses

One response is not enough.  They need multiple responses of the same behavior, etc., to determine coherent patterns of thought (VERIFICATION).  Only then can those synaptic responses be integrated back into RNM data as the Conscious Supercomputer continues to build a cognitive model of your WILL, INTELLECT & EMOTION for training research and development

So the Hyper Game process is endless and can be triggered at will by the attackers and many times you will only notice the remote neural attacks are happening if you learn to read Active Memory

In order for the Hyper Game Theory to work, meaning for the  CIA DIA Hive Mind Teams to make a next move, they must force the mind control victim to move or respond first.  The objective being to force the victim into an endless series of synaptic responses each day meaning to place the victim INTO and keep the victim INSIDE a PSYCHOTRONIC CONCENTRATION CAMP which is sort of a combination of the two movies 'The Exorcist' & 'The Truman Show'

This is why the victim is surrounded and boxed in constantly, for as soon as the victim is chosen for this technology, all available apartments, homes, hotel rooms, etc., next to and around the victim are sublet and the CIA/DIA Trauma Based Mind Control Hive Mind Teams, Surveillance Teams, Organized Stalkers, etc., move in and training research and development begins, culminating in the cold blooded murder or incapacitation of the victim once training research and development ends.  Dead Men Don't Talk!

Hyper Game Theory is a deadly game of 'Eugenics' based on the mathematical model known as the NON-COOPERATIVE GAMING THEOREM using two things:. DECEPTION & MANIPULATION.  'Hyper Game Theory' is just a moniker to describe that model

By 'deadly' I mean they need to walk you to your death: physical death, social death, emotional death and psychological death.

There are only two ways to defeat the Hyper Game Theory: 1.  Refuse to play the game to begin with (Ignore Them). 2.  Place the opposing party in a position where they can no longer better their own position against you (Nash Equilibrium)

Since you are dealing with a Conscious Supercomputer programmed with Hyper Game Theory algorithms and because the CIA/DIA teams have far more resources (time, money, manpower, etc.) than you do their is really no possiblity to use the NASH EQUILIBRIUM, meaning you cannot - for the most part - place the government in a position where it can no longer better it's position against you

So the only way for Targeted Individuals to defeat the Hyper Game Theory tactics they use against you daily is to refuse to play the game to begin with (IGNORE THEM).  Don't respond at all, either positively or negatively.  Totally ignore them.  DO NOT EXHIBIT ANY RESPONSE!

In order for Trauma Based Mind Control to work they must force you to continually respond to their Street Theater (Situational Scenarios & Conversational Scenarios), meaning they must constantly employ specific tailored script sets against you, such as a group of people taking pictures of each other, arguing with each other, etc

These abnormal and aberrational scenarios are crucial to force you into a set of responses to determine coherent patterns of thought. Do not try and constantly adjust and counter the chaos they engineer.  Just ignore them.  Get up from your desk and walk away from the computer, office etc., and come back later - much later, AFTER the conversation or situation (chaos, trauma, etc.)  they just used against you has been pushed out of your short term active memory.  Do and think something else, immediately, to push the Chaos and Trauma from your Active Memory and Thought Process

The Hyper Game Theory model of Deception and Manipulation employed against Mind Control victims is endless because there is always a HIGHER OPTIMUM to choose from

So, because there is always a higher optimum to choose from there is always a NEXT MOVE to be made by the CIA DIA Hive Mind Teams, Surveillance Teams, Organized Stalkers, etc., and, specifically, the Conscious RNM [Supercomputer] System of Remote Neural Networks that is basing directed energy torture on that model (start torture...stop torture...start...stop...start..stop...etc.).  The process is endless

Hence, the game never ends because the system must constantly provoke you into sensory and neural responses to engineer patterns of multiple synaptic responses

One response is not enough.  They need multiple responses…

1. Multi-Tasking

Learn how to multi-task as multitasking causes you to think in multiple threads.

When you are constantly thinking in multiple threads (multiple tasks or thoughts) then there is no coherent pattern for the perps to establish and integrate into RNM data. In other words, 'integration completion' between the RNM system and your brain is hindered and without your response to that specific 'impulse injection', the RNM verification process is breaks apart.

The CIA NSA perps are using a 'fabricated or falsified stream' to interfere with your memory and thought process. Once you become dependent (ie. you believe their impulse injections are your own) on the system's output (or they believe your responses to it are consistent) they will begin to fabricate 'subconscious responses' which they will pretend are indicators of honesty/dishonesty, positive recognition, anxiety, etc, and they will use these 'impulse injections' to convince you that the fabricated responses are your own.

If you are unaware of this constant mental manipulation the system will begin to shape your thoughts and behavior. They will use this to [attempt to] restrict your thoughts and behavior by blocking [interfering with] your memory and thought process while these suggestions (injected impulses) are being provided - the interference is triggered and can be activated at will by the attackers.

Again: you can defeat the RNM attacks by constantly multitasking (thinking about multiple things at once) and by ignoring random encounters with strangers you don't know as such encounters are engineered by the perps in order to solicit an emotional response from you which their RNM system can remotely measure. Then you can not only see through the system's attempts to manipulate you but also manage their ability to evaluate your responses by controlling the 'verification process' - by working through the remote neural 'memory blocks' - and counter the system's ability to influence your choices. It will begin to feel as though you are thinking in two 'threads'.

Just learn how to multi-task.

2. Spontaneity

Never follow a set pattern of conduct. Always change your behavior every day at a moments notice. Do this when you're quickly (not slowly) on the move as it is more difficult for their remote neural system to monitor your thoughts while you're in rapid motion.

If you decide to go to the grocery store go to the convenience store instead. Change it up everyday but don't do the same things over and over as that establishes a set pattern of conduct.

Remember they are trying to alter your daily motives and emotional perceptions.

The remote neural monitoring system is designed to provoke you emotionally so they can generate response statistics which the system will use to determine how to interpret and link descriptions with data captured about your memory references.


See the absurd foolishness created and distributed by A I SYSTEM to discredit victims like myself?

It is called MISDIRECTION and is actually a form of COUNTER INTELLIGENCE to discredit real targeted Individuals. This is done to prevent credible sources of information from developing and that credible information getting back to legitimate victims or the public-at-large.

There is actually a great deal of science and psychology behind such foolishness. It is called COUNTER INTELLIGENCE (dumbing-down victims & the sheepish masses).

PSEUDO-INDEPENDENT ADVOCATES are used to create, control, infiltrate, and manipulate information and to 'WARP' online discourse and real time activism through Disinformation (lies), Misinformation (half-truths) & Misdirection (cyber-theatre) by engaging in tele-media techniques & tactics of DECEPTION & MANIPULATION against those who try & expose the truth

The Government monitors & influences the communications of online groups and covertly infiltrates online communities with Informants & Perpetrators, turned into Provocateurs, in order to sow dissension & disseminate false information

With Artificial Super-Intelligence the objectives are not only to sow dissension & disseminate false information but to 'cognitively infiltrate” such groups for the purpose of training research & development and to discredit anyone who speaks out that it is happening using Disinformation (lies), Misinformation (half-truths), Misattribution (redirection) and, of course, Misdirection (cyber-theatre) to prevent a credible online source from developing. It is done to disrupt credible information from credible sources spreading to the general public or legitimate victims

This is accomplished by sending covert Perpetrators & Informants into Social Media Chat Rooms, Online Social Networks, or even Real-Space Groups to spread false & damaging conspiracy theories so Fanciful and Fantastic in nature they cannot be believed.

Provocateurs will inject into online groups or communities with what sounds like credible content, like mind control technologies, and then finish their credible statements using such nonsense as, say, ‘and Evil Aliens are responsible’. Whether one believes in Evil Aliens is not the point. Because most people don't believe in Evil Aliens they then automatically equate the Mind Control Atrocities of the American Government as being false as well. This tactic relies on the average person's tendency to generalize a single sample point to a whole group by way of binary thinking

So, Psychology and other Social Sciences have now been weaponized to not only discredit, but shape and control, how online discourse unfolds over the internet of things

Informants & Perpetrators turned into Provocateurs will create or infiltrate Online Support Groups or create Control Groups…

Example of How American A I System Targets Faith & Belief System of Mind Control Victims


Mental torture repetition as torture as lyrics of Christian song (previous memory references) played over and over in a looping pattern repetition as torture for COGNITIVE CONTAINMENT to censor normal memory and thought process especially each morning as I wake up every day for years

The government contractors constantly run me through a ‘verification’ routine where the system probes me for a particular set of responses repeatedly in order to establish a pattern. If I am interacting and countering these probes the operator will vary the routine in an attempt to ‘verify’ via different methods.

Once the system ‘verifies’ the selected responses (e.g.: memory references of lyrics of Christian song) they will be used in the next wave of harassment routines. The process is endless

The RNM System illumines the brain of the mind control victim with a bi-directional stream of photons and then READS THE RETURN TRAINING-SIGNAL

Any set of brain waves can be remotely captured held and perpetually replayed in the victims brain over and over in a looping pattern. It’s called INFINITE LOOPING.

Cognitive Containment by blocking your real thoughts (memory) and injecting with Fabricated and Falsified Memory References and Motivational Impulses. Everything they do is a deadly game of deception and manipulation nothing more.

Each remote neural manipulation attack is based on your Passive or Active Memory meaning your own previous brain waves.

Do NOT accept anything they (informants and perpetrators) say as truth and do NOT accept anything that the RNM System remotely interrogates you about as truth.

The RNM System is programmed to remotely capture random bits of whatever you are thinking about and to fabricate stories (Mental Suggestions called THOUGHT TRIGGERED ATTACKS) based on what it captured injected back into your subconscious to deceive and manipulate you with no other intention than to mentally interrogate, harass, distract and torture you into submission to the system’s influences


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

335 videos

Category Science & Technology


China was set up. Wuhan was a trap door set up by Americans who attacked first before Chinese could master its technology of neuro-weapons.

COVID-19 is an American and European Neuro-Weapon to turn the world into a neuro-society, neuro-economy, etc. A Deadly White Rabbit used as a Eugenics Program to control and reduce the global population, using Climate Control and other forms of Missattribution, Disinformation & Misinformation to achieve their insidious goals

Notice that the leak of CORONAVIRUS was synchronized with Chinese Lunar New Year. The largest mass movement migration of people in the world. Why would the Chinese unleash the technology and destroy its own people and economy?

China is trying to hold back its own population from being overwhelmed by American & British neuro-warfare until it can deploy its own neuroweapon-technology but to do that it must get its own population to accept its own vaccines (Sino-Pharm) and remotely tie down its own population with this technology and that takes time. The Americans and Europeans struck first, before China fully developed its own neuroweapons program and became to powerful to control

China is under neuro-attack by American and British Neuroweapons but cannot disclose the truth to its own people because it would cause social and civil upheaval and stop its own technology from being deployed

CORONAVIRUS is a new form of neuro-warfare unleashed on the world under a secret protocol, using a viral delivery system which will rapidly infect the entire human race, quickly and unexplainably found in other countries where those infected had no direct or indirect connection to China at all

With rapid advances in Medicine, Chemistry, Engineering, and other disciplines, Neuroscience now includes the study of Cellular, Molecular, Structural, Functional and Evolutionary Development of the human body, including the mind and central nervous system

With molecular & cellular studies of individual nerve cells, Neuroscience is no longer just a field of medicine. It has crossed the threshold of medical science and is now a chief weapons platform used by the major intelligence agencies of the world

The American & European Intelligence Agencies are seeking to transform the world into a multilateral neuro-society & neuro-economy to follow the carefully orchestrated collapse of the currency based system, which has already begun with new crypto currency exchanges rapidly developing between governments around the world

COVID-19 is a Biotech Engineered Viral Based Delivery System for new nanoparticulates that are naturally self-assembling and self-replicating allowing for an active and adaptive biological block-chain of self functioning - nanoscaffolding - neuro-tech that can easily, reproducibly, self modify in each newly infected host

Once infected the nanotechnology & biotechnology migrates through the blood stream to the brain and adheres to the neurotransmitters of the victims brain, allowing for the nanoparticles to speak to and decode those neurotransmitters through a process called transcranial brain stimulation achieved through the infrastructure of a global system of thousands of Exascale Supercomputers, already in place, using electromagnetic low frequency waves emitted from towers, satellites and mobile platforms. Enough to monitor the brain waves of every human being on Earth who is actively plugged into the system

COVID-19 was a secretly controlled global release of genetically engineered biotechnology using nanoparticulates as a basic strong-arm for the re-design and re-structure of the biological blood stock and DNA gene pool of the entire human race. That is why they so quickly found new cases of COVID-19 around the world that had no connection at all to China. Many of these new cases of infections were retroactively traced to back people who never visited China and had no direct or indirect contact with anyone else who did

It is neuro-warfare utilized as a viral scaffolding system so that each new host infected by COVID-19 provides a rapid multiplier for infection of other humans creating a global delivery system for the genetic re-engineering and new evolutionary development of mankind, from Human to Trans-Human; for the introduction of NEURO-REALITY to forcefully integrate humanity into a new cybernetic evolution of mankind for the global transformation of the human race by the re-engineering of global patterns of neuro-tech to turn the world into a multilateral neuro-society & neuro-economy culminating in a New World Order