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Play War Thunder now with my link, and get a massive, free bonus pack including vehicles, boosters and more:

War Thunder is a highly detailed vehicle combat game containing over 2000 playable tanks, aircrafts and ships spanning over 100 years of development. Immerse yourself completely in dynamic battles with an unparalleled combination of realism and approachability.

Like this video or else Vengeance will be bad.


Shin Megami Tensei v was one of my favourite games from 2021. This is a bit funny to me because, despite my enjoyment of this title and the agonizing wait for its release, it’s not one that I’ve really thought about all too much since it came out and I’m certainly not alone in this. Does anyone else find it kind of weird just how quickly the hype surrounding this game died? I get that it’s normal for single-player games to eventually leave the limelight once their 15 minutes is up, but honestly to say that Shin Megami Tensei V even got that much time is a bit generous. Almost as quickly as the game was in our hands the general public moved on. Again, not too out of the ordinary for other game franchises, mainly the ones that get yearly releases, but for this series, it’s a bit strange. As someone who considers themselves to be a fan of this franchise and may or may not have engaged in the odd discussion every once in a while, I’ve begun to notice a few patterns. Games from the PS2 era onwards tend to be the ones that receive the most amount of attention. Maybe if you’re lucky you’ll find a diehard for some of the really old games and I mean some ancient fossils. Like even is this?

This is why it’s so strange to me to see a big-budget and highly anticipated game within the community like Shin Megami Tensei V just sort of fall by the wayside. For that first period when the game was all fresh in..

Play War Thunder now with my link, and get a massive, free bonus pack including vehicles, boosters and more:

War Thunder is a highly detailed vehicle combat game containing over 2000 playable tanks, aircrafts and ships spanning over 100 years of development. Immerse yourself completely in dynamic battles with an unparalleled combination of realism and approachability.

Like this video and Junpei will get buffed.


I’m one of those really weird people who cares a lot about the combat of the persona games. Sure the social life aspect is ultimately what makes these games what they are, but I don’t think there’s nearly enough praise for the combat portion of the game. The Persona series has some of the slickest combat you can find in the genre. While I’m personally a little more impartial to the mainline SMT games when it comes to gameplay, the modern Persona games have a unique flavour of their own with the one more system and more dedicated party roles. And if you were to ask me, I think that Persona 3 FES has my favourite combat from these newer games. Sure the mechanics are a little more simple and the AI takes a bit to get used to, but the quirks exclusive to this game make it almost infinitely replayable for me. I’ve played and replayed this game so many times over the years to the point where I think I can confidently say that I’ve got a pretty good understanding of P3 and its design. So I think we’ve gotta ask the obvious question. Who is the best party member in Persona 3?

Firstly, let’s set some ground rules so we’re on the same page here. I want to look at these party members as individuals and analyze what they bring to the table. Factors like party composition and equipment, while important, won’t be the sole deciding factor. A party member’s ranking ultimately comes down to their stats, skills,..

Like this video or else you'll go through the abyss of time.


#review #persona3 #atlus

One of the first videos I ever made was a really long analysis on Persona 3 FES for the PlayStation 2. It was the first video of mine to really garner some attention and I’m proud of it. However in over the past four years, this video has begun to show its age a bit. Not just in the sense that I’ve improved as a writer and reviewer, but also in how my relationship with this game has changed. Over the past few years, I have replayed Persona 3 quite a few times, and every time I complete it, I find more and more to appreciate about the game. It’s still not enough for it to become my favorite, but it’s certainly better than I initially gave the game credit for. My appreciation for Persona 3 has grown quite significantly. I’ve grown accustomed to all of the game’s weird quirks and am able to accept the game for what it is. However the same cannot be said about the game’s epilogue. In retrospect, it’s funny how little people have actually experienced Persona 3 the answer since it’s something that’s advertised to the player immediately upon starting the game up. It’s frequently featured in the FES exclusive opening, right on the title screen, and is highlighted on the back of the box.

For such a heavily touted feature for this version of the game, you’d be hard-pressed to find many people that have actually played it. Though I wouldn’t be surprised if this is due to the rather infamous reputation the answer has garnered itself over the years. Longtime viewers might remember that I myself partook in a good ol thrashing on this piece of content. However, unlike the journey, the answer was something that I never revisited after my original video. It just left such a bad taste in my mouth both gameplay and narrative-wise that I wanted absolutely nothing to do wi..

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth launches January 26, 2024 on PlayStation Xbox, Windows, and Steam. Pre-order now and get the Hero’s Booster Pack and Special Job Set before it’s too late. For more information, visit:

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#bayonetta #review #platinumgames

Whenever you think of the modern action game a few faces might immediately spring to mind. There’s the pizza-loving demon hunter, a cold and calculated ninja, and the ruthless god killer on a quest for vengeance. While this kind of action game was super prevalent back in the 2000s, around the 2010’s this style of game was sort of dying out as shooters dominated the market. If you think the oversaturation of open-world games is bad now, then you should’ve been around when it seemed as though every other game released was some gritty realistic first-person shooter with short campaigns and a tacked-on multiplayer mode. However, during those dark times, there was a beacon of hope. A company that was willing to go against the grain of current trends and craft something with deep mechanics, hard-as-nails gameplay, and a hell of a lot of personality.

Bayonetta was developed by Platinum Games and released all the way back in 2009 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The main mind behind this project is none other than Hideki Kamiya. While he’s garnered himself a rather infamous reputation in recent years, this guy has always been an industry legend. He directed games like the original Resident Evil 2, Viewtiful Joe, and of course, the original Devil May Cry. If the first DMC was the pioneer in the 3d action genre, then Bayonetta can be seen as a natural evolution of that original concept. These two games have a lot in common with each other, so much so that people like to view the Bayonetta games as sort of a sister series to Devil May ..

Like this video or else Tidus will laugh in your face.


#review #finalfantasy #squareenix

- Chapters -
0:00 Intro.
3:28 Prelude & Presentation.
12:03 Next Generation Combat.
30:18 The Journey Through Spira.
39:38 Blitzball (The Best Part)
48:11 Listen To My Story.
1:13:34 The Last Great Final Fantasy.
1:16:15 Outro & Supporter Credits

You know there was a point in time when the name “Square soft” carried a lot of weight to it. Sure nowadays we associate these guys with long development cycles, NFTs, and publishing a lot of bad games. And I mean some real bad games, like major stinkers here. Not you though, you’re pretty good. Which is funny because back in the day these guys were industry juggernauts. The Final Fantasy series is iconic and it was their contribution to the RPG genre that solidified them as a legendary developer. However, in the stone ages, this genre was a little on the niche side. Sure japan was eating good with a seemingly never-ending series of releases, but over here in the West, our options were limited, to say the least. But that all changed back in 1997 when a little indie gem was released for the PlayStation. You probably never heard of it.

Oh would you look at that, it seems as though the industry changed overnight. Playing through this game felt like a blockbuster. The hardware of the PlayStation was pushed to its limits. Sure it looks pretty dated now, but back then, you weren’t finding anything else on this level. Final Fantasy 7’s success isn’t something to be understated. It got plenty of people back in the day to try out a genre that they otherwise would have ignored and skyrocket jrpg’s into the mainstream. But the most insane part about all of this was that Square was able to keep up with the demand. Only a year after FF7 we got Final Fantasy 8 and only one year after that we got 9 and that’s not even co..

Review code provided by Sega & Atlus.


#persona5 #review #sega

Persona 5 Tactica is the latest entry in the Persona series and is the 4th spinoff featuring the Persona 5 cast. The game was recently released worldwide and I know that a lot of people are on the fence about this one due to its dramatically different art style and gameplay. I myself was pretty unsure about Persona 5 Tactica going into it however I came out pleasantly surprised with what’s on offer here. While I usually make videos going into detail about my experiences surrounding these games, I figure that today I’m going to do something a little bit different and see if the game is right for you. Is Persona 5 Tactica something you should bother trying out or is it something you’re better off skipping out on it. I’ll also be doing this with as little spoilers as possible and will only be showing footage from the first two areas of the game. Don't worry, I’m still going to make a full breakdown on this game in the future, but since Tactica is new I just wanted to strike while the iron is hot, you know? However, before we get started I want to disclose that I was provided with a review copy of this game by Sega and Atlus. To a lot of people, this will immediately put wherever I say, both positive and negative, under scrutiny and I don’t blame people for thinking that way.

The most I can do is assure people that my words cannot and have never been influenced by the prospect of getting review codes. I’m pretty sure my previous track record is more than enough proof of this. However, regardless of those previous reviews, it’s impossible to deny that we all have our own personal biases. Sometimes people will like something and others won’t so do yourself a favor and don’t just take my word for it and look at other reviews too to see if this is something that you’ll like. Games a..

You won’t want to miss the Arc System Works Black Friday Sale — make sure to check it out now here!




#ad #persona3 #sponsored

So back when Persona 3 reload was first announced, I made a video covering my thoughts and expectations surrounding the project. At the time of making it, there wasn’t really a whole lot to discuss so that video mostly served to capture my raw emotions surrounding the project. However, since then plenty of more info and trailers have dropped; enough that we can paint a much better picture as to what this remake will actually be like. My initial video is pretty outdated at this point so I figured I may as well give my updated thoughts on the more recent content released surrounding this game. Don’t worry I won’t make this a habit. I’m not about to start doing weekly Persona 3 news recaps or anything. Because there are plenty of people that already do that much better than I ever could. This is the first time since, I want to say, Persona 5 when I’ve been this legitimately excited for an Atlus game to come out. Oh and I don’t mean Persona 5 Royal, I mean Persona 5. In case you need a reminder, that game came out in the West all the way back in April of 2017. So yeah it’s safe to say it’s been quite a bit since then. It’s not that I haven’t cared about Atlus’s more recent output, but there hasn’t been anything that’s truly captured my attention as Reload has. Believe it or not, Persona 3 is a pretty significant game to me despite it not being my favorite persona game. It’s the game that basically kickstarted my career and has led me down the path to where I am today. So yeah, I do kind of care about its legacy and how this remake is going to impact how people preserve it.

I'm worried about Persona 3 Reload. Persona 3 Reload is the upcoming Persona 3 Remake and in this Persona 3 Reload specu..

Huge thanks to Persona 5 Tactica for sponsoring today's video! Get the game here:

Huge Thanks to Oziach for editing the video:




#ad #persona5 #sega

Something that I’ve always been fascinated about in regards to the Persona series is the amount of supplementary material on offer. A franchise isn’t successful just because it has a bunch of games and spinoffs. The true success of a brand is whether or not it’s able to branch out into other forms of media and this is something that persona series is rather infamous for. You know that meme where people say that Persona fans don’t play their own games? With the amount of adaptations this series has gotten over the years, I can fully see why. Without a doubt the most popular nonvideo game persona product is the persona animes. If you have more than a surface-level interest in Persona then you’ve definitely heard of these by now.

The persona animes are responsible for some of the more well-known inside jokes within the community on top of being some pretty alright watches overall. At least the Persona 4 anime is. The Persona 3 and 5 ones are a bit more of a mixed bag if you were to ask me but for different reasons. The Persona 3 movies are a good way to experience the core story but because of the theatrical format, a lot of the smaller moments needed to be cut, and part of what makes Persona 3 so special are those more quiet moments. These films aren’t bad but they aren’t something that I bothered to watch past the first two movies. The Persona 5 anime on the other hand suffers from a lack of budget and is just sort of a paint-by-numbers adaptation overall. But this is just scratching the surface because trust me, there is plenty more where that came from. If you were to peel back this adaptation ..

Honkai: Star Rail's 1.4 Update is STACKED! A new Belobog story, two new playable characters: Jingliu and Topaz, AND 10 free Star Rail Special Passes by just logging in for seven days! Are you rolling for Jingliu? Or saving for Topaz? Let me know in the comments! #ad #jingliu #topaz #honkaistarrail - Use the promo code: KBQBEP3L8823 for 50 Stellar Jades & Follow @HonkaiStarRail for further info

Like this video to get a good Persona 5 spin-off




I will never forget the excitement I felt opening up Persona 5 for the very first time. Believe it or not there was a point in time where it felt like this game was never going to come out. I got into Persona back when P4 was the hot craze and I remember obsessing over the release of this game. I read every article I could, scouring for a release date, but made extra sure to avoid those PV trailers so I could go in as spoiler-free as possible. After years of delays and avoiding any Japanese leaks like the plague, the game was finally in my hands and yeah, it felt pretty cathartic. I still remember a friend and I cutting class to play this on launch day. That’s right, as my academics rose in the game, my real-life grades suffered a little bit. Not the best idea in hindsight but hey, we all do dumb stuff when we were young. Finishing Persona 5 for the first time left me feeling a lot of satisfaction. While I thought Persona 4 was still the better game, all things considered, P5 is a great game when all is said and done. But this isn’t what I want to focus on today.

I’ve talked about this game for literal hours over the course of this channel's life. I’ve said basically all that needs to be said about the game at this point so going into any more detail would be a little excessive. So for today, we’re going to shake things up a bit and focus on a different topic en..

In this Persona 3 Analysis, I go into great detail as to why I think Persona 3 is Almost Great and where it misses the mark in some areas. I haven't seen any Persona 3 Fes Analysis videos that go into as much detail as I have in this one. This is my longest video yet, and I hope I did the game justice.

This video wouldn't have been possible without the help from Aqua. Check out his channel here:

You can find more of my videos here:

The Persona series has been a mainstay in the JRPG genre for over 25 years but has only begun to receive recognition in the west with the release of Persona 5 back in 2017. Since then, the main protagonist of Persona 5 made it into smash brothers ultimate as a guest fighter, and a slue of spinoffs and rereleases have been populating the franchise ever since.


Created 4 years, 3 months ago.

10 videos

Category Gaming

I make Video Game Analysis & Critiques. If you enjoy PS2 Era games, then this should be right up your ally.