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From the Stew Peters Network, the producer of the World-Changing Documentary Died Suddenly, comes what will be yet another EXPLOSIVE documentary that will change the way you think about Taxes and the American government! Watch Slave Nation at:

Kyle Clifton, AKA Kyle-Undercover, is here to expand on his latest undercover video showing a member of the Bohemian Grove talking about satanic rituals.

Watch this new segment NOW at!
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Powerful truths 🙏🔥

Irish politician Thomas Gould delivers one of the greatest speeches in modern history…

“I hope you burn in hell Netanyahu”…🔥


It turns out that the shots forced on children to attend school have “negligible or NON-EXISTENT benefits” but “documented side effects.”

This is true for many of the most widely-used vaccines, including the MMR, DPT, flu, and the tetanus shots.

This information came to light from a comprehensive report written by popular Substack author, A Midwestern Doctor.

The author highlights that following the introduction of bacterial childhood vaccinations, not only did the targeted infections become more widespread, but other bacterial infections also emerged and evolved into more dangerous strains. This new reality prompted the creation of more vaccines, which in turn has accelerated this “downward spiral” and boosted “Big Pharma profits.”

Dr. Pierre Kory, an ICU specialist who has risen to prominence after the COVID debacle, writes, “Before COVID, I didn’t think there were serious issues with the childhood vaccines, but now, like many, I’ve come to question that assumption.”

Edward Snowden (✅ Private.

Excellent explanation as to why houses with Blue Roofs survived recent fires & why thousands of people around the world have also suddenly decided to paint their house roof blue.

Truth is stranger than fiction.

Edward Snowden (✅ Private.

NASA in Hebrew pronounced as NASHAW means to deceive or to be beguiled… the masses are clearly being lied to by the government aka mind control and NASA.

5G REMOTE KILL VECTOR: Science Paper Reveals Cell Phone Signals Can Activate the Release of Biological PAYLOADS from Graphene Oxide Injected Into Body (9/14/23)
5G REMOTE KILL VECTOR: Science Paper Reveals Cell Phone Signals Can Activate the Release of Biological PAYLOADS from Graphene Oxide Injected Into Body (9/14/23) - Mike Adams + Doctor Rashid Buttar, Karen Kingston & Todd Callender

5G REMOTE KILL VECTOR: Science paper reveals cell phone signals can activate the release of biological PAYLOADS from graphene oxide injected into the body - READ -

Kier Starmer, likely the next UK PM: "We have to deal with the anti-vax campaigns, because they will cost lives."
"And if we need to pass emergency legislation to deal with them, I'll be quite prepared to work with the government on that... And the sooner we do that, frankly, the better."

He thought he deleted his gmails. 😂
Turns Out We Have It All.
Caught Lying under oath
Covid Truths Coming Out
'Flood is coming'
Future proves past.

Vaccines have gotten out of 5 studies show it's safer to go natural! Take no vaccines whatsoever...there's lower rates of allergic diseases, atopic dermatitis...lower rates of attention deficit disorder, [and] other neuropsychiatric disorders like autism."

Ivermectin, the drug once labeled “horse de-wormer,” is now showing 15 anti-cancer mechanisms of action, reported William Makis MD in a recent article.

“They [researchers] have found that if you give higher doses of Ivermectin than what’s been used for COVID-19, that it actually can stop the growth of these cancer cells, it can stop their metastases, and it can actually engage apoptosis and autophagy and kill these cancer cells.”

The virus was released to terrorize the population into taking the kill shot.

What is Antartica hiding?
Edward Snowden (✅ Private.

Silvana Casale has worked with autistic kids for 25 years. In almost every case, it was vaccine induced. Watch the video and retweet please.

A furious Mark van den Oever about the demolition policy:
It's terrible: 40% of the cows, 10% of the cars and chickens have to disappear. The food must and will be thrown out of the citizens' mouths. Different rules suddenly apply to Schiphol so that they do not have to reduce the number of flights. It is corruption at its finest.

Next month we will all be there in Brussels. You don't know what's coming your way. We're going to wipe you off the map.  We are going full throttle and overturning European policy. It's up to here for European farmers. In June it is our day.

Al Jazeera's 'Witness' documents Israeli Jewish settlers encroaching on Palestinian lands in the southern Bedouin community of Masafer Yatta in Hebron.

Israeli Jewish settlers are allowed to attack Palestinian property with complete impunity, protected by the Israeli occupation forces. Meanwhile, Palestinians face deportation from their country, which has been designated a "closed military zone."



Created 4 years, 1 month ago.

4851 videos

Category News & Politics


Twitter: @Phil_StoneX

pureblood proudly non-vaxxxed

Permanently suspended by Twitter for posting the truth