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Ride On Mena


Some progress has been made on the bike. I sepnd a lot of time waiting on parts...
Two steps forward and one step back..
However, I am finally very near getting the motor back together and much closer to
the day where I can attemot to start it. It's getting exciting!

This is an update on the progress.

Well, we are 4 days before the big eclipse in 2024.
Spring is coming out in a big way and we'll soon be rushing into summer.
We were out on one of our hikes and just wanted to share our experience.
I hope you are enjoying spring and have nothing but happiness and joy.

Introducing "Frankenbike"...
I have a project bike. It's a 1980 Suzuki DR400S.
It's in non-running condition and I am going to bring it bck to life (That's confidence).
It will take some time as there are a lot of parts missing and all are dirty.

What a beautiful day!

The new clutch packs are in both bikes now and we are on a test run.
The run was successful and we are now ready to ride again!
Hopefully there will be a lot more rides in 2024 and beyond (before another clutch pack).

Well, I couldn't let it rest... We went back up to Buck Knob Towers
to look for the receiver I lost earlier this week that goes to
my brand new wireless microphone system that I was testing that day.
I already ordered a replacement, but I just had to go look....

ROM VL#64 Buck Knob Towers

Today is a 72 degree day in February! This, of course, means we need to get outside.
We hop in the buggies and take a ride up to Buck Knob towers. This is north of Mena
in the same area as Fouurche ("Foose") Mountain Trails. We are traveling to the
Buck Knob Towers, for the first time. When we had the rental business we had rented
some buggies to a company that maintains the cell towers, ut had not been there ourselves.
Today we go there...

An unusually warm day on February 1st 2024. I took the opportunity
to take the dogs on a hike in the National Forest near the Wolf Pen Gap trails.
Also used this time to test out a new camera. It was a great day for a hike!

Heading to Sonora on day 7 of our Big Bend Trip. The weather caught up to us and no more sunny skys.
Into each trip a little rain must fall...

Our second day in Alipne was a rest day. A chance to get off the bike for a while.
However, we did take this opportunity to run over to see the Marfa Lights. It was a very interesting experience.

It's day 5 and we're heading from Terlingua to Presidio, Fort Davis and then landing in Alpine.
Along the way we ride down Highway 170. It's an awesome rode with great scenery.
In Fort Davis we stop by the McDonald Observatory before moving on to our final destination, Alpine TX.


Our last destination in the park was Santa Elena Canyon. This is a notch in a tall
wall on the Mexican side ofr the Rio Grande. You can actually cross the river
and take a 1.8 mile hike up the wall...

Our second destination in the park was the Boquillas Overlook, right down on the Rio Grande.
There is also a small town across the river named Boquillas Del Carman that you can visit.
We also went to the Chisos Canyon for lunch. Very nice views!

The park is very big, so I broke our visit into three parts so the video wouldn't be huge.
This is part 1, our entry into the park and our first destination (Fossil Exhibit).
You can also gain a perspective just how big the park is and what it used to look like.

Day three of the trip and we're finally getting into the Big Bend area of Texas.
Really looking forward to the Big Sky and the transition from flat ranch land to mountains.

Day 2 was on of those "just get there days", but it is the Pecan Capitol of the world.
It was close to 90 degrees that day and we were a little hot and tired upon arrival.
Our room was nicely air conditioned and a welcome site. I have not seen so many Pecan
Trees in one location in my life. If you want Pecans, San Saba is the place to be.

We are staying at the Kahn Hotel in Jefferson Tx
This used to be an old saloon that had it's share of deaths back in the day. it is supposed to be
haunted. So we try our hand at Ghost Hunting. Watch our results.

Our first day on our Big Bend trip. This was the first time for us to go to Big Bend.
Very Exciting! This is Day 1 in Jefferson, TX.

We are out on a Saturday ride in gorgeous weather. I made some changes to the bikes lately, so this is kind of
a test ride to make sure everything is working properly. Also, trying to do some more work with the drone... failed again!
The drone may just not be able to do what I want it to do or it may be the operator..
However, it was a beautiful day and we were on the bikes, so you can't have a bad day under those circumstances.

Life is stressful and hard. Find your way to meditate. For me I can't think of a better place than on my motorcycle.

We are a little over a month away from the 2023 season at Wolf Pen.
In the meantime we are still getting out in the woods.
Even though it's winter the woods are a great place to hike.

When the weather gets near 70 degrees in January, you have to get on the bike.
We ran a quick over-night trip to Harrison Arkansas. It was great to get out.
We saw a Bald Eagle up close and had some interesting visitors at a scenic overlook.

Shady is a little community South of Wolf Pen Gap Trails.
A great place to visit for riding the county roads with your quad, side by side, adventure bike,
dirt bike, or enduro bike. The highway down to Shady has several curves and is a fun, beautiful ride
with access to the Wolfpen Gap Trails (West and South Trailhead). You can also find some nice swimming
holes as you wind along the river.

ROM VL#49 Try Again

Ok, I hope to have all of the activities, jobs, etc. sorted out so I can ride more and start putting out more videos.
Retirement has been a lot busier than I expected! But at least it's keeping me off the streets and out of trouble. Mostly, LOL.
So, I am trying again to get back on the bike get more Wind Therapy and share the experience....

It has been a while... I needed an escape and some wind therapy!


Created 4 years, 8 months ago.

69 videos

Category Auto & Vehicles

This channel shows the great motorcycle riding and other activities in Arkansas. Specifically near Mena Arkansas. Combining my love for motorcycles the beautiful state I live in and my newly discovered "creative spirit" by creating videos of my rides and the activities that are available in the area. I also hope to promote Mena, Arkansas and hopefully you will come and visit and also enjoy what we have to offer.