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Text of John Searle's Refutation of Relativism:

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Bakunin nailed it. (Once More, with Feeling)

Important deep dive by Francisco Gil-White into Noam Chomsky, likely a COINTELPRO government agent. “Chomsky is the grammatical keystone holding this binary structure together, for his polarizing effect makes it very difficult for a third option” see:

Also see: A critique of the German social democratic program - Mikhail Bakunin

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Bakunin nailed it.

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agree with his diagnosis but am not certain of his solutions (voting, for example)

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In these episodes, Dave conjectures that the underground Reich published its blueprint and intentions for the future. Listen carefully as much of this aligns with what we are seeing today. Scary stuff indeed.

There is a short gap between episodes.


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An objective and thoughtful account of FDR by Professor Richard Breitman which sets FDR in the context in which he made decisions. An account that avoids the "hero" and "villain" labels so often put on him.

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R.I.P Mort Sahl

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The complete six lectures given by John Searle, Professor of Philosophy at the University of California, Berkeley, recorded for the BBC Reith Lectures in the summer 1984.

Part 1: A froth on reality 29:45
Part 2: Beer cans & meat machines 29:38
Part 3: Grandmother knew best 29:54
Part 4: Walk to Patagonia 29:44
Part 5: A changing reality 29:45
Part 6: The freedom of the will 29:37

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Just listen to Searle. "Our age is the age of bullshit."

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The human mind is one of the most amazing instruments to ever arise in the universe. As a tool, it is unmatched. When humans are ruled by their minds, however, disaster often strikes.

Computer scientists are working on making a replicant of the human mind, at least in terms of its ability to take in information and establish connections. These replicants will surpass humans in processing time/power if they haven't already, which could benefit all of humanity or lead to its destruction. Like the human mind itself, it is all down to how AI is used.

One thing that AI will never do is experience no-mind. It is this capacity of humans that must guide humanity into the future, with regards to AI development, and everything else.


What if AI is just another tool to manipulate the masses through fear, and to simultaneously provide cover for evil deeds?

another video of Searle worth watching

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It would be difficult to find a better distillation of dhyana, chan, zen.

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Created 2 years, 8 months ago.

435 videos

Category Education

ThetaNought online:

Those who do not fight die little by little.

Freedom can only be gained through the struggle for liberation.

The information war is hell.


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I post videos here for archival, educational, and consciousness expanding purposes. No videos are monetized by me though Bitchute may monetize to help cover their costs and I receive no money from any content posted here.

"The truth does not require your participation in order to exist. Bullshit does." -Terence McKenna

"We must protect our feelings, and separate them from these contradictions between what is imminent death and what might become creative life. Our only hope is to become aware of how we are being manipulated, and by whom."
-Mae Brussell, 11 July 1974

Photo is by Edward A. Norbuth of Private Vernon Haight from the 325th Glider Infantry in the 82nd Airborne.