Think True

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Think True

Think True ✓


"A return to the Kmart of the 1970s that we all loved. Before the days of 'Super Kmarts' and 'Big Ks,' there was just Kmart. The first Kmart was opened in 1962, and by the mid-1970s, we were all shopping there. Revisit the days of Blue Light Specials, Kmart Cafeterias, and random wood-veneered merchandise scattered in aisles throughout the store." — The History Lounge,

Happy "Order Followers" Day*. Since there's been little resistance, we need to prepare for the continuing invasion of our tyrant-occupied country by foreign Armed-Forces as the District of Criminals continues full-steam ahead committing high-treason against the good people, whom they've clearly demonstrated, they consider to be the enemy. And they've effectively rid our national defenses of most of the good troops with wicked and unlawful rules and "mandates" to which every awakened and able soldier rightly refused to comply. An anything but "Civil" War seems inevitable; Pray and Prepare Accordingly. "Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) speaks on the House floor during debate on gun control legislation. Jun 8, 2022" —


"Man needs to be the provider of his home, provide a home roof over our heads, the clothing on our backs, and the food and the table, but let me ask you a question — what good is the roof over the head, or the clothes on the back and the food in the mouth if we allow the rapist and the murders and the thieves to come in and steal and and take it from us?" — Ted Weiland, (This is a slightly edited and shorter version of full video found at the following link) | |

Springfield Missouri Firearms Freedom Symposium speaker Pastor Ted Weiland. Apr 18, 2013

Give these instructions to the believers, so that they will be above reproach. If anyone does not provide for his own, and especially his own household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. — 1 Timothy 5:7-8 BSB

It's just a coincidence that meaningless terms like "Medical Emergency" and "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome" top the list of recent mortalities.
The Glorious American,

HT: Clipped from "A Farewell To Virology (Pt 3)" — Spacebusters,
| |


A Farewell To Virology (Expert Edition):

Most people just believe in the Trinity because that is how they were raised. Tradition has been passed down from generation to generation and no one seems to be asking whether or not this doctrine is biblical. If you care about this subject, if this is important to you, if you want to know who God really is, then you owe it to yourself to wrestle with these questions. We have to be willing to change our beliefs if they are wrong. May God help us! — Christian Monotheism, | |

See Also: www.TheLORDis.One

#DYOR Many understand the contradiction that surrounds RFK Junior/CHD and some lump everyone of Jewish affiliation with the agenda of the Zionist Israel nation-state, but the wise learn to critique the content above the messenger or channel it came from. And some New-Agers even get a few things right. This video is "a critical discussion on the collection of data, transhumanism and surveillance, the leaking of user data on popular media sites as well as the tracking of humans physically and online" and more. — TheCommonDenominator, |

What Does Big Tech Know About You? Basically Everything —


On the Leakage of Personally Identifiable Information Via Online Social Networks


It's a complete CON job. This is a slightly shortened version of 'The Globalist War on the Elements of Life' a mini-documentary that reveals how globalists are trying to ban the key elements of life, including CARBON, OXYGEN and NITROGEN, and how they are using this war on the elements to starve humanity to death while reducing the global population. — Mike Adams, founder of and |

See also: USA & NASA - Depopulation & You —

The delivery may be untactfully curt, but you can't argue the facts. "Many sport a bumper sticker on their cars of a fish symbol we are told is Biblical yet is this even true? What is the origin of using a fish symbol in worship. This will surprise many. Watch, test and learn. Yah Bless." —The God Culture, |

Posting the unedited 2018 video here because it has been removed from EweTube and other platforms. This video was referenced in a recent SMHP video*. "Join NYSTV as they discuss the mystery in scripture, history, and Bible prophecy and the goddess worship of the esoteric adepts.

Also at "Lucifer and The Female Pope in Prophecy: Midnight Ride (Dec 23, 2018)" —

*SMHP video: "Goodbye Earth - How It All Ends According To NASA" —
"Bernini's Canopy - The Popes Throne & The End Times" —
Bernini's Canopy,

🗨️ Do the first 3 words of the Preamble constitute a National Idolatry, a flagrant disregard of YHWH (Yahweh’s) perfect law? Is the Constitutional Republic’s God, WE THE PEOPLE? Did WE THE PEOPLE became the national replacement for Yahweh? Does the 1st Amendment constitute a violation of the 1st Commandment? How is this document working out for us all? — BIBLE LAW vs The U.S. CONSTITUTION - Is it a Christian Document? (May 9, 2016) Awakening Liberty, |

"Any hope of a future generation establishing a government of, by, and for Yahweh depends upon our exposing the Constitution’s heresy and instilling Yahweh’s law in the hearts and minds of our children and grandchildren." Pastor Ted R. Weiland author of Bible Law vs. The UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION, a fascinating book that raises many questions about our framing documents, all from a scriptural perspective." —Ted R. Weiland,


HT to

See Also:
CONSPIRACY IN PHILADELPHIA: Origins of the United States Constitution —
The Second Amendment: A Knife in a Gunfight —

Trust nothing you can't verify. What I've Learned, | (Smart, deceptive, dangerous AI capabilities. Beyond ChatGPT.)

"Is Bitcoin a trojan horse to usher in a central bank digital currency (CBDC)? Lynette Zang, Founder & CEO of Zang Enterprises &, explores this topic with Michelle Makori, Lead Anchor and Editor-in-Chief at Kitco News. Zang sees a chance of a financial crisis being engineered to switch to a CBDC". — Kitco NEWS, Full interview: on BooTube,

How To Make A Mint The Cryptography Of Anonymous Electronic Cash —

#DYOR! "Stephen Hawking faked this observation How do we know? When I show you, you cannot make a claim that it was accidental. You can't make a claim that they didn't know. The only possible thing that could have happened here is deliberate fraud…by PBS, by Steven Hawking, by all three of these Jokers, by the cameraman, by the editing team, by the helicopter pilot, they're all in on it." — jeranism, | ("Why Did PBS and Stephen Hawking Fake Their Helicopter Behind The Curve Observation?," (sorry, missed bleeping out an f-bomb in this one)

"Your father is the devil, and you do exactly what he wants. He has always been a murderer and a liar. There is nothing truthful about him. He speaks on his own, and everything he says is a lie. Not only is he a liar himself, but he is also the father of all lies." — John 8:44-46

This is a streamline edit removing the "ads". #DYOR "The latest work from Dr. Thomas Horn can only be described in one word… EXPLOSIVE! In this series, with help of the SkyWatchTv Investigative Team, he will expose the TRUE HISTORY of America, important Founding Fathers, and the Great Seal as the pieces are put into place for the arrival of ANTICHRIST!" — SkyWatchTV, |

Full documentary:

A simple video prompted by my wondering how many companies have been acquired by Microsoft; It shows a big part of the problem but if you haven’t seen “Monopoly - Who Owns the World” (, you probably don’t fully realise the magnitude of the evil that is technocracy. Advocates for decentralized media might find Google's 2015 acquisition of Odysee of particular note.

“Historic responsibility has to make up for the want of legal responsibility. POWER TENDS TO CORRUPT AND ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority: still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority.” — Lord Acton*

00:05 » Microsoft —
02:38 » Apple —
04:13 » Google — (Google)
07:05 » Amazon —

Other M&A's not in the video (there's no "F" or "T" in MAGA :)
Meta (Facebook) —
X (Twitter) —

Soundtracks courtesy
• Evil Incoming, by Kevin MacLeod
• Behind Enemy Lines, by Rafael Krux
• Think About It, by Bryan Teoh
• Gothamlicious, by Kevin MacLeod
• Mothership, by Rafael Krux


Google, Amazon, Meta, Apple, and Microsoft (GAMAM) - Statistics & Facts

Are 51,000 people losing their jobs because their employers want to shift the balance of power?

"The ancient book of Jubilees asserts that there were 22 works or kinds that Yahweh fashioned during creation week, let's take a quick look at what those were." — Hanging On His Words,

On April 11, 2024, Pastor Steve Wohlberg was interviewed by talk show host Stew Peters about Israel, red heifers, and a rebuilt Jewish temple. Pastor Steve clarified what the Bible really teaches and identified the true Antichrist of prophecy. — White Horse Media,

Full video on Stew's BC channel:

Learning how to use a compass with a map is fun. It will give you the confidence to step out in to new areas which you haven’t visited before. In this video I will take you through the basics of taking a bearing from a map, following a bearing, finding your position and dealing with magnetic declination. This is a cut down version of my one day “how to use a compass” courses. — The Map Reading Company, |

How to Use a Compass - American Hiking Society —

"All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances; And one man plays many parts…" —

Taken from "Major Alerts: Iran in Bible Prophecy and the Red Heifer Sacrifice in Israel" Now You See TV, |

"And news will come to you of wars and talk of wars: do not be troubled, for these things have to be; but it is still not the end."
— Matthew 24:6 BBE

Is this true? #DYOR "Uncovering the truth one step at a time. Short video to help you decode the system which has entrapped us. Knock and the door will open, seek and ye will find, ask and you'll be given." — Bill Turner, | — "A place where like minded individuals may gather to gain knowledge of the invisible chains which keep us enslaved. Should you choose to join the Freedom Society you will be given resources to enable you to avoid conflict in your day to day life."
Personal Property Securities Register Manual —

THE CLEARFIELD DOCTRINE: “Governments descend to the Level of a mere private corporation, and take on the characteristics of a mere private citizen… where private corporate commercial paper [Federal Reserve Notes] and securities [checks] are concerned. … For purposes of suit, such corporations and individuals are regarded as entities entirely separate from government.” —

If you've seen "auntie_coolette's" videos, you know she's a bit…quirky, that's her charm. At least you might get a good chuckle. Though she's convinced, my reflex is to completely dismiss the "photo of heaven" (which in reality would be a photo of the New Jerusalem) as a hoax. At the same time knowing what I know, UNLESS the information has been "fact-checked" by an agent of the Ministry of Truth, I'm much less likely to quickly dismiss anything that's not obviously fake. #DYOR (see comments*), decide for yourself. "Did NASA actually capture photographic proof of heaven above us (the day after Christmas1994) and do everything in their power to classify it and cover it up?? To hide the truth that heaven is real & exactly where God told us it is?" — @auntie_coolette,

Scientific, photographic and documentary proof that the Earth isn’t an infinite plane, concave, or round like a ball, but is a non-rotating enclosed circular plane as described in the Holy Bible. The source used here is a Soviet (USSR) Government Scientific Institute, where they would be inclined to tell the truth lest they face the gulag or a firing squad. The source includes scientists at the Institute of Physics Of The Earth, The Institute Of Physics Of The Atmosphere and the Institute Of Applied Geophysics as well as many many more in the documents listed below. — The Firmament: 100% Proof! Declassified CIA Papers, Flat Water, |

Visit link above for reference links

They stick with their pathetic game-plan so it's a good idea to keep refreshing the past in our memory, and encouraging others to do likewise. Never forget what these wretches have done to our neighbors and family. Here's a super short clip and excellent free research paper from October of 2020 by Dr Peter Glidden. "We haven't had a free medical market for 108 years and that's a gigantic problem here. Tucker Carlson & Alex Berenson got it half right. See the other half with Dr. Glidden." — Dr Peter Glidden, |

MYTH-BUSTING — Definitions; Masks; Asymptomatic Carriers, Testing, Inaccuracies, Fraudulent Research, & Bad Science

"There are two birth certificates. The Certificate of Live Birth is withheld, so people get the 2nd. Learn about the Certificate of Live Birth completed at the hospital and which they withhold from mom and dad. It's even now called 'the worksheet' to hide it's value. The COLB shows one's status and state natives/nationals can use this to prove their status. Don't use the corporate/franchise Birth Certificate." — Educated in Law, * True? #DYOR


The harsh reality it that we're in a HUGE mess right now. If there's any hope of reversing course it will take the combined efforts of many disciplined and committed individuals. Success is the result of giving our best, in learning to invest our efforts for the betterment of our neighbor and our world. To do this we must learn to develop humility and seek wisdom and guidance from our Creator, trusting that He will take care of us when we put His Kingdom first. With God's help we may be able to turn the rampant and drastic tide of evil, but even if we can't I don't want to lay down, to give up, to not at least try my best to effect positive change. I'm not big on "motivational" speakers, too often the focus is too selfish but the following jumble of quotes from Jim Rohn offers sound advice.


Created 3 years, 1 month ago.

434 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

"Set them apart in the truth; your word is truth." — John 17:17 NET | First, Do NOT accept anyone or any information at face value. NO ONE has everything right. Each must do the hard work of vetting and using discernment; pray and come to your own conclusions. "MANY deceivers have gone out into the world" (2 John 1:7) "especially those with Jewish connections." (Titus 1:10).

Videos shared or linked to does not necessarily imply an endorsement of the channel, the creators, or their content, rather that there is far more good to be gained than not. As World’s Last Chance puts it, "We have selected these videos…not because we agree with everything they say, rather because they contain enough truth to make them worthwhile to watch and share.”

Sound reason, judgment, and discernment are critical skills to employ when evaluating the value and veracity of any content. Only you can decide what to make of what you have seen. As there is very little content completely free of any error, we must develop the art of filtering obvious error while ensuring we don't "throw the baby out with the bath water," as we extract whatever truth may be found — it's not easy.

I pray that God will bless you with wisdom and protect your from error as you seek after truth with an honest and humble spirit. And that He will give you the strength to not stumble over the difficult truths you'll inevitably encounter, but rather acumen to best process and apply newfound truth to your daily life in a practical, profitable way, both temporal and eternal.

BitChute and other such platforms are virtual libraries of digital information. All content on this channel is shared for educational use under "Fair Use" Section 107 of the Copyright Act,

NOTE: I do my best to ensure I have cited sources and give credit where due. If you find any video lacking this information, or see errors, please leave a comment so I can correct it.

See also: