Matt Bowler

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Matt Bowler

Matt Bowler


This article from the Los Angeles times caught my attention since my son recently had a slight fever and bad headache for 24hrs, then subsequently tested positive for COVID-19. He's feeling fine now and back to normal. It was quick and not a huge deal since we understand how to help bolster the body's immune system.



Upon reading the article, though, it became clear there is no real information about these children's symptoms, the durations of their stays. Percentages matter to some degree, but raw data and numbers are really what matter the most.

There are many people who flood into hospitals simply because they are either ignorant about how to handle illness or because they have been conditioned into a mindset of fear. On the other hand, the majority of the US's population is at high risk because of their co-morbidities related to obesity.

When we look at America and the obesity problems plaguing not only our adults but also our children, it's pretty clear why many people are afraid. It's difficult to make lasting changes to our lifestyles in order to facilitate healthier outcomes. It's challenging to step back and examine our choices and consider the fact that maybe we should adjust how we live so that our bodies are more resilient and better equipped to fight off illness.

In this culture of insta-gratification and insta-results, a quick jab in the arm is way more appealing than having to thoughtfully consider a lifestyle which consists of healthful dietary components and regular, consistent exercise.

Let's take a look at the topic of discussion surrounding the Cumbre Vieja volcano eruption at La Palma, Canary Islands: Earthquakes appearing to occur in a grid pattern

We'll use data available from EMSC and IGN to compare and contrast the differences between more- and less-granular longitude and latitude values. Then we'll download a KMZ file containing all seismic events from the island, as reported via IGN, and load it into Google Earth for further inspection and analysis.

You're just a cog in their machine. Stop submitting to them. Find your "home space" and connections in your local community. Build something sustainable that doesn't rely on the technological machine.


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The USGS has proven highly unreliable in reporting seismic activity at the Canary Islands, La Palma. In this age of information, and information sharing, how can such major gaps in reporting be acceptable by a government organization responsible for maintaining state-of-the-art, cutting-edge technology? Significant earthquakes and volcanoes are of global concern. We should expect and demand better from publicly-funded, government organizations.

Recent theories about the secret effects and efficacy of vaccines are irrelevant when considering the bigger picture of populations being subjected to classification of citizens.

vaccine vaccination effects efficacy conspiracy QuestionAuthority classes classification science

Let's take a look at the logic behind why the Biden administration's vaccine mandate policy excludes members of Congress and illegal immigrants.


President Biden has announced that private business with greater than 100 employees will be forced to comply with vaccine mandates, enforced by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, also known as OSHA. Will private businesses choose to eat the OSHA fines instead of facing the loss of workers?

Now that the government is taking the responsibility upon itself to implement edict and mandate about individual health and lifestyle choices, should we now turn our attention to the obesity epidemic that is dooming future generations?


Google is a major infrastructure provider, but apparently cannot be trusted enough to provide its workforce with tools needed to do something as simple as review questionable video content outside an office environment.

This failure to display continuity planning brings calls to question how much they can be relied upon to help local and world organizations and governments respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

YouTube/Google claim their remote/extended workforce is unable to sit in the comfort of their own homes and review video content, which may result in video being removed which do not break their guidelines.

*** UPDATE ***
As of July 14, 2021, this video has been BANNED from YouTube due to "violations" of their community COVID guidelines. If you watch the video and analyze their guidelines, you'll find out this video violates their guides IN NO WAY. I appealed the removal and was issued a rejection within five minutes.

Facebook claims to now be the bearer of truth as it relates to coronavirus. I weigh in on the situation, giving my viewpoints as an IT engineer and software developer.

At a time when people are being told to stay home and not interact with people in a physical social manner, the world population's communication is almost exclusively being funneled through infrastructure, both network and application, which is owned by the very global organizations and companies who are disseminating the facts about COVID-19 (the virus) and SARS-CoV2 (the disease).

(that's my dog in the background drinking water...)


Created 4 years, 1 month ago.

12 videos

Category Science & Technology

Father. Baker. Brewer. Gardener. Network engineer. Software developer.