Vocho's Granja

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Vocho's Granja

Vocho's Granja



Created 5 years ago.

72 videos

Category Entertainment

Vocho's Granja #VochosGranja
Homestead, A DIY Project.

//Homestead after the DIY//
//Life / Off Grid Prepping.//

Let's talk about getting ready for the future. How to do it & when to do it.
Prepare financially and mentally, learn new skills and improve others.
Join me, and learn the Do's and Don'ts in life and mother earth.
Let's share our wisdom with everyone so it won't be forgotten.

Hi, i'm Vocho, I started this Channel Back in July of 2013 with only the reason to use YouTube as a music video player. Forward to 2016 and to when I started watching films like, when the economy collapse, bunker building videos and many others. It has been 7 month's that I have been watching Homestead and Off grid channels. Back in November of 2016 it got me thinking that working hard and providing for others what I could I been providing for my self was barely making meats end and it was not paying off. So I sit down and though what I wanted to accomplish.