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Changes Made by Trump to NASA:

Acceleration of Moon Landing Timeline: The Trump administration accelerated NASA’s timeline for returning astronauts to the Moon from the original target of 2028 to 2024. This shift in focus aimed to prioritize lunar exploration as a stepping stone for future Mars missions.

Space Policy Directive 1: On December 11, 2017, President Trump signed Space Policy Directive 1, which directed NASA to refocus its human exploration program on sending astronauts back to the Moon with the goal of establishing a sustained presence and eventually launching crewed missions to Mars in the 2030s.

Emphasis on Commercialization: Under Trump’s leadership, there was a significant emphasis on commercial partnerships and commercialization of low Earth orbit. This included initiatives like the Commercial Resupply Services (CRS) program and the Commercial Crew Program (CCP) aimed at leveraging private sector capabilities for space missions.

Support for Artemis Program: The Artemis program, initiated during the Trump administration, aimed to return humans to the Moon and establish a sustainable presence there. This program involved collaboration with international partners and private industry to achieve its goals.

Focus on Deep Space Exploration: Trump’s administration placed a strong focus on deep space exploration, including plans for crewed missions beyond Earth orbit. This included developing architectures like the Orion spacecraft for deep space missions.

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Changes Made by Trump to NASA:

Acceleration of Moon Landing Timeline: The Trump administration accelerated NASA’s timeline for returning astronauts to the Moon from the original target of 2028 to 2024. This shift in focus aimed to prioritize lunar exploration as a stepping stone for future Mars missions.

Space Policy Directive 1: On December 11, 2017, President Trump signed Space Policy Directive 1, which directed NASA to refocus its human exploration program on sending astronauts back to the Moon with the goal of establishing a sustained presence and eventually launching crewed missions to Mars in the 2030s.

Emphasis on Commercialization: Under Trump’s leadership, there was a significant emphasis on commercial partnerships and commercialization of low Earth orbit. This included initiatives like the Commercial Resupply Services (CRS) program and the Commercial Crew Program (CCP) aimed at leveraging private sector capabilities for space missions.

Support for Artemis Program: The Artemis program, initiated during the Trump administration, aimed to return humans to the Moon and establish a sustainable presence there. This program involved collaboration with international partners and private industry to achieve its goals.

Focus on Deep Space Exploration: Trump’s administration placed a strong focus on deep space exploration, including plans for crewed missions beyond Earth orbit. This included developing architectures like the Orion spacecraft for deep space missions.

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Yes, it is true that no human has ever left Earth’s atmosphere.

In the context provided, it is mentioned that the Earth’s atmosphere extends beyond the surface and into the geocorona, which is the outermost atmospheric layer. The geocorona extends up to 391,000 miles from the Earth’s surface, which is about twice the distance to the moon. This region contains sparse hydrogen molecules and is essentially a vacuum. Even though astronauts have traveled to the moon and orbited within the geocorona, they have not left Earth’s atmosphere.

The geocorona poses challenges and redefines the boundaries of space as traditionally understood. It was observed that even at 50 miles above the Earth’s surface (the Kármán line recognized as the boundary of space by Fédération Aéronautique Internationale), astronauts were still within the geocorona. This layer of hydrogen around Earth interacts with solar wind particles and emits ultraviolet light, making it visible to high-powered telescopes.

The study of the geocorona has implications for space weather and its impact on technologies such as cellphones, GPS systems, and electric infrastructure on Earth. Understanding this region is also crucial in the search for extraterrestrial life as it affects habitable planets within our galaxy.

Therefore, based on current scientific understanding and observations, no human has left Earth’s atmosphere.

Importance of the First Image of the Moon’s Dark Side

The first image of the Moon’s dark side, captured by the Soviet Luna 3 spacecraft on October 7, 1959, holds significant importance in the history of space exploration and scientific understanding. This image marked a groundbreaking moment as it provided humanity with its initial glimpse of a part of the Moon that had never been seen before. Despite being fuzzy and indistinct, this image revolutionized our perception of Earth’s natural satellite and paved the way for further lunar exploration.

Unveiling the Unknown The ‘dark side’ of the Moon, more accurately referred to as the far side, was previously shrouded in mystery due to tidal locking, which causes one hemisphere to always face away from Earth. The term ‘dark side’ is a misnomer since sunlight equally illuminates all parts of the Moon; however, this hemisphere remains unseen from Earth. Luna 3’s image shattered this veil of secrecy and introduced humanity to a hidden realm in our cosmic neighborhood.

Tidal Locking and Libration The phenomenon of tidal locking, where gravitational forces between Earth and the Moon synchronize their rotations, ensures that only one side faces Earth consistently. Additionally, libration introduces slight oscillations that allow around 59% of the Moon’s surface to become visible over time. These celestial mechanics highlight the complexity behind lunar movements and viewing angles.

Impact on Lunar Exploration The revelation of the far side spurred further lunar missions and discoveries. Subsequent missions like Zond 3 in 1965 and Apollo 8 in 1968 provided more detailed insights into this enigmatic region. The Chang’e 4 mission in early 2019 achieved a historic soft landing on the far side, collecting valuable samples for studying lunar composition and history. This milestone underscores how Luna 3’s initial image catalyzed a new era of lunar exploration.

In conclusion, the first image of the Moon’s dark side captured by..

Discovery of Water on the Moon after Apollo 14 (1971):

The discovery of water on the Moon after Apollo 14 in 1971 was a significant finding that challenged previous assumptions about the lunar surface. Prior to this discovery, it was widely believed that the Moon was a dry and desolate place with no significant presence of water. However, in recent years, advancements in technology and research have revealed that water does exist on the Moon, albeit in limited quantities and unique forms.

Significance of Water Detection:

The detection of water on the Moon has profound implications for future space exploration and colonization efforts. Water is a critical resource for sustaining human life, providing hydration, supporting agriculture, generating oxygen, and serving as a potential fuel source. The presence of water on the Moon could significantly reduce the cost and complexity of long-duration missions by enabling astronauts to utilize local resources rather than relying solely on Earth-based supplies.

Methods of Water Detection:

Various methods have been employed to detect water on the Moon, including remote sensing techniques, spectroscopic analysis, and direct measurements from lunar samples. One of the most notable discoveries was made using data from NASA’s Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) instrument aboard India’s Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft. The M3 instrument detected signatures of water molecules on the lunar surface, particularly near the poles where permanently shadowed regions exist.

Sources of Lunar Water:

There are several potential sources of water on the Moon, including cometary impacts, solar wind interactions, and volcanic outgassing. Comets colliding with the lunar surface can deliver water ice that gets trapped in cold traps at the poles. Solar wind can also interact with lunar minerals to create hydroxyl (OH) and molecular water (H2O). Additionally, volcanic activity in the past may have released water vapor that condensed and accumulated in certa..

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Part 1 in a series about inevitable conflicts with lunar colonists. In this episode we examine why colonists might be there in the first place and what they have to offer a solar economy. Future episodes focus on tactics the Moon may use to fight for its independence. Enjoy!

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The regolith on the Moon covers almost the entire lunar surface, with only bedrock protruding on very steep-sided crater walls and occasional lava channels. This layer of regolith has formed over billions of years from various sources like the impact of meteoroids, micrometeoroid bombardment, and solar and galactic charged particles breaking down surface rocks. The regolith is generally several meters thick in different regions of the Moon, with a denser layer of fractured bedrock beneath it known as the “megaregolith.”

The term “lunar soil” is often used interchangeably with “lunar regolith,” referring to the finer fraction of regolith composed of smaller grains. The regolith consists of debris blasted out of lunar craters by meteor impacts that created them. The presence of regolith obscures the true nature of the Moon’s underlying surface, making it challenging to directly observe or access the bedrock without specialized equipment or missions.

In summary, while the regolith covers and conceals much of the Moon’s actual surface, underneath this layer lies the bedrock and geological features that constitute the Moon’s true terrain.

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Reason for NASA’s Difficulty in Returning to the Moon Despite Increased Budget:

NASA’s inability to return to the Moon despite spending more than during the Apollo Program can be attributed to several factors. These include:

Shift in Priorities: After the Apollo missions, NASA’s focus shifted towards other projects such as the Space Shuttle program, International Space Station (ISS), and Mars exploration. This diversion of resources and attention away from lunar missions hindered progress in developing the necessary technology and infrastructure for returning to the Moon.
Technological Challenges: The technology used during the Apollo missions was outdated, and significant advancements have been made since then in various fields such as materials science, propulsion systems, and robotics. Developing new technologies that can overcome the challenges of lunar exploration, such as creating a sustainable lunar base or landing on different parts of the Moon with varying terrains, requires substantial time and resources.
Political Factors: Lunar exploration has faced political challenges due to shifting priorities within NASA and changes in government funding policies. For instance, during periods of budget cuts, lunar missions were often among the first to be postponed or canceled due to their perceived lower priority compared to other projects like Mars exploration or ISS maintenance.
International Collaboration: In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards international collaboration in space exploration, with countries like China, India, and Europe investing heavily in their own lunar programs. This competition for resources and expertise can make it more difficult for NASA t..

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The Moon is inside Earth’s atmosphere, specifically within the geocorona, a tenuous cloud of hydrogen atoms that extends up to 390,000 miles (630,000 kilometers) into space. This discovery was made based on observations from the ESA/NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), showing that Earth’s atmosphere reaches almost twice the distance to the Moon. The geocorona around Earth is denser on the day side due to solar radiation, with 70 hydrogen atoms per cubic centimeter at an altitude of 37,000 miles (60,000 km) and only about 0.2 atoms per cubic centimeter at the Moon’s distance. Despite this extension of Earth’s atmosphere, the particles in the geocorona do not pose a significant threat to space travelers on future missions orbiting the Moon.

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50% of all channel support (after fees & tax) will go to a private Moon mission

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Introduction: Funding a robotic private Moon mission to process regolith for manufacturing through a YouTube channel involves a unique and innovative approach to financing space exploration. Leveraging the popularity and reach of YouTube channels can potentially attract sponsors, advertisers, and viewers interested in supporting such a groundbreaking endeavor.

Step 1: Establishing the YouTube Channel: The first step in funding a robotic private Moon mission through a YouTube channel is to create and establish a dedicated channel focused on space exploration, robotics, and innovative technologies. The channel should aim to build a strong following of subscribers interested in cutting-edge scientific advancements and space missions.

Step 2: Content Creation and Engagement: To attract sponsors and advertisers, the YouTube channel needs to consistently produce high-quality content related to the proposed Moon mission. This content could include educational videos on lunar regolith processing, updates on mission progress, interviews with experts in the field, and behind-the-scenes footage of the project.

Step 3: Sponsorship and Advertising Opportunities: Once the YouTube channel has gained a significant following, it can start reaching out to potential sponsors and advertisers interested in supporting the Moon mission. Companies involved in aerospace, robotics, manufacturing, or technology sectors may be particularly interested in sponsoring such an ambitious project.

Step 4: Crowdfunding Campaigns: In addition to sponsorships and advertising revenue, the YouTube channel can also launch crowdfunding campaigns to engage directly with its audience. Crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter or Indiegogo can ..

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50% of all channel support (after fees & tax) will go to a private Moon mission

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50% of all channel support (after fees & tax) will go to a private Moon mission

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This channel is dedicated to a private Moon effort that will FINALLY begin the human adventure as a multi-planet species. If you're interested in helping a private effort spear-headed by like-minded YouTube channels or have a similar channel please feel free to contact me.

NASA has been stuck in orbit for over 50 years and its return to the Moon is falling apart before our very eyes. In this video I'm going to explain why the Moon is the ONLY sensible step to take, why NASA's been failing since Apollo, and how to do it RIGHT!

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Please Support The Channel
50% of all channel support (after fees & tax) will go to a private Moon mission

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1971 NYTimes Article: https://www.nytimes.com/1971/10/16/archives/water-vapor-reported-found-on-moon-water-vapor-reported-found-on.html

Here's a bit of lost Moon lore that might blow your mind.Apollo 14, the 3rd manned Moon landing, seems to have discovered water...in 1971 In an archived issue of the New York Times, Dr Freeman, a principle investigator for Apollo's science team had the following to say:"This indicates there is possibly liquid water in the subsurface of the Moon"“In my opinion this represents a potential benefit.....if the day comes when the Congress and NASA see fit to establish a permanent lunar base”Dr Freeman was referring to a water vapor detection event 29 days AFTER Apollo 14's crew had left for Earth that lasted 14 hours and coincided with a series of small moonquakes.

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50% of all channel support (after fees & tax) will go to a private Moon mission

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What's the most expensive "THING" humans have ever made?

At roughly $184 BILLION dollars and counting, the international space station is BY FAR the most expensive object humanity has ever constructed, and nothing else is remotely close.

The most expensive house?
Buckingham Palace at $1.3 billion

The priciest aircraft?
A Stealth bomber will run you a cool $2.4 billion

Heck, even all the stone used to construct the Great Pyramids
would only cost $1.7 billion
(labor not included of course)

But what's really shocking is NASA owns the number 2 spot as well with the Hubble Space Telescope clocking in at an astounding $25 Billion and counting.

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50% of all channel support (after fees & tax) will go to a private Moon mission

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1971 NYTimes Article: https://www.nytimes.com/1971/10/16/archives/water-vapor-reported-found-on-moon-water-vapor-reported-found-on.html

Here's a bit of lost Moon lore that might blow your mind.Apollo 14, the 3rd manned Moon landing, seems to have discovered water...in 1971 In an archived issue of the New York Times, Dr Freeman, a principle investigator for Apollo's science team had the following to say:"This indicates there is possibly liquid water in the subsurface of the Moon"“In my opinion this represents a potential benefit.....if the day comes when the Congress and NASA see fit to establish a permanent lunar base”Dr Freeman was referring to a water vapor detection event 29 days AFTER Apollo 14's crew had left for Earth that lasted 14 hours and coincided with a series of small moonquakes.

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50% of all channel support (after fees & tax) will go to a private Moon mission

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THIS is the anchor from Christopher Columbus.It was discovered 57 hundred kms from Spain, in the Caribbean.But what if instead of making the journey a 2nd 3rd and 4th time, Columbus instead dropped anchor a mere 55 kms off the coast of SPain, less than 1% of the way there. WHat if he decided that they'd stay there for the next 50+ years studying the effects of the sea on men. And what if instead of acquiring fresh supplies in the New World his ships were instead resupplied constantly by other ships from Spain. Sounds pretty stupid doesn't it? Well, that's exactly what NASA's been doing in low earth orbit since the Apollo days and despite what you might have heard, the future missions are a similar waste...


Created 1 year, 2 months ago.

137 videos

Category Science & Technology

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