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Pause when needed as each photo is roughly 10 seconds on screen. Also informative memes on the topic start at 16:10, just in case you like some colorful pictures in addition to boring old texts. :p
Brief summary of book:
Once you get through usual islamic drivel (religion of peace etc.) Hazrat shares few interesting tidbits.
Quote from Chapter IV "EVIDENCE FROM BOOKS ON HISTORY" Section 2 titled "Evidence from Books on Buddhism" on page 91-92.
"The books of Pitakkayatan and Atha Katha contain a clear prophecy about the appearance of another Buddha, which shall take place 1000 years after the time of
Gautama or "Sakhiya Muni".
Gautama states that he is the 25th Buddha and that the "Bagawa Metteya" is still to appear, i.e., after he is gone there would come he whose name would be Metteya,
who would be fair-skinned. The English author goes on to say that the word Metteyya has a striking resemblance to Messiah.
In short, Gautama Buddha clearly states in this prophecy that there would arise a Messiah in his country, among his people and his followers. The Buddha in his
prophecy named him "Bagwa Metteyya" because "Bagwa" in Sanskrit means "white", and Jesus being an inhabitant of Syrian territory, was fair of skin. End quote.
Muslim should have no ulterior motive in admitting whiteness of Adamite race, so this might be strong evidence from somewhat impartial source. Although bear in mind, Hazrat himself had delusions of Messianism of his own person, which he admits in few sections of the book when he describes himself as a victim of nasty attacks. Must be the jew genes talking.

Source Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@ashalogos9221/videos Recommended also for diving into history of Aryan people and noticing the jew. Be advised that this video has some disturbing images like excerpts from some brainwashed kids pride parade, and Zelensky dancing. It is a good summary of our (white people's) current situation but let it be a fuel for you to reach out to our Heavenly Father for help, and connecting with any brothers and sisters in your vicinity. Just like Apostles, go and find Lost Sheep of Israel and help them to hear His voice. The rest is on their shoulders.

Pretty good estimation on "when" exactly are we. Makes sense that so many normies are accepting the ever degenerating state of things and only remnant does not consent to the Synagogue of Satan/Edomites/Canaanites/Philistines/Jews LARPing as Israelites.
Stay strong my brothers and sisters and keep behaving as you would to make Father proud to call you His children.

Source channel: https://www.youtube.com/@ZoomerHistorian
My history lessons never bothered to teach just what kind of books were burned. Turns out it was pretty degenerate collection. Including but not limited to (((scientific))) evidence for sex change.

So someone has made a religion out of WE WUZ KANGZ? I must say, I had a pretty good laugh when I stumbled upon this one. Hope you guys will too. So lighten up, until you become as white as seething eugenicist YAKUB envisioned. :]

Or another clue for secret relationship between blacks and jews.
Someone reminded me that it's supposedly black history month and so I find it hilariously apt my hiatus stops at this particular moment with these next 2 uploads. Enjoy!

Real life stuff (like procrastination) can get in the way, ain't it? I'm gonna get my lazy behind, behind that editing software to make some eventually, but before that, let me share this with you all.
Some time ago I had interesting conversation in comments on bitchute where I suggested that "Cloud" as in cloud saving, cloud storage technology required chemtrails to function. Because those artificial clouds serve as the medium/airborne cable for the EM signal and digital data to go through. Turns out I might've been quite close with my guesstimation. The glass of Firmament in the sky is used as basically giant disk, a CD/DVD that can be read via laser. Good old video game console like Playstation, but on on bigger scale.

Before we get to King Solomon and his supposed negroid progeny on next upload, here's something else to keep you entertained. Steven Christopher offers some insight into book of Job. In some of claims presented there is a bit of a stretch, but it's an interesting analysis nonetheless. Wish Steve would get off his high horse and his drugs that made him high altogether about him being Christ reincarnated though.

David James recently had very interesting teaching about Noah's grandchildren and who they procreated with.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/cRx0bKXrcgOd/ Figured I might dust off some of my own archived tidbits about Noah's Ark. Topic today is logistics.

I only recently found this teacher and decided to share a bit of his findings.
And to show you biggest archives I could find: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/pearlsofwisdom/
https://www.bitchute.com/channel/sonsofyhvh/ Highly recommended for reviewing yourself.
I don't like those edomite stars in the background though. Really reminds me of European Union.

Last part of concave refreshments for now.

Another week, another batch to refresh.

Something a bit more quick (but no less important mind you) before moving on to heftier upload.

Here's a hefty one! Grab some snacks, beverage of choice and enjoy!

Enough with the damn cookies for all those tourists in my town! Time to end this hiatus, leave everyday business behind and actually post something stimulating. This time for a quick recap we will get some very valid questions about current cosmological paradigm. Enjoy the game of healthy skepticism! I especially like the number 38.

Ron Wyatt might be on to something with this particular find. However I find it unlikely that he found the Ark of Covenant and Noah's Ark. He might've found "nephilim" ark instead. One made by evil hybrids which would be one way to explain presence of monsters like Goliath and his brothers after the worldwide flood. Assuming it was worldwide, which I'm leaning towards.

A little insight into culture of Israel (not jewish, even though they pretend to be Israel) in which Yahshua/Jesus was living. Though I wonder, is He coming soon, or did He came already and we are in "short time" when the Adversary is in charge with his ugly children (pretending to be Israel). No matter when, what matters is how we live and do we love Him by obeying His Word?

Mirrored from 88 LXXXVIII Finis Temporis for this particular video does not play properly anymore on Bitchute. Please check out his channel in full too. https://www.youtube.com/@LXXXVIIIfinistemporis/videos

Another in-depth study of Pauline doctrine being contrary to teachings of Jesus who postulated perfect obedience to the Heavenly Father.

A little addition to previous more "technical" upload. Enjoy!

Since that topic popped up a few times during my discussions in the comment sections, I figured that I should share tips that I was told by other friendly users. Colors may differ since I tend to use night mode so as to not strain my eyes too much.

Interesting tidbit I found that gives a wee bit more evidence for claims of extraordinary technology being used in times where, according to official narrative, it could not have taken place. Because as we know we are the smartest and most knowledgeable generation of people that ever lived, and nothing was left out of school system that we should not know about..

Source channel, very much worth looking into: https://www.youtube.com/@tOPjon1/featured
and original website (grab those resources I say!) https://obryprojekt.info/resources
Sorry for slight delay on my part, was feeling a bit under the weather lately. OBRY Projekt seems like a person of integrity and genuine curiosity in reviewing and researching scripture. With a dash of health skepticism. I dislike the fact his channels logo incorporates cross of baal in the letter "T" of "Projekt" Other than that, there is plethora of useful pondering to see here.

Source channel highly recommended: https://www.youtube.com/@conspiracyrus/videos
One of the more intriguing episodes that I felt was worth sharing. Especially given how the clown became prevalent in popculture and cartoons aimed at children. Also this video connects the dots of "elongated skulls" with old pagan gods or chieftains from various civilizations. Finally, modern memes sprawling over the internet just a few years ago. Pepe the frog together with phrase "kek" - Kek was ancient Egyptian frog deity, plus exposing (((Deep State))), (((Shadow Government))) beating around the jewish bush just to call it all the "Clown World". Masonic organization "Royal Order of Jesters", "spontaneous clown attacks" all over USA few years ago, coupled with release of movie "Joker".

What I like about this adaptation is how realistically it portrays reactions of lukewarm or completely indifferent family and friends when one decides to follow the Narrow Way to Father's Kingdom. Ironically there is number of doctrinal influences to make this movie palatable to mainstream (lukewarm) audience of today. Consider this upload yet another exercise in differentiating teachings of Jesus from Paul's insidious venom of a lawless gospel.


Created 6 years, 3 months ago.

297 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

As channel name suggests, that is exactly what I'm doing here. After years of living as atheistic hedonistic hermit, caring only about indulging myself into some new and exciting stimuli (mostly as connoisseur of vidya gaemz) I started connecting some dots.
Ironically those video games and other forms of entertainment proved quite useful in my waking up. In two ways.
One was being able to live through hypothetical dystopian scenarios in a comfy environment (simple example: not taking "free upgrade" chip in Deus Ex: Human Revolution).
Second was closely observing various forms of corruption in gaming industry. Everyday exploitation of gullible whales via loot boxes, Gamer-gate exposing dirty deals behind the scenes to name a few.

That made it easier to call out and name the jew. Shout outs to deplorables and mossad provocateurs back at /pol. Your shitposting was not in vain. And big thanks to all the Moonman artists. Many laughs were had with those tunes. During the above phase however, while researching Albert Pike (tied to KKK, which I researched in detail because of hilarious Moonman songs) and his occultist ties and whatnot, I also stumbled upon the "Hidden Hand Interview". I think that was the tipping point.

After giving that thorough read nothing was quite the same for me anymore. Thing is at the time of reading I knew only surface level tidbits about New Age nonsense. That they are into some crystals and meditation etc. Initially I liked the presented worldview where everyone has basically as many extra lives as they want or need to ascend and become master of their own fate. However, I did catch one thing that put me on guard. Hidden Hand referred to "Our Infinite Creator" as "She", as a female. And that's when it hit me.

I already heard this story somewhere.... That snake oil merchant masonic motherfucker was trying to sell me gnostic Sophia! And to keep long story short, that whore just happens to be Lucifer/Gadrael. With this ultimate paradigm shift, I chose to expand my knowledge about spiritual/esoteric/occult stuff. As it turns out, I already had a whole lot of that from being exposed to various forms of (what is being sold to us as just harmless) entertainment.
So yeah, I'm here now to share what I got figured out so far and hopefully help others to properly discern facts from satanic/kaballistic/masonic propaganda. We only get one chance to get it right.