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amarillo del bosque verde


A side story from Fallout New Vegas.

Only means hidden and that story was hidden in plain sight here.
That story, the story has been retold time and again.

Happy Pokemon Day well Pokemon early morning.
Not a meeting of the minds between a Psyduck and a Slowbro. This is when an anime evolves into a Manhwa.
I do not own nor do I profit off of any of this material. Its not the point here its just a hobby now go buy Pokemon merch !

A side story taken from Bioshock 2 that could have been made into a whole spin off game or steaming series.
In a story filled with brilliant scientists/engineers, mutants, mobsters an ordinary man makes his stand and is elevated to an unlikely hero.

Did you just mind rape Ash and his friends...
Well at least it wasnt like when Ash got killed and toyed with by a ghost type.
NOT MINE ! BUY poke merch

Not mine put then again its been about 20 years now...
No its not the song by The Rolling Stones.

HA they were having fun back in the day.
Puttin on The Ritz

Wanted Pokemon Bandits Butch and Cassidy of Team Rocket.
- Yellow


Yeah going thru stuff I have no control over and Im geting older its bad. So why not make a video ?
There I go comparing myself to others, its wrong. Its something that society has ingrained into us.



My ghost pokemon are hungry.

game rec
This is a game even people who dont like gaming could enjoy.

This story has been told time and again.
by Jiun Yun

The Pearl by John Steinbeck

Jedi Academy trilogy by Kevin J Anderson
The Star Wars francise has an established canon that has been changed and screwed with so much that your own fan fiction or theories are just as valid as anything else. The only thing that can defeat a Jedi/Sith in 1V1 is that ! It makes perfect sense.

pokemon trainer Dawn
- Amarillo
original creator YT channel wolt
original title oh no, you beat me in a Pokemon battle!

by Jenny Nimmo
This is young adult fantsy magic book series if you are interested in the genre you can check out the series.

By Scott O'Dell
This book is inspired by the real life story of Juana Maria a native Nicoleno who lived left alone on an island off the California coast for 18 years before being discovered.

By Nancy Farmer

by Ryan Gosling
movie rec
This movie would make a good book too already feels like one.

by Dale Carnegie
This is a self help book that can help ya out. A lot of modern self help books only help the author make money. This book has been around for over 80 years and even today people in authority use its principles.

By Mark Millar


Created 3 years, 7 months ago.

42 videos

Category Vlogging

amarillo yellow vlogging and books