BuelahMan's Revolt

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BuelahMan's Revolt



Premiered Oct 24, 2019 on Youtube
“Remember the Liberty” by David Neal with text adapted from a poem by David Martin.
"Remember the Liberty" by David Neal and David Martin is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
(mirrored from the USS Liberty Veterans Association channel)

DC Dave's original poen found here: https://www.dcdave.com/poet15/110724.htm

Video parody mashup of Blinken/Z cringe video

Parody to the tune of Jimmy Buffett's "Margaritaville"

Takin' in Fox News,
Seein' the lit fuse,
They think it's best that their viewers not know:
There's a big genocide
They know that they must hide.
Feel the ground.
There's gonna be a big blow.

Wasting away some more in Western Hebrewland,
Waiting for the Old Order to die.
People can tell
Things are going to hell,
But you know they can't figure out why.

Played for a sucker,
Can't even watch Tucker,
While the girls in my fam'ly are watchin' "The View."
Each day I feel sicker,
Needin' more liquor,
Can't trust the TV, don't know what I can do.

Wasting away some more in Western Hebrewland,
Waiting for the Old Order to die.
People can tell
Things are going to hell,
But you know they can't figure out why.

Elsewhere it's a big mess,
All sufferin' from TDS,
Buildin' Trump up by tearin' him down.
Tired of their lawfare,
Can see they don't fight fair,
Yet nowhere to turn when the vote comes around.

Wasting away some more in Western Hebrewland,
Waiting for the Old Order to die.
People can tell
Things are going to hell,
But you know they can't figure out why.

Yeah, people can tell
Things are going to hell,
But you know they can't figure out why.

written by DC Dave
singing/video by BuelahMan
See lyrics and links here: https://dcdave.heresy.is/2024/05/05/western-hebrewland/

(parody of Elvis Presley's "Don't")

Don't, don't, that's what you say
Each time that they offer you pay
When I feel like this and I want you to stop the gravy
Don't say don't
Don't, don't be a “Dual State”
Remember the US is your place
They want more control and I want you to end their terror
Don't say don't
If you think that this is just a game
They’re playing
If you think that they don't mean
Every word they’re saying
Don't, don't,
Don't heed their sway
You’re soul still can be saved that Day.
This you can believe
I will never trust you
Heaven knows I won't
Puppets, don't say don't

written, performed and video by BuelahMan

The psychopathy of the fake jews on display. We must stop them from killing everyone. Gaza is a great first step.

Inspired from Russ Winter's article post:

Parody to the tune of Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in the Wall"

Why do we bow down to Israel?
Why do we send them tons of dough?
Why do we call those leeches "allies"
As we support their horror show?

Hey! Why can't we put this country first?

Take a look. There's just another prick at the Wall.
Have a look. It's just another prick at the Wall.

Why do we bow down to Israel?
Why do we send them tons of dough?
Why do we call those leeches "allies"
As we support their horror show?

Hey! Why can't we put this country first?

Take a look. There's just another prick at the Wall.
Have a look. It's just another prick at the Wall.


"Wrong. You work for us.
If you don't duly grovel, you won't be re-elected.
You can't be a big shot if you don't stand with us.
You. Yes, you still with a conscience. Shape up, sucker.

In tribute to Roger Waters.

Parody by DC Dave
Video by BuelahMan
Singing by Pink Buelah and the BuelahBaby Chorus

If You Are Going To San Francisco

Parody to the tune of Scott McKenzie’s “San Francisco”

If you’re going to San Francisco,
Be sure to wear a clothespin on your nose.
Don’t be going to San Francisco.
A big open-air toilet that smells not like a rose.

Those who come to San Francisco
Have to consult a very detailed map
For where it’s safe in San Francisco
To stay away from the many piles of crap.

All across the nation
So much mad agitation.
So much commotion.

We’re watching degeneration
Called re-imagination.
Just so much commotion;
So much commotion.

If you come to San Francisco,
Be sure to wear a clothespin on your nose.
If you come to San Francisco,
That pin’s for more than clothes.

If you come to San Francisco,
Be sure to study that map.

written by DC Dave
video and Singing??? by BuelahMan


Parody of The Beatles' "Yesterday"

How could anyone be on their side?
A slaughter they don't try to hide.
Do you believe in genocide?

They want to rid themselves of Arabs permanently.
From assaulters of The Liberty,
It's what you should expect to see.

It's all in their plan.
See it laid out; you decide.
Like the Nakba years ago,
It requires more genocide.

It's the horse upon which they all ride.
It's delivered every time they've tried.
Oh, they believe in genocide.

It's all in their plan.
See it laid out; you decide.
Like the Nakba years ago,
It requires more genocide.

How could anyone be on their side?
A slaughter they don't try to hide,
Do you believe in genocide?

written by DC Dave
Singing/video by BuelahMan
Best source for coverage (and most screenshots are from) is If Americans Knew

Video based from DC Dave's poem, "Just Fun"
Song rendition composed and performed by The Danny Martin Band
Video by BuelahMan

Just Fun
Diddle brother's widow,
Fool around with my gun.
Just fun.

Enjoying that gift car.
How fast will it run?
Just fun.

Overpaying cheap women.
No indulgence undone.
Just fun.

Thumbing my nose at authority,
Not to mention propriety.
Clintons and Bidens have their own rules,
Playing the rest of you for fools.

Easy come, easy go,
Gotta pay for my blow.
Just fun.

Fast and loose with the truth.
Like father, like son.
Just fun.

Flying on Daddy's plane,
Making money rain.
Just fun.

Thumbing my nose at authority,
Not to mention propriety.
Clintons and Bidens have their own rules,
Playing the rest of you for fools.

Serving on that board,
Adding to our hoard.
All fun!

A prosecutor knew,Diddle brother's widow,
Fool around with my gun.
Just fun.

Enjoying that gift car.
How fast will it run?
Just fun.

Overpaying cheap women.
No indulgence undone.
Just fun.

Thumbing my nose at authority,
Not to mention propriety.
Clintons and Bidens have their own rules,
Playing the rest of you for fools.

Easy come, easy go,
Gotta pay for my blow.
Just fun.

Fast and loose with the truth.
Like father, like son.
Just fun.

Flying on Daddy's plane,
Making money rain.
Just fun.

Thumbing my nose at authority,
Not to mention propriety.
Clintons and Bidens have their own rules,
Playing the rest of you for fools.

Serving on that board,
Adding to our hoard.
All fun!

A prosecutor knew,
But my dad came through.
Such fun!
But my dad came through.
Such fun!


Video disproving jewish anti-propaganda denying their role in Bolshevism and the murders of 100's of millions of white people.

Featuring a parody of ZZ Top's "Cheap Sunglasses" called "Don't Kiss jew Asses"

You see him in morning with a beanie on his head
His real name is Shlomo but he just changed it to Fred
He got all his shekles from exploiting gentile masses
Wise up goys, don’t kiss Jew asses!!!

Oh Vey! Oy Vey! Oy Vey!

I spied a crafty rabbi and I followed him all night
Another Fine or Levi who was trying to look white
I kicked his crypto butt, like the children he harasses
Wise up Goys, don’t kiss Jew asses!!!

Oh Vey! Oy Vey! Oy Vey!

Yesterday a synagogue went up in flames
I think I know who did it but I can't spell Jewish names
Not one of these bastards died from any Auschwitz gasses
Wise up goys, don’t kiss Jew asses!!!

Oh Vey! Oy Vey! Oy Vey!

written, video, and vocals by BuelahMan

Parody to the tune of The Beatles' “Revolution”

They say they want more immigration.
Who? The Jews.
They all wanna change the world.
They say that it’s for stimulation.
Yes. The Jews.
They all wanna change the world.

So it might cause social destruction.
Well, on that score you can’t count them out.

Who thinks that it’s gonna be all right?
All right?
All right?

And they don’t want assimilation.
Well, you know
It’s pretty clear they have a plan
From which there’ll be no deviation.
Well, you know,
And they’re doin’ all they can.

They prefer to see host countries in a divided state,
So control by them will have to be our fate.
You’re a fool to think that that will be all right.
All right.
All right.

They say it’s not for our replacement.
Oh, no.
It’s only a matter of who’s on top.
They just want us in the basement,
And you know
That they will push ‘til they’re made to stop.
It’s all so obvious that you want to shout.
That’s what open borders are all about.
You’re a fool to think that that’s all right,
All right.
All right.
All right.

parody written by DC Dave
vocals/video by BuelahMan

Parody to the tune of Nat King Cole's “Fascination”

They call it “vaccination,”
I know
This very new untried,
Ineffectual shot.

Now please don’t be a jerk.
Don’t you want to work?
Let them experiment
Or you’re left empty-handed.

It’s just a “vaccination,”
They say,
Albeit the most dangerous
One of our time.

Just take their little jab
And that moment
They have you.
Do it and your fate is sealed.

It’s just a “vaccination,”
They say,
Albeit the most dangerous
One of our time.

Just take their little jab
And that moment
They have you.
Do it and your fate is sealed.

written by DC Dave video/vocals by BuelahMan

Parody to the tune of “Ruby Tuesday”

Joe would have no clue where it came from.
We’ll miss the petrodollar when it’s gone.
Biden’s not so bright.
So, when he chose this fight,
He never guessed
What they would do.

Hello, Ruble Thursday.
No one knows now what we’ll do.
One thing’s for sure. This is a new day.
I think we’re in the stew.

At least now there’s a way to shift the blame.
As our hopes and dreams go up in flames.
It’s not that we’ve been had;
It’s just that Putin’s bad.
What we have lost
Is not Joe’s fault.

Hello, Ruble Thursday.
No one knows now what we’ll do.
One thing’s for sure. This is a new day.
I think we’re in the stew.

As with the Brits, our empire had its run.
Like Joe we loved our moment in the sun.
Sliding all the time,
How can we rule
When they won’t take our dime?
Ain’t it a shame?

Hello, Ruble Thursday.
No one knows now what we’ll do.
One thing’s for sure. This is a new day.
I think we’re in the stew.

Hello, Ruble Thursday.
No one knows now what we’ll do.
One thing’s for sure. This is a new day.
I think we’re in the stew.

written by DC Dave
vocals/video by BuelahMan


To the tune of “Blame It on the Bossa Nova”

When I was young, a guy was just a guy,
Little more than that which meets the eye.
Then they planted notions in our kids’ heads
That a Freda could choose to be a Fred.

Blame it on the ones who rule us, with their wrecking plans.
Blame it on the ones who rule us. It’s not happenstance.
First, we learn to hate our history,
Then they estrange us from our family.
Blame it on the ones who rule us,
The destructive ones.

(Now is it the schools?)
No, no, the ones who rule us.
(Or the Democrats?)
No, no, the ones who rule us.
(Could we be such fools?)
Yeah, yeah, just see who rules us,
(The destructive ones.)

They’re afraid we might use our eyes to see
While communication is still free.
Then the correct conclusions we might reach,
So they must condemn it as ”hate speech.”

Blame it on the ones who rule us, with their wrecking plans.
Blame it on the ones who rule us. It’s not happenstance.
First, we learn to hate our history,
Then they estrange us from our family.
Blame it on the ones who rule us,
The destructive ones.

(Now is it the schools?)
No, no, the ones who rule us.
(Or the Democrats?)
No, no, the ones who rule us.
(Could we be such fools?)
Yeah, yeah, just see who rules us,
(The destructive ones.)

(Now is it the schools?)
No, no, the ones who rule us.
(Or the Democrats?)
No, no, the ones who rule us.

parody by DC David Martin

vocals by B'Man and the Buelettes
video by BuelahMan

Parody to the tune of “Nowhere Man”

Where is Netanyahu’s son?
Far from any Arab gun,
Soaking up the soothing sun near Miami.

Far he heard the bugle blow,
Calling where he would not go.
He’s a long, long way from Dad’s insanity.

Bibi’s boy, no sucker,
But we can’t say, “No slacker.”
Just doing what situational ethics demand.

We all know he’ll see this through,
Doing what he has to do.
Bibi’s boy, can you see that this looks bad?

Bibi’s boy, don’t worry.
Love that sun, don’t hurry.
Rest content that others will take things in hand.

Far he heard the bugle blow,
Calling where he would not go.
He’s a long, long way from Dad’s insanity.

Bibi’s boy, no sucker,
But we can’t say, “No slacker.”
Just doing what situational ethics demand.

Where is Netanyahu’s son?
Far from any Arab gun,
Soaking up the soothing sun near Miami.

Enjoying all the privileges of Florida.
Enjoying all the privileges of Florida.

Parody by DC Dave
vocals?/video by BuelahMan

Hypocritical politicians and climate change gurus are so scared of water rising due to climate change that they purchase luxury homes on the seaside.

I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural, and I think we are going to be part of that transformation which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies the once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Europe will not survive.

From 2013, the original video at YT was recently "Age-Restricted" after 10 years. Adding to Bitchute.

Washington, DC

Policeman of the World,
War Maker, Stacker of Bodies,
Player with Drones and the Nation's Fear Monger
Pompous, yet Skittish, Officious and Unwelcoming,
City of the Cold Shoulder.

They tell me you are wicked and I believe them, for I
have seen how you allow real leaders to be killed,
papering over the crimes with fabrications.
And they tell me you are crooked and I answer: Yes, it
is true. I have seen destructive financial flimflams go
unpunished and rewarded with bailouts, instead.
And they tell me you are brutal and my reply is: Your
lawyers and lawmakers have told us that torture, endless
incarceration, and even wanton murder—as long as it is
done from the air—are all just fine.
And having answered so I turn once more to those who
sneer at my adopted city, and I shrug my shoulders
and say to them:
You do everything that is required to get yourself elected
and come to our capital city and show me how you will
be better.
Growing ever larger with hotel-sized houses on former
farmland in distant suburbs, here is a giant sucker of blood,
blood drained from places where useful things used
to be made.

Feeling as sly as a privileged fox before an unguarded hen house,
clumsily overreaching.
Baldfaced lying,
fumbling, meddling more,
Plotting, executing, covering-up,
Watching the dust clear, clearing the way for new criminal
ventures into dusty lands,
Securing the realm by creating counterfeit insecurity,
Heedlessly plowing ahead, making and ignoring real
insecurity in every corner of the sucked-dry realm,
Huffing and puffing out a chest that conceals a shriveled up
and dying heart,
Coughing the hacking cough of moribund consumption,
of a sick old man raging against the dying of the light,
Uneasy in his skin, skulking and suspicious,
Looking over his shoulder for puppet-master approval,
Pompous, Skittish, Unwelcoming, half-ashamed to be
Policeman of the World, War Maker, Stacker of Bodies,
Player with Drones and Fear Monger for the Nation.

A poem by DC Dave

Original Sandburg poem, "Chicago" found here:

Narration by DC Dave

Video by BuelahMan

Parody to the tune of “Gimme Three Steps” (by Lynyrd Skynyrd)
written by DC Dave; singing/video by BuelahMan

Donald Trump’s second run should have been lots of fun.
He was a well-known commodity.
His opponent, old Joe, kept his profile real low,
And he lacked popularity.
Election night started strong, but then something went wrong;
The voting had gone askew.
Before the key threshold was topped, the counting was stopped.
The public they were out to screw.
With no “excuse me.”

The scowling, plagiarizing, corrupt old coot
Produced a great big election surprise,
And the man who filled up stadiums
Lost to a geezer who couldn’t draw flies.
So we’re now all worse than liars; we’re “election deniers,”
And two plus two is no longer four.
Now it’s easy to see that our democracy
Is headed right for the door.

Joe got 81 million, 81 million, mister;
Joe got 81 million votes.
Yes that’s 81 million, a fifth more than Hillary,
Counting dead people, chickens, and goats.
For sure.

Well, there’s no rhyme or reason in our voting system,
Just lots more of the same this time.
Instead of transparency we have opacity,
Just a big invitation to crime.
To electronic counts add in mail-in votes,
And there’s nothing we can verify.
If no one trusts this election result,
It’s not very hard to see why.

Joe got 81 million, 81 million, mister;
Joe got 81 million votes.
Yes that’s 81 million, a fifth more than Hillary,
Counting dead people, chickens, and goats.
With absolute certainty.

Original found at DC Dave's site: https://dcdave.heresy.is/2023/08/07/eighty-one-million-votes/

Parody to the tune of “Cocaine”

All the money we’ve sent
You must know is misspent,
Their democracy
Lacks legitimacy.

They give bribes,
They take bribes,
They give bribes,

It’s as bad as it sounds.
Their top guy is a clown.
In Europe’s old Pale
Everything is for sale.

They give bribes,
They take bribes,
They give bribes,

They signed the Minsk deal
But continued to kill.
Z had a peace plan,
But he’s not his own man.

They give bribes,
They take bribes,
They give bribes,

They give bribes,
They take bribes,
They give bribes,

Written by DCDave
Singing and video by BuelahMan

An original poem by DC Dave (originally uploaded to YT on 10/27/14, but recently removed for 'hate speech')

Narrated by DC Dave

Waxing Indignant Over 911 Truth

"How dare you!" they said;
What else can they say?
The facts of the case
Will not go away.

Skyscrapers came down
Like they were demolished.
The iron laws of physics
Were neatly abolished.

They fell straight and fast.
It's never happened before
With fire as the cause.
What about the steel core?

To produce the effect
That we witnessed that day,
There had to be something
That sliced it away.

Five foreigners filmed it,
Some said gleefully,
But the cover-up master
Just let them go free.

One structure fell later,
Like a judgment from heaven.
Maybe God pulled it,
That large Building 7.

Of the many anomalies,
I've listed but few.
The string-pullers did
What they set out to do.

The war motivation
They feared that we lacked
Was duly provided
When we were "attacked."

Originally published:

Video by BuelahMan

Parody derived from Eric Clapton's “Cocaine”

Not like drugs that you see
Advertised on TV,
Bad effects on the side
They’re free to hide.

They can lie,
They can lie,
They can lie,

The feds intervened,
So, it’s their gravy train,
There’s nothing to do
‘Cause they won’t let you sue.

They can lie,
They can lie,
They can lie,

I sure hate to say
Some learn the hard way.
“They’re safe,” is their pitch
While they get rich.

They can lie,
They can lie,
They can lie,

They can lie,
They can lie,
They can lie,

Parody written by DC Dave
Vocals/video by BuelahMan

Vaccine Harm/Death video elements by Coronavirus Plushie

Read/download a copy of the book here:

To the tune of Jim Croce’s “Bad, Bad LeRoy Brown”

At the first part of the cent’ry
He sat atop the world
Wherever you’d go
You all had to know
That his big flag was unfurled.

Oh Sam was more than trouble
He’d shown those Reds the door
The Warsaw Pact had had enough
And it wasn’t coming back for more.

Well it’s bad, bad Uncle Sam,
He do what he want and the world be damned;
Badder than Genghis Khan,
But still afraid of Kim Jong-un.

Now Uncle Sam, he a bully,
And he loves those weaker foes,
And he like to wave his defense budget
Under everybody’s nose.

He got a really funny worldview;
He got a Federal Reserve, too;
He got a House and Senate in his pocket for fun;
He got a menorah in his shoe.

And it’s bad, bad Uncle Sam,
He do what he want and the world be damned;
Badder than Genghis Khan,
But still afraid of Kim Jong-un.

September fifteen years ago
Sam claimed we were attacked.
Though nothing made sense
He got us all worked up
And his war plans most folks backed.

Then he cast his eyes toward Kabul
And the trouble soon began,
‘Cause Sam he learned no lesson
‘Bout messin’ ‘round without a plan.

Well it’s bad, bad Uncle Sam,
He do what he want and the world be damned;
Badder than Genghis Khan,
But still afraid of Kim Jong-un.

Now the locals took to fightin’
And a man found on his own
Our future looked like a jigsaw puzzle
With a couple of pieces gone.

And it’s bad, bad Uncle Sam,
He do what he want and the world be damned;
Badder than Genghis Khan,
But still afraid of Kim Jong-un.

And he’s bad, bad Uncle Sam,
He do what he want and the world be damned;
Badder than Genghis Khan,
But he’s still afraid of Kim Jong-un.

Yes, he’s badder than Genghis Khan,
But he’s still afraid of Kim Jong-un.

Dieter Weiss and David Martin


Parody to the tune of The Eagles' “Lyin’ Eyes”
lyrics by DC Dave
video by BuelahMan
singing by B'Man & The Buellettes

Trump, we know, was right about the border.
We’re just letting lots of trouble in.
To stem the flow, we have to work much harder.
The issue played a big role in his win.

But he had problems with his Grand Old Party;
Businesses like proles who’ll work for less.
Uncle Sam is not so hale and hearty,
When immigration’s such a sorry mess.

In spite of all the obstacles that faced him,
Trump made some progress with his wall.
With Russiagate, they thought they had disgraced him,
But it took a stolen vote for him to fall.

Now the border’s Bidenized,
And immigrants swarm in like flies.
I, for one, am not surprised
To see our southern border Bidenized.

The Democrats have gone right off the deep end.
More and more they seem to favor crime.
With policies so very hard to defend,
They couldn’t run a radical this time.

They had to turn to Joe in desperation.
It was either him or that old Red.
But slowly we have reached the realization
That we have a head of state whose brain is dead.

Yes, the country’s Bidenized.
Please don’t tell me you’re surprised.
It’s clear we should have realized
That like Ukraine we would be Bidenized.

The Biden record’s surely not a strong one.
His whole family’s long been on the take.
The puppeteers have given us the wrong one,
A poorer choice those folks could hardly make.

You wonder how it ever got this crazy.
You have to turn your thoughts to those who rule.
Did we get tired or did we just get lazy?
For sure they’ve played us all for fools.

My oh my, they sure know how to arrange things.
They’ve set us up so well, so carefully.
We never guessed how thoroughly they’d change things,
So we’re no more the land we used to be.

Now the country’s Bidenized,
And we shouldn’t be surprised.
We have finally realized
They country that we knew is Bidenized.
Clearly for the worse we’re Bidenized.
May God help us all, we’re Bidenized.

To the tune of Tom Jones' “Delilah”
written by DC Dave
video and singing by BuelahMan

For their shot they’ve got “emergency use authorization.”
With the hope that in time it won’t kill all of my cells.
Is it better than nothing?
Without long term trials there’s only hope that all goes well.

Change my genes, Moderna
With your vaccine, Moderna.
I can see that the shot’s a danger for me,
But the pressure’s so strong, my will is no longer free.

Should I let them install in by body their operating system
That you can be sure that by stages they’ll have to upgrade?
Should I last so long,
With the help of the government their fortune will be safely made.

Change my genes, Moderna
With your vaccine, Moderna.
Let someone else bell the cat
Just stick me, Moderna. I’m your laboratory rat.

Should I last so long,
With the help of the government their fortune will be safely made.
Change my genes, Moderna
With your vaccine, Moderna.
Let someone else bell the cat
Just stick me, Moderna. I’m your laboratory rat.
Just stick me, Moderna. I’m your laboratory rat.


Created 4 years, 3 months ago.

58 videos

Category None

Video repository backup for Youtube which cannot be trusted (we'll see if Bitchute can be trusted). Many old videos will have links to my now deleted Wordpress blog (was unceremoniously deleted without notice or warning after 11 years). The YT channel referenced is the 3rd one (two previous were deleted). Who knows if the 3rd will last another jewish onslaught.
Nothing critical of jews can be aired on jew owned Youtube.