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Revival of both the original Hostel and Hostel: II, this time here to stay!
Join here: https://discord.gg/FNx3TgHPd9

Thumbnail made by Phiko
Video Edited by Rome

Song used - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8JACNXuRK8

Join Pulsive, a movement designated to purifying a truly tainted platform:

Official VRChat Group:

Why do so many dudes insist on wanting to look like little anime girls with skirts on? They shamelessly prance around like fairies in their dresses and when confronted they immediately become defensive, claiming that their avatar choice is entirely meaningless and that it's "just a game" all while spending thousands of dollars in order to be fully immersed when playing as their waifus.

Soli's video debunking other creators:

Join Pulsive, a movement designated to purifying a truly tainted platform:

Here is the 2nd edition to this new movement. It mainly focuses on how ignorance can lead you to become complacent in your own filth. Do not let others fool you into believing that VRChat is "just a game", the same idiots who preach this nonsense are the same ones who spend nearly every waking second of their life inside of VRChat, and look how all of them turned out.

Join Pulsive, a movement designated to purifying a truly tainted platform:

I hope that you leave this video with newly founded ambitions and understandings of the true nature within your very own community.

Join The Prophecy: https://discord.gg/ZGkYjeqK9D

This is most likely the last stream sniping video you'll see from me for a while. You can expect my future content to look a lot like what I've been uploading recently.

Don't ever be deceived into thinking that what I do is "harassment." I'm 100% justified in all of my actions.

For any questions, join the Discord: https://discord.gg/ZGkYjeqK9D

Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEpbz...

Join The Prophecy: https://discord.gg/ZGkYjeqK9D

Since the most recent UI update, stream sniping has become slightly more difficult, but nonetheless, I will never stop crashing streamers. The exploit used here was the exact same exploit from the last 2 episodes.

Don't ever be deceived into thinking that what I do is "harassment." I'm 100% justified in all of my actions.

For any questions, join the Discord: https://discord.gg/ZGkYjeqK9D

Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8JWt...

Join The Prophecy: https://discord.gg/ZGkYjeqK9D

Don't ever be deceived into thinking that what I do is "harassment." I'm 100% justified in all of my actions.

Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQhvk...

Join The Prophecy: https://discord.gg/ZGkYjeqK9D

The second addition to my new series is finally here. The exploit used here utilized photon bots that bypass any and all safety settings.

Everything that I do is to create a stronger society, don't ever confuse my work with "harassment." I'm 100% justified in all of my actions.

For any questions, join the Discord: https://discord.gg/ZGkYjeqK9D

Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDO3V...

Join The Prophecy: https://discord.gg/ZGkYjeqK9D

This is my most recent video that got striked down from YouTube. Expect more in the near future.

Join The Prophecy: https://discord.gg/ZGkYjeqK9D

This exploit utilized taking advantage of an UDON function where you could force the entire lobby into whatever avatar you desired with the click of a button.

Join The Prophecy: https://discord.gg/ZGkYjeqK9D

This is the final addition to the "I Hate Streamers" series. Obviously theirs a LOT more videos I've created on this topic but I don't have access to a majority of them anymore.

Original YouTube Title: "I Hate Streamers: The Reunion"

Art done by:

Join The Prophecy: https://discord.gg/ZGkYjeqK9D

This was the very last episode of the original "I Hate Streamers" series and my overall favorite.

Original YouTube Title: "I Hate Streamers"

Art By:

Join The Prophecy: https://discord.gg/ZGkYjeqK9D

The final addition to the Hostel Stream Sniping era.

Original YouTube Title: "Prodigious VRChat Stream Sniping 3"

Art done by:

Join The Prophecy: https://discord.gg/ZGkYjeqK9D

The streamer onslaught continues, this is the second addition to the Hostel era. Enjoy.

Original YouTube Title: "Prodigious VRChat Stream Sniping 2"

Art done by:

Join The Prophecy: https://discord.gg/ZGkYjeqK9D

This was the first addition to the "Hostel Gang" era. Good times, great memories.

Original YouTube Title: "Prodigious VRChat Stream Sniping"

Art done by:

Join The Prophecy: https://discord.gg/ZGkYjeqK9D

This episode is from one of the original "I Hate Streamers" videos. I believe it was the second one.

Original YouTube Title: "I Hate Streamers 2"

Art done by:

Join The Prophecy: https://discord.gg/ZGkYjeqK9D

This episode is a revamp of all of the best clips from my very first original "I Hate Streamers" series from over a year ago.

Original YouTube Title - "I Hate Streamers: The Finale"

Art done by:

Join The Prophecy: https://discord.gg/ZGkYjeqK9D

Episode 3 is here. Sorry it took so long, I've been having issues with BitChute lately. Anyways, ever since my presence has become widespread the VRC devs decides to add "streamer mode." And I love it, not only does it give these streamers a false sense of security, but it also opens up more opportunities for more creative snipes.

Original YouTube Title: "Streamer Mode Won't Save You"

Art done by:

Join The Prophecy: https://discord.gg/ZGkYjeqK9D

In this episode, I continue my streamer onslaught. Nobody wants to be on your shitty stream. Stop trying to take the easy route in life and get a real job. Stop using people for content and exploiting them for money.

Everything I do is to create a stronger society, don't ever confuse my work with "harassment." It's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it.

Original YouTube Title: "The Hero Nobody Asked For"

Art done by:

Join The Prophecy: https://discord.gg/ZGkYjeqK9D

In this episode, I force joined multiple different Christmas events hosted by tons of popular streamers on VRChat and slaughtered the entirety of the lobbies using multiple different world crash methods that bypass safety settings. Including one that bypasses audio safety.

Everything I do is to create a stronger society, don't ever confuse my work with "harassment." It's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it.

Original YouTube Title: "Stealing Christmas From VRChat Streamers"

Art done by:


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

20 videos

Category Gaming

I Hate Streamers. lol.