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Pure Raw Species Appropriate Diet for Health Dogs! Friends Don't Let Friends Feed Kibble!"
CEO DeDe Murcer Moffett breaks down the differences in the models at Raw Dog Food and Company. Go to the Learning Center for more great tips and advice.

The real reason we don't recommend mixing a processed food with a species appropriate Raw Diet. Certified Pet Health Expert Nealy Piazza explains in simplistic terms why this isn't always best for optimal health.

Pure Raw Species Appropriate Food for Dogs and Cats. Friends Don't Let Friends Feed Kibble.
Certified Pet Nutritionist Nealy Piazza talks about the dangers of micro managing minerals and trace minerals in raw pet food.

www.RawDogFoodandCo.com Raw Dog Food and Company is a leader in pet health. Along with a species appropriate diet for dogs and cats, Raw Dog Food works with Adored Beast and Founder Julie Anne Lee to heal leaky gut in pets. Leaky gut is the cause of many chronic diseases such as allergies, skin disruptions and even neurological disorders. Learn how to heal the gut without harsh pharmaceuticals and drugs that cause negative side effects. Contact us today to get your dog started on a Species Appropriate Diet and on the road to health and longevity.


Created 2 years, 6 months ago.

4 videos

Category Pets & Wildlife

Pure Raw Dog Food Company - Direct to Consumer - Half the Price of Store or Commercial Raw
Helping Pets overcome allergies, skin and digestive issues through a species appropriate diet.
Dedicated Health Team - Raw Feeders for Over 20 Plus Years. Certified Pet Health Professionals and Consulting Raw Feeding Vets.
Ship to all 48 States and Alaska. www.RawDogFoodandCo.com