Christopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline part 2

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Christopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline part 2



Prophetic words, guidance, counsel, understanding. .
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The Lord Is My Shepherd
I AM very sad that America REJECTED me. One can not fathom my Sorrow. The nation of America has fallen and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. You America are corrupt. Evil and wicked. You are a most profane and Godless nation. You have REJECTED me. I have wept and wept over this nation. One can not FATHOM the horror of it all. Such pain has America caused me. Great shall be your destruction. I have hidden my face from your nation. I have turned my back to you America. Ye shall weep in great pain as have I. Total destruction is through your borders. Total and full Destruction. Destruction of a nation who has cast me out and had treated me as a foe. Woe to you. You took my most precious fruit and celebrate as all is well. You celebrate and I weep. Woe. Your country shall lay in ash. I AM the LORD. Vengance is mine. I will repay. I speak to deaf ears and blind eyes. Evil has infested your nation. Can you not see? Where is the sorrow for the the way I have been received and treated in this corrupted nation. You wound me America. How I had walked among you. You didn’t want any parts of me. You had made it known in full to me. What is here and is coming to the nation of America is from me. JUSTICE. MERCY. Vindicated. I AM RISEN in my GLORY. My fury and my sorrow. I have spoken. Silence. Tears and great mourning shall flood your nation. You shall look upon the one you Pierced and shall mourn for me as one mourns for an only son. I have had my fill with your nation. Lost and blind. You have Pierced my heart. I bleed out. Woe. I have warned. Take heart all whom love me. I come. I AM so sad that America REJECTED me and took my fruit. Woe this wicked nation. Woe. The darkness is here. I shall increase the darkeness. I AM the LORD.

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Spiritual WAR: Jamie Walden & Artur Pawlowski Interview Mustang Medic
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The Lord Is My Shepherd
My children, hear your Father speak. Awaken, awaken from your deep slumber. I speak to you as any Father would when his children are headed down the wrong path. I speak truth and only want what’s best for you. I yearn for a relationship with you. I yearn to be a part of your lives everyday. It saddens me that many of you don’t know me. You stay busy and distracted, there are other things that more important to you. You do not even spare me a minute of your day what makes you believe that you will be granted an eternity with me? Oh my children, oh how you’ve compromised my righteousness to suit your own desires. I have never changed, I am the same yesterday, today and forever. My ways have never changed from the time of Abraham to the present day.

You love your sin so much that you don’t want to turn away from it. You know very well that by obeying me you must give up the very things that your heart can’t let go of. You can’t let go of your hearts desires so you continue living your own ways, accepting your own truths, and following your own lusts and gain. You justify your lifestyle by believing that if the world accepts it than it must be okay. You justify your lifestyle by saying the times have changed so we must therefore change our old ways of doing things.

You believe that if you balance things out by going to church and continuing religious prayers and traditions you’ll be saved and have eternal life with me. So you turn to dead religion, Catholicism and Luke Warm Christianity, that suits your “spiritual” desires and satisfies your itching ears but does nothing to change your heart and soul. You continue to live in sin and follow your lusts and desires not realizing your selfish ambitions do nothing for your soul or for the souls of others.

You have your opinions and you claim to hate evil yet your own moral gauge is corrupt and skewed and you do nothing to uphold justice. The idea of every man for himself and the pursuit of ones own happiness is your motto. You claim that you must love yourself first to love others and that everyone is entitled to their own happiness not realizing that these ideals are from satan himself. For he is the father of all self-centeredness, ego and selfishness. You live your lives believing that this life is all about you…your wants, your desires, your happiness, and your gain. What you don’t realize is that your a slave to your own lusts and have fallen in the enemies trap. You’re lost, you have forgotten about me and you do not hear or fear me. You’ve bought into this worlds deception, you’ve been conditioned by false truths and doctrines.

Very soon you will remember that I am the Lord and there is no other. Seek me while I still can be found, call out to me while I am still near. I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry...

The Lord Is My Shepherd
The hour of deliverance has come. Rejoice all whom love me and are longing to behold my face and see me as I truly am. Rejoice I say to you. I know many of you, my faithful redeemed are weary and heavy that all that is written and all I have been warning of has not come to pass. Great are the tears of my own. Powerful are the prayers of my faithful as incense before my throne. I have listened. I have heard. I have answered. To all whom are weeping to me that no one is listening and and that all things carry on as before, Hear me my little flock…Hear your good shepherd speak to you…All things have changed. I know many are not listening. Many, So many are blind and deaf. I AM not known to many. Many love the world and are blind to me. Deception is high and cast as a net over the earth. The battle rages and the dragon is WROTH. Heaven and earth shake. Those in me are firm. Sealed in me. Do not fear. Do not. Trust me. Many have been tried and tested. Refined by fire. You are where I have you. Where I will you. Following me at any and all cost even your lives. Knowing that to live is me( JESUS) and to die is gain( JESUS.) Nothing seperates us. Dying to self and picking up your cross. My voice you hear and know. A stranger you will flee and resist. Follow not. The dragon is WROTH with me. With you my flock. He is raging. It is finished. I have overcome the world. Destruction cometh. It cometh with a swift vengance. I shall vindicate your lives. In destruction shall many be set free. An act of mercy and of love.

To you whom love me and have warned and warned…Fear not and rest in me. With you I AM well pleased and GREAT are your rewards. GREAT. The last shall be first and the first last. Lift up your heads. For the hour of fulfilment has come. I have prepared a place that where I AM ye may be also. All that I have scattered I have gathered. I AM the reaper and the sower. I AM that I AM. I will reap the souls in whom I shed my blood for and whom I travail in my soul for. I AM SEVERELY pained in this final hour as a woman in travail to be delivered. My pain and sorrow is excruciating. Rejoice little flock for new life is being birthed. In the cry of agony is heard the cry of life. I AM weeping tears of agony and tears of life. Eternal life and great joy. All things new. My garden restored. A HOLY people unto myself. I AM your GOD who loves you. You are my people. My redeemed. My called. My chosen. My little flock. My friends. My family. Mine.

American holocaust is through the gate. America has REJECTED me and total destruction shall overtake her in an instant. I have warned. I pour out my spirit on all flesh. Dreams and visions. Revelation. Many mock me and ignore me. I AM not mocked. America is set for total desolation and absolute destruction. I AM the LORD. I AM HOLY and I will have all that I

Mother Giraffe protecting her baby

Prophetic words, revelation, understanding...

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⁉️ If facing Volume issues:-
Please consider downloading volume boosters or amplifiers for your gadgets. This are available, and work incredibly. ( freeware)
I am using old hardware, and somethings don't work as they used to.
I also use volume boosters, but when creating,.. there's only so much you can go, beyond which will compromise the quality of the audio greatly ( .. reason i worked on the subtitles, but things have regressed again).
My deepest regrets for those affected.
📌 photos courtesy pinterest.

The Lord Is My Shepherd
I have called you to repent of your sins, My children. Sins that you continue to engage in even though you know you are doing wrong. The enemy has laid snares for you in these sins that will bring great destruction into your life if you do not forsake them.

If you continue to cling to them, you will be given over to them and no more repentance will be poured out. You will walk in the consequences of your actions with great regret.

Is this how you wish to spend your remaining time on the earth?

ice sphere

River of lava

the moment I stop looking for my golf ball

The 144000 kings and priests
Pieter Kirstein

you think the Bible is boring

Contagious – Jeanette
Prophetic words, counsel, understanding.

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📌 photos courtesy pinterest

The Arrest of Every Nation/The Shaking of the Rapture/They Will Stop and Consider.
Linda S with Simple Help Now
#jesus #endtimes #harpazo
The rapture will seize and arrest the…
His coming is imminent!
Be ready!
#jesus #endtimes #harpazo #jesusiscomingsoon #judgement #timeisup #rapture #raptured#heiscoming #shaken#arrested

The Lord Is My Shepherd
A reckoning is coming to those who have refused to serve Me. Those who have continued in darkness though I have drawn them and pleaded with them to repent from their evil ways.

My children, prepare yourselves to see this reckoning even in some you know who are near to you. You have interceded for them, you have asked Me to save them. I have called to them and they have refused. I can still save them, but My reckoning must come first.

Some, whose hearts are so hardened in sin, will respond to nothing short of complete disaster in their lives, so I will ordain that to call their attention to Me. To stop them from mocking Me in ways that I must judge them for. Watch now, for I am mighty to save.

I prefer to show only mercy, but time is short and they must come to know Me before it is too late for them.

GODs Love

Grizzly bear attempts to eat pigs

3 2 1 rapture

Heathrow UK

Remember and Declare My Wonderous works Among the People – Sarah
Prophetic words, counsel, understanding. ..

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📌 photos courtesy pinterest.

cow fish


Created 6 months, 3 weeks ago.

952 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

For GOD and Jesus, Rapture is Near. Rapture. Staticdriver (Military. Father, and Saved by Jesus) shares some news headlines from GOD loving people. I remind you I'm not a prophet I'm not a pastor, and I'm not even a great teacher, I'm just a GOD fearing man that loves the Lord I really love talking about the Lord and I love hanging out with you chosen ones. I worked for US military, a Power Company, a Major Food stores, CGI/Computer programmer, Repair Electronic FAA Airplane/Airline Company. HOW TO BE SIMPLY SAVED.

THE BAD NEWS. We are all sinners. (Romans 3:23)

We deserve to be punished in hell for our sins.

THE GOOD NEWS. God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for all of your sins. He was buried and rose again to give you eternal life as a free gift.

(1 Corinthians 15:1-4; Romans 6:23)


Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. (Acts 16:31)

WE ARE SAVED by grace through faith alone in Christ alone. (Ephesians 2:8-9)

ETERNAL SECURITY is a promise of God, who cannot lie.

(John 6:47; Titus 1:2; Ephesians 1:13-14)



Sean dedicates this labor of love to Jesus Christ, who showed me His unconditional love by taking the penalty for my sins on the cross of Calvary. He is the source of my inspiration, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. All praise, honor, and glory be to God Almighty forever and ever. Amen.​
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