The Radical Independent

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The Radical Independent

David J


Two famous guys talk this out and reach this conclusion. I'm not sure if they are correct.

Typical politician. Bought and paid for by foreign lobbyists. So much for America first. We are being sold out to the highest bidder.

James Roguski lays the hammer down on some of the false information coming from well known independent media outlets on what is really happening with the W.H.O. treaty and the negotiations. According to James the information they are using is outdated. What is more scary is the level of greed from both the W.H.O. and certain countries that want in on the money laundering scheme.
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Thanks for watching. God Bless and God save the world.

In this excellent discussion Pastor Fannin talks about how many christians have lost sight of what the "first things" are. God cares more about our relationship with Him than our devotion to politics. The pastor also ends up endorsing "Nobody" for president in 2024. He explains why as we talk about things related to Donald Trump and Joe Biden but ultimately we end on what's most important. Thanks again to Pastor Adam Fannin from Law of Liberty Baptist Church in Jacksonville Florida.

A brief clip that says a lot from a man that knows a lot.

For those Christians who want the same old line on Israel and Palestine, ths video is not for you. But I would still watch it with an open mind. My guest is Pastor Adam Fanin from Law of Liberty Baptist Church in Jacksonville Florida. This is Bible based teaching and preaching. Pastor Fannin is also a libertarian and is versed in many topics. Enjoy the video.

She is correct. Time to blow the whole thing up. This is killing our economy.

This pastor is my favorite preacher right now. He does not go along with herd. He says the quiet part out loud about depopulation and the new world order. Pastor Fanin uses this source text, the Bible to prove point after point about what it means to be in a matrix of political oppression. You won't hear this kind of preaching anywhere. Even if you are not a Christian, this is still worth listening to.

James Roguski returns with some crucial information about what just happened with the W.H.O. There's some good news and there is some bad news as well. Pathogens are big business. And the world wants to cash in while destroying your health.

Those who know me, know I've struggled with this doctrine. But what I've learned is that zionism is easliy debunked by using a proper understanding of the King James Bible. I am not for or against any particular tribe. And God is no respector of persons. He looks at heart and not lineage or ancestry. Pastor Adam Fanin does a masterful job breaking this down. Notice, this is not replacement theology. It's just old school Bible interpretation. The church has only embraced the mainstream ideas on this since Darby and Scofield. Which means it's a recent development. The Scofield Bible was financed by wealthy banker types that were hell bent on corrupting the church and in the process cheapening the grace of God to both the Jew and the Gentile. I would advise people to wrestle with this and not dismiss it. This doesn't give you license to hate any ethnicity or religion based on this new, old understanding of things. It does however affirm that you can't have the Father without the Son. And that God wants everyone to be saved.
Adam Fanin is the pastor of a great flock in Jacksonville Florida called Law of Liberty Baptist Church.
This type of preaching is not currently heard in over 90 percent of Christian Churches in America. God Bless everyone. And continue to pray for peace in the Middle East and around the world.

Just something I think people need to listen to. Source: Epoch Times

We have the power to stop the W.H.O.
James Roguski has work for anyone who wants to help!
Please share the video with others.

Big problems ahead for both Israel and the United States thanks to Iraq.
Scott Ritter breaks it all down.

This could be the beginning of even more U.S. intervention in the Middle East. Scott says Iran succeeded in deterring Israel and the U.S.

For those who think this is helping Ukraine, it's not. Anything short of surrender on everyone's part is asking for more death.
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Thanks for watching.

I'm not for war.
I'm not for genocide.
No political candidate makes everyone happy.
No idea is sacred or safe.
No stance is a good stance.
The matrix is closing in on you and everything you hold dear.
Technology will make it worse and eventually unstoppable.
People can push back but overall are too lazy.
Stupid comments will just be deleted and forgotten about. Or maybe I'll start taking screen shots and filing them for future video usage. And yes I will do it at this stage since I've been doxxed, threatened and had the Sheriff here on at least one occasion documenting the threats.

As much as I'm torn about this conflict, this looks awful for the IDF. And we are funding wars in Gaza and Ukraine. Something has to give. A cease fire should be declared. They made their point.
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Libertarian presidential candidate Mike ter Maat was my special guest earlier this week. Here is his take on a very important issue right now. I think Mike would make a terrific president. It's a matter of getting the word out there.

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Thaks for watching.

Honestly this is the best interview I've ever done on either one of my channels. This man has the right set of ideas and the intellect to understand all of the crucial issues of out time. He is running for president in the Libertarian Party which is on the ballot in all 50 states.
Please watch the entire interview.
Here are the topics we covered:
Endless Wars
Medical Accountability/Covid
Closing Statement By Mike
To get involved with Mike's campaign go to:
To tip the Barista (Dave) for a job well done go to:
Thanks for watching this video. Please share it with the other politically homeless people you know.

This talk is very much worth listening to. It explains a lot. Now I'm not an atheist but I believe you can be a christian and still think government intervention is bad and captialism is good. Conservatives have drifted away from these ideas.

Tell me what you think of what Mike has to say. This is someone I could vote for on principle and feel good about my vote.


Created 5 years, 4 months ago.

89 videos

Category News & Politics

The entire political process is a joke. We have been duped into thinking that we matter. The left and the right are constantly fighting and the news media covers these events to get ratings rather than getting to the truth. The left-right paradigm is a farce and the choices we are given ignore real solutions and have created out of control tribalism which might cause wars between these rival factions. People have no idea what is happening to them. They are often self medicated or hooked on some sort of entertainment that alters their reality. Critical thinking is no longer relevant.