X Marks The Spot

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X Marks The Spot



Then followed it up with blue screen attacks via "system thread exception not handled" bullshit.
I am under attack.
Guess I'm the one above target though, eh?
Pray for me.
By Yahuah's grace we survive. Let us pray.
(creative commons)
DUKES been busy, spread the work everybody!
We are all in this together.
Quick tip, if it happens to you as well, unplug from the wall. I have 32% battery left go and no failures yet.
My theory is I am being attacked through the power grid.
(creative commons)

Christine Anderson, purple is not your color. Remove the NGO's influences peacefully and redistribute the monies they took including the interest made off of what they were paid, all other monies accountable to be allocated for a restitution coffer for the injured. Still waiting on your reply for my court date Ms Anderson. ;)
(creative commons)


Looking at my notes about how to do a "Gasfitting"
Money from the N G Oh's in exchange for your injection
Check out my fleek, you think I studied for this thing?
The "WHO's" chain gang, we're the ones that Jab ya!
Harvard Med, were all bottom feed ah's
M D stands for Myocarditis, "Duh!"
No need for permission, I'm gonna jab ya!
Did we ventillate? We don't get paid the same!
On a pay scale of one to ten, bah, Bonus paid!
When we talk on the tick, shaking ass combat's it!
You can check for pulse, the checks in my name (MAID!)
Yeah your tasked by some rotten M D's
These killa's we be killa's, soon you will see

Victims will drop from my Harvard M D
Now from the top, make it drop
Come get your Harvard M D
We got our orders, Moloch told us
Killer Harvard M D's
Your bodies left to rot
by "Harvard M D's"
There some Killas in dis house
There some Killas in dis house
There some Killas in dis house
(flat line)

Original https://www.bitchute.com/video/yJdaK78AkMly/

You have been DUKESed ! What next from these geniuses? Tell me are those masks gas fitted? LMAO Humanity is so F@#$ed...
"Listerine, now with acetone! brought to you by WARP SPEED !"
(creative commons)

Energy markers on Weather map reveal potential energy weapon attack, from within the border and from the U.S. . I do not know what to make of it, I have a second video to post with further detail. I intersect all the crossing lines and it's clear, the Military Base and the Offices of potential future PM of Canada Pierre Poilievre. Somebody want to give appropriate notification to whom is supposed to protect us from potential Energy Weapon Attacks? I was asleep, was woke with horrible cramping in my feet and legs, half asleep I stumble to the bathroom and I hear a pulsing ring in my ears, almost like that of the mock tone used in films when peoples ears ring from whatever. So I look outside and there is nothing, as I thought maybe its a paramedic up the street picking up another person experimenting with their vascular system. But no, so, it's raining and I figured with all the Weather issues in the US this week I would pop on the live feed and check the map. WELL, see for yourselves. This was live at the time. Enjoy and share, tell everyone and get us the help from appropriate bodies of interest to protect us all from these garbage energy weapons. STAT!!! X (creative commons) more on subject https://www.bitchute.com/video/UZozOnwBIeRr/

Never thought I would say this, but get to 60 minutes and watch their weekend release of "HAVANA SYNDROME" . We are all in this together now, rich or poor.

Currently uploading feed from 03 15 00 am . You will see for yourselves, really strange part is, after making the vid I noticed something spelled in the clouds over Central U.S. . https://www.bitchute.com/video/GsOJbVJoEpvf/
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Oh you beasts you.. Yahuah has a special place for those whom harm his flock.
(creative commons)

So, its in the jibby jabs from near everyone for near everything from Diabetes shots to your "must have" to travel jabs and more, the dental anesthetics... (sigh) We have to stop them.
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Christianity and it's influence upon China
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Your PEdo Masters marking their storms with their new fangled towers. Crack your phones open Canadians, there's no 5h chip inside. Makes you wonder what the towers are for eh?
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"Were gonna need a bigger boat"

What happens when you combine all tells into one expression? Wow, that's one hell of a lie... My question is, who is wiping who? #WipeBuddies . May the flush be with you...
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Overdue for a remix, ya think?
(creative commons)

Like I said before, there are real Hebrews and Fake ones. Just as there are fake Christians and other denominations. Men twisting Faiths into cults, religions, dogma, in order to attain control and maintain their evil agendas towards the destruction of Humanity and the creation of a race, created by Man himself, in an all consuming lust to be the creator themselves. Sad, pathetic creatures they are. Hang in there everyone, keep the full armor of the Creator on and those tongues of yours sharper and mightier than any sword, so as to thwart any further suffering of Humanity. You were made in the Creators likeness, now start living like it! Everyone..
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Seeing double... double trouble.
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Where your Poppies at boy's?!
Fkn' "paperclipping" Commies have you fooled into thinking climate change is real LOL
Yeah, when using a giant field array of antennae on purpose, sure, one can only imagine.
(creative commons)

Pant's on fire? Throwback
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Y'all ready for X-treme safety measures?
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Throwbacks are being posted in order to fit realities current framework for what is about to be dealt... JUSTICE!
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Great detail, only it inspired me to dig further, just as he got to the part about the prior versions, the "original" versions. Thus discovering "Eclipse" comics version. Well now, we just had a lil thingy up in the sky, didn't we? There is a sick lot out there doing sick things to manifest a truly sick reality, let me know when you are sick of it all, Let the military know? Have you seen "OVERLORD"? You know, the one with that clone of Chappelle that ate Chappelle and took over his career? LMAO But seriously though, check this out.
(creative commons)

CHOKE much bud?
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I did my "Digging" and she is morally sound, seems to be a legitimate claim of "replacement" taking place. At this daily rate of demise, the sterility tole of the experimental jabs and more. Is Humanity doomed? I am sure you all seen that guy trying to fly to the moon in an oil drum in the Desert, yes? Is that the peak of civilization you which to attain? Idiocracy approaches and fast. WAKE UP! Put your game controllers down and your phones away, it's time to do right by those who sacrificed so you could have the privileged reality to amuse yourselves with such decadence. What good is all your Fortnite skill if left to escape FEMA camp and live off of berries and bark in the bush? Eh? WAKE UP!!!
(creative commons)

Look up the etymology of the word "GOD", let me help you, it's German.
All as we know it, added to and taken from, is it any wonder we can not come through any but Yehoshua alone?


Created 3 years, 9 months ago.

1045 videos

Category Entertainment

A Mixed Bag of Truth and Entertainment with Artistic Mash-ups and the assumed creative right to use anything published online as creative fodder to entertain the masses or be reviewed. Enjoy!