Cross the Rubicon

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Cross the Rubicon



TVNZ about to cull about 70 staff. They've not served NZers for many years.

Just my opinion on certain issues I'm passionate, or more concerned about.
In NZ the media, pound for pound, are the greatest propaganda machine in the western hemisphere.
Trump is the greatest threat to the world, according to the journalistic echo chambers of every single news outlet in this nation of 5 million.
In NZ the media promote we're a free, democratic country, yet there's no comments sections on the stories they don't want us to have an opinion on. They don't want to hear what we think only control what we think!
No one has an outlet in the legacy media where they can express an alternate opinion. Even if they did, it would be heavily censored by far leftist, self loathing communists and LGBT loons with mental issues whom believe anyone who doesn't support the climate emergency, LGBTQ rights, BLM, Maori are indigenous and orange man bad, is a far right neo nazi.
I openly support Donald Trump and keep on saying it. In fact I believe it's one of the reasons I was fired from my job at Synlait milk two and a half years ago. And no...there's no justice here either if the Maori extortionists, the media and the far left decide your life is to be destroyed!

Winston Peters faces huge tests of his integrity right now. I pray he doesn't let Barry Young and Liz Gunn down.
Maori inciters of terror in parliament show their hatred and disrespect doing the haka with weapons, trainers and wigs.
Connor McGreggor, the multi millionair fighter calling out the corrupt Irish government and media is looking to run for the premiership of Ireland. I hope and pray he gets it.
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NZ is being corrupted from outside of NZ players, who seek to destabilize this nation down racial lines. Elite Maori extremists and their lackies in the media, I believe, are now being funded to bring down the duly and democratically elected Coalition government.
The NZ msm and every single journalist and anchor are a disgrace to their once repected profession.
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The elite Maori extremists of the racist Maori party are calling for revolution in New Zealand. Today they held protests in towns and cities across the North Island. Many of the protests led by gang members.
These elites are bent on division to cause maximum chaos and extend their claims they are being discriminated against. They are now claiming this govt is eradicating Maori because they've made common sense changes to smoking bans.
These elites are using poor Maori to fight, maybe even using violence at some stage, for the cause of making themselves wealthy beyond their wildest dreams.
The media in NZ is 100% in support of these extremists, because they stand to lose the $100 million plus bribe that the treasonous Jacinda paid them to lie about almost everything including Maori history and the Treaty of Waitangi.
The NZ SIS now have to switch their sights away from the politically motivated none existent far right, and instead start investigating these politicians and elites who are deliberately trying to start a race war leading to a possible civil war in the South pacific.
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When is the insanity and cowardice of our (In the west anyway) elected leaders going to end.
T Robinson gets his collar felt again for actually supporting Israel at a pro Israel march in London.
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The weakness of Chris Luxon is being exposed by Winston Peters and David Seymour.
Luxon is an admitted globalist and, I believe, will do for the country what he's told by a predator class, and multi billion dollar corporations outside of this country, whom, I believe are fully behind the division being driven in this country between extremist Maori elites, their radicalized street soldiers and the rest of us, whom are being cowed into silence for fear of ruination by the above mentioned and the totally corrupted media class.

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The gutless coward and former national PM and globalist, John Key has been shipped in to destabilize the anti Co Governance movement in NZ and Winston Peters.
This quisling of an ex PM, I believe, is taking orders from the globalist psychopaths and philanthropaths to carry on the agenda to destabilize NZ.
Terrorists (In my opinion)John Tamahiri and James Shaw have warned violence if Maori extremists don't get what they want, and preferential treatment for everything (and they personally make multi millions into the bargain!)
John Key, I believe, is being brought in to convince NZers that giving these terrorist what they want stops division in NZ. I mean, what a weak as piss bastard of a man!!
I believe he's being pushed into saying what he's saying by the UN, Klaus Schwab and Co.
Hopefully, Winston Peters can expose it before he gets JFKd with a suspicious heart attack or a car accident!
It's going to be a ride in NZ for them paying attention in the next few years.
Hopefully, God willing, Winston doesn't let us down.
If you want to buy me a coffee, please go via PayPal to [email protected].

Apoligies for one mistake in this video where I say Jacob Zuma instead of Julius Malema of the Econic Freedom Fighters in South Africa.

The communists in disguise of The Greens and Maori elites have an iron grip on NZ.
James Shaw, leader of the Greens, says he opposes David Seymour's idea of a referendum on Maori Waitangi treaty principles and threatens mass disruption. John Tamahiri follows up with the same threats.
Tamahiri believes NZ should be ruled by the tyranny of the minority, i.e., him and his cabal of radical extremist 'diddy bit' Maori mates, including his son in law, Rawiri Waititi.
There's billions and billions riding on them succeeding where they alone will own everything....yes everything including whatever you once owned!
PM Chris Luxon is already hiding under the desk, pretending revisionist (made up and fake) Maori history is the truth.
John Tamahiri and Tova O'Brian interview below. These people are actively trying g to create civil war while the SIS (NZ MI5)are instructed to hunt down so called white supremacists, ie, them who call the racists and potential terrorists out.

If you want to buy me a coffee then feel free via PayPal to [email protected]

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Thousands of Trump supporters walked peacefully through the streets of the capital today to support the rightful winner of the election, President Donald Trump. Completely peaceful until antifa and BLM turned up as the sun went down. No doubt the MSM will be saying "Far right Trump supporters riot in DC."
When Trump gets his second term he has to go after the fraudsters, the traitors, the collaborators and round them all up. Even media journalists and CNN anchors have to be arrested and jailed for their treason against the USA. This has to happen.

Never give in to these corrupt bastards who are robbing the world of free speech, liberty, and righteousness.
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Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Greg Gutfeld, Jessie Waters. What's going to happen to them now? Stalwarts of truth while their bosses go full woke and cheerleader for Biden and the fraudulent election.
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Republicans and supposed conservatives stab their president in the back like rats. They know all this is very obviously rigged but they capitulate.
Effing Cowards!
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B.den. The man who can't even string a sentence together. The man who's been bought by China. The man who has obvious dementia issues is now the president of the free world.
The whole thing has been concocted by the deep state,, the Democrats, Davos man and the CCP to bring down the last Republican president we'll ever see.
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Republican observers being kicked out of counting rooms. Boxes and boxes of thousands of votes turning up in the early hours. There is huge voter fraud going on here.
Biden is a corrupt politician and the media are completely complicit in this voter fraud.

The US elections have been fixed by corrupt globalists, Democrats, deep state, communists and the CCP. The whole world rests on a knife edge right now due to corruption of the US election process.
Trump will have to take this to the supreme court to decide the winner. If he loses the the freedom loving citizens of the world lose. We all will be in peril. China wins big time if Biden become president.
The world is on a knife edge.
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The vile disgusting globalist Democrats and the complicit MSM are trying to Rob Donald Trump of the election. Trump will not concede defeat by these disgusting corrupt traitors.
He will get his win, but the BLM and antifa will go on the rampage while the same MSM call them far right instead of the truth. These people are treasonous.
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Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

91 videos

Category News & Politics

If you believe western govts have been corrupted by the UN, EU and people like George Soros. If you believe mass migration of the third world into the west is deliberate to destroy western democracies. If you believe we only have the elusion of democracy in the west. If you believe our leaders serve higher powers and not the people who voted them in. If you believe wester leaders are deliberately filling our countries with people from the religion of peace against our will to destroy us via upcoming civil disobedience and probable war.
If you believe Angela Merkal, Justin Trudeau, David Cameron, Theresa May, Macron, the Clintons, Obama, Blair, Sadiq Khan and their ilk are traitors. Then this is the site for you.