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I go through what´s happening in the world this week along with personal experiences, some stories, observations and a little philosophy. (Telegram) -- Foundation for the Truth About AIDS

The leftist media is denying reality about Alex Jones, claiming one thing and then another, never letting Jones speak in his own words. Glen Beck had Alex Jones call in to give the latest update in the elite´s plan to close down Infowars. Has the left gone too far? Will this backfire and actually help Jones in the sense of increasing his reach?

Is a Positive Western Blot Test Proof of HIV Infection? -- Foundation for the Truth About AIDS

mirrored from Roger Reaves Youtube channel.
This is Reave´s description of the video: "Did Bill & Hillary Clinton accept bribes through Barry Seal to land his aircraft loaded with cocaine at the small municipal airport in Mena, Arkansas? Roger Reaves paid Barry $50,000 for every landing at Mena. Barry told Roger it was impossible for him to be caught as it was paid off 'all the way to the top'."

This is the repressed story of Barry Seals and Iran Contra. This was how the CIA got their black budget to run terrorist operations against the country of Nicaragua. It´s a story that leads us on a trail of money laundering, assassinations of antinarcotic groups, and narcotrafficking, even involving names like the Bush crime family, governors and attorney generals, many of whom are still kicking around Washington. This is the part of the Iran/Contra story nobody knows about. I suggest everyone watch the videos I have on my channel about Terry Reed, an ex CIA guy who saw Oliver North, Bill Barr, and Felix Rodriguez in a meeting with him and Governor Clinton about the Mena operation. All the pieces of the puzzle are fitting together. This is a story the mainstream media will not touch and it´s up to all of us to push it into the public consciousness because it has massive political implications.

The Savings and Loans Scandal, the Mafia and George Bush. The savings and loans scandal was big news in its day, just like Iran Contra. The drug connection was not talked about.

Kevin Ives and Don Henry died in Mena, Arkansas. It´s hard to research drug running by Bill Clinton and George Bush in Mena, Arkansas without stubbling upon this incident, which I want to be immortalized now on Bitchute. Add two more to the Clinton Body Count! It´s now widely believed the boys witnessed a drug drop.

The Mena project was a sordid affair in American history and has many tentacles. Terry Reed attests that cocaine was brought into America by none other that Lt. Col. Oliver North among others and was the genesis of the crack cocaine epidemic that hit the streets of America starting in the early to mid-1980's. Later on, San Jose Mercury News reporter Gary Webb penned a lengthy in-depth series of articles that told much more (which inspired the recent Hollywood movie Killing the Messenger staring Jeremy Renner). Mr. Reed says there were flights into Mena, Arkansas, while President Clinton, was then Governor of Arkansas, which were supervised by him. He is the author of the book ´Compromised, Clinton Bush and the CIA.´ There is also a full-length documentary about Reed which can be watched here. Clinton’s unbridled political ambitions and his campaign pledge to create "jobs for Arkansans" led him to compromise his ideals in exchange for CIA support in his bid for the Presidency. He permitted the "Agency" to use Arkansas factories to make untraceable weapons and he allowed CIA contract agents to train Contra pilots on rural airstrips in support of the war in Nicaragua – effectively evading the Congressional ban on military aid to the Contras.

Drugs, Deception, And the Making of a President. Bill Clinton and George Bush´s ties to narcotrafficking has never been explored in the mainstream media even by their detractors. This has been very well-researched, but lies just below the surface of American culture, with major magazines doing damage control. The goal seems to be to muddy the waters so much to keep this from ever reaching breaking point. It saddens me that recent Presidents could have been so involved, big, big, big time involved in narcotrafficking, and nobody knows about it....which is really a stunning propaganda victory. I´d been researching this subject for years, pouring over old documentaries and books, and finally understand the role of Clintons and Bush and their connections with the Colombian drug cartels. It still seems weird to me that it´s been able to fly below the surface of the culture, probably because Republicans and Democrats are both implicated, with many of those involved still kicking around Washington. This is the true history of Iran Contra. Names like Felix Rodriguez keep coming up, who was recently on with Tucker Carlson, and obviously he knows nothing about this. It´s up to us to not let this story die.

Alex Jones interviews Terry Reed about CIA drug trafficking, his experience at Mena, Arkansas, Clinton and Bush's complicity in drug trafficking, and how the war on drugs serves as a guise for a war on the Bill of Rights. The National Security Agency controls the supply of narcotics being brought into the U.S. The profits are used to conduct terrorism on the American people! Clinton’s unbridled political ambitions and his campaign pledge to create "jobs for Arkansans" led him to compromise his ideals in exchange for CIA support in his bid for the Presidency. He permitted the "Agency" to use Arkansas factories to make untraceable weapons and he allowed CIA contract agents to train Contra pilots on rural airstrips in support of the war in Nicaragua – effectively evading the Congressional ban on military aid to the Contras.

I wanted to use prototype theory from cognitive linguistics to examine what it is we really mean when we toss around words like AIDS and HIV and I will argue that the concepts in themselves are self-refuting and totally empty of meaning.

Conversations with a Neoconservative

Bill Gates want you to eat maggot milk! Alex Jones has the scoop. Bugs. Worms. Maggots. Insects. The future being created for humanity is deeply disturbing. Eating insects is better because ´´milk from cows create greenhouse gasses´´ so bugs are best. ´´I can´t believe it´s non-dairy.´´ If you thought tofu was bad, you haven´t tried worms yet. They have poop inside them. Did you know that cows produce carbon emissions and cause warming?

Humboldt County is ground zero for watching the ideological battles unfold, like a microcosm of the entire United States. This is my personal perspective from having grown up there and returned at various times in my life. Eureka California, as the county seat for Humboldt, has enormous policy influence for the rest of the county, country and world. HUMBOLDT COUNTY, DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH --- SMOKESCREENS AND IDEOLOGICAL BATTLES

Is HIV the new cool?

Teaching English as a second language from the point of view of social justice is a hot topic these days. Most scholars miss the boat! Education is political. The English teacher in particular bears a lot of responsibility and can be a radical subject for change. That much is clear. Once you recognize that the English teacher is a political actor, weather implicitly or directly, one can then begin to channel that knowledge into effective strategies for overcoming oppresion and colonialism. What is missing, though is identifying multinational institutions as a de-facto world government. Is not there the tendency to replace one hierachy with another? In this video, I argue that it is through hijacked narratives that politics is presented as good education where often the most well-meaning become unwitting stooges for an agenda of enslavement and global domination, a classic example being the United Nations Agenda 2030 as an eductional benchmark worldwide.

Is ontology just a recapitulation of philology? The proponderence of hijacked narratives has thrown into sharp relief the relativity of conflicting narratives in the post-truth space. Some people still talk and act as if truth rules the day without realizing that it´s desperate power plays which operate, often on a subconsious level, and shape their mirror world.

Slowly we are getting vocabulary from the social sciences and philosophy which will help us explain the psuedo-event. For the most part, philosophers have chosen to ignore the implications of the hijacked narrative, even at the expense of intellectual honesty. Compromised investigaitons, mass denial and unacknowledge corruption all play their part. We´re talking here about conspiracies in high office that undermine popular sovereignty and that manipulate national circumstances and priorities. They change the nation´s objectives, disrupt presidential cycles and elections, provoke wars and take-over the national agenda. In spite of this, Americans accept the self-serving account of public officials without considering that these incidents are in fact caused by them, initiated by them and facilitated by the same people carrying out the investigations. We are gulliible for SCAD (State Crimes Against Democracy) and it means that it could happen at any time and will not be prosecuted, improved or even acknowledged.

Hijacked Narratives show us the intrinsic relativity of competing narratives, especially when it comes to the psuedo-events of our post-truth world where State Crimes Against Democracy reign supreme.

The connection to Sep 11th and Mohamed Atta through Huffman Aviation and the CIA ties. Atta was not some radical Muslim. All the evidence points to the fact that he was a pilot specialized in flying drugs for the Bush crime family.

The result of a two-year investigation, this study delves into the possible connection between international drug trafficking and the terror attacks of September 11, 2001. The smoking gun is the very plane the 9/11 hijackers learned to fly-a plane that had previously been seized by the DEA with 43 pounds of heroin on board. This inquiry into possible collusion begins with the 2001 attacks, but ends with a deeper inspection of the American drug trade and asks questions such as Who is the American Pablo Escobar? Once drugs are safely harbored into the United States, who distributes them, and how?

Lance DeHaven Smith, a southern gentleman and scholar, coined the term SCAD, meaning State Crimes Against Democracy. He places this squarely in the context of the Sep 11th attacks, the Kennedy assassinations and the stolen elections of 2000 and 2004. He said we don´t really have language, up until now, to deal with crimes of a political nature. He used computer software to analyze books for five hundred years to see how historically we have dealt with the complicated crimes of a political nature. Moreover, he traces the use of the phrase ´´conspiracy theory´´ to a CIA memo meant to discredit those investigating the Kennedy assassinations. He wanted to leave a new concept for the social sciences that was able to incorporate crimes of a political nature that happen on a macro-level of our society. His focus is on prevention. I first became aware of Lance DeHaven after reading his articles in the American Behavior Scientist on SCAD.

Candace Owens has staked her whole career on state Brigitte Macron is a man. What does this tell us about Candace Owens and the way she reasons? Owens has done more than merely raise a question, but has catigorically stated that she would be willing to bet her whole journalistic career on the FACT that the Prime Minister of France is married to a man, or transwoman. Even if Candace Owens is right, it betrays here some very troubling ways she goes about constructing an argument. It´s going to hurt her in the long wrong as she is now totally discredited! El clima está cambiando porque está siendo manipulado, impulsado por fuerzas secretas, o no tan secretas. "Meteorólogo advierte sobre 'guerras climáticas' entre países". El nuevo titular de Newsweek continúa con esto: "Las inundaciones de Dubai son una cruda advertencia de las consecuencias no deseadas que podemos desencadenar cuando utilizamos tecnología para alterar el clima". Tan pronto como comenzaron a circular informes como el titular de Newsweek, los medios de la Matrix inmediatamente iniciaron una campaña de negación la que fue en dirección completamente inversa a las publicaciones iniciales sobre lo sucedido en Dubai. Los controladores no quieren que el público comprenda la relación entre las operaciones de ingeniería climática y las catástrofes climáticas. Los programas de geoingeniería están causando estragos en todo el mundo, pero un estado de EE. UU. ha dado un importante paso en dirección a detenerlas con una ley recientemente aprobada la que prohíbe tales operaciones: Tennessee.

The United States Goverment Sells Cocaine. They saw governors off-loading airplanes in Mena! They saw Vice Presidents off-loading the airplanes. Attorney generals and the highest names in government personally off-loading airplanes with cocaine. The local kids saw it and they`d kill them. The cops saw it. They`d kill the cops. Zero investigation into Clinton and Bush`s money laundering, assassination and murder. Even zero knowledge by the world. There was a private cocaine network run by George Bush, Bill Clinton and Oliver North.

Barry Seals, the famous CIA drug smuggler, admitted in much detail to Roger Reaves that he was bribing none other than Bill Clinton himself. That is because Barry Seals worked for Roger Reaves, who was the direct connectiont to Pablo Escobar. In his memoir, Smuggler (2016), Reaves claims that Seal paid millions in bribes to the Clintons when Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas in order to land planes carrying cocaine at Mena, Arkansas. Listen to the powerful interview! This is absolutely game-changer! This isn`t just one person testifying to the Clintons being involved in drug trafficking and money laundering, there are many such stories like this! For every flight brought into Mena, Seals had to pay Clinton. The other day I was watching a documentary, probably Vice or something, that said that Gary Webb proved the CIA drug dealing connection, but here we have an entire history during the 80s that connects Oliver North, the Bush crime family and Felix Rodriguez, top justice department officials and nobody knows anything about it! Put together with the accounts of Terry Reed, I`d say this is as decisively historical as anything. There are so many people like this still kicking around, including people like Oliver North, Bill Barr (Trump´s attorney general), Felix Rodriguez, the Bush sons, and who knows how many more, that it would be so easy for some judge somewhere, or a grand jury or a congressional investigation to uncover the role of the Clintons and the Bushes but these people are untouchable. The CIA controls everything and so they will never, can never be investigated, even though this would shake the entire world and the image they have of the highest levels of the U.S government. They are drug smugglers and murderers who even make it to the White House. Zero conversation about drug trafficking in the run-up to the 2016 Presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton. This testimony is the direct connection between the CIA and Pablo Escobar and a clear description of where Barry Seals and Bill Clinton were in the food change. More details in the following: PBD Podcast. Now I`m finally able to see the pecking order and where the criminal go-betweens between the Colombian cartels and the CIA actually really was! Roger Reaves was in jail when the initial investigations into the Clintons were going on. Now he`s out and the pieces of the puzzle are really piecing together. Problem is, most people research this in a vacume and only have bits of the story and cannot see the political implications and what it means for these family dynastrys that have American politics by the neck. The biggest money laundering campaign ever was in Mena and it all points back to the Clintons` real crimes. So much for the drug war and ``say no to drugs``. The Bushes and the Clintons were selling drugs! Roger Reaves was the go-between with the CIA and the Colombian cartels!!