Citizens Information Channel

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Citizens Information Channel



It’s important that we prepare for what we are doing physically, emotionally and spiritually. With Doc Bunny’s 3 Min or Less Meditation, @docbunny2020 shows you can take 3 mins out of your busy day to connect. When reading the Citizens Guide To Fifth Generation Warfare, it’s more important than ever to build your #SpiritualFitness regardless of religion.


Created 3 years, 2 months ago.

1 video

Category Education

It’s really simple. We need to spot the enemy and it isn’t always who you think. We used to think that front lines are thousands of miles away. Wrong. The war can be in our homes, causing division and divide, between families and neighbors. Communities that need to heal are being broken by ineffective policies and government. They use our differences against us by dividing and conquering. They are winning. We don’t even know who ‘they’ are. They like it that way and that is simply unacceptable.

That has to change. We have to name our enemy.

This is #TheCitizensGuideToFifthGenerationWarfare educational channel. Apparently this subject is so controversial, AI doesn’t want to touch it and neither do most platforms. We are going to field strip this book and make it understandable for everyone to understand and share knowledge. No more filters, it’s time to get down and dirty. We are building as we go. Remember, be kind and make sure you positively build your world.

r/CitizensGuideTo5GWar on @Reddit for updates and community building events.

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