CANST - Children Are NOT Sex Toys / GMNo!

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CANST - Children Are NOT Sex Toys / GMNo!


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Eurovision euphoria...or more celebration in the midst of carnage and misery...?



Growing up during the late 2000s and early 2010s, I remember many people in the fandom telling me Taylor looks like this random lady named Zeena LaVey who is a famous Satanist. Do you guys think they look similar? Haha ik it’s a random question. 😅

Why satanic billionaires are raping and torturing children

Funny that this came on shortly before finding this: Casino | How Robert De Niro Deals with Scammers

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The Truth Above All$/invite/@januszkowalskii1979:e

LBRY: bFJvpYc5XXXFvM7xj7P6Kh5Z8EyLZkWJcd
I dont accept fiat or crypto
Knowledge must be free

I am sick of people asking: where is proof?
A lot of people is just lazy as FCK and expect everything will be given to them on a golden platter!
This channel is created to give info about certain topics
Do your own research in the particular matter you are interested in!

You can bring horse to water but you cant make him drink!

Where is proof?

QUESTION: Why I Do What I Do?
1.Read this comment section in full
2.Watch and listen - content of video will explain everything

I challenge you to watch it without any emotions
Its worth to mention that 'our ELITES' are highly involved in this behavior!:9

Keep conversation as civil
If you are going to leave comment you should watch

Trolls will be blocked

COVID-Combination Of Vaccination and IDentification

It is easier to deceive people than to convince them they have been deceived!

James Bullard-Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President
"Planned,organized,partial shut down of US economy during 2nd quarter of 2019"
We know the PLANdemic was introduced and imposed not only in the USA
How did they know there will be pandemic?

Thats why its called PLANdemic

To understand what is going on,we need go back to basics
GovernMent from Greek and Latin (combined) consisted of 2 parts:
Govern/Kuberna (Greek) means to rule/to guide
Ment (Latin mente) means mind/thought
Connecting those 2 words means TO RULE/GUIDE YOUR MIND/THOUGHT

To understand what is going on we need get back to basics again: Anarchy original definition
Not changed and adjusted by the global agenda narrative by adding for example connections with Marxism which is BS
In ancient Greece the chief magistrate in various Greek city states was called Archon (ruler)
An Archon (Greek) - WITHOUT ruler

True anarchist means to be individual who does not want to be ruled by anyone-thats all
If someone call himself as an anarchist but he riots and burns
He does not know what anarchy stands for and he is using this phrase to his own gain
It's obvious that media changed the definition of the word anarchist
Today,by mainstream media,anarchist is called the person who burns,destroys,riot
Thats the Incendiary and Rioter-basic definition again
BLM are NOT anarchists!

Patrice Cullors Co-Founder:'We are TRAINED Marxists/Communists'

They were/are paid Rioters who burn and destroy
How they are used & for what reason!):2

What they get for their actions

Odysee Source:



Nuance Bro - Is this an admission?



Is Dominick Suter Back In The U.S.?

I found a great blog called Under The Radar Media a while ago; they had a very cogent breakdown of Urban Moving Systems's finances.

Reprinting below the text from the older site, which has moved to a WordPress blog.

Under The Radar Media has moved to WordPress
by Maasanova

Attention subscribers and readers, I've moved Under The Radar media to WordPress and will be posting all future content there. Click here to visit the new blog. If you are searching for a particular post, you will find it by scrolling down to the bottom or by searching though the post archive.

Kind regards,


Under The Radar Media
Urban Moving Systems: the US-Israeli 9/11 Financial Nexus
Thursday, June 19, 2008 by Maasanova

With the global awakening of what really happened on 9/11 surging ahead at full steam, many people are now aware of facts such as prior government knowledge of the attacks, the mysterious collapse of WTC 7, all of the military and terror drills going on at the same time of the attacks, and the possibility that WTC 1, 2 and 7 were brought down by controlled demolition, and not by fire.

What is not known by the majority of these people, but is as equally important as WTC 7 is the story of Urban Moving Systems. It is no surprise that the hidden history of Urban Moving Systems remains unknown to of the majority of the American population, and even within the 9/11 truth community, since it's story was never included in the official 9/11 Commission Report, and has been absent from all of the popular 9/11 "truth movies."

Please watch this seven minute video for more details:

So what exactly was Urban Moving Systems and how does it tie into 9/11?

"Dominick Suter, owner of the company Urban Moving Systems, flees the country to Israel. The FBI later tells ABC News, “Urban Moving may have been providing cover for an Israeli intelligence operation.” Suter has been tied to the five Israeli agents caught filming the WTC attack. The FBI had questioned Suter around September 12, removing boxes of documents and a dozen computer hard drives. However, when the FBI returns a few days later, he is gone." [source: ABC News 6/21/2002]

So according to the FBI, an Israeli intelligence gathering operation was set up in Weehawken, NJ posing as a fake moving company, whose employees failed polygraph tests, whose owner was questioned but then mysteriously flees the US. And why did our corrupt media and elected officials conceal this fact from the American people via the 9/11 whitewash commission?!? Maybe it was because this inconvenient fact would have made it hard for the Bush Administration to pin the horrific terrorist attacks on suicidal Muslim highjackers? What do you think?

Well, it is time for the story of Urban Moving Systems to become as commonly known as WTC7 and controlled demolitions to the American people. On Tuesday, June 17, 2008 I was doing a bit of random 9/11 research and I came across a website called, after I googled 'urban moving systems'. is a project of OMB Watch, a Washington based, non-profit citizen's watchdog group that is intended to promote government accountability and citizen participation. All I can say is that this website has delivered, and I was pleased to have come across this piece of internet gold with relatively little digging:

As you can see based on the government data that was released on August 28, 2007, Urban Moving Systems was awarded federal funding in the amount of $498,750 and non-federal funding in the amount of $166,250 for a total of $665,000 and the payout date was June 22, 2001. So in other words, our government, whether knowingly or unknowingly funded an Israeli intelligence gathering operation tied to an FBI investigation, with American taxpayer's dollars!

But wait, it gets even nastier. Urban Moving Systems was also a moving scam operation as well. In December of 2001, the State of New Jersey obtained a court order giving inspectors from Consumer Affairs access to the facility allowing all citizens who had goods stored at Urban Moving Systems' Weehawken warehouse access to retrieve their belongings.

The complaint also alleges that Suter violated the Mover's Act by, among other things, failing to provide Consumer Affairs the name of a current contact person or agent, not adequately responding to consumer requests for access to their belongings and not having an agent available for at least 20-30 per week to allow consumers access to their belongings.

Jim and (Late Joe Rizoli), Diane King, Dianna Ploss, uncle🕋murry sits in along with Henry Hershovitz, Reese, CB & John

Diane continues her review of Peter Winter's DID MILLION REALLY DIE: FACT OR FICTION [Chapter 12]

Discussion of HR 6090, gatekeeping, the Holohoax, the Gaza genocide, the Soros-sponsored (((protests))), personal freedom and more

"When one steals diamonds and gets caught - they have to return them" - when something so high-profile is stolen, and the thieves constantly strut around freely showing off their ill-gotten gains, without retribution, the collapse of said society will follow

*** RADIO:
*** VIDEO/AUDIO: in a new tab
Recommended Channels
BITCHUTE - Jim Rizoli -
Recommended Videos/Links
**** THE HOLOCAUST NARRATIVE, Dr. E. Michael Jones
**** Joe's BitChute videos:
**** Holocaust links
****** Holocaust Deprogramming Course:
****** Holocaust Handbooks

Holocaust Facts:
Zundel videos:


Here's some HOLOCAUST FICTION from a tool on GAB:

Seen that stupid moron's posts, asking how old were you when you learned that no jews were gassed at Auschwitz? Have you seen that stupid shit? Like no jews were killed and The Holocaust is all fake, eh? At Auschwitz, the corpses were incinerated in crematoria and the ashes either buried, scattered, or dumped in the river. At Sobibór, Treblinka, Bełżec, and Chełmno, the corpses were incinerated on pyres. The efficiency of industrialized murder at Auschwitz-Birkenau led to the construction of three buildings with crematoria designed by specialists from the firm J. A. Topf & Söhne. They burned bodies 24 hours a day, and yet the death rate was at times so high that corpses also needed to be burned in open-air pits.

At first, the victims' bodies were buried with the use of crawler excavators, but they were later exhumed and incinerated in open-air pyres to hide the evidence of genocide in what became known as Sonderaktion 1005.

Auschwitz-Birkenau - 1,100,000
Treblinka - 800,000
Belzec - 600,000
Chelmno - 320,000
Sobibor - 250,000
Majdanek - more than 80,00

There were 27 other “Concentration Camps” and more than 1100 satellite or sub-camps.

That stupid fuck really doesn’t know a fucking thing about The Holocaust. Nothing at all. You are a fucking moron and FILTH.

OK, terrific!!!

The Insane US Genocide Plan Against German Civilians in WW2

Israel has an app that lets them coordinate millions of accounts around the world to mass report accounts and news they don't like to get them suspended



AltCastTV & Odysee thumbnail:

Megaphone was a desktop iteration - one of the gatekeepers of the oughts, Bill White, was famously busted running it in his task tray

The following letter was sent by Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to a variety of pro-Israel organisations, so-called ‘hasbara’-groups and other supporters of Israel.

Dear friends,
Many of us recognize the importance of the Internet as the new battleground for Israel’s image. It’s time to do it better, and coordinate our on-line efforts on behalf of Israel. An Israeli software company have developed a free, safe and useful tool for us - the Internet Megaphone.

Please go to, download the Megaphone, and you will receive daily updates with instant links to important internet polls, problematic articles that require a talk back, etc.

We need 100,000 Megaphone users to make a difference. So, please distribute this mail to all Israel’s supporters.

Do it now. For Israel.

Amir Gissin

Director Public Affairs (Hasbara) Department
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jerusalem

Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs understands that today’s conflicts are won by public opinion. They mobilize pro-Israel activists to be active and voice “Israel’s side to the world.” The Megaphone desktop tool, built by Giyus, which means “mobilization”, sends desktop alerts on key articles on Israel and surveys, online polls where activists could click on the button to support Israel and click alerts to easily voice pro-Israel opinions.

The tool tracks down online articles and polls that members should act upon. After installing the tool, members receive alerts on those articles. With this tool Israel’s Foreign Ministry obviously thought it would help Israel’s fight in cyberspace. However, having used this tool, for others, it is quit useful as well. There is also a weblog and a forum.

To download Megaphone Desktop Tool click here [*.exe file for Windows].

For non Windows users and others who would like to to track the alerts being posted via RSS or the Web, visit this page.

Amir Gissin’s letter was posted on July 22 on the website of — an pro-Israel advocacy organization.


#deepfake #startrekcontinues #startrek

By popular demand, another "Star Trek Continues" deepfake. With the faces of Capt. Kirk, Mr. Spock, Scotty, Uhura, and Dr. McCoy. Spock's beard (from "Mirror, Mirror") didn't morph very well, and Dr. McCoy's face didn't travel well from the other universe.

Please share and subscribe if you want to see more deepfakes.



I just confirmed with multiple active government sources that they also got the alert from the DoD alert system, via Alexandria Phone number, 703 454 0563, calling and warning for everyone to get a flashlight, and to expect potential power outages from a solar flare.

I am not making this shit up. DoD alert system is warning all employees about the event.

Only thing I can’t figure out, is why the hell I got the call, because I do not work for the Department of Defense.


Thumbnail from the Think🪖Tank

Comments from instagram:

They're using those five G towers to manipulate the weather ! WHY,and how is the government letting them do this !??????

Radar is a tool used to create and guide storms, sadly.

It’s when the NEXRAD radars are switched into clear air mode ya ding dong. You obviously never observe radar readouts on a regular basis. When there’s no precipitation the radars switch into Clear Air mode which boosts the radars intensity and lowers the beam which picks up all the ground clutter, buildings trees mountains. In clear air mode the radars can pick up dust and even insect movement.

Lol! Paranoia it called. That is a moisture detection radar and it's call humidity. Tract humidity with this and you will see. Smh! Some ppl

Those are radiation plumes coming off of all the cell towers. That's your 5G at work.

Think about every up date 1g 2g 3g and on if you look at temperatures from the start every upgrade increases weather issues. Test the theory and shut it all down for a week and see what happens. These are NEXRaD systems. Which is tla dopolar sound pulse of 5100mhz freq "5g bandwithe"..

From the data banks of VfB [source located! 🫡


Just the flawed conclusion:

The Frank case not only was a miscarriage of justice but also symbolized many of the South’s fears at that time. Workers resented being exploited by northern factory owners who had come south to reorganize a declining agrarian economy. Frank’s Jewish identity compounded southern resentment toward him, as latent anti-Semitic sentiments, inflamed by Tom Watson, became more pronounced. Editorials and commentaries in newspapers all over the United States supporting a new trial for Frank and/or claiming his innocence reinforced the beliefs of many outraged Georgians, who saw in them the attempt of Jews to use their money and influence to undermine justice.

Frank’s trial had far-reaching impacts. It struck fear in Jewish southerners, causing them to monitor their behavior in the region closely for the next fifty years—until the civil rights movement led to more significant changes. But it also inspired the formation of the Anti-Defamation League, one of the nation’s foremost civil rights organizations.

In 1986 the Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles pardoned Frank, stating:

Without attempting to address the question of guilt or innocence, and in recognition of the State’s failure to protect the person of Leo M. Frank and thereby preserve his opportunity for continued legal appeal of his conviction, and in recognition of the State’s failure to bring his killers to justice, and as an effort to heal old wounds, the State Board of Pardons and Paroles, in compliance with its Constitutional and statutory authority, hereby grants to Leo M. Frank a Pardon.

The pardon was motivated in part by the 1982 testimony of eighty-three-year-old Alonzo Mann, who as an office boy had seen Jim Conley carrying Mary Phagan’s body to the basement on the day of her death. Conley had threatened to kill Mann if he said anything, and the boy’s mother advised him to keep silent. For those who thought Frank innocent, this provided confirmation; for those who believed him guilty, this was insufficient evidence to change their views.

The case inspired several scholarly treatments by historians and also made its way, through various media, into the popular culture. In 1915 Georgia musician Fiddlin’ John Carson wrote a ballad about Mary Phagan, which he performed on the steps of the state capitol to protest the commutation of Frank’s sentence. Ten years later the song was recorded as “Little Mary Phagan” by Moonshine Kate, Carson’s daughter, and around the same time Carson recorded a related song, “The Grave of Little Mary Phagan.”

Other popular interpretations of the case include the film They Won’t Forget (1937), based on Ward Greene’s fictionalized account Death in the Deep South (1936), with Lana Turner playing the victim in her first credited screen role; the television mini-series The Murder of Mary Phagan (1988), starring Jack Lemmon as Governor John Slaton; two novels—Richard Kluger’s Members of the Tribe (1977), a detailed reconstruction of the case, but set in Savannah rather than Atlanta, and David Mamet’s The Old Religion (1997), in which a fictionalized Frank tells his story in the first person; and Atlanta playwright Alfred Uhry’s Broadway musical Parade (1999), the title a reference to both the Confederate Memorial Day parade that brought Mary Phagan to town and the lynch mob that took Frank from Milledgeville to Marietta.

In 2008 the William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum in Atlanta opened a special exhibition entitled Seeking Justice: The Leo Frank Case Revisited, and in 2009 an episode of the PBS series American Experience entitled “The People v. Leo Frank” premiered in Atlanta, where the program was also filmed.



Huh 🤔


Sounds to VfB exactly where the conversation should ensue

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VfB wasn't the only one whom saw #COVIDIOCRACY coming: [fails on certain browsers; try alt channels]


Has he lost his spine?
Bloodstream full of protein spikes

Can he think at all?
Or will he boost again next fall?

Is he man or bot?
Has he one coherent thought?

Not a single care
NPCs aren't self aware

Blood flow half congealed
Makes his own magnetic field

When he travels now
Metal detectors always sound

Nobody warned him
He just waits for a cure

Hoping for refunds
That will never occur

Now the truth is clear
Poor Prion Man was swayed by fear

People like Bill Gates
Kill the plebs they claim to save

Nobody told him
He just trusted their meds

They didn't help him
Now he has his regrets

He's intubated
Tiktok nurses soon forget

Struggling in hospital bed
Prion Man meets his end



Gelitin|B-Thing was most likely responsible for the images of (((aircraft))) that people (((saw)))
The B-Thing
World Trade Center, New York, USA

"And then the surgical intervention in the World Trade Center in New York City. Everything top secret and illegal of course. In days of conspiratorial work, somewhere on the 148th floor and using building site refuse they had tediously smuggled into the building under their pullovers, they constructed a functioning load-bearing balcony. In a long complicated process they scratched putty from the tall heavy window, which couldn't be opened. Then they extracted it using suction pads, shunted the balcony out, posed on it at 6 in the morning and had themselves photographed there from a helicopter for their nearest and dearest back home. They kept very mum about it all, because if word had crept out about their coup they could have been fined very heavily for sabotaging a national treasure. Even if it was built by the Japanese. Incidentally, as proof that they were there, there is now a piece of old chewing gum stuck to the outside of the building at a dizzy height." (Tex Rubinowitz)

Article "The B-Thing", by Carlo McCormick, Bookforum, Winter 2001
Article "Vertigo am WTC", by holi, Süddeutsche Zeitung, October 17, 2001
Article "Balcony Scene (Or Unseen) - Atop the World", by Shaila K. Dewan, New York Times, August 18, 2001
Publication "The B-Thing, Walther König, Cologne 2001

If you haven't read this, enjoy: Orwell's Optimism
The Deep State, Self-Deception, 9/11, and the Legend of
"FBI Maverick" John O'Neill
Essay by Allan Weisbecker
Design by D.L.

Oy to da vey, goyimzes! Da foist 66 get a free child's mattress! Such a deal, goyimzes!



Whoever made this literally worse than hitler and this is absolutely based.... in stereotypes.

Whatever this "flood show" is tomorrow, If I were you, I'd probably sleep through it...

Join Dave Gahary and Tim Murdock on FUHRER FRIDAY


Thumbnail by Psychodrilla!

Unreported Story Society - NOW SHOWING: The world wants you to forget what happened on October 7th.

Our play, OCTOBER 7th, will share the verbatim stories of the victims and their families.

Join us for this powerful production in New York City. Buy tickets now:



That's cute - more dupers' delight on the way to obfuscate things

What is the theme of PARADE, which had played recently on Broadway?

A trivialization of the life and death of Mary Phagan, the 'Georgia Peach' 🍑

I guess ol' Leo Max 'Air Jiggin' Frank couldn't resist having a bite 🤬

Well, you did get the ADL...but now your attack dog has gone rabid - and we all know what's done to rabid dogs 💉

Frankie Stockes - THE SECRET LAND: Admiral Byrd’s men discovered a ‘warm oasis’ in Antarctica, with ‘warm water lakes’ and shores that ‘are free of ice and snow.’ The hills are full of ‘vast deposits’ of coal and ‘important minerals.’ What else did they find?



Not those Sulzbergers, you may have thought on May 20 when perusing a two-page map of Antarctica in The Times. There, just to the left of the enormous Ross Ice Shelf, was “Sulzberger Bay.” What were the Sulzbergers doing down near the South Pole? Wasn’t their family estate in Westchester County? Could this be a misprint? Or an in-joke?

It was neither. Sulzberger Bay does indeed take its name from Arthur Hays Sulzberger, the publisher of The New York Times from 1935 to 1961, who not only supported two Antarctic expeditions by Rear Adm. Richard E. Byrd (Commander Byrd at the time), but counted the admiral among his friends. In the 1920s, before taking over as publisher from his father-in-law, Mr. Sulzberger helped make The Times an advocate of aviation and exploration.

Admiral Byrd was so indebted to the Ochs-Sulzberger family and The Times that he went on a naming spree in December 1929 — summer in Antarctica — as he charted newly found features in Marie Byrd Land. (That would be Mrs. Byrd.) Besides Sulzberger Bay, he also designated:

• Adolph S. Ochs Glacier, since shortened to Ochs Glacier, at the foot of Block Bay. Mr. Ochs was the publisher of The Times at the time of the expedition.
• Mount Iphigene, a 4,200-foot peak west of Ochs Glacier, named for Mr. Ochs’s daughter, who was married to Mr. Sulzberger.
• Marujupu Peak, a 3,000-foot-high nunatak emerging from the Ochs Glacier. Marujupu (ma-ROO-joo-poo) is an acronym using the first two letters of the names of each of Iphigene and Arthur Sulzberger’s children, in birth order: Marian, Ruth, Judith and Punch, as Arthur Ochs Sulzberger was called.
• Birchall Peaks, a small group west of Mount Iphigene. Frederick T. Birchall was the managing editor of The Times when Byrd was exploring Antarctica. Besides helping finance Admiral Byrd’s first expedition, the Times dispatched its own correspondent, Russell Owen, to cover the trek. He spent a year on the assignment and was immortalized at Owen Peak, originally Mount Russell Owen.

A stirring memento of the Byrd-Sulzberger friendship is a 1921 Morgan silver dollar. It is framed together with a short narrative written by Arthur Hays Sulzberger, describing how the coin was passed back and forth between the men, beginning with Admiral Byrd’s Arctic expedition of 1926 and trans-Atlantic flight of 1927.

“Before leaving on his first South Pole adventure, Byrd asked me for the dollar,” Mr. Sulzberger wrote. “I put it in this plain blue envelope with a simple notation. It was never removed from the envelope and was taken across the South Pole in it.”

“Again on his second South Polar trip [1934] the Admiral asked me for the dollar. It accompanied him on all of his flights and was with him at the advance base. In turn it was duly brought back to me. “

“Finally on this third trip to Antarctica [1939-40] — this time for the United States Government — Admiral Byrd once again claimed his dollar and, as usual, returned it.”

“A dollar can go very far in the proper hands.”

Very far — as Admiral Byrd told Mr. Sulzberger by letter after returning the coin in October 1940. During the third expedition, the admiral’s ship had become icebound in Sulzberger Bay.

“There did not seem to be any chance of getting out,” Admiral Byrd wrote, “but with this luck piece and a seaplane, we managed, by zigzagging and pounding the ice, to break our way through to open water. Perhaps without this luck piece we would still be in your inhospitable Bay.

“You must take good care of this silver piece,” the admiral continued. “If you should lose it I would be sunk, for I would not dare to go on a hazardous undertaking without it. Devotedly, Dick.”

Wherever Admiral Byrd’s soul may be these days, he need not worry. The silver dollar is safely in the hands of Arthur Sulzberger Jr. You know. Of the Antarctic Sulzbergers.

Ted Theodore Logan - Railguns prove a level surface. A level surface disproves the ball. You’re welcome.



VfB says: TORUS 🥯 but certainly, our plane[t] is a NO SPIN ZONE

illuminatibot - Why you shouldn't eat pork

The Torah (Pentateuch) contains passages in Leviticus that list the animals people are permitted to eat. According to Leviticus 11:3, animals like cows, sheep, and deer that have divided hooves and chew their cud may be consumed. Pigs should not be eaten because they do not chew their cud.



Let's hear from PETA, the organization that had less than zero clue as to what to do about the impending deaths of over 30,000 cattle during the first Texas Freeze 🐄

Just an excerpt - we'll discuss afterwards:

4. Pigs Prefer Mud, Not Crud
Pigs are actually very clean animals. If they are given sufficient space, pigs are careful not to soil the areas where they sleep or eat. And forget the silly saying “sweating like a pig”—pigs can’t even sweat! That’s why they bathe in water or mud to cool off. But in factory farms, they’re forced to live in their own feces and vomit and even amid the corpses of other pigs. Conditions are so filthy that at any given time, more than one-quarter of pigs suffer from mange—think of your worst case of poison ivy, and imagine having to suffer from it for the rest of your life.


This is part of the word magick being played upon you - the more you speak it, the harder it ensnares you

Recall the Ford bashing video - what Henry did was to invert the auto assembly line so that workers could be fit into all applicable positions

Factory farming can simply be made more humane to inverting it

Recall that Henry Ford never paid dime one to advertising agencies...and why would he? His well paid and compensated employees were his best advertising - and they did it for FREE [or rather, they all shared in the profits, a perfect example of STRENGTH THROUGH UNITY, or NATIONAL SOCIALISM]

Conversely - pigs with a much cleaner environment will tend to be cleaner overall, wouldn't you say?

In my idea of a pig farm, I'd most likely follow the leads of those already and actually doing this...but VfB adds in the idea of making positions for all

VfB wasted a lot of mental effort on things Ford had already figured out from his VfB makes up for that


UPDATE [On Facebook | Meta]: Pro-Palestinian Leader Declares CHRISTIANS Enemy No. 1 | Pro-Palestinian Leader Declares CHRISTIANS Enemy No. 1
By ACLJFacebook



Let's play Devils' advocate and say that these are the honest thoughts of a politician whom simply hasn't done any research into the actual realities of the events of WW2 - in looking for a thumbnail, found this:

Do we owe Mike Johnson an apology? Did he just ensure Joe Biden loses this election?!

So once again MTG is working to get House Speaker Mike Johnson up for an ouster vote: BID FOR ‘ATTENTION’: Crenshaw on MTG’s effort to oust Johnson

It occurs to me that Mike Johnson may have just handed the 2024 race to Donald Trump. How?

It's that foreign aid plan he pushed through that we all catcalled. Mike Johnson got funding for Ukraine, Taiwan, and the State of Israel.

That's what all of these idiotic riots are over, the aid package we panned!

My God, look at the crowds in Washington DC! (note the hammer and sickle Soviet flag in the above photo facing the capitol) The DC images are from November, but it got me to thinking that Speaker Johnson just did the entire nation a public service with all the anti-Biden riots he seemingly authored.

Think of it: Every speech Joe Biden has given since he took office, he wanted crowds like that marching in protest denouncing Donald Trump, white voters, Republican senators, and he NEVER GOT A CROWD LIKE THIS for things he and his staff spun every day! Mike Johnson did that with his Israeli aid package! WTF and Holy F-, have we mis-underestimated the guy?

He just thought six moves ahead of the rest of us and SCREWED JOE BIDEN. Biden's presidency is finished, and just months away from the 2024 election!

I don't know if Mike Johnson really planned this far ahead like a master chess player. He doesn't look that bright, to be honest.

But if he just executed the means to throw scumbag Joe Biden out of office, along with all of his treasonous America-hating lawyers, then I say, hats off to you, sir. Hats off!

A follow-up comment:

Did Mike Johnson destroy Biden? I would submit as an example The Atlantic, the all-Democrat 'news magazine', who attacks the protesters as being too pro-Hamas, which is bad for Biden. The Atlantic frets:

But that’s not actually an accurate description of the reality that the Post is reporting. The people featured in this article did not simply criticize Israel or its actions in Gaza. One woman was fired from her job at a branding firm for a video in which she declared that “radical solidarity with Palestine means … not apologizing for Hamas.” (Refusing to say a bad word about a U.S.-designated foreign-terrorist group is undoubtedly not the way her firm wanted to be branded.) Another person, a therapist, was caught on video ripping down a poster of Israeli hostages. She subsequently promoted the conspiracy theory that the Israelis taken by Hamas on October 7 were actually kidnapped by their own country. ...

News outlets have a duty to both accurately report the news and include the context necessary for readers to understand it. The Post article not only casts the whitewashing of Hamas and the murders it committed as “criticism” of Israel; it also fails to explain Hamas’s aims—which include the complete destruction of Israel by any means, including the mass murder of innocent civilians. What happens to public discourse around the most controversial issues when media outlets don’t talk about what we’re actually talking about?

Well, VfB can recall a certain utterance: 'saving Israel for last':

The cover for their nefarious deeds is rapidly disappearing

Doctor provides evidence using vials of how sexual intercourse between an unvaccinated person and a vaccinated person can make an unvaccinated person's blood contaminated.

A good number of you have watched COACH DAVE LIVE - 5/20/21 🐝Guest Host Dr. Sherri Tenpenny "It's NOT 'Shedding'; It's TRANSMISSION!" [skip the very first minute, as you'll hear if you don't, interference into the broadcast - I hope to clean this up one day...or someone with refined audio skills would do the world a favour]

Eighteen minutes in, VfB inquires about a certain genetic sequence - information is confirmed, but my question aimed at the wrong part of the equation

She made a point about this being TRANSMISSION, NOT SHEDDING...AND NOW WE HAVE PROOF ✅

Two months later, VfB & Japhy Ryder beat the WHO to the punch!

WPRPN Pirate Radio News Episode #155 - VfB Stows Away In The POOPDECK! ⚓



My timing could NOT have been more perfect - if you want to get straight to the SCUMBAG SMASHING, set it for 2:40:00 and strap in🎆

Klaus Schwab has NO BENIS - my receipts on this farce 🎫

I used that same screenshot to show you that VfB is more PETA than PETA...or show me when one of them posted about these cows before I did!

Said SS is on the Brighteon channel:

VfB is at a loss for words; take it away, Shane!

"My man Shane, where you at bro?" 🫣


Why is there a screenshot from HT's shoah on a video not about HT?

Well, I don't believe he's familiar with VHVIII, but that's hardly a story - the REAL STORY is - that is an image that you and I were NOT allowed to see for almost 23 years


Was it from that morning? Not a clue...but it was on their cameras when it was seized

That explains the thumbnail...but nothing can explain Benny da Shap 🤣

Please purchase products from this link to support this podcast: Thanks.

To purchase The Victor-Hugo Collection contact The William DeBilzan Gallery William DeBilzan Art Gallery Delray Beach Florida 561-266 2090 [email protected]

“My job is not to be politically correct; It is to witness, observe, analyze and document the beautiful chaos that surrounds us all, so that future generations can understand how we got to this moment in time.” - Victor-Hugo Vaca II

"I'm known as the 'Nostradamus of the Art World' because my paintings foreshadow events but It's not that I can see the future, it's that as an artist, I've met the people who forge our future." - Victor-Hugo Vaca II

Public Trust Plummets As Fake News Media Spreads Misinformation and Lies While Ignoring Prescient Eyewitness Observations from New York Born Hispanic-American Artist Who Lived Through The Chinese Coronavirus Pandemic Outbreak In China. Now, stuck in the former Soviet Union as a dissident American Refugee due to the Chinese Coronavirus shutting down all international flights and forced PCR Test lobotomies and deadly, experimental vaccines required to travel back to the homeland he served to protect as a United States Naval Academy Midshipman Officer, the Nostradamus of the Art World, Maverick Artist Victor-Hugo, shares modern art gonzo journalism with global citizens.



Created 6 years, 2 months ago.

3095 videos

Category News & Politics

Formerly a writer for Room Eight, now exiled. This, however, allowed me to clear my head and I've now found my true calling - spearheading the eradication of FrankenFoods from our food supply. It is irresponsible and foolhardy to allow our food supply to be suborned by the likes of Bayer/Monsanto, Sygenta, BASF and all other companies involved in the creation and promotion of genetically modified organisms. I hope to convince you to join me.

I am also beginning an effort to DRAIN THE SWAMP. I would appreciate your assistance, in any way that matters. My initiative is titled #CANST.

CANST stands for Children Are Not Sex Toys 🎎

Here is my Periscope (dedicated to Charlie 🐭):

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Here is my Twitter account: [ Screw that! I’m back! ] 🐦 (currently suspended)

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Charter member of the #GDL 🇺🇸



Dr. Ted Broer:

Jim Stone:



Vin’s Comic Talk: 🚡

Coach Dave Live! 🙏🏽

This is my Coach Dave Live! Social page:

Thanks for the legal notice, Doc! 🩻 [Steve Turley]

All clips are for fair use commentary, criticism, and educational purposes. See Hosseinzadeh v. Klein, 276 F.Supp.3d 34 (S.D.N.Y. 2017); Equals Three, LLC v. Jukin Media, Inc., 139 F. Supp. 3d 1094 (C.D. Cal. 2015)

[Quick word from VfB - if you've, for whatever reason, (((muted))) me, and then you come to post will be tolerated...until you are NOT]