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Life's a fucking comedy. Everything in this video except the audio is mine. Enjoy the show.

Video originally uploaded on June 25, 2020 to my YouTube channel Cincy32. It was taken down without notice or explanation from YouTube sometime in January 2021. Reuploading.

Follow me on Telegram @TSCIG

BitChute exclusive. POYB

Columbus, Ohio Statehouse Saturday July 18, 2020

Yes, some strange things happened Saturday July 18, 2020 at the Stand for America rally at our state's Capitol and I was there right up front for all of it - let me break it down and give you the full story.

Fight footage between PB and the Boogers:

A large contingent of Boogaloo Boi faggots escorted several black BLM protesters into the Columbus, Ohio Stand for America rally at the Statehouse. These BLM protesters had a speaker and were chanting "Black lives Matter!" Proud Boys quickly surrounded them, drowned out their BLM chant with an All Lives Matter chant, and the group turned to leave before one of the Boogers turned around, handed off his long gun, and initiated a fight with Ohio Proud Boys. His buddies ran off like the bitches they are. The Booger pulled a gun on the Ohio Proud Boys but dropped it while he was getting his ass beat and someone (don't know who except I know it wasn't any Proud Boy) stole his dropped handgun. Spray was deployed and the Booger was arrested. I am the guy in the camo helmet.

12:20 - President of Columbus Black Panthers speaks, calls for unity, expresses skepticism towards BLM, antifa, and media.
35:05 - I tail antifa scouts and call their leader out by her name on my megaphone while she is livestreaming.
38:10 - Patriots wipe their feet and spit on the communist Chinese flag.
48:00 - My parents tell about a shot fired in the parking garage.
50:34 - Fight between Proud Boys and member of the Boogaloo Bois.
51:57 - Boog boi arrested by Ohio State Troopers, his handgun is lost or stolen.
58:50 - BLM, Columbus Anti-Racist Action, and Showing Up for Racial Justice (ARA and SURJ respectively, both are antifa organized groups) march to the rally. Police create barrier between communists and patriots.
1:05:35 - Giving the bird to BLM and antifa.

Not OC


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This is the most innocent creature I've ever known. He'll lose that innocence one day but I know he'll be wise, fair, and loyal.

First footage is shot in the morning, then the second set is shot beginning at 5:30pm until 6pm. Downtown Springfield, Ohio is under curfew from 6pm to 6am every night.

Upon reflection I believe this was an insurance scam but that's just my instinct.


Uploading over three hours of footage tonight - stay tuned.

Don't believe the revisionist lies! Here I give you the TRUTH on one of history's most brutal and ruthless figures of all time - Stephen William Hawking!

Send me an email at [email protected]

I edited together a bunch of C roll footage I randomly shot while on a one-day vacation to Holland, Michigan. Enjoy. Or not. It's all good.

Viewer discretion advised - Ecuador coronavirus deaths:


Created 4 years, 7 months ago.

30 videos

Category None

Check out my YouTube channel - Cincy32. That and Parler are the only "social media" I'm on; Parler handle is also Cincy32.

I also have my own business named The Supreme Court Is Gay LLC (yes, that is legally registered with my state and with the IRS). I'm working on getting its website up and running and it should be online by August 2020 -