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Global Research News Hour Archives:
This week, on the Global Research News hour, following the many climate related events as part of the recent Earth Day celebrations, we have decided to take a closer look at the generations long warnings and alarmism connected to climate change and explore the prospect that the UN and the elites who have orchestrated a lot of this activity may have other devious motives not connected to saving the planet, except of course for themselves. In our fist half hour, we have a chat with Tom Nelson, A climate skeptic and producer of the recent film Climate the Movie: The Cold Truth. Then in our second half hour, we speak with Jacob Nordangard about his recent book: Rockefeller, Controlling the Game, exploring how one of the most influential figures on the planet was able to both scientifically and politically anchor the climate issue.

Global Research News Hour archives:
This week, we are now focused on what happens next now that Iran has drawn a line in the sand no longer tolerating further offences against their citizenry like the APRIL 1ST ATTACK on their embassy in Damascus, and speaking to two expert guests who relay what they understand about what happened last weekend and what it potentially means for the region and for all humanity . In our first half hour we have journalist, lawyer and activist Dimitri Lascaris talking about the legal logistics of the various players of the war and about his most recent trip to the area. In our second half hour, former CIA analyst Larry Johnson offers his critique of the Iran attack, the consequences of an israeli counter-retaliation and the prosepcts of the US intervening militarily on the Israeli side. Finally, he hear from groups across Canada about what they plan to do this weekend in their attempts to confine the authority of the Israeli bull in a china shop.

This week, on the Global Research News Hour we are examining what is now called the Genocide against the Tutsis in Rwanda as they took place starting 30 years ago this week, and arriving at the conclusion that this horrible tragedy was masked to conceal the truth of the actual perpetrators, the RPF, and the victims. In our first half hour, journalist Ann Garrison joins us to elaborate on
what her research revealed and about how the current day Rwanda is a totalitarian regine with no room for dissent on this question. Then in our second half hour, writer, and publisher Robin Philpot returns to the show to talk about his 2013 book, Rwanda and the New Scramble for Africa.

Global Research News Hour Archives:
This week, on the Global Research News Hour, we mark the 75th anniversary of the formation of NATO into a huge global military organization by looking at it from a variety of lenses beyond praising the North Atlantic Cavalry. In our first half hour, Yves Engler joins us to break down Canada’s connection to NATO and how peace activists may consider life without NATO.
In our second half hour, journalist Rick Rozoff who specializes in opposition to NATO spells out what is objectionable about the organization in the larger picture. And right after, Ajamu Baraka of Black Alliance for Peace tells the tale of what is objectionable about NATO from a Black Radical Perspective.

Global Research News Hour Archives:
This week, on the Global Research News Hour, we commemorate the 25th anniversary of NATO’s first act of offence, against another country, the war on Yugoslavia with interviews with two informed guests. The great writer and journalist Diana Johnstone shows up first to talk about the true reasons for the war and about the similarities between that war and the current war in Ukraine. Then in our second half hour, we have a lengthy discussion with investigative journalist Kit Klarenberg about the intelligence aspects of the war that helped to drive the Yugoslavia venture and other US-based initiatives continuing to advance US hegemony throughout the post cold war globe.

Global Research News Hour Archives:
This week, on the Global Research News Hour, first broadcasting on the Ides of March, we are viewing the prospect of war, possibly the ultimate nuclear war, erupting in the wake of current affairs happening in the battle field and in our own movie-going culture. In our first half hour, writer and documentary film Maker Greg Mitchell returns to the show to talk about the ways in which the anti war anti-nuclear movement is betrayed in Chris Nolan’s Oscar Award winning film and how Hollywood itself is a producer of pro-war propaganda. Then in our second half hour, we talk to journalist, and geopolitical and military analyst Drago Bosnic about the slow motion victory by Russia in Ukraine and how NATO’s determination to prevail may force us to endure the reality of what Oppenheimer warned us about decades ago.

Global Research News Hour Archives:
This week, on the global research News Hour, we salute the day known as International Women’s Day with an examination of what women have faced and continue to face in a world populated, supposedly, by more progressive governments and more civilized societies. In our first half hour, we hear a discussion with peace activist Tamara Lorinz about feminized foreign policy being absent in the government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Canada. In the next half hour, we are joined by Friba of the Revolutionary Association of Women of Afghanistan to explain the plight of women in Afghanistan during the occupation and since the Taliban resumed their rights destroying ways in power. Finally, we hear once again from researcher Tina Renier on how the hidden tendrils of control of white supremacist countries affect the continued containment of women in the black racialized countries in the Caribbean and in the global south generally.

This week on the Global Research News Hour, on the occasion of just concluded Black History month we are shining a spotlight on the prevailing mechanisms by which colonial powers continue to exert their influence on the racialized countries they previously controlled and efforts to reverse this trend. In our first half hour, we will be speaking to Jamaica based researcher Tina Renier about the Coloniality of Power and the dilemmas facing Black Nationalism
In our second half hour, we are joined by Jafrikayiti about the 20th anniversary of Jean-Bertrand Aristide this week, and how the tactic of invading a black nation in the name of protecting it will be attempted again in a few weeks.

Global Research News Hour archives:

This week on the Global Research News Hour, CKUW, the radio station hosting the show is having its annual fund-raiser. This show will feature excerpts from past programs, music and lots and lots of pitching. The fund-raiser has come to a close by the time this show is posted but listeners are encouraged to pledge a donation at!

Global Research News Hour Archives:
This week on the Global Research News Hour, we are taking a look at the landmark trial pitting multiple citizens groups against the EPA and seeing the elaborate interests other than teeth that benefits from adding Silicofluorides into drinking water and realizing the magnitude of efforts needed to stop it even after revealed by research studies. In our first half hour, we speak with Dr Robert C (Bob) Dickson chair of Fluoride free Canada about concerns about use of Fluoride in Canada. Then in our second half hour, we hear an interview by Journalist Derrick Broze of with Michael Connett, lead attorney for the Fluoride Action Network in the United States about the history of the current Lawsuit, the harms of fluoride to developing brains, and the number of interests networked with the EPA to keep the fluoridation work going.

Global Research News Hour archives:
This week on the Global Research News Hour we mark the two year anniversary of the arrival of the Canadian Freedom Convoy of truckers into Ottawa by speaking to two people with opposing viewpoints on the way the Convoy was treated by Federal government officials and on the recent ruling by Judge Mosley that the Emergencies Act violated their rights under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Our guests are Brenda Knight of the Centretown Community Health Centre and co-chair of the Ottawa Peoples Committee on the Convoy Occupation, and Kristen Nagle, one of the named Plaintiffs in the Federal Court examining the Charter Rights of the Trucker Convoy supporters.

This week, on the Global Research News Hour a week after the conclusion of Davos24 we are focused on the battle against Climate Change and the mechanism of the World Economic Forum that puts the world’s wealthiest figures in the driving seat. For the majority of our hour, we speak to Geopolitical analyst Peter Koenig and to environmental activist and to organic farmer Julian Rose about their skepticism toward the human role in generating climate change and about how climate action as prescribed by the World Economic Forum will not so much save the planet as feed the rich. Toward the end of our show, Elizabeth Woodworth, another Global Research contributor who supports the scientific consensus on climate change expresses her concerns about elevating the role of corporate interests, including big oil, ahead of respecting and defending democratic States around the world.

Global Research News Hour archives:
This week on the Global Research News Hour, following the victory of a party in Taiwan favouring Independence from China, and following years worth of Sinophobia cemented by the west after the COVID-19 fiasco, we are taking a look at the positive and not so positive factors that have made the world’s most populous country what it is today. In our first half hour, we are joined by author Patrick wood of HE explains how the Trilateral commission actually turned the country into a technocracy which is spreading around the world, including America itself and why this is alarming to him. Then in the second half hour, we are joined once again by journalist and independent writer Pepe Escobar who does not see China launching an attack on Taiwan following the election of the Democratic Progressive Party, and instead explains how China is on a roll while the US continues to wither away.

Global Research News Hour Archives:
This week on the Global Research News Hour, we return to the Israel-Gaza war to get an update on the new developments seizing the region since October 7 and try to assess whether any efforts can stop the slaughter in Gaza and beyond. In our first half hour, Lawyer, Journalist and activist Dimitri Lascaris is back to discuss the larger situation causing Lebanon, and Iran and the US to be involved in Israel’s private dispute. In our second half hour, two writers in California discuss their Global Research article alleging evidence and law in the current genocidal hearings against Israel at the International Court of Justice will be nothing more than window dressing in the outcome of the case. And finally, journalist Robert Inlakesh returns to the program to update us on what is known about people on the ground in Gaza and about crimes committed by Israel against Gaza citizens, including journalists

Global Research News Hour Archives:
This week, on the 2024 debut of the Global Research News Hour, we are once again exploring the most important and under-reported events of the past year, and looking ahead at the stories anticipated for this brand new year with a set of guests.

First up is Andy Lee Roth, Associate Director of Project Censored about his organization’s list of the top 25 most censored stories of 2022 to 2023. In our second half hour, activist and author Yves Engler joins us to talk about the most censored stories in Canada relating to Canadian Foreign Policy. We also hear from Ryan Cristian, founder and editor of the Last American Vagabond website about his view of the most censored story of 2023.

Global Research News Hour archives:
On the show this week, we will be spending the next hour investigating the late journalistic career of an accomplished journalistic figure: Stephen Lendman. HE passed away in May of 2023, however with his views so well pronounced in numerous press articles on his blog and in the many radio shows that he produced, it is almost difficult not to imagine what he would be saying at the present time in the face of the latest manouevre to deny trump a presidential candidacy, the attempts to disguise Ukraine’s continuing losses in the war with Russia, or the efforts to wage a full genocide against Gaza. The show will feature past audio of his radio show, as well as features with him on other people’s programs. And we talk to several individuals who can speak to their own experiences of knowing him.

Global Research News Hour archives:
This week on the Global Research News Hour as people getting Booster shots for COVID-19 has begun to wade and as more and more indications suggest that the Vaccine is not safe and effective, we have a look at the possibility that a second even more dangerous pandemic is on the way with the vaccine already being prepared to increase numbers getting the jab. In our first half hour, we are joined by Dr William Makis who discloses his research into the dozen or so Mainstream articles talking about a second pandemic and how the research patterns indicate this could be a man made pandemic designed to increase cratering numbers of people not getting the shot. In our second half hour, journalist Naomi Wolf returns to the show with recent updates into her research of the Pfizer report the company and FDA tried to keep out of the public eye, and of the repercussions on her running a story journalistically against the current of standard COVID-19 reporting.

Global Research News Hour archives:
This week, on the Global Research News Hour, we, together with a group of individuals, have filed a special tribute to Kissinger befitting of the kind of work he has done over the course of an entire century of his existence.

Global Research News Hour Archives:
This week on the Global Research News Hour we will be looking behind us at the consequences of the great COVID-19 pandemic and looking ahead at the second round of pandemic diseases
as the Mainstream press is beginning to increasingly formulate and as Bill Gates himself predicted way back in 2020. In our first half hour, we will look at the findings from the recently released final Report from the National Citizens Inquiry: Canada’s Response to Covid-19, and we will talk to one of the authors of that report. In our second half hour, we will speak to film-maker and journalist James Corbett about what to make of signs a new pandemic may be on the way and also to look at the latest draft of the Pandemic Agreement which could potentially affect the freedom of our national and individual health.

Global Research News Hour Archives:
This week, on the Global Research News Hour is the 60th anniversary of the JFK’s assassination. We will be spending the majority of the hour discussing the famous case with Jacob Hornberger, a long time author and investigator of the 1960s event. Mr Hornberger in particular explores the subject matter of two recent books he wrote on the assassination of the 35th president of the United States.

Global Research News Hour Archives:
This week, on the Global Research News Hour, we are marking the 60th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination with two outstanding guests who have probed one of the most talked about moments in American history. In our first half hour, we speak with Jeremy Kuzmarov of Covert Action Magazine about the current state of affairs in the JFK Assassination, and what we have learned after 6 decades of research and sabotage of the facts. Then in Our second half hour, we are joined by Phillip F Nelson, a JFK researchers who will outline the facts surrounding his vice president Lyndon Baines Johnson as to his guilt in the affair and where researchers and activists of the current age should be devoting their attention in getting at the culprits of this great tragedy.

Global Research News Hour archives:
This week on the Global Research News Hour, on the eve of Remembrance Day, we are turning our attention to the realities of foreign policy that seems to go very much against the sentiment of NEVER AGAIN, harnessing more, not less, military conflicts abroad. In our first half hour, Glenn Diesen discusses his book THE THINK TANK RACKET Managing the Information War Against Russia, which dives into how foreign policy is increasingly set not by the public, but by experts influenced to a large extent by elements by the military industrial complex. Then in our second half hour, Global Research News Hour contributor Paul Graham talks to Owen Schalk about his recent work Canada in Afghanistan: A story of Military, diplomatic, political and media failure 2003-2023. on the forces shaping Canada’s 20 year efforts in the ongoing Afghan tragedy.

Global Research News Hour Archives:
This week, on the Global Research News Hour, As the genocidal intentions of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is being made clear following the Hamas Attack on Israel and as deaths of Palestinians in Gaza is piling up to close to 10,000, we spend another week analyzing the situation with an emphasis on whether or not this pivotal moment will spread beyond Gaza. In part one of our interview, we are joined by the geopolitical analyst and author Mahdi Nazemroaya who gives us his take on the plan based on past statements and on where this conflict may be headed. Near the end, we are joined by activist, lawyer and journalist Dimitri Lascaris who shares his own thoughts and analysis following his trip in recent weeks to Lebanon where he saw the energies of the people in the streets and the Israeli soldiers minding the store on the north side.

Global Research News Hour Archives:

This week on the Global Research News Hour, we continue to investigate the situation in Israel-Gaza and with an emphasis on the reaction to the escalation of the situation in the 75 year history of the divide. In our first half hour, Pan-African News Wire editor Aboyomi Azikiwe shares his thoughts and analysis of why much of the world is resisting the Israeli response to the Hamas Oct 7 attack to levels rivalling the Iraq War resistance 20 years ago. Then in our second half hour, Chris Cook of radio station CFUV’s Gorilla Radio bring us a conversation from earlier this week with physician Tarek Loubani about the silencing of his colleague Ben Thomson and other humanitarian dissenters in the current age of suppression.

Global Research News Hour Archives:
This week on a dynamic episode of the global Research News Hour we are turning our attention to the explosion of all peace between Israel and Gaza following the devastating attack by Hamas on Israeli citizens and the show of support from world leaders, from the US, Canada, France and elsewhere giving Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu moral support to not only inflict violence on Palestinians, but also to wage genocide on the population greater than any level since the creation of the Israeli State in 1948. In our first half hour, Canadian activists Yves Engler and Ken Stone speak up about the role of the Canadian government and about protests in Hamilton affecting the left wing New Democratic Party. In our second half hour, we hear from Journalist Rob Inlakesh about the many unverified and plausibly incorrect stories in Israel and Gaza circulating on mainstream and social media. Finally, Phil Giraldi a former counter-terrorist expert spelled out how this attack by Hamas which sparked a brand new war on terrorism was also a false flag incident.


Created 2 years, 1 month ago.

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