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In this video, we explore nine of the creepiest waterfalls in Canada.

0:00:00 - 9. Niagara Falls
0:03:48 - 8. Virginia Falls
0:05:34 - 7. Bloody Falls
0:08:00 - 6. Montmorency Falls
0:11:08 - 5. Shawinigan Falls
0:12:59 - 4. Iroquois Falls
0:14:45 - 3. Kakabeka Falls
0:16:33 - 2. Manitou Falls
0:17:23 - 1. Albion Falls

Thanks for watching! If you’d like to get a signed copy of my book, and support my work in the process, please check out my brand new e-store:


In this video, we take a look at strange tales from the bloodiest period in Canadian history – the last sixty years of the 17th Century, characterized by a series of armed conflicts between New France and the Iroquois Confederacy known collectively as the Beaver Wars.

0:00:00 – Introduction
0:02:46 - Outbreak of the Beaver Wars
0:05:09 - The Vision of Jean de Brebeuf
0:08:53 - The Ghost of Antoine Daniel
0:13:45 - Ritual Hematophagy
0:16:10 - The Miraculous Cure of Jeanne Mance
0:24:11 - The Talking Head of Jean Saint-Pere
0:26:13 - Miracles of Ste. Anne de Petit-Cap
0:29:13 - Battle of Long Sault
0:32:16 - The Haunting of Barbe Hallay
0:37:27 - The Shroud of Lemaitre
0:40:06 - The Ghosts of Point Iroquois
0:42:12 - The Charlevoix Earthquake of 1663
0:52:00 - The Carignan-Salieres
0:53:23 - Loup-Garou
0:54:22 - The Piasa Bird
0:59:07 - Vanishing of Le Griffon
1:02:45 - End of the Beaver Wars

Thanks for watching! If you’d like to get a signed copy of my book, and support my work in the process, please check out my brand new e-store:


In this video, we take a look at some obscure mysteries native to the United States of America.

From sightings of the infamous monster of Enfield, Illinois, to mysterious cattle rustling in southern Missouri, 1973 was a weird year for the United States of America. After exploring some of the mysteries of 1973 America, we take a look at a uniquely American iteration of an age-old international phenomenon. For millennia, lone travellers the world over have returned from their excursions with tales of strange flickering lights they encountered in the wilderness at night. In this video, we take a look at one of these so-called "wills-o'-the-wisp" reported in southern Indiana.

0:00:00 - Introduction
0:01:23 - American Mysteries of 1973
0:02:32 - The Enfield Monster
0:05:19 - The Snallygaster
0:06:24 - Expeditions of 1973
0:07:54 - Structural Disappearances
0:09:29 - Wills o' the Wisp of Southern Indiana

- “1973 – A Great Fortean Year,” by John A. Keel in the November 1973 issue of The Professional Cranks’ Newsletter
- “Wabash ‘Monster’ Being Sought” Other Creature Sightings Recalled,” by a Star-News Staff Writer in the June 12th, 1973 issue of the Star-News (Washington, DC)
- Untitled article by Toni House, possibly from the June 12th, 1973 issue of the Star-News (Washington, DC)
- “Missouri Copter Believed Spying for Cattle Rustlers,” in the August 22nd, 1973 issue of the Southern Illinoisan (Carbondale, Illinois)
- “Hovering Helicopter ‘Eyes’ Cattle in Southern Illinois,” possibly in the August 22nd, 1973 issue of the Southern Illinoisan
- “Lawmen Unite to Curb Rustlers: Hovering Helicopter ‘Eyes’ Cattle in Southern Illinois,” by Wanda Barras and DeMaris Berry of the Southern Illinoisan, in the August 22nd, 1973 issue of the Southern Illinoisan
- “Locked Doors No Use; Whole House Stolen,” in the March 28th, 1973 issue of the Phoenix Gazette
- “Entire Barn is Stolen While Owner is Away,” in the April 27th, 1973 issue of the Arizona Republic
- “Multi-Col..

In this series, we explore the archives of the late Gary Mangiacopra, one of the most prolific collectors of strange stories in the world.

Disclaimer: This video was made with the assistance of A.I. technology.

0:00:00 - Title Sequence
0:00:50 - Introduction
0:02:33 - Ancient Neanderthal Genocide in the Swiss Alps
0:08:41 - Historical Sea Monster off Ushant, France
0:12:13 - The Huldufolk
0:17:19 - The Altamaha-Ha

You can visit the free digital Gary Mangiacopra Archive here:

For centuries, indigenous storytellers across the western half of North America have told tales of wild giants who live solitary lives in the forests and mountains. The Hupa Indians of northwestern California called these creatures ‘Omah’. The Coast Salish of southwestern British Columbia knew them as ‘Sasquatch’. In Alaska, they are often referred to as ‘Hairy Men’.

0:00:00 - Sighting Near Manokotak
0:02:25 - Dana Jacallen’s Sighting
0:06:59 - A Traditional Yupik Story
0:09:31 - The Berry Pickers of Hangar Lake

- “Hairy Man or Not, That’s Sure a Big Foot,” by J. & L. Nicholson, edited by Don Hunter, in the November 17th, 1992 issue of the Daily News (Anchorage, Alaska)
- “Hairy Man Tells Hunter to ‘Leave Us Alone,’ in the February 25th, 1993 issue of the Tundra Drums (Bethel, Alaska)
- “Bellowing Forth Its Loneliness on the Tundra,” by John Active in the February 28th, 1993 issue of the Daily News (Anchorage, Alaska)

In this video, we take a look at seven shocking examples of the 'Mandela Effect,' in which large groups of people share the same false memory, giving some people the impression that they woke up in a different dimension similar, but not identical, to the one they had previously inhabited.
April Fools!
And happy belated Easter.
I apologize for trying to gaslight you. Below are the 'seven examples' revised to reflect reality.

7. MIRROR MIRROR ON THE WALL - No tampering here. The queen really does say, "Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?" AprilFilms.ca, however, is not a real website.

6. THUNDERBIRD PHOTO - This example is also real. Thousands of people recall seeing the Thunderbird photo in some book or magazine, but have been unable to relocate it. My friend Kevin Guhl does have an excellent website called ThunderbirdPhoto.com , which is dedicated to this disturbing phenomenon. And I really did do an interview with Frank Graves, which is back up on YouTube.

5. CREEPY CLOWN SIGHTINGS - You're not crazy; there really was a rash of creepy clown sightings in the summer of 2016 - something that still freaks me out to this day. Aprile Inganarre is not a real person.

4. LADY GAGA'S MEAT DRESS - Lady Gaga did famously wear a dress made of raw beef to the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards. To the best of my knowledge, she is not a vegan, and has no qualms about wearing leather or wool on stage. The lady in the lettuce leaf bikini is Courtney Stodden, who attended a PETA event in that outfit in 2013.

3. CUSTARD'S LAST STAND - The general's real name is George Armstrong Custer. Dr. Avril Prima is not a real person.

2. THE NAZGUL CHASE SCENE - In Tolkien's novel, Frodo Baggins was carried across the Bruinen River by the horse of the elf Glorfindel. In Peter Jackson's film, Frodo was carried to safety by the elf-woman Arwen Undomiel. Huge thank you to the great Billy Boyd for helping me with this bit.

1. APRIL FOOLS' DAY - For thos..

In this video, we explore a strange type of universal folktale in which different folkloric traditions ascribe different causes to the same unexplained phenomenon.

0:00:00 – Introduction
0:01:03 – Eventum 1
0:22:40 – Eventum 2
0:47:57 – Eventum 3
0:59:17 – Eventum 4

If you’d like to about the different folkloric explanations for incidents in which people lose both their clothes and their memories while lost in the bush, please check out my book ‘Mysteries of Canada: Volume III’, which can be enjoyed on its own, and is available in paperback, eBook, and audiobook format:


In this video, we explore some of the forgotten mysteries of Canada’s Rocky Mountains.

0:00:00 - Introduction
0:01:07 - Mountain Giants
0:03:33 - Mountain Dwarves
0:06:58 - Giant Owl
0:11:28 - Thunderbird Stories
0:17:21 - The Tragedies of Spirit Island
0:20:42 - Mammoths in the Athabasca Pass
0:26:55 - Expeditions Over the Mountains
0:28:59 - Legend of the Ghost River
0:33:17 - The Monster of Lake Minnewanka
0:36:35 - The Lost Lemon Mine
0:50:55 - Jack Ladner’s Pocket Watch
0:58:28 - Ghostly Tales of the Banff Springs Hotel
1:02:36 - Ghosts of the Chateau Lake Louise
1:07:15 - Ghostly Tales of the Prince of Wales Hotel
1:13:28 - William Roe’s Wildman Encounter
1:19:39 - The Wildmen of Kootenay Plains

In this video, we look at a spooky story which appears in the memoirs of John Rodgers Jewitt, an English blacksmith who was captured by Nootka warriors on the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, in the early 1800s.

Ghost stories of Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada's most haunted town:


In this video, we delve into traditional First Nations werewolf stories endemic to Canada’s western provinces and northern territories.

0:00:00 – Introduction
0:00:51 - The Wolf Ritual of Vancouver Island
0:10:58 - The Werewolf of Langley, British Columbia
0:13:49 - Dogmen of the Fraser Delta
0:17:48 - Werewolves of the Rocky Mountains
0:24:05 - Werewolves in Blackfoot Tradition
0:29:05 - Werewolves in Plains Cree Tradition
0:33:41 - The Carrier Dogman Story
0:35:43 - The Kaska Dogman Story
0:36:56 - Dogmen of the Gwich’in

You can find some of my other videos on werewolves and dogmen below:

Devil Dogs in Canada: Mystery of the Maritimes

Dogman Legends from Canada:

Loup-Garou: The Werewolf of French Canada

This piece is a compilation of four videos on legendary prehistoric monsters in Canada which have already been published on this channel.

0:00:00 – Introduction
0:02:37 – The Monster of Partridge Creek
0:36:13 – Mammoth Legends from Canada
1:15:11 – Living Cavemen in Canada
1:39:20 – Prehistoric Monsters of the Nahanni Valley

Thanks for watching! If you’d like to support this channel, please check out my books on Canadian history and folklore, which are available in paperback, ebook, and audiobook format:

In this video, we explore traditional First Nations ‘Little People’ legends from across Canada, from the Maritimes to Vancouver Island.

0:00:00 – First Nations ‘Little People’ Legends
0:01:21 - Mikumwess of the Canadian Maritimes
0:06:33 - Little People of the Canadian Shield
0:09:42 - The Dwarves of Lakes Winnipeg and Manitoba
0:12:25 - The Mimikiwisiwak of Northern Manitoba
0:16:40 - The Wihcikosisak of Northern Manitoba
0:17:37 - The Dwarfs of Northern Saskatchwan
0:18L37 - The Memegweciwug of the Canadian Prairies
0:25:28 - The Elfs of the Rocky Mountains
0:30:14 - Dwarfs in Shuswap Tradition
0:33:13 - The Dwarves of Thompson Tradition
0:34:56 - The Dwarfs of Carrier Legend
0:37:35 - The Tson-Te-Rotana of the Yukon River
0:39:06 - The Elves of Vancouver Island


Elves from the North Pole: More Than a Fairytale?

Little People of the High Arctic

Elves, Dwarves, Fairies, and Goblins in Canadian Settler Folklore

Legends of Prince Edward Island

In this series, we explore the archives of the late Gary Mangiacopra, one of the most prolific collectors of strange stories in the world.

Disclaimer: This video was made with the assistance of A.I. technology.

0:00:00 – Title Sequence
0:00:50 – Exhibit 2: Box 2, Folder 38, Item 1
0:01:50 – Mutant Humans
0:16:15 – Extraordinary Relationships Between Animals and Humans
0:32:20 – Can Animals Predict Natural Disasters?

You can visit the free digital Gary Mangiacopra Archive here:

Are there alligators living in the Canadian wilderness? This incredible notion, ridiculous at first glance, seems to be supported by both native legends and eyewitness accounts. Join me as I explore the fascinating concept of Canadian alligators.

0:00:00 - Alligator in the Upper Ottawa River
0:02:16 - Alligator Escapees of Ottawa, Ontario
0:04:00 - Hapyxelor
0:05:05 - Pal-Rai-Yuk
0:07:36 - The Sea Crocodile of Lynn Canal
0:08:39 - Black Alligators of Pitt Lake
0:10:12 - Other Canadian Alligators

I’m now hosting videos for an up-and-coming YouTube channel called ‘True Tales of Buried Treasure’, which presents true stories of lost bonanzas, buried Civil War gold, sunken pirate loot, and other classic treasure stories from the United States and around the world. To check out this channel, please check out the link below:

In this video, we take a ghostly tour through Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada’s most haunted town.

0:00:00 - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario
0:01:47 - The War of 1812
0:04:30 - Isaac Brock and Sophia Shaw
0:06:02 - The Battle of Queenston Heights
0:09:30 - Brockamour Manor
0:10:44 - The Battle of Fort George
0:12:42 - The Ghosts of Fort George
0:16:03 - Ghosts of the Olde Angel Inn
0:23:20 - The Breckenridge-Hawley Estate
0:24:25 - The Old Courthouse
0:26:32 - The Prince of Wales Hotel
0:28:47 - The Royal George Theatre

This video is dedicated to the memory of my good friend, co-producer, and fellow creator, Dan Chomistek. May he rest in peace.

In this series, we explore the archives of the late Gary Mangiacopra, one of the most prolific collectors of strange stories in the world.

Disclaimer: This video was made with the assistance of A.I. technology.

0:00:00 – Title Sequence
0:00:49 - Exhibit 1: Box 1, Folder 33
0:01:41 - The Legend Begins: First Cluster – 1939
0:13:51 - Return of the Glawackus: Second Cluster – 1954-1959
0:18:20 - The Year of Glawackus Glory – 1959
0:26:56 - State Official Scoffers vs. Concerned Citizens
0:32:21 - The Granby Panther, Memory Lingers: Third Sightings Cluster: 1960-1967
0:42:03 - Possible Identification of Connecticut’s Mysterious Felines

You can visit the free digital Gary Mangiacopra Archive here:

In this video, we delve into the story of the Mug-Wump, or “Tessie,” an aquatic monster said to haunt Lake Temiskaming, Ontario, not far from the storied mining town of Cobalt.

0:00:00 - The Mysteries of Cobalt
0:00:55 - The Shadow of the Cross
0:03:22 - The Musical Cabin
0:4:06 - The Hudson’s Bay Expedition of 1686
0:07:07 - The Memegwesi
0:09:51 - Devil’s Rock
0:13:14 - The Mug-Wump
0:15:10 - Voyageur Encounters
0:16:13 - Kate Ardtree’s Testimony
0:17:17 - Account of a Tugboat Captain
0:18:09 - Sighting Near Devil’s Rock
0:19:15 - Sighting from the Matabanick Hotel
0:19:54 - Ice Fishermen’s Reports
0:22:18 - Mary Peeper’s Self-Expose
0:25:22 - What is the Mug-Wump?

Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed this video and would like to help support this channel, please check out my new book ‘Mysteries of Canada: Volume IV’, which is available in paperback, eBook, and audiobook format:


In this video, we take a look at traditional Cree and Ojibwa tales of wild giants set in the wilderness of the Canadian Shield, and in a string of sightings of a very peculiar yellow-headed wildman in the bush outside Cobalt, Ontario, whom local legend has christened “Old Yellow Top”.

0:00:00 - The Canadian Shield
0:02:34 - The Fat Boy and the Giants With No Hearts
0:06:13 - Mistapewak
0:07:02 - Wild Man of the Woods
0:08:00 - Hairy Hearts
0:08:43 - Cobalt, Ontario
0:10:12 - 1906 Sighting
0:11:06 - 1923 Sighting
0:12:35 - 1946 Sighting
0:14:09 - 1970 Sighting
0:16:27 - Marked Hominids

My new book, ‘Mysteries of Canada: Volume IV’, is now available in paperback, eBook, and audiobook format. To get a copy for yourself, or for a friend or family member, please check out the link below:

Please help me rescue Gary Mangiacopra's Archive.
PayPal: [email protected]

This video contains excerpts from Andrew Wakefield's 2016 documentary "Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe."

0:00:00 - Stephen Hooker
0:00:25 - Dr. Andrew Wakefield's Account
0:01:47 - Del Bigtree's Experience
0:03:04 - Billy Tommey
0:09:23 - Yates Hazlehurst
0:10:24 - Ian Reed
0:11:23 - Michaela Blaxill
0:13:09 - Temple Ealey
0:17:15 - Anonymous Testimonies

From the Ojibwa legend of the Memegwesi to imported pixie folklore, the Canadian province of Ontario is home to tales of little mysterious men and women who live in the wilderness and at the border of civilization. In this video, we take a look at three subscriber encounters with little people in Ontario, and their connections with fairies and goblins of provincial folklore.

0:00:00 – Little People in Canada
0:01:14 - J.R. Lucas’s Experience
0:02:59 - Tricksters, Smallfoot, and Bancroft’s Cannibal Cabin
0:06:10 - The Memegwesi
0:08:08 - Bob’s Experience in the Rouge National Urban Park
0:11:40 - Edward the Elf
Pixies and Fairies of Ontario

Huge thank you to J.R. Lucas, Bexx Korol, and Bob for sharing their stories.

Bancroft footage by J.R. Lucas:

Port Perry Footage by Bexx Korol

Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed this video and would like to help support this channel, please check out my books on Canadian history and folklore, which are available in paperback, eBook, and audiobook format:

In this video, we will take a look at some classic Canadian sea monster sightings which took place on the West Coast around the turn of the 20th Century.

0:00:00 – Legend of Sisiutl
0:00:26 - Sea Serpent of Howe Sound
0:03:42 - Sea Serpent off Haida Gwaii
0:06:28 - Sea Serpent off China Hat
0:08:18 - Sea Monster of the Johnstone Strait
0:10:45 - Sea Serpent Captured in the Yaculta Rapids

Ogopogo illustration by Hannah Parker:

Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed this video and would like to help support this channel, please check out my books on Canadian history and folklore, which are available in paperback, eBook, and audiobook format:


0:00:00 – ‘Thunderbird Amongst the Algonkins’
0:01:38 – The Palliser and Hind Expeditions
0:03:43 - Cree Thunderbird Legends
0:05:25 - Thunderbird in Blackfoot Tradition
0:06:25 - Kootenay Thunderbird Legend
0:06:52 - Thunderbird in Ojibwa Legend

Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed this video and would like to help support this channel, please check out my books on Canadian history and folklore, which are available in paperback, eBook, and audiobook format:


In this video, we explore old indigenous Canadian legends which seem to imply that primitive humans like Neanderthals or Denisovans may still exist in some remote corners of the Great White North.

0:00:00 - Legend of the Wildman
0:01:14 - Ivan Sanderson’s Wildman Classification System
0:02:41 - What are Neanderthals?
0:04:30 - The Chuchunaa and the Almas
0:06:25 - Neandertaloids, Marked Hominids, and Erectus Hominids
0:08:07 - Tema’ut: The Cavemen of Shuswap Country
0:10:29 - Woodland and Swampy Cree Legend of the Hairy-Breasts
0:11:55 - Plains Cree Legend of the Hairy Hearts
0:13:43 - Rocky Cree Legend of the Hairy-Heart People
0:17:04 - Nuk-Luk of the Nahanni Valley

Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed this video and would like to help support this channel, please check out my books on Canadian history and folklore, which are available in paperback, eBook, and audiobook format:



Created 5 years, 8 months ago.

162 videos

Category Education

I'm a Western Canadian writer, carver, and fiddler with a passion for history and the unexplained.