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They look at you as if there is something wrong with you for suggesting that it's not nice to cut off the genitals of your pet.

The deal is that the politician gets Jewish money and support and a guarantee of the simulation of personal prestige and a job. In return the Politician does what the Jews tell it to do. And the Jews want to control US electrical grid and water supply and transportation infrastructure this way guaranteeing their ability to shut off our power, poison our water and destroy our roads, railroads and bridges and ports and by doing so, strip the American people of their assets, homes and dignity ...and enslave them.

Unless we sabotage their sabotage.

The Jews who obviously own and control the US Government sent the old Jew Janet Yellen and Anthony Blinkin to wag their Jewish fingers at Chinese leader Xi for outproducing the US in Green Technology such as Solar Panels and Lithium Batteries. Its not hard to do because we don't produce Solar Panels and Lithium Batteries in anything but negligible quantities.

If the Jews who invented the bogus "Climate Change" money machine really cared about going green they would, you'd think, be grateful to China for making 80% of that green technology.

But since the Jews who run the show in the West don't give a flying fuck about the climate or its change - they, like all of the Jewish parasites throughout history who seek to interject themselves into our lives without our consent, only care about money and control - they are angry that they are not dominating and profiteering from all aspects of their little green cash machine - the artificially created "climate disaster".

So the two Jews went over to give Xi a piece of their Jewish mind and Xi didn't even meet them at the airport. No red carpet either. No big reception, Xi didn't even see them till they were almost gone. He gave them a rather modest accommodation. In other words the Jews no longer have the power that they once had to go to a foreign leader and say, "Do what we say ... because we're Jewish!"

The whole "I'm Jewish so do what I say!" is not working any more. People don't like Jews, except in Washington and on the Jewish owned cable news networks for the informationally Illiterate elderly.

Everyone else throughout the world has suffered enough under the boot of the Jewish money power. We're tired of "Jew". We're tired of the lies that are needed to prop up the Jewish banking mafia and the Jewish narratives, we're tired of the Jewish stoked wars, we're tired of the Jewish bribed and blackmailed US politicians selling us out to the Jew money power.

We're tired of "Team Jew"

OK, OK, the scientific examination of the so called NAZI lampshades that were supposedly made from the skin of Jews turned out to be Cowhide, (Link in the description on how that complete Jewish lie was finally put to rest)
And ditto for the Jewish lie that the Germans made soap from the fat of Jews.
Those two stories were so absolutely implausible from day one but had the force of threats, intimidation and state violence to shove those lies down the throats of three generations of Americans and Europeans, (Africans and asians don't give a flying shit for any of the Jewish myths, only the White europeans and Americans were the targets of these Jewish scumbags who lied to us all these years and never once apologized when the science proved those stories to be as fake as most of the Jewish narratives are.

But newly discovered audio from inside those evil German showers ... er i mean gas chambers, prove beyond a doubt that even though ZERO cyanide was found to be present in the walls of the showers that Jews claim were gas chambers and not showers, and even though the SCIENCE has brought into light so many anomalies that bring into question the claim the story about German gas chambers, finally an audio recording has been discovered proving once and for all that the showers were an elaborate German trick to get those Jews in there to wash up only to have the dreaded Zyclon B emerge from the shower heads and do its dirty work.

Links to the science surrounding the Lampshades myth:

Links to the science on the fake soap story:

And some links about those evil gas chambers:

When a high school athlete drops dead on the playing field from a heart attack after receiving the covid "vaccine" or a prominent public figure croaks after receiving that sketchy Jew Jab, Jews and those who work for them have a magical ability to instantly know (with zero research) that it couldn't possibly be the Jew Jab!

How they have this magical power is a mystery

This show is a never before aired show that was originally filmed Jan 12th 2023

Piece by piece our "leadership" is putting into place the necessary laws and policies to strip the assets of the Baby Boomer generation and transfer those assets to the Jewish banking mafia who is in the shadows directing the structural asset stripping operation.

John Mearsheimer is a superb analyst and has a career of courageous independence, fearlessness and has made significant contributions to our understanding of how the power structures work, no question about that. But those days are over and he's failing in his analysis. He speaks of the Western states as entities with politicians who are seeking to make decisions for the betterment of their state or people. This is an absurd view.

The Western governments are nothing more than former nation states who have been taken over by Jewish financial cartels through bribery, blackmail and garden variety corruption of a generation of "leaders" all of whom have ZERO concern for the safety of their own people and ZERO concern for the survival of the state they lead.

They are merely instruments of a private group of Jewish financial cartels who operate through various fascistic organizations (mainly Klaus "dr Evil" Schwab's World Economic Forum) which these Jewish cartels have shifted to in recent years to effectuate their gutting of the poor and middle class and the enslavement of their own people. In the past we've seen the Council of Fucking Reptiles, and Buildabetterburgers, and other fascistic groups but now its Dr. Evil Schwab who is their front man.

I have bad news for you John - Its an asset stripping operation, period. Its a bunch of cheesy short timers who have zero interest in the future of anything, its just a rush to parasitize the poor and middle class and transfer all asset classes including the single family home from non Jews to Jews. NO QUESTION ABOUT THAT. EASY TO SHOW, EASY TO PROVE.

These Jewish financial cartels often overreach on their rapacious assets stripping like that scumbag Steven Schwartzman and end up stealing too much of the pension funds of American retirees and may even get their own companies in trouble (while filling their own personal bank accounts with stolen loot) but there is no evidence whatsoever that any decisions - economic, military or social are made with the best interests of the respective states or the populations of those states. Zero evidence of such an absurd claim.

Its an asset grab and whatever murderous genocidal crimes that support such an asset grab - nothing more.

Here's the interview with Mr. Mearsheimer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y789SugNiA0


This is a crash course for US Military, US Intelligence, Police and other government officials and Investigative Journalists. This video is key to understanding how Israel has taken over all government military and intelligence agencies and managed to get them all to place their fingerprints on what was essentially a bioweapons development program targeting persons with Caucasian and African American genotypes and leaving Jewish genotypes unharmed.

Its not some grand Faustian deal with the devil that various persons within the military and intelligence agencies made when they participated in the biggest crime in the history of crime - the manmade covid 10 pandemic and the big pharma profiteering scheme that stoked and rode a wave of fear - nope, it was just garden variety corruption and greed and shortsightedness and manipulation.

They were all so thrilled to be given various titles such as “Fellow” and “Board Member” and a few morsels of privilege and displays of opulence and some cash and promises for more that the allure of these promises of more dulled their senses and UNWITTINGLY they were steered from the hidden hand in the shadows to participate and bring their agencies into a scheme where Jewish financial, foundation and think tank money steered a compartmentalized bio weapons development program where each individual US agency was approached to become involved in what eventually would become a bio-weapons program targeting caucasian genotypes and leaving Jewish genotypes untouched!

Here's the study showing that covid was designed specifically to attack whites and blacks but to not harm jewish genotypes:


The Washington scumbags took Israeli Bribes and Blackmail to place Israeli Intelligence operatives at the helm of US critical Infrastructure. The Jewish banking mafia who controls Israeli Intelligence will direct the Israelis to shut down the US power grid. If the National Guard and a new secret society from within US intelligence but who operates outside of the detection of the Jewish bribed and blackmailed heads of all of the US intelligence agencies to STOP THIS ISRAELI SABOTAGE OF US CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE then it is absolutely certain the the Jews inside the "security infrastructure" of the United States will use their position to destroy the value of bitcoin when the Jewish banking cartels has positioned themselves to profit from such a crash.

If the Bitcoin Evangelists are not addressing this major major attack vector, then they are naive, stupid and have no clue what is going on and who is actually in control. This show predictors the future so that hopefully we can do something to stop this plan.

God Forbid that a candidate actually opposes something that an overwhelming majority of the people who know of its existence, vehemently oppose! Any and all thinking persons with any shred of honesty and intelligence has been warning that the CBDC is a TRICK! Set to ensnare and enslave humankind in a trap Orwell could only dream of.

The CBDC - Central Bank Digital Currency

The problem that the liberal class has largely never heard of it. The CBDC is perhaps humankind's central most threat, and the "liberal" has never heard of it.

And now that Donald Trump has announced that he'll ban it, watch it become a cause célèbre of the fucking Jew controlled Liberal "mind". As the morning talk show circuit becomes flooded with paid scumbags to astroturf boomers into believing that CBDC's are the latest new novelty to make your life better and lower costs. It's Easy they'll say. And they'll point to it on some TV blaring it out in a store or airport and say, "its legit, it's on the TV!"

This is the unfortunate residual or phantom strength of the previous informational paradigm - people still ascribe credibility to the dying behemoth simply because it is projected, no matter that so few are paying very much attention to those projections - they are nevertheless still potent enough to create enough of a perception of power. The TV is in such a transition phase - it's losing its ability to perform this function but its not dead yet and there are still plenty of boomers around that just can't wrap their minds around the situation and are overheard asking dumb questions like, "But why would the government want to lie to me?"

And since Trump is now against it, the liberals are automatically in the unenviable position of vigorously championing the very idea of a CBDC! Its a done deal!

The equation is easy:
This is very easy math and this has been the last 8 years basically.

So since Trump is latching onto to the growing pushback against the CBDC from people who actually care about living a dignified life - it automatically throws the "liberals" into the pro CBDC side.

You will now watch all the Jewish produced ads on Facebook, Jewtube, Google and the Jewish controlled TV networks- MSNBC, CBS, NBC, CNN, ABC, Fox, PBS, etc, producing a steady stream of paid promoters pushing the virtues of CBDCs to the TV viewing audience and the

Not a single NON Jewish banker wants this, ONLY JEWISH BANKERS WANT THIS! No other sentient being needs or wants this Jewish trap. So when your Jewish controlled politician extolls the virtues and benefits of the CBDC (at the behest of his Jewish donors no doubt) let's all in unison tell that Jewish controlled Senator or Jewish controlled congressman to shove that Jewish CBDC prison trick! Shove it! We don't want it. We don't like it. We don't need it and any thinking person certainly doesn't trust the very concept - that is once they learn about that concept.

And this is the challenge of the Jewish money cartels who are pushing hard to enslave us with their CBDC - to keep as many people as ignorant about the CBDC as long as they can and hopefully these ignorant ones will be enough to raise the overall apathy index high enough to install this Jewish trap as our next currency.

Tell your boomer or TV watching friends and family that the CBDC is a trap. You can leave out the Jewish part because you have to take people one step at a time into the truth, but eventually let them know - it's the Jews. And explain to them the obvious details that prove without a doubt, it's the Jews.

The Jewish controlled Media and the Jewish controlled minds of those gullible souls who are caught in its deceptive grip are busy MELTING DOWN over the outrage that someone dared to actually tell the truth. So the Jews are busy churning out multiple narratives to keep their slimy Jewish narrative and their profitable Jewish wars alive in the simple minds of those dupes who have been tricked now into believing that liberalism now means doing exactly what the government tells to do, believing the lies of the Jewish media, and taking the Jewish poison from the Jewish owned and controlled big pharma.
1) Don't watch it, says the Jews and their tools, its all lies.
2) Tucker is a traitor.
3) Tucker is a mouthpiece of Putin.
4) Putin paid Tucker to help him lie.
Of course Tucker will never even say the word Jew so there is a limit to what even he will say, but just substitute the word Jew each time Ticker says the word
"Globalist" and you will arrive at the truth.

The plan of the Jewish saboteurs of our society is to use the pieces of their system of control to steal the last remaining assets (homes, land, businesses, money, etc) to use their new AI algorithms to mine all of the data that the deep state already has stored of your texts and emails for anything that even slightly is a finable offense and then expos facto impose massive fines and penalties that surpass the value of your personal holdings and thus enter you into their system of dependency and ultimately extermination. This is the plan, 100%.

This is what your Jewish Banking Cartels want to turn us all into.
This "reality" will be sold to us as a way of making things more convenient. Convenience and Novelty are the two main ways that these Jewish scumbags are destroying our families and societies. They used to do it by paying off and blackmailing our "leaders" to kill off the enemies of the Jews so that the Jews didn't have to get themselves bloody attacking the many enemies throughout the world who hate them. They still do get us to fight their enemies but for the vast bulk of the human population these technological novelties are a much more efficient way to destroy the human soul.

The Jew is the eternal enemy of all humankind. There is no other purpose or reason why anyone would call themselves a Jew other than because they desire to be a part of a group of people whose mission is to fuck over kill and steal everything they can, because they claim they are gods chosen people. They are our eternal enemy. Never Forget.

Join Harry and Klaus for an illuminating look at what's really behind the Great Reset. (rebroadcast from Dec 31st 2020)

Drunk with power two Jewish supported Senate staffers stripped off their clothes and filmed themselves having anal sex in the Senate hearing room. Only censored copies can be found. That's because there is a big effort by the Jewish controlled Democratic Party to limit the damage and keep the truth from the public. If the two men were Republicans or Christian or Conservative that uncensored video would be everywhere.
The double standard is breathtaking.

I am now Abu Killa Jihad Terrar
(the most fiercest terrorist to date)

Join Helen and myself tonight at 10:30PM EST for our annual New Years show. Exclusively on our new Rumble channel. Join the Channel to get tonights show and long awaited extras that have not and will not appear anywhere else. Join here: https://rumble.com/c/c-5542488
(The stream will begin at 8:30PM with a selection of content and then Helen and I will Join the stream at 10:30PM)

Israel and the Jewish Finance mafia who runs it, is seeking to have US forces decimated and they think they can blame it on Iran/Russia.
The Israeli controlled Senators and Congressman and the Jewish controlled media are poised to amplify the Jewish narrative that "Iran did it"(with Evil Russia's help)

If there is an attack on a US aircraft carrier that attack will absolutely positively be covertly orchestrated by Israeli Military Intelligence just like they did to those poor soldiers on the USS Liberty that the Jewish rats knowingly attacked, to draw us in to do the fighting for them like they always trick us to do.

But the stakes are much much higher now. This time an Israeli covertly orchestrated attack on US forces is a PLAN that Israelis have to shift the center of gravity of global power from the West to the East with Israel and Israel's new nation formally known as the Ukraine as central to the new East-West corridors of trade, but without the USA as the major part of the meaning of the term West.

Jewish planners now consider themselves as the CENTRAL BROKERS between the coming Chinese Belt & Road juggernaut and the consumers in this network, the, "Near West (Western Europe), and the Far West, (that increasingly isolated and rejected United States).

All goods will have to go through Israel to get to this crumbling outpost - Crumbling because all the blood has been sucked out of it by our special friends who in their holy book believe that it is their religious duty to kill us and steal our assets. That is the Jewish "faith" in a nutshell. Kill the Goyim and steal his property - that is basically Judaism. How the hell we have an FBI and NSA and CIA and DOD that allows these Jewish rats do this to us is a shame on all of these organizations. Learn how to read guys and have a look at some of their Talmud's "Greatest Hits" but keep your three year old locked safely away because what the Jews say in their holy book about how its OK to fuck three year olds - and if you don't believe me just have a look at "Sanhedrin 53b"

Go ahead, ladies and gentleman - go to google and type in Sanhedrin 53b and read, it's not that long, Its a quick read. You will change your views.

It is the duty of every uniformed man and woman to take this Jewish threat seriously, learn everything you can about it as fast as you can. Reject every single bullshit Jewish controlled story that assures you that they are not trying to kill us and take over and that such nonsense is merely a right wing or left wing anti-semitic trope.

You took an oath to defend this country from all threats foreign and domestic, The Jewish threat is both foreign and domestic. They control this country, they run this country, they are stealing everything we built.

The Jews with the help of scum like Chuck Shumer have looted the military secrets and sold them to China and other challenger nations. This is a fact. This fact is easy to research. This fact can no longer be ignored. They looted our military secrets - and our challengers will be using OUR technology to bury us. And all of this will play right into the plans that Israel its Jewish Banking cartel mafia have to be the central broker and banker of the Chinese Belt and Road.

Let's sabotage their sabotage of us. Let's kill their plan. Let us shift our focus to where it belongs - the Indo Pacific/CHINA. And let's let Israel get what they deserve.

Our contest and the contest for the control of civilization is between the United States and China. Israel is a turd over in the corner with a bunch of cheap criminals weakening us, bragging that they control the presidency, bragging that they control the Congress. Lets teach these fucking rats a lesson. Let us let Israel go down. Let them go down. The only reason why anyone in Washington cares about these rats is because they are taking massive bribes (campaign donations) and if they don't, they get threatened into compliance. Fuck these rats.

And if ANY Jewish apologist wants to debate me on exactly how these Jews are systematically obliterating the USA while transferring the money and property into Jewish hands - have at me - I'll debate ANY Jewish expert ANY time. I don't have prepare for any debate on this matter, I'll win the debate with the best of them and the listener will be educated and change their view of our relationship with the Jewish rats who wish only harm to Americans and our families.

They mean harm to us. And they intend to cause this harm. They are our enemy.

Never forget - our enemy is NOT Russian, NOT Chinese (although they did a deal with the Israelis which may be unravelling and the Chinese need to be punished for taking the deal the Jews offered them to destroy the US grip on global hegemony) Europe is NOT our enemy, Africa is NOT our enemy - THE INTERNATIONAL JEWISH BANKING CARTELS AND THE STATE OF ISRAEL WHO THEY CONTROL ARE THE ENEMY OF EVERY MAN WOMAN AND CHILD ON THIS PLANET EARTH.

The Left Wing Jew money is vomiting their Jew fiction again that somehow Trump will get "revenge" on all his detractors should he beat Gavin Newsom in the next election (they don't mention that part about Newsom out loud yet but Newsom or the fake black cunt Kamala Harris will be who he will be up against).

But anyone tethered to reality knows that Trump if anything only gets revenge on petty opponents never on the big boys. Trump will only name call but never investigate. Trump will always fill his cabinet (swamp) with the same type of Jewish NeoCon backstabbers as he did last time. And like the last time every single Jew will very definitely promptly stab Trump right in the back...

... It'll be like deja vu all over again.

One less genocidal piece of shit in the world !!!!

The mindless brainwashed shrill frauds passing themselves off as "liberals" will never ever comprehend that blacks know that Biden is a racist fraud and are voting for Trump. SO the Jew media will pluck out a few diehard moronic blacks to "represent" blacks on the Jew controlled TV networks to brainwash the Jew controlled Baby boomers who still watch that Jewish garbage called TV news. Boomers and Gen X are lost in a haze of Jew TV while Gen Z's would probably prefer the real NAZI Adolph Hitler because at least you knew where you stood back them, there was an honesty. Anyone who is still watching the TV is only getting footage of a strong vibrant vigorous energetic Jew Biden. (lots of editing to make that happen) the rest of us on Telegram and X still can see clearly the footage of the senile Biden stumbling through every sentence and the millions of people in the streets supporting the Palestinians. All they get on the Jew TV is fake "Rallys" of a rally in support of Israel that we discover was organized by offering Jews hundreds of dollars to show up. What a Joke a "liberal" is.

This is a call to help preserve this important information. Often times massive human efforts are simply deleted by the Jewish money power that controls everything and so unless we preserve this information we risk losing it. Please help by mirroring this site and making offline copies. Please keep this comment section to only efforts that you have done to preserve this information.

Watch these white imbeciles outdo each other to exude "virtue" the best way they have been trained to - by hating on white people.

Its all over for Kennedy because he failed to deal with the Jewish Question in a way that would appeal to what could have been a massive base of support for now and in the future - young people. Now young people definitely do not trust him and the old ones sitting there glued to their TV's are of course going to "believe" whatever the Jew controlled TV tells them to believe and the Jews are not happy he questioned their Jewish Jab so the old ones GLUED TO THEIR FUCKING TVs will reject hi,. His only hope was young people, but he foolishly cast his "future" with the slimiest scummiest slimebalms on this earth - Jewish money power.

Too bad, contrary to RFK Jr's claim that his family supported Jews they did not, JFK and RFK famously did not like Jews, Neither did the patriarch Joseph Kennedy. They couldn't stand Jews. But Kennedy slapped on the Star of David clad knee pads and has been sucking away on Jewish dick for the past 10 months - its disgusting and it torpedoed his chanced to gain the support of young people.

Too bad, I liked him.

Welcome to the age of the death of memory.


Created 5 years, 9 months ago.

357 videos

Category News & Politics

Join us as we deconstruct this hideous mutated monster that our political and social worlds have become. It's too perfect. Several generations now have suffered the growing onslaught of humorless self righteous The right wing's plans of sabotaging and dismantling the left and liberal class by pushing their proxy warriors with fake crusades of justice is executed flawlessly - effortlessly creating legions of easily gulled people who genuinely believe they are fighting for justice - these diversions from the very real institutional threats of Wall Street, the Military Industrial Complex, the corporatization of our minds in a surveillance state are precisely the intended effect of this new pseudo activist posing called the SJW.

The SJW Imposters and their moronic political correctness are the saboteurs of the true values of a liberal mind that our society was heading towards. They work directly for the ruling power structure and most are totally unaware who they are ultimately serving - the ruling power structure. They are in service to the very worst most dangerous threats to a free life and a free mind and most are eagerly cheering these ominous threats.

Rather than stew in our stomach acids we vent this spleen unto your ears and eyes and share a cozy moment of good old fashion hate, for the Hillary Clintons, George Bushes, John Brennans and all the rest of the utter pigs of this world. That right - the "H" word. But its OK - we're equal opportunity haters. :)

We're not here to tell you how lovely things are. We're just here to tear the head of this fucking glistening beast and shit down its neck stump.

And if we can have an occasional laugh, all that much better.
