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Elite Human Trafficking Documentary: Full Vol 1-6 by Mouthy Buddha

A BLIND EYE VOL I: CRISIS OF FAITH investigates the pattern of procrastination and inaction on pedophilia in the Catholic Church, corruption and coverups in the Vatican, and evidence possibly implicating both the current and former popes.

Written by Adam Riva and edited by Mouthy Buddha.

ABUSE OF POWER investigates powerful people that pledge allegiance to Satan and engage in ritualistic abuse, sacrifice, and even cannibalism… and how they manage to perfectly blend into society.

Written by Adam Riva and edited by Mouthy Buddha.

In PEDOGATE 2020, filmmaker Mouthy Buddha investigates evidence of pedophilia and child trafficking hiding in plain sight

Mouthy Buddha exposes a massive pedophile network. Learn how the controversial Netflix film Cuties relates to this network. We’ll give you a clue. Many of the raunchy images can be found on a web portal called “The Cutie Garden.”

Yes, it seems the term “cutie” is favored by pedophiles to describe young girls who slather pedo fantasies. The young girls might be pictured doing everyday tasks, but the pedophiles see them differently, using quite sick, if imaginative words. Also, Mouthy Buddha recounts some improvements in how the Russian search engine deals with pedophiles.

Groundbreaking documentary from GeoengineeringWatch that conclusively exposes the existence of global weather intervention operations.

Global weather engineering operations are a reality. Atmospheric particle testing conducted by GeoengineeringWatch.org has now proven that the lingering, spreading jet aircraft trails, so commonly visible in our skies, are not just condensation as we have officially been told. Who is responsible for carrying out these programs? What will the consequences be if geoengineering / solar radiation management operations are allowed? THE DIMMING documentary will provide answers to these questions and many more. This is the most complete GeoengineeringWatch.org documentary regarding climate engineering operations. Thank you for viewing and for notifying others of The Dimming film release.

Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion shines a light on Covid-19 vaccine injuries and bereavements, but also takes an encompassing look at the systemic failings that appear to have enabled them. We look at leading analysis of pharmaceutical trials, the role of the MHRA in regulating these products, the role of the SAGE behavioural scientists in influencing policy and the role of the media and Big Tech companies in supressing free and open debate on the subject.

From Oscar-winner Oliver Stone comes a first-hand look at one of the most important, powerful, and controversial leaders in the world: Vladimir Putin of Russia.

Academy Award winner Oliver Stone was able to secure what journalists, news organizations, and even other world leaders have long coveted: extended, unprecedented access to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The Putin Interviews are culled from more than a dozen interviews with Putin over a two-year span—never before has the Russian leader spoken in such depth or at such length with a Western interviewer. No topics are off limits in the interviews, which first occurred during Stone’s trips to meet with NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden in Moscow and most recently after the election of President Donald Trump.

Prodded by Stone, Putin discusses relations between the United States and Russia, allegations of interference in the US election, and Russia’s involvement with conflicts in Syria, Ukraine, and elsewhere across the globe. Putin speaks about his rise to power and details his relationships with Presidents Clinton, George W. Bush, Obama, and Trump.

From Oscar-winner Oliver Stone comes a first-hand look at one of the most important, powerful, and controversial leaders in the world: Vladimir Putin of Russia.

Academy Award winner Oliver Stone was able to secure what journalists, news organizations, and even other world leaders have long coveted: extended, unprecedented access to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The Putin Interviews are culled from more than a dozen interviews with Putin over a two-year span—never before has the Russian leader spoken in such depth or at such length with a Western interviewer. No topics are off limits in the interviews, which first occurred during Stone’s trips to meet with NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden in Moscow and most recently after the election of President Donald Trump.

Prodded by Stone, Putin discusses relations between the United States and Russia, allegations of interference in the US election, and Russia’s involvement with conflicts in Syria, Ukraine, and elsewhere across the globe. Putin speaks about his rise to power and details his relationships with Presidents Clinton, George W. Bush, Obama, and Trump

From Oscar-winner Oliver Stone comes a first-hand look at one of the most important, powerful, and controversial leaders in the world: Vladimir Putin of Russia.

Academy Award winner Oliver Stone was able to secure what journalists, news organizations, and even other world leaders have long coveted: extended, unprecedented access to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The Putin Interviews are culled from more than a dozen interviews with Putin over a two-year span—never before has the Russian leader spoken in such depth or at such length with a Western interviewer. No topics are off limits in the interviews, which first occurred during Stone’s trips to meet with NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden in Moscow and most recently after the election of President Donald Trump.

Prodded by Stone, Putin discusses relations between the United States and Russia, allegations of interference in the US election, and Russia’s involvement with conflicts in Syria, Ukraine, and elsewhere across the globe. Putin speaks about his rise to power and details his relationships with Presidents Clinton, George W. Bush, Obama, and Trump.

Witness the most detailed portrait of Putin ever granted to a Western interviewer. This series provides intimate insight into Putin's personal and professional lives, from his childhood under communism, to his rise to power, his relations with four U.S. presidents, and his surprising takes on U.S.-Russian relations today. Oscar-winning filmmaker Oliver Stone was granted unprecedented access to Russian president Vladimir Putin during more than a dozen interviews over two years, with no topic off-limits.

Docu: ‘Uninformed Consent’ - Meest onthutsende film over corona- en vaccinleugens ooit

De docu Uninformed Consent ontleedt het corona-narratief tot op het bot: wie het controleert en hoe angst wordt gebruikt om een nieuwe, onbewezen gentherapie op te dringen aan mensen van alle leeftijden.
Uninformed Consent is zonder twijfel de meest complete docu die er is over het ‘probleem’ corona en de daarvoor opgedrongen ‘oplossing’, experimentele mRNA-vaccins. Genadeloos, maar uiterst secuur, legt de film alle leugens bloot die in koor werden herhaald door politici, big pharma, ‘experts’ en media. De film is ook een absolute aanrader voor familieleden en vrienden die ondanks alle reeds ontmaskerde onwaarheden nog altijd ten volle vertrouwen op het officiële verhaal.
De fascinerende docu is geschreven en geregisseerd door Todd Michael Harris, interviews met wetenschappers, beeldmateriaal uit de media en een aangrijpend persoonlijk verhaal wisselen elkaar af, waarmee Uninformed Consent de aandacht van begin tot eind vasthoudt.

‘Verdeel en heers’ is een eeuwenoude oorlogsstrategie om groepen tegen elkaar op te zetten. Degenen die plichtsgetrouw hun mondkap droegen en de prik namen, werden bejubeld als goede en morele burgers. De rest werd bestempeld als moordzuchtige, ziektedragende, immorele egoïsten, die hun recht op een ziekenhuisbed en een plekje in de trein hadden verspeeld. Irrationele haat tegen ‘anti-vaxxers’ werd vanaf het begin onophoudelijk aangewakkerd en genormaliseerd door regeringsleiders, gezondheidsautoriteiten en media. Familieleden werden tegen familieleden opgezet. Vrienden tegen vrienden. Collega's tegen collega's.

Verweven in de film is het persoonlijke verhaal van een man die zijn vrouw verloor, niet aan corona maar omdat ze zelfmoord pleegde. De pesterijen die ze als ‘ongevaccineerde’ op haar werk moest ondergaan, werden haar te veel.

In interviews met wetenschappers, huisartsen en gezondheidsonderzoekers belicht Uninformed Consent de ongekende veronachtzaming van de eed van Hippocrates door de medische wereld. De film fileert de wetteloze cultuur van de farmaceutische industrie en haar greep op de regelgevende instanties en de media. Verschillende medische schandalen uit het verleden worden uiteengezet om aan te tonen dat wantrouwen richting de vaccinmakers niet meer dan terecht is.

Als kers op de naargeestige taart bevat de film talloze compilaties van al lang en breed ontmaskerde media-leugens; haatzaaiende toespraken van regeringsleiders; beelden van demonstrerende ‘complotdenkers’ die lockdowns geen goed idee vonden; verbijsterend tegenstrijdige uitspraken van ‘experts’; beroemdheden die mRNA-injecties aanprijzen alsof het ijsjes zijn; en beelden van mensen die op TV ‘plotseling en onverwacht’ ter aarde storten. Daarmee biedt Uninformed Consent een meeslepend overzicht van de macabere poppenkast die de wereld in coronatijd is geworden.

Een documentaire over de aanslag in Apeldoorn in 2009.

Zou het zo kunnen zijn dat de aanslag in Apeldoorn op Koninginnedag 2009 een valse-vlag-aanslag was? Dat de koninklijke familie zichzelf gecontroleerd heeft laten ‘aanvallen’ om er voordeel uit te halen? Dat Karst T. niet alleen de dader was, maar ook slachtoffer? Het lijkt ondenkbaar, maar er zijn meerdere signalen die wijzen in die richting.

Een kritische blik op de berichtgevingen van de mainstream media // Gedeukte Susuki // Getal 11 symbol // Satanische obelisc // De waarheid over de koningin //

De echte koningin van Nederland is Marie-Claire Roovers. Zij was geboren uit incest. Koning willem heeft zijn dochter Willhemina verkracht en daar is de eerst nakomeling voor de troon opvolging uit geboren. Uiteraart mocht dit niet bekend worden. Dus hebben ze Marie altijd voor gek verklaart.

Mirror from: https://youtu.be/U8wohT4Iz68

☆ RoccProduction Videos ~ since 2008 ~ The Netherlands ☆ RoccPro all rights

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The scientific FACTS and scientific professionals in this documentary have been censored by YouTube on the grounds of “Medical Misinformation.” Here’s the REAL reason:

Without the PCR test there would be no “pandemic.”

What justifies lockdowns? What justifies “vaccines”? What justifies medical apartheid? Answer: CASE NUMBERS.

CASE NUMBERS that are produced by a PCR Test not designed for diagnostic use and not capable of doing the job it’s being used for.

If the media were to ever report the facts about this test, the lynchpin of the whole illusion would be removed and the house of cards would collapse. That’s precisely why they won’t report the facts, and precisely why we have to.

Share this film as widely as possible. Show it especially to friends or family who still believe in CASE NUMBERS.

The PCR test deception may not be news to you, but old news never reported is always news to most. That’s why I made this, so start spreading the “news.” The more people we wake up to the pandemic of testing, the closer we get to ending this nightmare.

This film is not for you. It’s for the people who don’t believe you.

Find out more:

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, under the influence of the World Economic Forum, announced his goal to reach net-zero nitrogen emissions in 2019.

This policy will force farmers to reduce livestock and food production to reduce nitrogen emissions.

The farmers, also known as “the boer” in the Netherlands, have spent years pushing back in peaceful protest, and in June 2022, the protests grew bigger than ever before.

So, Rebel News sent U.K. Reporter Lewis Brackpool and Lincoln Jay to the Netherlands to cover these massive protests. Now, with the help of Kian Simone, they have combined their in-depth footage from the Dutch farmer protests to create a documentary.

In this exclusive and hard-hitting documentary, Rebel News displays the other side of the story of the farmers' rebellion.

In the first half of a two-part episode, we examine what Schwab calls the Technological Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, along with some of the key figures and pieces of technology that are shifting the world as we know it.

Since the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic in March 2020, a highly-influential organization known as the World Economic Forum has been under scrutiny for using the global crisis as a means of advancing their own agenda.

Chaired by its founder Klaus Schwab, the WEF aims to influence governments across the world to implement its vision and shape policies to comply with the organization's agenda.

In this docuseries, we will be exploring the book The Great Reset, co-authored by Schwab and published in June 2020, just a few months after COVID-19 began shaping our world, along with those collaborating with the WEF to push its globalist agenda.

Our hope is to show the viewer that this reset, this “unique window of opportunity” as the WEF's website states, is not a conspiracy theory — it's a fact.

In the first half of a two-part episode, we examine what Schwab calls the Technological Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, along with some of the key figures and pieces of technology that are shifting the world as we know it.

Since the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, a highly-influential organization known as the World Economic Forum (WEF) has been under scrutiny for using the global crisis as a means of advancing its own agenda.

Chaired by its founder Klaus Schwab, the WEF aims to influence governments across the world to implement its vision and shape policies to comply with the organization's agenda.

In this docuseries by Kian Simone, Dave Shrigley, and Lewis Brackpool, they explore the book The Great Reset, co-authored by Schwab and published in June 2020, just a few months after COVID-19 began shaping our world.

Massive Pedophile Network Exposed by Mouthy Buddha

What does Netflix’s “CUTIES” have to do with it?

2020/2022 - For the past two years, the world population has been under the spell of the coronavirus. Emergency regimes have been established, civil liberties have been dismantled, surveillance programs were being installed and an unprecedented global vaccination program has been rolled out.

Are we doing the right thing, or did we make a deal with the devil in exchange for a benefit? Through critical voices from various areas of expertise, PANDAMNED attempted for the first time to paint the whole picture and shed light on the darkness. It has become a relentless stocktaking of our time, which global organizations, governments and big tech companies would have preferred to prevent.

Documentary maker Marijn Poels takes the viewer on an enlightening journey through the emerging absurd world of the "New Normal" and how we can still prevent it.


- Original video with German, English and Dutch subtitles: https://rumble.com/v140n0y-pandamned-documentary.html
- Originele video met Duitse, Engelse en Nederlandse ondertiteling: https://rumble.com/v140n0y-pandamned-documentary.html
- Originalvideo mit deutschen, englischen und holländischen Untertiteln: https://rumble.com/v140n0y-pandamned-documentary.html

The editor of one of Europes largest newspapers, Udo Ulfkotte, made a shocking confession. After working as an international journalist for 25 years, he came forward with the following statement:

‘I have been a journalist for about 25 years. During that time I was taught to always lie, betray, and never tell the truth to the public. I was paid by the CIA, American billionaires, secret services, etc. to push for war with Russia. Journalists in Europe and all over the world are used to manipulate the public.’

Ulfkottes testimony was confirmed by Julian Assange, the world renowned journalist and founder of WikiLeaks, who said:

‘Every war of the last 50 years is the result of media lies. Populations don’t want war, they have to be manipulated to support war.’

You can hear these two world famous journalists make these confessions in the following eye opening short documentary, that reveals many examples of how the news media deceives you.

The World Health Organization has an official agenda for ten years of ongoing pandemics, from 2020 to 2030. They can declare a pandemic whenever they want. During pandemics the WHO becomes an effective one world government, overruling the constitutions and laws of all the nations in the world. The plan is crystal clear. Watch the video now.

The documentary 2000 Mules by Dinesh D’Souza, in collaboration with True The Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht, are releasing a film that reveals explosive new surveillance footage of ballot drop boxes and alarming evidence showing part of the rig of the 2020 Election of the United States.

This groundbreaking documentary reveals how virtually everything on earth is owned by one single corporation. The entities behind this corporation have a master plan to submit humanity to unprecedented control.

Minder dan een handje vol mega-corporaties domineert vandaag de dag ons leven in ieder aspect. Van het ontbijt dat s’ochtends op tafel staat, tot aan het matras waar we s’nachts op slapen, en alles dat we daar tussenin doen, gebruiken of consumeren draagt bij aan de macht van deze corporaties. In deze video laat Tim Gielen je aan de hand van eenvoudig verifieerbare feiten zien hoe deze corporaties, of beter gezegd; hun grootste aandeelhouders, de hoofdrolspelers zijn in het theaterstuk waar we op dit moment getuige van zijn. En hoe zij de drijvende kracht vormen achter “The Great Reset” van het World Economic Forum.


Created 3 years, 10 months ago.

98 videos

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