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Larken Rose encouraged his viewers to be both honest and specific when it comes to statism. I thought about specifics, and what I find problematic about the Anarchist movement.

I talk about the 2008 bank failures and the $700 Billion bailouts, how that was part of the WEF plan that “you will own nothing and you will be happy.” The crash was part of the colossal wealth transfer and death of the middle class. It was part of the WEF scheme to transform society into renters rather than owners, and removing the sense of security that comes with home ownership.

Another loose response video to Larken Rose, talking about police, Anarchists, voluntarists, prison labor and police searches, and what it’s like on the road dealing with law enforcement.

I bought a ticket to Porcfest, and I’m comparing my first impressions to my experience at Anarchapolco, my expectations, and anticipations.
Was Neil Peart right when he said “You can’t get something for nothing. You can’t get freedom for free.”?

My last video I talked about using the Black Panthers as a template for the Freedom space, Anarchists / voluntarism.
I think it’s also worth looking into the Polish Solidarity movement that fought against Communism while ushering in a Leftist Capitalist government.
Consider that these are templates that can be used by any group of people who have a cohesive list of goals they would like to achieve.

It’s really about altering our mentalities and our expectations for the future.

Shout out to Larken Rose

I was watching Larken Rose’s latest video called “Fundementals,” and wanted to make a response video. I’ve been reading about The Black Panthers lately, and how their actions affected change in black communities, that can still be seen today (free school lunch for children , as an example)
Voluntarism doesn’t necessarily need a leader, but it does need clearly defined principles and an action plan.
Words without action are just words.

I’m still critical of the current state of the Anarchist movement. I see them as a feckless bunch of ratchet, aimless drug users, attempting to escape the Armageddon brought to us by the WEF. Like living in Costa Rica and eating mushrooms everyday is going to solve that problem.
It’s just escapism.

We should ditch the term “Anarchist,” because it’s not serving.

Anarchists aren’t necessarily Voluntaryists.

This is my second attempt to upload this video.
It’s a response video to Larken Rose’s video on YouTube talking about fundamentals.
Because I met so many aimless Anarchists at Anarchapolco, who didn’t really know what to do with their lives and went to Anarchapolco in search of a direction, only to find a bunch of Flat Earthers and people selling worthless property in Nicaragua, I felt it was worth exploring other revolutionary movements that were able to affect change in their communities.
Even though The Black Panther Party was actually rooted in Marxism, their goals were similar to present-day Anarchists.
There’s a lot of overlap on that Venn diagram.
They agree on wanting freedom from an oppressive state.

Anarchists can’t get it together because they’re not organized.
They have no real leaders. The leaders they do have are basically clowns, like Jeff Berwick. They’re also wandering aimlessly, complaining about The Government, while high on marijuana, LSD, psilocybin, and terrible cheap alcohol.
The Catch-22 of the situation is that they could possibly affect real change in the world if they were at least as organized as the Black Panthers, but the Black Panthers were Marxist. And you can’t be an AnarchoCapitalist and a Marxist at the same time.
Y’all running around Anarchapolco taking drugs and taking about Flat Earth and income taxes, but you’re not actually doing anything.
Because there’s no leader, no list of demands, and no discipline or structure.
And that’s why Pfizer got away, Scott free, with the bag.

A thing I noticed at Anarchapolco was that people were really looking for meaning in their lives, and lots of people used drugs to help them.
I remind viewers that the Counter Culture movement of the Beat Generation and the Hippies were started by the CIA and the shadow government to erode the family unit and weaken American society with hedonism and degenerate drug use. Timothy Leary was a Harvard Associated CIA operative that told young people to “Tune in, turn on and drop out.”
If you drop out of society, if you die, you will lose your voice.
My message is a message of compassion and to be present in your life.
I love you ❤️

A thing that really bothered me about Anarchapolco was the tiered guest system, with different levels of admission. Your ticket determined where you could go on the campus and who you could listen to or even speak to. What is the point of a Anarchist summit if there’s a caste system of order in place that limits contact, conversation and an free exchange of ideas?
Also a side note about something Larken Rose mentioned about authority. “Unquestioned” that’s the key word.
We should question authority, even in the Anarchist community.

Talking to Anarchists, regulations are a crime against humanity. But are they really?

Coming back from Anarchapolco, I found my copy of The Most Dangerous Superstition, and started looking through it because I’ve been struggling with ideas about the government and authority, and how to still maintain society in the absence of institutions with lethal power over its citizens.

One of my favorite singers, Donovan, has this song about Riki Tiki Tavi, the mongoose who kills snakes. And it’s basically about how he’s given up on having these institutions like the government and the schools to kill his snakes for him “I’m going to learn how to kill them myself,” he sang.

The Government isn’t going to save us.
But there’s still a lot of snakes out there, and we’ve got to figure out how to manage those.

Can you be a Christian and an Anarchist? Is some regulation necessary? I’ve been watching Larken Rose again, and I’ve got questions about some things.

Isn’t the Government just a tool that’s being misused by private industry like the Insurance Companies who bribe legislators to write policy in their favor?
Since joining the NRA and viewing guns as neutral tools, rather than good or evil. Guns can be used for good or evil depending on who is aiming them, where and why.
Government is innately neutral and is either good or evil by who is manipulating it and to what end, is what I believe. The real problem with government is corruption and misuse of power to impose the will on citizens who are made to comply. That’s the true violation.

This is just a casual video where I talk about the importance of gaining real skills in the face of societal collapse

Thoughts on processing my experience at Anarchapolco, Larken Rose, New Hampshire Freedom Movement, Income Tax, Fear P rn,

I found this dog on the street in Acapulco, and some shit head drew on him with a sharpie.
There was an unsavory element at Anarchapolco, and I’m sharing, honestly, what was said under our breath outside of the Secret Garden.
Everything from why Flat Earth was represented at Anarchapolco to why Anarchapolco may exist.

Max Igan’s Bar “The Crow Bar”
Problems with Bonfil and why I wouldn’t vacation there

Anarchapolco 2024 Part 3

Income Taxes and Real Estate Investment in Central and South America.

Christopher Gronski

New Hampshire
Live Free or Die

Please consider contributing to Larken Rose:

Larken Rose
610 East Bell Road, #2 - 171
Phoenix, AZ 85022

For information on how to stop paying Federal Income Tax, safely, check out Christopher Gronski (out of New Hampshire):


Income Tax
New Hampshire Freedom
Larken Rose
Jones Plantation

James Evan Pilato

David Icke
Klaus Schwab
World Economic Forum
Joe Rogan
Alex Jones

The earth is round. It’s a globe.

I just got back from Anarchapolco and I’m going to break it down into categories to flesh out the experience.
This is basically a PSA about the cult-like organizations surrounding Bonfil, and why the hell you should avoid drugs around people trying to sell you a whole bunch of shit.

I talk about James Corbett, James Evan Pilato, Anarchapolco, David Icke, horrible rude Flat Earthers, and other things

Notes on upcoming Anarchapolco trip.

There’s a few Flat Earthers attending Anarchapolco.
I disagree with Flat Earth because there’s enough out there to disprove it, and prove that the earth is a globe.

I see Flat Earth as a distraction from discussion about Self-Ownership, non-aggression, voluntarism, and a Stateless Society.

I’m still trying to organize a Paella meet-up in Acapulco.

If you guys are down, hit me up.

I talk about Bill Cooper, disclosure, James Corbett, David Icke, Bible prophecy and Israel, and going to Anarchapolco.
I want to thank Jeff Berwick for facilitating this event and everything he is doing to help Acapulco rebuild after the hurricane.

A commentary to supplement Max Igan, talking about Gaza, Norman Finkelstein, David Irving, Holocaust denial, and how holocaust propaganda was leveraged for sympathy.
Go watch James Corbett, too. He’s the man.
Media monarchy. Com


Created 3 years, 3 months ago.

56 videos

Category Vlogging

A channel that discusses popular conspiracy theories that the mainstream media censors or does not like to talk about.