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Dr. E.D.K. Himself


Just watch...

Fireworks in Infrared. They have a HUGE party on the beach every year. Thousands of people...

I went bodyboarding yesterday and today at this spot and one further south. And I pickup a few new battle scars...

While exploring the leaning tower of Pisa a protest broke out. The guy next to me said it was an anti-socialist protest. My Spanish sucks so you decide...

I went for a run today and got a little more cardio than I planned for...

After wandering around Santorini I found all of the fish spas are closed for the season. Bummer I wanted to get some underwater footage...

After visiting the ruins on Elephantine Island our tour guides surprised us with live music on the boat. Yousef (our guide) is on the flute.

No step on Snek!

After visiting the Kom-Ombo Temple in Egypt I decided to well you'll see...

First night in Luxor.

Climbing out of the Bent Pyramid. It has been closed for 54 years!

Crawling inside of the Bent Pyramid.

BJJ in infrared

Ethan and Derek rolling in Feb. Filmed on a Cat S-60 FLIR phone

Impact rolling in Infrared.

Juan rolling in March.

BJJ rolling brought to you in Infrared, filmed on my Cat S-60 phone.

Subleague qualifier #1 April 20th 2019.
BJJ match brought to you in Infrared filmed on my Cat S-60 phone.

Subleague qualifier #1 April 20th 2019.
BJJ match brought to you in Infrared filmed on my Cat S-60 phone.

Subleague qualifier #1 April 20th 2019.
BJJ match brought to you in Infrared filmed on my Cat S-60 phone.

Subleague qualifier #1 April 20th 2019.
BJJ match brought to you in Infrared filmed on my Cat S-60 phone.

ubleague qualifier #1 April 20th 2019.
BJJ match brought to you in Infrared filmed on my Cat S-60 phone.

Subleague qualifier #1 April 20th 2019.
BJJ match brought to you in Infrared filmed on my Cat S-60 phone.

Subleague qualifier #1 April 20th 2019.
BJJ match brought to you in Infrared filmed on my Cat S-60 phone.

Brandon Vs ?? White belt Subleague Qualifier #1 April 20th 2019 BJJ filmed in Infrared on my Cat S-60


Created 4 years, 11 months ago.

28 videos

Category Sports & Fitness

Lots of BJJ filmed in Infrared. Some other stuff too. Hope you enjoy the channel.
Update December 2019 I am traveling through Egypt, Greece, Italy, the Canary islands and Brazil! My videos are here to help my friends and family know I'm alive and doing well...