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So Gau stole the Scales, and left for Akrasinon to try and change the past...

We learn a lot about the Ancestral Magic, the two Belkade sorceresses, and the power of the Scales.

Gau still doesn't really understand what's going on, but he knows things are serious.

So, they know each other. They go way back.

We meet the White Witch, who seems to have the same goal.

The Goblin King tells us about Polin, so what does that say about Karon?

We're almost done with the area, but just a few more things to collect first.

Polin joins us for a bit, in a hunt for some hidden items.

The dog is smart, and he helps out the old couple who rescued him.

Mokyun is going to be our main supplier of items and equipment in this game. He's not a pig, mokyu!

The City of Rispadar, home of the Sealed Castle. The bar owner also seems to run the ruined Arena...

We beat the Guardian Beast. Are we even human?

When I played through on Difficult, I seemed to have a lot better luck with drops. It doesn't specifically say harder difficulties increase your luck, but I bet they do.

Karon is interesting, wanting us to be happy even if we have to give up our goals to do it.

Multiple systems for strengthening our character, including an equipment mastery system like in Final Fantasy 9!

The introductory village does a great job of walking us through the basics.

If you don't like being spoiled, I'd seriously recommend playing this game before watching this playthrough. The story is worth it.

An interesting game. I'm glad I played it, but I'm not totally sure how I feel about it.

My understanding is the remake (or port) for the Switch is more obvious with the story, but I kinda like how vague it is here.

It takes some of the best and worst of the old school boomer shooters, bullet hells, roguelikes, and other genres and combines them.

The Dusty Path actually seems pretty involved. Looks like it'll be a large chunk of the game.

It started as a clicker game, but now we're getting to the point where we have to carefully choose what's being produced.

My apologies to anyone watching this on Bitchute. The compression is going to make this a bad one.

A text based game that starts as a clicker game, but has other things up its sleeve...

Remake available on the Nintendo Switch, or play this version (the original) for free at:

I've enjoyed the playthrough, but it's been the longest one by far. I'm ready to move on. Thank you to everyone that watches these. :)


Created 5 years, 9 months ago.

1982 videos

Category Gaming

Welcome! I enjoy playing games, and want to share my passion with others. A lot of games have well developed worlds, and I like to explore them. I'm not the most skilled gamer, but whatever happens I hope you enjoy the result.

Thanks for coming on this journey with me!
