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A letter to my sister in New York

Scratch Acid… one of the most underrated punk bands of the 1980s.

“How about I just stay home and fight you?”
Cassius Clay, when being told he was going to be drafted into the Vietnam War
From the Crocodile Tear Productions You Tube channel ( you can find the entire story there… the end is sickening though…)

As long as we live in Usura, we will never have art and architecture like we did in antiquity. Everything today is made to sell and sell quick.
Just ponder for a moment all we have lost since then, not only in art and architecture but genetics and sovereignty

Technology is all about control; it no longer has anything to do with efficiency or effectiveness. John Deere and other agricultural equipment has a strict monopoly on the repair of its machinery. If you don’t take it to the dealer and try to do it yourself, you can lose the equipment. In this way they can also control the food supply. It is much like the way Monsanto has taken control of the seeds, and farmers can no longer “own” their own seed supply.. which is the building block of food security and a free sovereign society.

An exercise using only kicks to keep away an aggressive puncher. I can only punch, he can only kick.

Let’s hear it for the 52 year old Black person that beat his ass.
I have no idea who these people are, nor do I want to know.

Well I loaded the wrong video but let’s go with it!
“Manifesto” by the Four Skins, English Skinhead music early 1980s

From, “Off the grid with Doug and Stacy”

Wiggers will never be accepted by them entirely, and will always be their punching bag….and they surely will never be re-accepted by us.
It’s a disgusting form of Stockholm Syndrome if you ask me. I wonder what the motivation is for a person to head in this direction? I’ve never understood it.

“It will be fun!” They said…
You’d think if you were sitting around all day with no job you could pick up the garbage.
Filipinos are actually very kind people regardless of their poverty, but they are very superstitious and emotional.

From the movie “The Lost Weekend” 1945

From Europe… does it really fucking matter where they come from anymore? They are ALL our Brothers and Sisters

Sometimes You never know with these Russians…That Khalilov kid might look White but he is a muzzie. Nakrob takes him to school.

All the tattoos and faggy haircuts can’t save you from the brutal stance of reality.

Song by Blitz

More Punch and Judy Bullshitstories. But just looking at the numbers it is obvious we are systematically being exterminated. And paying for it ourselves.

Biting the hand that feeds as usual. Now parts of Michigan Wisconsin and Minnesota are ENTIRELY muzziewog … To put it into context, the entire city of Dearborn Michigan, 108,000 monkeys can be carpet bombed with HE and Napalm and not one White person would die.

It will be fun they said.
It is literally child abuse to raise children with moronic ideas like this. I don’t want to be any fucking where near people like this, not in their community, county or even their state.

These hearings are simply a steam pressure release valve on the pressure cooker. The government is under great pressure at this critical juncture where the population has zero trust in it or the “medical establishment” in this country. Fauci is no longer in control, there is actually a worse individual at the controls, Dr Jeanne Marrazzo, so all this huff and puff is moot.
Remember the Punch and Judy puppets when we were children? Never forget there was only one puppeteer working behind the curtain.

He’s about as Austrian as I am Chinaman…
Anyway, look at the calm relaxed demeanor the Russian displays… this veteran is one of the BEST in the sport…

Were we wrong?
Stock footage 1989
“Told ya so!”

If you haven’t seen the Searchers, we’ll catch up on it when you do and I’ll revisit the comment section later. I put this up for My European friends to further help them see what an actual mess Manifest Destiny and the Old West was…this is probably the best John Wayne film ever made.

I haven’t been showing many fights lately because there hasn’t been any really exceptional ones….this one is for the fellas training…. You can follow the repetitive slow mo to duplicate on the heavy bag

A public service announcement to downvoters and shit talking basement dwellers.


Created 3 years, 7 months ago.

810 videos

Category Sports & Fitness

Welcome to this Eurocentric Land Of Misfit Toys. Leave your preconceptions and federal government brain-poisoning at the door. I hope you find something useful here to bolster your spirits and leave you with a smile on your face.
Remember as you go through life's trials and tribulations, you came into this world with nothing.... you will leave with nothing.