LastStand Lion

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LastStand Lion

LastStand Lion


May Allah SAW bless Palestine and those who struggle against the state of Israel #islam #zion #israel #struggle

May Allah SAW bless Palestine and curse the state of israel and aid the freedom fighters of Palestinian and curse the Israeli homos. #Palestine #zionism #based #Truth


#Billie Eilish

God is the Greatest. lucifer is gay. Hail God. fuck lucifer.

Don't let satan make you hate soo much that you want war with other countries

Be filled with the Love of God

Celebrate the Messiah not the denya(the worldly)

Faith alone cannot open the gates of Heaven

FIght Sin in your head, heart and Actions. God Bless You.


Life Logos Pain/Happiness

Satan's clergy

-Raped his daughter
-Makes money off of young white men
-Bad Rolemodel

Life, Liberty, pursuit of Logos

Music in relation to good and evil

India gets it... THAT PEDOS SHOULD DIE!!!!!!!
and nice call in.

What's really important in life.


Birth control is BAD
Baby boomers are BAD
CUCKED dads are BAD

Who Are We As A People

Usury And Miscegenation And Paradise Lost


Created 5 years ago.

35 videos

Category Sports & Fitness

There is Only One God and Muhammad SAW is his messenger