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Calling you

You will feel it

Create your character

motive for perfection


For better or worse

Exalted immortal intelligences

Embryonic stage

Relentless determination

A different type of bondage

Don't be negative this is why

Expanding knowledge

Book of Jehovah chapte 1

second reurrectipn manijest

Jehovah our creator the ever present

Think again

There is only ONE

Cpenta-armij said: I looked far off in the
distance, and saw the earth and her heavens traveling
on. I listened to the voice of mortals! A merchant
counted over his gains; he said: This is heaven!

God said: In the cities and country
places, I have innumerable Lords, apportioned to
districts and to the mortals and angels within them.

For your resurrection does not depend on
the quantity you give, but as to whether you give
according to what you have. Of which matter you
shall judge yourself

After the creation of man, the Creator,
Jehovih, said to him:

Jehovih had said: I created man blank, as
to good and evil, and gave him liberty. And I gave
liberty also to the spirits of the dead. But these spirits
set themselves up as Gods; and to glorify themselves
used mortals in their own way. For they found that
mortals could be turned to good or evil, to war or to
peace, to virtue or to lust, according to the inspiration
of the angels watching over them

ALL was. ALL is. ALL ever shall be. The
ALL spoke, and Motion was, and is, and ever shall be;
and, being positive, was called He and Him. The ALL
MOTION was His speech.

come to me O man

commandents of God


Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

1542 videos

Category None

.I am a fisher of Hebrew Israelite sons of Light willing to fellowship with other sons of Light over the nag hammadi and other hidden Manna books of Revelation 2:17 we are a gnostic you can contact me on Facebook in my room call The Upper Room. Use a small r.

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