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Full debate:

Find us on your favorite PODCAST app as all our YouTube debates end up on the podcast within 24 hours of being live.

At Modern-Day Debate (MDD), our vision is to provide a neutral debate platform so everyone has their fair shot to make their case on a level playing field. Consider joining our Patreon ( ) or our channel as a member.

Modern Day Debate Discord:
Craving a challenge for your debating prowess? Fancy a shot at debating on MDD? Look no further than our Official MDD Discord server! Accessible through the Discord App (Android/iOS/PC) or your browser, the choice is yours!
Immerse yourself in non-stop debates, 24/7! Explore a variety of Text and Voice Channels designed for members to delve into discussions. Experience the thrill of live member debates on our Open Debate Stage, orchestrated by our dedicated staff, followed by occasional aftershows after the live stream debates!
Ready to join the intellectual battleground? Simply click the link below on your device of choice and become part of the discourse!


-Chats flagrantly disrespectful toward speakers will receive a warning. *Attack the ideas instead of the person.
-Chatters continuing the disrespect after a warning will be banned.
-Chatters violating YouTube TOS are banned immediately.


DISCLAIMER The views shared by guests on Modern-Day Debate are not necessarily representative of the views of Modern-Day Debate, James, or any university he has or has had any affiliation with. This includes our debate podcast.

I'm a Christia..

Heated-Debates #heatedDebates #hindu #vedas

#debate #dillahunty #muslimskeptic

Find us on your favorite PODCAST app as all our YouTube debates end up on the podcast within 24 hours of being live.




At Modern-Day Debate (MDD), our vision is to provide a neutral debate platform so everyone has their fair shot to make their case on a level playing field. Consider joining our Patreon ( ) or our channel as a member.

Modern Day Debate Discord:
Craving a challenge for your debating prowess? Fancy a shot at debating on MDD? Look no further than our Official MDD Discord server! Accessible through the Discord App (Android/iOS/PC) or your browser, the choice is yours!
Immerse yourself in non-stop debates, 24/7! Explore a variety of Text and Voice Channels designed for members to delve into discussions. Experience the thrill of live member debates on our Open Debate Stage, orchestrated by our dedicated staff, followed by occasional aftershows after the live stream debates!
Ready to join the intellectual battleground? Simply click the link below on your device of choice and become part of the discourse!


-Chats flagrantly disrespectful toward speakers will receive a warning. *Attack the ideas instead of the person.
-Chatters continuing the disrespect after a warning will be banned.
-Chatters violating YouTube TOS are banned immediately.


DISCLAIMER The views shared by guests on Modern-Day Debate are not necessarily representative of the views of Modern-Day Debate, James, or any university he has or has had any affiliation with. This includes our debate podcast.

I'm a Christian. If you ever want praye..

Link to Minds Fest in Austin, TX on Saturday, April 27th featuring panels including Destiny, AJW and more! ----- Use promo code "MDD" while getting your tickets to save a whopping 20%! James will be there in-person, come watch the panel discussions on many juicy topics!

Find us on your favorite PODCAST app as all our YouTube debates end up on the podcast within 24 hours of being live.



NEETPride: No link at this time

At Modern-Day Debate (MDD), our vision is to provide a neutral debate platform so everyone has their fair shot to make their case on a level playing field. Consider joining our Patreon ( ) or our channel as a member.

Modern Day Debate Discord:
Craving a challenge for your debating prowess? Fancy a shot at debating on MDD? Look no further than our Official MDD Discord server! Accessible through the Discord App (Android/iOS/PC) or your browser, the choice is yours!
Immerse yourself in non-stop debates, 24/7! Explore a variety of Text and Voice Channels designed for members to delve into discussions. Experience the thrill of live member debates on our Open Debate Stage, orchestrated by our dedicated staff, followed by occasional aftershows after the live stream debates!
Ready to join the intellectual battleground? Simply click the link below on your device of choice and become part of the discourse!


-Chats flagrantly disrespectful toward speakers will receive a warning. *Attack the ideas instead of the person.
-Chatters continuing the disrespect after a warning will be banned.
-Chatters violating YouTube TOS are banned immediately.



Link to full debate:

Link to Minds Fest in Austin, TX on Saturday, April 27th featuring panels including Destiny, AJW and more! ----- Use promo code "MDD" while getting your tickets to save a whopping 20%! James will be there in-person, come watch the panel discussions on many juicy topics!

Find us on your favorite PODCAST app as all our YouTube debates end up on the podcast within 24 hours of being live.

At Modern-Day Debate (MDD), our vision is to provide a neutral debate platform so everyone has their fair shot to make their case on a level playing field. Consider joining our Patreon ( ) or our channel as a member.

Modern Day Debate Discord:
Craving a challenge for your debating prowess? Fancy a shot at debating on MDD? Look no further than our Official MDD Discord server! Accessible through the Discord App (Android/iOS/PC) or your browser, the choice is yours!
Immerse yourself in non-stop debates, 24/7! Explore a variety of Text and Voice Channels designed for members to delve into discussions. Experience the thrill of live member debates on our Open Debate Stage, orchestrated by our dedicated staff, followed by occasional aftershows after the live stream debates!
Ready to join the intellectual battleground? Simply click the link below on your device of choice and become part of the discourse!


-Chats flagrantly disrespectful toward speakers will receive a warning. *Attack the ideas instead of the person.
-Chatters continuing the disrespect after a warning will be banned.
-Chatters violating YouTube TOS are banned immediately.


Link to Minds Fest in Austin, TX on Saturday, April 27th featuring panels including Destiny, AJW and more! ----- Use promo code "MDD" while getting your tickets to save a whopping 20%! James will be there in-person, come watch the panel discussions on many juicy topics!

Find us on your favorite PODCAST app as all our YouTube debates end up on the podcast within 24 hours of being live.

At Modern-Day Debate (MDD), our vision is to provide a neutral debate platform so everyone has their fair shot to make their case on a level playing field. Consider joining our Patreon ( ) or our channel as a member.

Modern Day Debate Discord:
Craving a challenge for your debating prowess? Fancy a shot at debating on MDD? Look no further than our Official MDD Discord server! Accessible through the Discord App (Android/iOS/PC) or your browser, the choice is yours!
Immerse yourself in non-stop debates, 24/7! Explore a variety of Text and Voice Channels designed for members to delve into discussions. Experience the thrill of live member debates on our Open Debate Stage, orchestrated by our dedicated staff, followed by occasional aftershows after the live stream debates!
Ready to join the intellectual battleground? Simply click the link below on your device of choice and become part of the discourse!


-Chats flagrantly disrespectful toward speakers will receive a warning. *Attack the ideas instead of the person.
-Chatters continuing the disrespect after a warning will be banned.
-Chatters violating YouTube TOS are banned immediately.


DISCLAIMER The views shared by guests on Modern-Day Debate are not necess..

Link to Minds Fest in Austin, TX on Saturday, April 27th featuring panels including Destiny, AJW and more! ----- Use promo code "MDD" while getting your tickets to save a whopping 20%! James will be there in-person, come watch the panel discussions on many juicy topics!

Find us on your favorite PODCAST app as all our YouTube debates end up on the podcast within 24 hours of being live.



Big Country: No link at this time

At Modern-Day Debate (MDD), our vision is to provide a neutral debate platform so everyone has their fair shot to make their case on a level playing field. Consider joining our Patreon ( ) or our channel as a member.

Modern Day Debate Discord:
Craving a challenge for your debating prowess? Fancy a shot at debating on MDD? Look no further than our Official MDD Discord server! Accessible through the Discord App (Android/iOS/PC) or your browser, the choice is yours!
Immerse yourself in non-stop debates, 24/7! Explore a variety of Text and Voice Channels designed for members to delve into discussions. Experience the thrill of live member debates on our Open Debate Stage, orchestrated by our dedicated staff, followed by occasional aftershows after the live stream debates!
Ready to join the intellectual battleground? Simply click the link below on your device of choice and become part of the discourse!


-Chats flagrantly disrespectful toward speakers will receive a warning. *Attack the ideas instead of the person.
-Chatters continuing the disrespect after a warning will be banned.
-Chatters violating YouTube TOS are banned immediately.



#bible #oldtestament #apologetics #Christian #atheist

Link to Minds Fest in Austin, TX on Saturday, April 27th featuring panels including Destiny, AJW and more! ----- Use promo code "MDD" while getting your tickets to save a whopping 20%! James will be there in-person, come watch the panel discussions on many juicy topics!

LINKS TO GUESTS: - If you enjoy this stream, odds are good you'll also enjoy checking out the speakers' social media links below!

At Modern-Day Debate (MDD), our vision is to provide a neutral debate platform so everyone has their fair shot to make their case on a level playing field. Consider joining our Patreon ( ) or our channel as a member.

Modern Day Debate Discord:
Craving a challenge for your debating prowess? Fancy a shot at debating on MDD? Look no further than our Official MDD Discord server! Accessible through the Discord App (Android/iOS/PC) or your browser, the choice is yours!
Immerse yourself in non-stop debates, 24/7! Explore a variety of Text and Voice Channels designed for members to delve into discussions. Experience the thrill of live member debates on our Open Debate Stage, orchestrated by our dedicated staff, followed by occasional aftershows after the live stream debates!
Ready to join the intellectual battleground? Simply click the link below on your device of choice and become part of the discourse!


-Chats flagrantly disrespectful toward speakers will receive a warning. *Attack the ideas instead of the person.
-Chatters continuing the disrespect after a warning will be banned.
-Chatters violating YouTube TOS are banned immediately.


Link to Minds Fest in Austin, TX on Saturday, April 27th featuring panels including Destiny, AJW and more! ----- Use promo code "MDD" while getting your tickets to save a whopping 20%! James will be there in-person, come watch the panel discussions on many juicy topics!

At Modern-Day Debate (MDD), our vision is to provide a neutral debate platform so everyone has their fair shot to make their case on a level playing field. Consider joining our Patreon ( ) or our channel as a member.

Modern Day Debate Discord:
Craving a challenge for your debating prowess? Fancy a shot at debating on MDD? Look no further than our Official MDD Discord server! Accessible through the Discord App (Android/iOS/PC) or your browser, the choice is yours!
Immerse yourself in non-stop debates, 24/7! Explore a variety of Text and Voice Channels designed for members to delve into discussions. Experience the thrill of live member debates on our Open Debate Stage, orchestrated by our dedicated staff, followed by occasional aftershows after the live stream debates!
Ready to join the intellectual battleground? Simply click the link below on your device of choice and become part of the discourse!


-Chats flagrantly disrespectful toward speakers will receive a warning. *Attack the ideas instead of the person.
-Chatters continuing the disrespect after a warning will be banned.
-Chatters violating YouTube TOS are banned immediately.


DISCLAIMER The views shared by guests on Modern-Day Debate are not necessarily representative of the views of Modern-Day Debate, James, or any university he has or has had any affiliation with...

Link to Minds Fest in Austin, TX on Saturday, April 27th featuring panels including Destiny, AJW and more! ----- Use promo code "MDD" while getting your tickets to save a whopping 20%! James will be there in-person, come watch the panel discussions on many juicy topics!

Find us on your favorite PODCAST app as all our YouTube debates end up on the podcast within 24 hours of being live.


Tacori: No link at this time
MCToon: @MCToon

At Modern-Day Debate (MDD), our vision is to provide a neutral debate platform so everyone has their fair shot to make their case on a level playing field. Consider joining our Patreon ( ) or our channel as a member.

Modern Day Debate Discord:
Craving a challenge for your debating prowess? Fancy a shot at debating on MDD? Look no further than our Official MDD Discord server! Accessible through the Discord App (Android/iOS/PC) or your browser, the choice is yours!
Immerse yourself in non-stop debates, 24/7! Explore a variety of Text and Voice Channels designed for members to delve into discussions. Experience the thrill of live member debates on our Open Debate Stage, orchestrated by our dedicated staff, followed by occasional aftershows after the live stream debates!
Ready to join the intellectual battleground? Simply click the link below on your device of choice and become part of the discourse!


-Chats flagrantly disrespectful toward speakers will receive a warning. *Attack the ideas instead of the person.
-Chatters continuing the disrespect after a warning will be banned.
-Chatters violating YouTube TOS are banned immediately.



Link to original debate:

At Modern-Day Debate (MDD), our vision is to provide a neutral debate platform so everyone has their fair shot to make their case on a level playing field. Consider joining our Patreon ( ) or our channel as a member.

Modern Day Debate Discord:
Craving a challenge for your debating prowess? Fancy a shot at debating on MDD? Look no further than our Official MDD Discord server! Accessible through the Discord App (Android/iOS/PC) or your browser, the choice is yours!
Immerse yourself in non-stop debates, 24/7! Explore a variety of Text and Voice Channels designed for members to delve into discussions. Experience the thrill of live member debates on our Open Debate Stage, orchestrated by our dedicated staff, followed by occasional aftershows after the live stream debates!
Ready to join the intellectual battleground? Simply click the link below on your device of choice and become part of the discourse!


-Chats flagrantly disrespectful toward speakers will receive a warning. *Attack the ideas instead of the person.
-Chatters continuing the disrespect after a warning will be banned.
-Chatters violating YouTube TOS are banned immediately.


DISCLAIMER The views shared by guests on Modern-Day Debate are not necessarily representative of the views of Modern-Day Debate, James, or any university he has or has had any affiliation with. This includes our debate podcast.

I'm a Christian. If you ever want prayer or just someone to talk to after a horrible day, please reach out and let me kn..

Link to Minds Fest in Austin, TX on Saturday, April 27th featuring panels including Destiny, AJW and more! ----- Use promo code "MDD" while getting your tickets to save a whopping 20%! James will be there in-person, come watch the panel discussions on many juicy topics!

Find us on your favorite PODCAST app as all our YouTube debates end up on the podcast within 24 hours of being live.


At Modern-Day Debate (MDD), our vision is to provide a neutral debate platform so everyone has their fair shot to make their case on a level playing field. Consider joining our Patreon ( ) or our channel as a member.

Modern Day Debate Discord:
Craving a challenge for your debating prowess? Fancy a shot at debating on MDD? Look no further than our Official MDD Discord server! Accessible through the Discord App (Android/iOS/PC) or your browser, the choice is yours!
Immerse yourself in non-stop debates, 24/7! Explore a variety of Text and Voice Channels designed for members to delve into discussions. Experience the thrill of live member debates on our Open Debate Stage, orchestrated by our dedicated staff, followed by occasional aftershows after the live stream debates!
Ready to join the intellectual battleground? Simply click the link below on your device of choice and become part of the discourse!


-Chats flagrantly disrespectful toward speakers will receive a warning. *Attack the ideas instead of the person.
-Chatters continuing the disrespect after a warning will be banned.
-Chatters violating YouTube TOS are banned immediately.


DISCLAIMER The views shared by guests on Modern-Day De..

David Wood Ken Bomer Debate Quran Bible

Link to full debate:

Link to Minds Fest in Austin, TX on Saturday, April 27th featuring panels including Destiny, AJW and more! ----- Use promo code "MDD" while getting your tickets to save a whopping 20%! James will be there in-person, come watch the panel discussions on many juicy topics!

Find us on your favorite PODCAST app as all our YouTube debates end up on the podcast within 24 hours of being live.

At Modern-Day Debate (MDD), our vision is to provide a neutral debate platform so everyone has their fair shot to make their case on a level playing field. Consider joining our Patreon ( ) or our channel as a member.

Modern Day Debate Discord:
Craving a challenge for your debating prowess? Fancy a shot at debating on MDD? Look no further than our Official MDD Discord server! Accessible through the Discord App (Android/iOS/PC) or your browser, the choice is yours!
Immerse yourself in non-stop debates, 24/7! Explore a variety of Text and Voice Channels designed for members to delve into discussions. Experience the thrill of live member debates on our Open Debate Stage, orchestrated by our dedicated staff, followed by occasional aftershows after the live stream debates!
Ready to join the intellectual battleground? Simply click the link below on your device of choice and become part of the discourse!


-Chats flagrantly disrespectful toward speakers will receive a warning. *Attack the ideas instead of the person.
-Chatters continuing the disrespect after a warning will be banned.
-Chatters violating YouTube TOS are banned immediately.


Link to the full debate:

Link to Minds Fest in Austin, TX on Saturday, April 27th featuring panels including Destiny, AJW and more! ----- Use promo code "MDD" while getting your tickets to save a whopping 20%! James will be there in-person, come watch the panel discussions on many juicy topics!

Find us on your favorite PODCAST app as all our YouTube debates end up on the podcast within 24 hours of being live.

At Modern-Day Debate (MDD), our vision is to provide a neutral debate platform so everyone has their fair shot to make their case on a level playing field. Consider joining our Patreon ( ) or our channel as a member.

Modern Day Debate Discord:
Craving a challenge for your debating prowess? Fancy a shot at debating on MDD? Look no further than our Official MDD Discord server! Accessible through the Discord App (Android/iOS/PC) or your browser, the choice is yours!
Immerse yourself in non-stop debates, 24/7! Explore a variety of Text and Voice Channels designed for members to delve into discussions. Experience the thrill of live member debates on our Open Debate Stage, orchestrated by our dedicated staff, followed by occasional aftershows after the live stream debates!
Ready to join the intellectual battleground? Simply click the link below on your device of choice and become part of the discourse!


-Chats flagrantly disrespectful toward speakers will receive a warning. *Attack the ideas instead of the person.
-Chatters continuing the disrespect after a warning will be banned.
-Chatters violating YouTube TOS are banned immediately.


Find us on your favorite PODCAST app as all our YouTube debates end up on the podcast within 24 hours of being live.


At Modern-Day Debate (MDD), our vision is to provide a neutral debate platform so everyone has their fair shot to make their case on a level playing field. Consider joining our Patreon ( ) or our channel as a member.

Modern Day Debate Discord:
Craving a challenge for your debating prowess? Fancy a shot at debating on MDD? Look no further than our Official MDD Discord server! Accessible through the Discord App (Android/iOS/PC) or your browser, the choice is yours!
Immerse yourself in non-stop debates, 24/7! Explore a variety of Text and Voice Channels designed for members to delve into discussions. Experience the thrill of live member debates on our Open Debate Stage, orchestrated by our dedicated staff, followed by occasional aftershows after the live stream debates!
Ready to join the intellectual battleground? Simply click the link below on your device of choice and become part of the discourse!


-Chats flagrantly disrespectful toward speakers will receive a warning. *Attack the ideas instead of the person.
-Chatters continuing the disrespect after a warning will be banned.
-Chatters violating YouTube TOS are banned immediately.


DISCLAIMER The views shared by guests on Modern-Day Debate are not necessarily representative of the views of Modern-Day Debate, James, or any university he has or has had any affiliation with. This includes our debate podcast.

I'm a Christian. If you ever want prayer or just someone to talk to ..

Link to the full debate:

Link to Minds Fest in Austin, TX on Saturday, April 27th featuring panels including Destiny, AJW and more! ----- Use promo code "MDD" while getting your tickets to save a whopping 20%! James will be there in-person, come watch the panel discussions on many juicy topics!

Find us on your favorite PODCAST app as all our YouTube debates end up on the podcast within 24 hours of being live.



Saanvi: No link at this time

At Modern-Day Debate (MDD), our vision is to provide a neutral debate platform so everyone has their fair shot to make their case on a level playing field. Consider joining our Patreon ( ) or our channel as a member.

Modern Day Debate Discord:
Craving a challenge for your debating prowess? Fancy a shot at debating on MDD? Look no further than our Official MDD Discord server! Accessible through the Discord App (Android/iOS/PC) or your browser, the choice is yours!
Immerse yourself in non-stop debates, 24/7! Explore a variety of Text and Voice Channels designed for members to delve into discussions. Experience the thrill of live member debates on our Open Debate Stage, orchestrated by our dedicated staff, followed by occasional aftershows after the live stream debates!
Ready to join the intellectual battleground? Simply click the link below on your device of choice and become part of the discourse!


-Chats flagrantly disrespectful toward speakers will receive a warning. *Attack the ideas instead of the person.
-Chatters continuing the disrespect after a warning will be banned.
-Chatters violating YouTube TOS are banned immediately.



Created 4 years, 8 months ago.

276 videos

Category None

Our (MDD) story: My name is James and I'm a doctoral student in psychology in CO, US. In my own academic journey, many academics (though to be fair, not all) have become closed to controversial people or topics and actually want to exclude people that question the status quo. Thus, my goal is to provide a non-partisan and truly-tolerant debate platform that welcomes everyone.
