Owen Lucas - Common Law News

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Owen Lucas - Common Law News



What we call ‘disease’ or ‘sickness’ is the body’s reparative process to remedy pollution (poisoning) or decay…
FULL INTERVIEW: https://www.bitchute.com/video/XscmqPkNbmut/
#drtomcowan #TomCowan

Full interview: - https://rumble.com/v4j0hju-etienne-and-mark-gober-expose-how-the-scam-of-government-enabled-the-scam-o.html

Description of the book ‘Most Dangerous Superstition’ by Larkin Rose:

“When someone looks out at the world and sees all manner of suffering and injustice, stretching back for thousands of years and continuing today, he invariably blames such problems on someone else's hatred, greed, or stupidity. Rarely will someone consider the possibility that his own belief system is the cause of the pain and suffering he sees around him. But in most cases, it is. The root cause of most of society's ills--the main source of man's inhumanity to man--is neither malice nor negligence, but a mere superstition--an unquestioned assumption which has been accepted on faith by nearly everyone, of all ages, races, religions, education and income levels. If people were to recognize that one belief for what it is--an utterly irrational, self-contradictory, and horribly destructive myth--most of the violence, oppression and injustice in the world would cease. But that will happen only when people dare to honestly and objectively re-examine their belief systems. "The Most Dangerous Superstition" exposes the myth for what it is, showing how nearly everyone, as a result of one particular unquestioned assumption, is directly contributing to violence and oppression without even realizing it. If you imagine yourself to be a compassionate, peace-loving, civilized human being, you must read this book.”

“Christianity is what stops the poor from killing the rich, but it doesn’t stop the rich from killing the poor…”


Court indictment document will be available public after the trial…

PART 2: - https://www.bitchute.com/video/yCIpH4BB245I/
Extensive discussion detailing how violating children (murder, trafficking, rape, etc) on a commercial scale, is integral - today and historically - to the global control network enslaving ‘We The People’.


‘Spotlight’ - Trailer: https://youtu.be/yXymzwz0V2g

Murder By Decree: http://murderbydecree.com


Child snatched from bedroom by police: https://www.bitchute.com/video/xZojFRegVKN0/

Ronald Bernard: https://www.bitchute.com/video/PTV9UqAvYUSp/

Ted Gunderson: https://www.bitchute.com/video/qG48TpZVMTWU/

Nancy Schaefer: https://www.bitchute.com/video/5XeTo2nTyzo3/

Sabine McNeill: https://www.bitchute.com/video/OFfgZN8GFJbH/

Jane Kelly: https://www.bitchute.com/video/YS74z8x8qt3U/

Karl Zéro: https://youtube.com/@KarlZeroAbsolu

‘Transformation Of America’ - Cathy O’Brien: https://trance-formation.com/

‘A Good Death’ - Ickonic: https://youtu.be/Edwf1tdcLOo

PART 1: - https://www.bitchute.com/video/2j6Navu1Mi0O/
Extensive discussion detailing how violating children (murder, trafficking, rape, etc) on a commercial scale, is integral - today and historically - to the global control network enslaving ‘We The People’.


‘Spotlight’ - Trailer: https://youtu.be/yXymzwz0V2g

Murder By Decree: http://murderbydecree.com


Child snatched from bedroom by police: https://www.bitchute.com/video/xZojFRegVKN0/

Ronald Bernard: https://www.bitchute.com/video/PTV9UqAvYUSp/

Ted Gunderson: https://www.bitchute.com/video/qG48TpZVMTWU/

Nancy Schaefer: https://www.bitchute.com/video/5XeTo2nTyzo3/

Sabine McNeill: https://www.bitchute.com/video/OFfgZN8GFJbH/

Jane Kelly: https://www.bitchute.com/video/YS74z8x8qt3U/

Karl Zéro: https://youtube.com/@KarlZeroAbsolu

‘Transformation Of America’ - Cathy O’Brien: https://trance-formation.com/

‘A Good Death’ - Ickonic: https://youtu.be/Edwf1tdcLOo‘A Good Death’ - Ickonic: https://youtu.be/Edwf1tdcLOo

State-approved, corporate agents ignore the screams and protestations of a family, muscle their way into an infant’s bedroom and abduct another child to be traded lucratively in ‘the system’ to ‘care’ homes, foster ‘ adoption agencies, etc, via the criminally secret, without jury, ‘family’ courts…
Join Our Common Law Assembly: https://owenlucas.ck.page/d3810e5bd3

From the movie, ‘The Wind That Shakes The Barley’
Deep fundamental questions are raised about whether Irish independence will change much more than the colour of the flag and the pictures on the bank notes…

Join Common Law News Global Assembly: - https://owenlucas.ck.page/d3810e5bd3

Georgina from east coast Australia gives a verbal testimony of the physical violation sustained as she attempted to raise awareness of systemic church crimes against children.


Is there a paradoxical contradiction between liberty and equality?
Can Natural Law be reduced to paper and ink?
Why have constitutions / charters of the past failed to protect We The People in contemporary times?
How can a constitution / charter be enforced?

Join Common Law News Assembly: - https://commonlawnews.com/2023/08/01/west-coast-court-convenes-to-prosecute-native-activist-killers/
‘The End Of Covid’ - https://theendofcovid.com/ref/970/
Rewriting the French Constitution: https://onpassealacte.fr/c-est-quoi.html
http://republicofkanata.org/ / http://murderbydecree.com/

As the gender and sexuality confusion of children reaches fever pitch, we await the proclamation of the sanitised tolerance of pedophilia - M.A.P.s …so that criminal deviant perverts are lovingly accepted and not discriminated against.
‘The End Of Covid’ - https://theendofcovid.com/ref/970/


Join Common Law News Assembly: - https://commonlawnews.com/2023/08/01/west-coast-court-convenes-to-prosecute-native-activist-killers/

‘The End Of Covid’ - https://theendofcovid.com/ref/970/

‘Unrepentant’ - This award winning documentary reveals Canadas darkest secret - the deliberate extermination of indigenous (Native American) peoples and the theft of their land under the guise of religion:

Testimony of Toos Nijenhuis - Ritual Child Sacrifice In The Vatican

‘Crimes Against Humnaity In Canada: The Evidence’:

‘Establishing Liberty: The Case For Kanata’:

‘The Tyrannicide Brief’

Murder By Decree:

Republic Of Kanata:

‘Trust Power & Government’ - Gary Tyme:


‘The End Of Covid’ - https://theendofcovid.com/ref/970/

“…those poor, morally-void, PVC-clad, perverts…”
Dr McHonk: https://bmc.link/DrDrMcHonkHonk

Inaugural Common Law Assembly meeting discussing common law, planetary resonance and debt slavery…

‘The End Of Covid’ - https://theendofcovid.com/ref/970/

David Icke investigates the connections between transhumanism, Apple, digital currencies, Neurolink, low-altitude satellites, universal basic income (UBI), covid injections & Elon Musk’s propaganda disciples…

Fraudulent Criminal Media Again Avoid Genocide Facts, Preferring Soap-Opera-Style Distractions…


Created 4 years ago.

260 videos

Category News & Politics