Presidential Broadcast Station

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Presidential Broadcast Station

The Shadow President


When arguing with Pro Vaxxxers, Liberals and Normies you have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it." "Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Deepstate is. You have to see it for yourself.

The self proclaimed 'Father of the Vaccine' is now being blamed by the Liberal Democrats and the Far Left for the huge number of global Injuries Deaths/Genocide now happening from the Covid 19 Vaccines. Did you know that 91% of Democrat voters are said to have had the Trump Death Shot?

Is it Time for Trump to face investigation for his part in the Global Genocide program? Should he face Nuremberg 2.0 or is he a hero?


Created 1 year, 10 months ago.

2 videos

Category Vlogging

Everything that has form is created by Sound, form cannot exist without Sound! Once you begin to understand this reality, the meaning and mechanics of the Universe and Life takes on a whole new meaning and you will begin to see a whole new world.

#DnB #184BPM #Hardcore #MovingShadow #WorldWideDomination