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And I promise you they will do it again. The order takers that are "just doing their job." You know, you heard a lot of that bullshit with Covid. Makes no difference if it is with a bullet or a syringe. However the bullet may work slightly faster. The order taking cowards will be our downfall.

Who led the charge against the people?
Douglas MacArthur and Dwight Eisenhower no less... (you know the hero's of 1945.
With tanks.
With armored vehicles.

Too bad they they were not armed where they could have fought back.
Remember the students at Kent State? Remember the song? "Four dead in O-hi-O, Four dead in O-hi-O.

Remember, your goobermint lubs you!
Source: Strawman: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/strawman/

One moment you are walking around sniffing the socks of dead children that you have killed, and the next moment you have an AK47 in your arsehole.
Life's funny like that.

UTL COMMENT:- I don't like to see war or anyone dead or suffering. I don't like to see the terror in their eyes. But after seeing what Israel is doing to the World (9-11 & Mossad as an example, the bio-weapon 'vaccines'), and what its done to GAZA.....well....
BTW one more thing those soldiers all look like raging homos. Earrings and frosted hair??
I hope they went through their phones.

Angry turtle! Heroes in a half shell.
I can feel its frustration....
(Actually it's a tortoise)

What is this? How do they work?
Non-profit organisations masked as 'Philanthropy'.

UTL COMMENT:- I remember a very long time ago when I heard that "Bill Gates was giving all his wealth away". And I remember thinking to myself "How could he do that? What a great man"?
Also - anyone heard of the Clinton Foundation?

UTL COMMENT:- So guys - it's not just the CONVID 'VACCINES'.......it's probably most 'vaccines'....

⫸LQC⫷ https://odysee.com/@laquintacolumnainternational:7
🎬 https://odysee.com/@laquintacolumnainternational:7/Analysis-of-the-Qdenga-vaccine-under-the-microscope-video-2.:f

🇬🇧🇺🇸 #English - Analysis of the « Qdenga vaccine » under the microscope, video 2.

The biotechnologist Lorena Diblasi demonstrates, MICROSCOPE IN HAND, that the alleged "vaccine" against the alleged "dengue" has nothing to do in terms of composition with what ANMAT says.

Link to the first video of the analysis of the dengue vaccine here:

🗳 Collaborate with La Quinta Columna:


⚠️MORE UP TO DATE CONTENT HERE:⚠️: https://odysee.com/$/invite/@SixthSense-Truth-Search-Labs:0

Heavily censored Pfizer documents have confirmed Deagel’s apocalyptic 2025 depopulation forecast for the Western world. A controversial forecast by Deagel, a global intelligence and consulting firm controlled by the CIA & Rockefeller Foundation, gained attention in 2020 for its startling prediction of a significant depopulation event across the Western World by 2025.

This was a very bold claim to make. ‘Your Government is trying to kill you’ is even bolder. Unfortunately, these bold claims are now backed up with a mountain of evidence, and most of that evidence can be found in the confidential Pfizer documents that the U.S. Food & Drug Administration has been forced to publish by court order.

The Covid-19 vaccination is causing mass depopulation.
Another great video by Nightbreed. Check out the channel here:

Children's Health Defense writes:

"Jessica Sutta -- you may recognize her as a former member of the Pussycat Dolls. She got multiple Moderna COVID shots, thinking it was 'the right thing' to do. But what was intended to be an act of altruism ultimately ended up with Jessica 'on the brink of death.' This experience has completely altered the trajectory of her life, and because of what she’s discovered on this journey, she’ll never go back to the one she had before. This is Jessica Sutta’s testimony, on CHD.TV."

Original Rumble video:


Partial Transcript:


"[W]hat haunts me to this day is people I was sticking around with [in the pharmacy] that had the same lot number as me, nine of them died. Fifty-one disabilities, 551 adverse reactions, I mean, the list goes on. Pretty wild."

Former member of international pop group The Pussycat Dolls and Creative Director for @React19org Jessica Sutta ( @JSutta ), explains for Children's Health Defense ( @ChildrensHD ) how she was injured following her receipt of one of the COVID injections. Sutta, who took two of Moderna's injections, recalls that "there was absolutely no informed consent" given to her, and that there were nine deaths recorded (presumably in VAERS) from her "vaccine" lot.

"There was absolutely no informed consent going into this. I remember signing something, a very thick packet that I kind of skimmed through, and I remember hearing them say, 'Vaccine companies are not liable if anything happens to you, but you need to get it because it's safe and effective. So I signed it," Sutta says. The former member of the Pussycat Dolls adds that "they didn't ask me any medical history at all. And when he injected me with the first shot, it coursed through my arm, like it just ripped through my arm and I felt like something was very wrong and I felt horrible and I looked at him jokingly and I said, 'What's in that? Am I going to turn into the Hulk?...And he laughs, and...he's like, 'Just stick around for 15 minutes..."

Sutta notes that "what haunts me to this day is people I was sticking around with that had the same lot number as me, nine of them died. Fifty-one disabilities, 551 adverse reactions, I mean, the list goes on. Pretty wild."

In regard to her own injuries post injection, Sutta says that she experienced muscle spasms three days post shot that "didn't leave my body." She also had brain fog and body aches. Her symptoms grew worse following her second shot, which she says "completely did [her] in."

"I, as an American citizen, went and got the second shot, and that's what completely did me in. And it's embarrassing to look back on that, but I was so fully entranced by the psyops they put us under, I thought I was doing the right thing."

May 3, 2024 #Prophecy #JoeRogan #christianity #christianity #apologetics #jre
Joe Rogan reacts to Paul Harvey's 1965 prophecy about the future of America. This video explores how the prophecy not only predicted societal changes but also eerily described Joe's personal journey and skepticism towards religion. Watch as Joe's initial disbelief transforms into a profound contemplation of his own beliefs and the role of spirituality in modern society.

What's Inside:
Reaction Analysis: A detailed look at Joe Rogan's reaction to the prophecy, highlighting key moments where the prophecy intersects with his personal views and past statements.

Deep Dive: Insights into how the prophecy's themes of moral and societal decay resonate with current events, potentially influencing Joe's worldview.

Societal Impact: Discussion on the broader implications of the prophecy on today's societal norms and values.

Spiritual Reflections: Exploration of the potential shift in Joe's stance towards Christianity and spirituality.

Whether you're a fan of Joe Rogan or interested in the intersection of prophecy, society, and personal belief, this video provides a compelling analysis of how ancient words can still hold significant power today. Tune in, reflect, and let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Subscribe for more insightful content on how popular culture and spirituality intersect.


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What a pretty little girl. As a Father, I would be devastated.
But you claim she died from COVID? Really? Worthless cowards. You know what you did. Speak out.
Save other children by speaking out you worthless cowards.
Speak the truth so that no more children are killed.
They know the truth. They know. Why? Because they went on VAERS and filled it out for a vaccine reaction.
Yes claim to the Public that she died of COVID.

Source: bootcamp: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/HcR3pLdZtqqE/

Dr. Aseem Malhotra: When You Hear The Words 'Big Pharma, Pfizer, Astra Zeneca' Think 'Psychopathic'!

On May 6, 2024, Dr. Aseem Malhotra @DrAseemMalhotra writes:


'When people in Italy hear the word Big Pharma, Pfizer, Astra Zeneca the first thought that should come into their mind is psychopathic'

'The @WHO cannot be trusted because they are under the control of psychopaths'


See also:

Dr. Aseem Malhotra @DrAseemMalhotra videos on this Rumble channel:


COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries & Deaths

Increasing Death Rates, Plummeting Birth Rates, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome

Sudden Deaths, Excess Deaths, Plummeting Birth Rates on Rumble

Study Finds Staggering 17 Million Global Deaths After Covid Jab Rollout (Rancourt, Baudin & Mercier)

Denis Rancourt videos on Rumble

Author Benjamin Abelow sits down with Clayton Morris to discuss his excellent book “How the West Brought War to Ukraine”.
UTL COMMENT:- Of course the West and NATO hate it. Putin is to Russia as Borders, Language, Culture and Tradition as we once were. Now we stand as a Government for Depravity, Degradation, Degeneracy and everything morally corrupt. That’s why the Jew controlled West hates Russia.

With thanks to Redacted News

Guess what? We can call ladies boobs "boobs" again! The National Health Service in the U.K. will announce a ban on gender neutral terms for the female body in healthcare services. The term chestfeeding was introduced by trans ideologists to include woman who identify as men. This term will not be allowed by NHS services and neither will “people who have ovaries.” These people can and will once again be called women. Is this the end of an era that history will look poorly upon?

With thanks to Redacted News

UTL COMMENT:- Well there you go anyone out there still doubts?
I used to be a HUGE Trump fan - until I woke up...
Also - a REAL Semite is also an Arab....so....

The Biggest Lie Ever Sold

"Even if you think you know, there is more to this story than you've been told."

In December 2020, major pharmaceutical companies rushed to market with new vaccines meant to curb a global pandemic. Produced with unprecedented speed, based on new formulations of previously problematic mRNA biotechnology, the mainstream media hailed these vaccines as a Godsend. Governments around the world held them up as a triumph of innovation and insisted they were both safe and effective. We have learned the truth.

Unsafe and Ineffective is the true story of the biggest lie ever sold to the American people.

Movie Website:

Also available on X:

See also:

COVID-19 Documentaries

The Incredible Story Of How Mike Pence & Deborah Birx Sabotaged President Trump's Covid Response

Deadly Quiet: The Wall Of Silence Surrounding Excess Deaths (A COVID-19 Documentary)

Documentary: Epidemic Of Fraud (Truth Is A Bitter Pill)

MUST WATCH & SHARE! Shot Dead Movie (Parents Describe How COVID-19 Vaccines Killed Their Children)

UTL COMMENT:- I'm exhausted and tired of the shit politicians just keep dishing out. I've had enough. None of this will go away because there are no leaders in Australia, only mouth pieces for the W.H.O., W.E.F., The U.N.
We have become pathetic. Seriously, when was the last time anyone was inspired by our so called 'leadership'?

I've Been So Busy #14.
Support DD here: Better value than the ABC.
My Patreon / itsdangerdan
Shout DD a beer https://www.buymeacoffee.com/dangerdan


UTL COMMENT:- They're the nicest melons I have seen in a while!

UTL COMMENT:- “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” - Marcus Tullius Cicero

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UTL COMMENT:- Alot of BS & real misinformation in this however at least they have recognised 'vaccine' damage.

Vaccine Side Effects Censorship Drove Vaccine Hesitancy: Nurse
By Rich Johnson
May 4, 2024

• Some report serious illness after receiving COVID vaccine
• They say doctors have refused to acknowledge vaccine link
• 'We need to be listening to them,' says former COVID coordinator


Within 20 minutes of getting his first COVID vaccine shot, Shaun Barcavage knew something was wrong. The experienced nurse practitioner felt numbness in his arm, which spread to his face. And it got worse after his second shot.

"I went from being a 100% healthy, fully functioning nurse to a complete downward spiral."

Barcavage is one of thousands in the U.S. who have, or believe they have, suffered severe side effects from the COVID vaccines.

"It's not a belief. It's a fact," he told NewsNation.

Making matters worse, Barcavage says, is a culture of denial within the health care system about just how many people have suffered from life-altering vaccine side effects.

"I thought that all my pro-vaccine colleagues … would be there to lift me up and help me. And in fact, they're the ones who turned around, dismissed, denied and censored and buried me."

"I think the idea that we are not listening to people who are suffering from this vaccine is awful," said Dr. Ashish Jha, who was the White House COVID coordinator in 2022 and 2023. "We absolutely need to be listening to them."

But he is also very clear about the benefits of the COVID vaccines: "These vaccines ended the pandemic. They saved millions of lives. Thousands of Americans were dying every day at the height of the pandemic. The vaccines totally turned it around."

Jha, who is dean of the Brown University School of Public Health, says doctors need to take a "humble" approach to learning more about those rare but serious vaccine side effects. But he realizes that's a big ask for many of his colleagues.

"There is a long tradition in medicine that when we as doctors don't understand something, we actually blame the patient. This has been a problem in medicine forever."

Barcavage says he learned that first-hand when friends refused to believe his serious illness was related to the COVID vaccine.

"They're afraid that, by showing my face, I'll drive vaccine hesitancy. What I have come to realize is that the censorship and the hiding of it is actually fueling vaccine hesitancy."

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says more than 270 million Americans, or 81% of the population, have been vaccinated. Of those, less than 2% reported severe or life-threatening issues.

Every vaccine produces side effects. The CDC has reported cases of anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction, in just over 11 cases for every one million doses of the Pfizer vaccine, and two and a half cases per million doses of the Moderna vaccine.

Why we don't need more internet / media censorship!
Believe it or not she is actually Stan Grant's wife? But she smashed it here!


A new study shows that the RSV vaccine that was approved for pregnant women has a high incidence of causing pre-term birth. We already knew this from clinical trials but the FDA voted to approve it anyway. We also knew that it increased risk of maternal death and that the immunity from the 'vaccine' only lasted 30 days. But is it helping to prevent RSV deaths? We go over what we do and do not know about it.

UTL COMMENT:- The 2nd one was so funny! Bro became a living duck whistle squeak toy!!!
Stupidity hurts!!
And how the f%$# is he going to get THAT out???
And last one with the dogs LOL....

Celeste Solum joins Maria Zeee to discuss alarming updates to the WHO's ICD-10 codes which include death by beheading, bludgeoning, and several other archaic and barbaric potential methods of dealing with dissidents, and what this means in light of the upcoming AI takeover.

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Support DD here: Better value than the ABC.
My Patreon / itsdangerdan
Shout DD a beer https://www.buymeacoffee.com/dangerdan


Tonight on Club Grubbery. The law truely is an ASS.
Former Barrister Julian Gillespie vents on the indescribable legal process in Australia.
Conflicts of interest and what seems more and more every day to be a judiciary that has lost it's moral compass.
Human life is of no interest in matters Covid.
You just couldn't make this stuff up.
God bless!
Hoody and Johnny

With thanks to:-


Created 3 years, 2 months ago.

8259 videos

Category News & Politics

I don't do this Channel for money - in fact it isn't even monetised. (Bitchute is poorly monitised anyway). I am only doing this out of an instinct to save lives and save humanity - plus to wake up and UNITE my fellow man from the tyranny that is currently happening and even worse is coming.

I have actually personally lost 3 (update...now 4) of my friends from the killshot which is one of the reasons why I have this channel.
But I don't know of anyone who has died solely from COVID-19? Hmmmm....
COVID was #38 in the top deaths in Australia in 2021 and 74% of them died from other comorbidities (source - ABS website)! It's nothing to worry about. The median death age from it is 86.9 years old (source ABS website) which is 4 years older than the average life expectancy!!!!!!! WTF!!!??
So we're risking the lives of millions just to give Grandma and Grandpa a few extra months of life???? Since when have children's lives been risked just to save Grandma and Grandpa?
How can it be 'safe and effective' when at the same time they are pushing the "it's experimental" narrative?
The whole thing is a MASSIVE SCAM and all they want is to get that damned shot into your body. That's all.
If you have had it then sorry but you have been massively CONNED. Please don't have another one.

I did have another channel of the same name on YouTube, however they KEPT ON DELETING THIS YOUTUBE CHANNEL! It's been deleted 12 times now. HENCE I HAVE CREATED THIS NEW CHANNEL AT BITCHUTE where I can put 'more risky' material (aka THE TRUTH)!

My 12th YouTube incarnation YOUTUBE have just DELETED on 17/03/22.
I think I give up on YouTube now.
YOUTUBE ARE ANTI-FREE SPEECH F@SC1STIC COMMUNISTIC B@ST@RDS!!! So thanks Bitchute for allowing free speech on your platform.

Remember - those who are behind today's current man-made crisis, are those who control the worlds Media, Social media (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter etc) and most Governments World-wide.

What do I stand for?
I support freedom and true democracy for all.
I support the right to choose. If you want the death shot then go for it. But they are calling it 'informed consent' but it's NOT. They are not telling you about the millions of vaccine injuries and deaths now are they? They are not telling you about the parasites within the shots? How about the nanotechnology? The chips? The magnetism? The hundreds of side effects within each vaccine (Pfizer is over 1,200 side effects in their own data!!).
I support human rights and bodily autonomy for everybody.
I support the TRUTH to come out about this virus scam and also about other scams perpetuated upon humanity in the past.
I am very concerned at what's coming down the line for humanity and I wish to wake up as many people as possible.
If all these make me an 'extremist' then so be it.

If you have had the 'jab' then your have been massively LIED to (not 'informed consent at all) about COVID and also the inoculations (oh sorry, 'vaccines') and it's my job to provide more info here so that you can make a TRULY 'informed decision'.
The Inoculations killed every single animal in the very short period of trials that they had. That's all you need to know!

Note:- My personal views and opinions may not agree with everything from the content producers that I share & this also applies to any comments that may be posted beneath any of the said videos.

BRING ON NUREMBURG 2.0!!! And all trialed and found guilty should be punished!!!!



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The information on this channel is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. The bloggers on this site make no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained on or available through this web site, and such information is subject to change without notice. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this channel with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician. NEVER DISREGARD PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVICE OR DELAY SEEKING MEDICAL TREATMENT BECAUSE OF SOMETHING YOU HAVE READ ON OR ACCESSED THROUGH THIS WEBSITE.

This channel contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. I am making such material available in our efforts to advance our understanding of political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social issues!