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This is a video about a type of chest pain that you don't hear about very much. If you have heard people talk about having a "clear" heart cath when they were having chest pain, or they were told they had "larger than normal" coronary arteries, they may have this condition and do not know it. The treatment is similar to that for a heart attack, so everyone needs to know about this condition and how treatment differs from a heart attack. It can feel exactly the same as a heart attack!

Please pass this information on to anyone who may benefit, and remember to "Like" and "Subscribe" if you learn something from the content.

Please note the last few videos I have done have not been posted by bitchute. If they continue not to post my content, you can find it on brighteon.com and UGEtube. My channel name there is also RN4aHealthierU.

We talk about the importance of cholesterol in the body, how your body regulates cholesterol itself, the statins and their side effects, over-the-counter alternatives to statins that you can discuss with your doctor, and the real number you need to be concerned about that they don't mention at all is VLDL--very low-density lipoproteins. You need that number below 40 and that is the only number that really matters, but they won't tell you that.

Please "Like" and "Subscribe" if you learn something from the content. If you know a story that can help us (me and Project Veritas) what is happening to our elderly in assisted livings and nursing homes while families are not allowed to be present to hold them accountable, please email [email protected] and tell them Sonya (RN4aHealthierU) sent you and you need an undercover camera to get a story. They will explain how to use it, etc., for you to get the information that is needed.

Stay tuned to the last slide, because I have a funny story for you at the end.

Take care and thanks for being here!

I stumbled upon this fact and immediately thought about all the health consequences which I review in this report. We have to be concerned about medications and the effect this has on their ability to work properly. Salt levels have a lot to do with behavior, ability to think clearly, and mood. Did you know that the body's ability to control its NARROW salt level can cause fatigue, seizures, and death if it gets out of whack?

At the end of the video, I included some humor for you. I have often been compared throughout my career to Kathy Bates. I share a story where someone was convinced I was indeed her. I hope you enjoy it and learn something from the content herein.

Please remember to "like," "subscribe," and share with others who drink bottled water. Almost all the brands in the store have it on their label!

Yes, I have been to Hell in the Grand Cayman Islands. Beautiful place! LOL

I had to spend my 56th birthday taking my mother for a rapid coronavirus test, so it could have been better!

I hope you are all well. This is what I learned when I took her for the rapid coronavirus test. She had the PCR test that takes a week to come back before, and she also had a rapid test. It was only after taking her for the rapid test myself that I realized having worked as an Emergency Room nurse that the rapid flu test and the rapid COVID test are one and the same.

Proof inside this video for you. WE HAVE BEEN SCAMMED!!!

There is a war going on right now for freedom and control of the United States. There was a foiled coup attempt by Obama. He has been found guilty of crimes of high treason. PLEASE DO NOT BELIEVE ANYTHING YOU ARE HEARING IN THE MEDIA AT THE PRESENT TIME.

This is a video about the vaccine makers, the skipping of animal trials and going directly to injecting humans, how the vaccines tie into abortion per the Catholic church's site LIFESite News. The information that is available about the vaccines, the warnings of infertility following vaccine administration, the attempts to thwart the use of Ivermectin. All this is information you need to know to make an informed decision about the vaccines. There are only two candidates that are actually traditional vaccines and they are not out yet for obvious reasons. They are not cutting corners.

Please "like" and "subscribe" if you learn something from the content. Please share this information with others who may find it helpful.

In this video we talk about the false positive HIV tests in Australia following the administration of the vaccine. Were they really FALSE positives? We also talk about the history of HIV and malpractice regarding Fauci, Birx, and Redfield. We talk about the Adenovirus 5 in AstraZeneca's vaccine and the originations of HIV coming from a contaminated Ad5 vector vaccine--also derived from chimpanzees. We talk about the chimpanzee feces being the source of the derivative of Ad5 for the CV vaccine. We also talk about the need for concern over if the feces is bloody and contains HIV that it is derived from. These are all valid concerns, especially when one considers that eugenicist Bill Gates who wants to control by depopulation (and surveillance) and Fauci, who is known for malpractice, have been working together on a vaccine agenda for a decade that is just now coming to fruition with CV vaccines. This is clearly outlined by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, lawyer and MD, to be a scam put against the people of the world. He outlines his case against them for crimes against humanity. According to him, we all have a case.

Please remember to "like" and "subscribe" if you have not, and share this with anyone who needs to hear it.

This video is not meant to scare you. On the contrary, it is meant to educate you, so you can make an informed decision about whether or not this vaccine is something you should consider taking.

I get animated in this video because I am extremely upset that people are getting harmed from these vaccines. Especially, after we were warned this could happen!

Thank you for the "likes" and "subscriptions" to my channel. This lets me know that I am doing a good job in providing content that you find useful!

The video talks about the protective effects of ACE Inhibitors and ARBs against the coronavirus. I have asthma and I am on an ARB. I know this information is true, even though there are those who love to try to bebunk anything positive!

Please "like" and "subscribe" if you learn something. Thank you for being here! It helps to know I am making a difference.

The USA Today is trying to tell us that temporary facial paralysis from the CV vaccine is okay. No paralysis from a vaccine is okay! Why are we suddenly supposed to believe that it is okay? Who funds USA Today to make them say such nonsense? How do the vaccines tie into the Georgia Guidestones and plans the New World Order have? I talk about all this and more in this video.

Thank you for liking and supporting my work by subscribing to my channel. It is much appreciated. It is encouraging to know that my work makes a difference.

Please look at the work of Dr. Pierre Kory that the NIH will not give the time of day. We know why. Because Fauci is allowed to head the NIH and run his conflict of interest vaccine trials by Moderna. This should not be allowed and no one has stopped it. Dr. Pierre Kory is tired of seeing people die needlessly. He has studies to back him up that his cure has worked on populations worldwide. There is light at the end of the tunnel! There is an option to the vaccine. It cannot be mandated if there is an option! FIGHT THIS!

I am waiting from confirmation from a relative in Australia, but I have heard that the vaccine is being stopped over there because they have found it is contaminated with HIV. This would not surprise me since it is designed to depopulate the planet. This video is a warning to watch Trump and his behavior since he had the Remdesivir and the Regeneron. Neither of them proven to really work and yet he is in a position where he needs unimpeded judgment. I am questioning some of his decisions since he had these treatments and some of his actions are red flags in my book. Please watch this and pass it on to everyone you know. Regeneron is based on aborted fetal tissue. Remdesivir never got backing because Fauci was touting it and it never got enough support and testing done to be proven to be effective.

The NIH sent me an email offering to pay me to get the CV vaccine. See my reply....
I own the copyright to the song I wrote, so there is no music copyright infringement either.

Hello everyone, it has been a really tough week. I have had my computer hacked and my phone hacked and this has put me in such as state that I will not be able to continue with my favorite platform. I will be working on my own website and I welcome you over there to RN4aHealthierU.com. We are going to be having videos, blogs, question and answer sections, and it will be an opportunity to be more interactive.

I thank you for your faithfulness in following my content and for subscribing, but I want to be able to be more interactive and my own website will allow me to do that. I hope you will drop by!

This is a video where I go through the brochure about the CBD products in detail. I go page by page and let you know what is good and what I tried and did not like. If I didn't like it, I tell you why. Go Green Hemp is all about transparency. If you don't like a product, they want to know why. I am an affiliate, so please give them my affiliate number if you decide to place an order. They do ship overseas. The code word for the discount is in the presentation for you. I want you to have a good understanding of what they have to offer. My email is included if you have specific product questions.

Please remember to "like", "subscribe," and "share" with anyone who may find the content helpful.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. If you have to spend it without family, I know how much it stinks. I am in the same boat. The facility won't allow me to visit my mom due to the virus. VIRTUAL HUG FOR YOU MY FRIEND! My first Thanksgiving without turkey, but I have asthma and wasn't chancing the crowded grocery stores. Instead, I am making my signature chicken paprikash my Hungarian ex-mother-in-law taught me to make, a once or twice a year favorite. God bless you and those you love. Have a great weekend. Let's make the best of it! You can always play Yahtzee with me online or World Series of Poker! I love playing games to keep the mind sharp!

This is an educational video about the 5th and final type in the series on the different types of amyloidosis. This is about the type formerly known as "senile." It tends to affect men more than women and is diagnosed usually between ages 75 and 80. There are signs and symptoms to look for when you are younger! We cover those. We also cover the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of the wild type and why it is important to do genetic testing.

I have decided not to the dialysis-type amyloidosis because the improvements in dialysis over the years have made this type almost obsolete. The only places that type is common are areas that are not technologically advanced enough to have the current types of ultrafiltration filters in the dialysis equipment. Let me know if you would like me to cover this anyway.

Remember to "like" and "subscribe" if you learn something!

This video is brief because there is not a lot of info that they want us to talk about with regard to the medications involved. There are two medical terms you need to be familiar with that are discussed in this video. Neuropathy--"neuro" means "nerves" and "pathy" means "disease of." Likewise, "cardio" means "heart" and "myo" means "muscle" and "pathy" is "disease of." So with that brief medical terminology lesson, it should make more sense if you are not familiar with those terms.

Please remember to "like" and "subscribe" if you learn something.

This is a song about separation. Not being able to be with the ones you want to be with in their hour of need. It is about Matthew 18:20 where the Lord said he would be in our midst when two or more of us are gathered together in prayer. You are never alone. If you ever need someone to share a prayer concern with you I will pray with you. That is what friends are for. We are all brothers in sisters in Christ. It is time we start acting like it. Isn't it? Feel free to share your concerns here, or email them to me at RN4aHealthierU@gmail and I will join you in prayer.

This is an instrumental I wrote to try to grasp the sacrifice and the struggle of carrying a cross up to Golgotha after such a brutal beating as depicted in Mel Gibson's "The Passion of The Christ" movie. It took his movie to realize the intense brutality of Christ's treatment.

I have never made it to the holy lands. I don't know that I ever will. But I would like to know exactly how long and steep this journey was for Jesus. Perhaps those with some insight can share.

I hope this song brings you to a new appreciation of the sacrifice Jesus made.

It is time to put everything else aside and get back to the work God sent me here to do. I spent many years doing everything else. Everything else has distracted me for too long. Back in the 1990s, I had a hotel room experience with the devil at a songwriting conference. He wanted to silence me. He was determined to. The room got hotter and hotter. The door knob was too hot for me to touch to leave the room. The thermostat was WRONG. It was a lot hotter than what it said it was in there. I literally felt Satan breathing down the back of my neck. I did the only thing I could do. I started singing. I sang so much he finally gave up and left. I have never forgotten that day. I have never talked about the experience. Every one chosen by God down through the ages that has had such a life-changing experience has been thought mad or divinely chosen. I guess that choice is up to you. Just close your eyes. hit play, and listen. I sing all the parts to the Lord's Prayer acapella.

If you are wondering why I am shaking in the video, I used to be on a bunch of medications that caused me to have essential tremors. I no longer take any of that poison. God takes care of me. He meets every need.

This is an educational video about the signs and symptoms associated with this illness caused by a genetic mutation that is passed on through families. If you notice that different family members develop the same type of illness it may be due to a genetic cause. I talk about the diagnostic tests that can be expected to try to diagnose any problems as well as the symptoms one may have that causes them to see a physician. Putting the pieces of the puzzle together is easy if you know what to look for.

Now a couple of notes about this video.
1) I am sorry but I was hungry while doing this and you can hear my stomach growling. Getting this uploaded for you was more important, so I waited! LOL
2) On the slide talking about a fecal occult check, I mentioned a urinalysis, but failed to mention why one would be done. If a person is having trouble with diarrhea, they often check for an infection of the kidneys as a cause, so they would need a urine specimen to dip and look for leukocytes or nitrates to see if infection in present. If it is, they should culture it and check the sensitivity to make sure the antibiotics they prescribe will be effective.
3) The left and right failure videos I reference are already uploaded on this channel for you.

Please remember to "like" and "subscribe" if you learn something.

This is an educational video about the secondary type of amyloidosis that is caused by longstanding inflammatory processes or infections. Some rare medical conditions are covered that I had never heard of, so they will be covered in separate presentations in the future. The types of cancer and the treatments for them are covered. This video is for educational purposes and is not meant to be used to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Please follow up with a physician for appropriate testing and diagnosis if you suspect you or a loved one has this medical condition.

Please "Like" and "Subscribe" if you learn something from the content.

This is an educational video about the most common type of amyloidosis, also known as primary amyloidosis. The first half of this video is about the condition itself. The second half is about the two cancers caused by this particular type of amyloidosis. Please remember to "like" and "subscribe" if you learn something from the content.

Amyloidosis is something that is not talked about very much, but it has become a huge focus for Big Pharma. Since hospitals have not been able to fund the nursing conferences this year, they have been paid for in large part by Big Pharma pushing the "latest and greatest" drugs they have developed. This year the focus of their barrage of information was on the treatment of amyloidosis. Since it is a bear of a topic that most do not dig into, I decided to put my teeth into the issue and explain what it all means so you can gain a better understanding of the topic. For starters, you may not know it, but Alzheimer's is one form of amyloidosis.

This video is made for educational purposes and is not meant to diagnose any ailment. Appropriate diagnosis needs to be done by a physician after appropriate testing so that an appropriate treatment plan can be devised.

Please "like" and "subscribe" if you learn something from the content.

This is a lengthy video about a complex topic. When you start looking at how a diagnosis of a second type of dementia can get missed, it gets interesting. When you add to that the way that some of the symptoms overlap with the various dementias, you start to see how things can get a bit hard to differentiate. I put a lot of time into this one, so I hope you will give the whole thing a listen, even if it is in sections over the weekend. Listen out for my ghost, too. I have two civil war soldiers that haunt my place. I heard one of them say something on one of the slides. I am here alone, so there is no male voice. If you can make out what he says, then let me know. Sometimes they ask a question. Sometimes they add humor. You just never know what those guys are going to add to the content. LOL

How do I know about the civil war soldiers? I have seen them on my surveillance video of my house. They are in full uniform. My house was built about 15 years ago and I bought it new. Little did I know this used to be a post for the Columbus Guard militia. They patrol around the house every 30 minutes. It is kind of sad that they are "trapped" here in that time period, but I do have a captive audience when I work on a presentation. LOL Occasionally, they do contribute. So, let me know if you can make out what he says. I can't always understand what they say, but I have learned not to re-record. They just try to talk over me, even more, when I do that. (That is what they did in the Parkinson's presentation, and why I always sounded muffled at times.) My dogs were picked up on audio chewing their rawhides to keep them quiet while I worked on this, but they don't speak English and there is a male voice present on one of the slides. Don't worry. I didn't believe in ghosts either until I saw them for myself on my surveillance cameras every 30 minutes circling the house. That is one way to keep my content interesting. You never know when they will sound off on a topic. LOL


Created 3 years, 8 months ago.

60 videos

Category Health & Medical

I am an MSN-RN that focuses on education. I used to work as a certified critical care RN on the floor in the ER and ICU until debilitating injuries (caused by patients) ended my floor-nursing career. As a result, I have had to change my way to contribute to society. There is a lot of misinformation and beliefs out there regarding illnesses and treatments, and I try to provide education wherever possible so that you make better decisions regarding your health. Make sure you see your doctor before you start any supplement. They can interact with the medications you are on and render them too effective or ineffective.

Please let me know of any topics you wish for me to cover. I will be covering the following medical conditions I have and the natural supplements I take for them: osteoarthritis, glaucoma, asthma, eczema, hypertension, migraines, and chronic pain. NO OPIATES. Get to know me and you will know why. If you have glaucoma and asthma like I do, you don't want to miss the content, because you know corticosteroids (often used as a daily inhaler to treat asthma) make glaucoma worse, right? Let me tell you my stories with supplements that work. Remember I get no payment for the supplements I talk about with stopagingnow.com, and I do want you to talk to your doctor before starting any of them! I am an affiliate for GoGreenHemp. Their 25mg CBD gel caps are wonderful for my ocular migraines, and arthritis pain to allow me to get some real rest. My affiliate number with GoGreenHemp is 2549740. Please tell them I referred you if you decide to try them. They are based out of Plantation, Florida and they have quality products. They source from pesticide-free Colorado and quality control every BATCH of product and have, They have no fillers. It is pure Hemp CBD in their gel caps.

You will see I do videos to educate the public, educate health professionals, and educate nursing students. If you would like to follow me on YouTube, I don't always get their blessing when I post stuff against the WHO's recommendations. The guy running it doesn't have a medical degree, so why do I care what he thinks about anything? You can find me there under two channels with my full name. One is a channel for all my education stuff and research projects and the other focuses on the songs I write and the audiobook I am working on getting done with Kristine Stone of SiriusXM to help domestic violence victims escape their batterers. I have lived in a domestic violence shelter, so this is an important topic for me. My abuser was a cop, unfortunately, he still is. The tools to survive can be found in my video "Keys To Survival" until she gets my audiobook completed. The plandemic has delayed this project we started last year. Once she finishes my audiobook, I will have my website by the same name, KEYSTOSURVIVAL.COM up and running!

Thanks for your time and God bless you!