Sacred Serpent

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Sacred Serpent

Sacred Serpent


All credit goes to Greg Reese & INFOWARS for producing this content. I am sharing it here in hopes of it reaching as many people as possible.
Source video:

How many of you remember when Joan Rivers said this about the Obama’s? If you want to learn more, I’d suggest watching Tucker Carlson’s interview with “Barack’s” ex hook up/drug use partner, Larry Sinclair.
Here is a link to the Carlson video:

All credit goes to Greg Reese for this amazing report. Here is the source
" The following report is from Doctor Ana Maria Mihalcea’s recent article entitled, "Hydrogel Platform Enables Versatile Data Encryption And Decryption"

The building blocks of Hydrogels are being found in the COVID vaccine, and Hydrogels are being found in the blood of both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. They are the so-called blood clots that are being found around the world. And these Hydrogels can now be programmed, encrypted and decrypted. According to Mihalcea, they are the substrate of the brain computer interface and the primary method of fusing humans with machines as she described by referencing MIT research in the article, “Hydrogel Interfaces for Merging Humans and Machines”

Elements which Mihalcea and Clifford Carnicom found with Near Infrared spectroscopy in the blood of the unvaccinated exposed to shedding and environmental contamination include hydrogel plastics such as polyenes, vinyl, nylon, kevlar, and spider silk proteins. As well as other nanotechnology signatures such as silicone and sulfur. This technology hijacks methyl groups, which are needed to detoxify and create Glutathione in the body. Hydrogels used for the encrypted programmable technology include polyvinyl alcohol and polycaprolacton. Both of these Hydrogels are listed as stealth nanoparticles in the Moderna patent for lipid nanoparticle composition. This suggests that not only those who received the shot have this hydrogel encryption technology in their bodies, but also those who have experienced shedding and environmental contamination. Which is just about everyone.

These hydrogels are known to be programmable and encrypted. This technology can behave as brain storage. It can store memories and visual information in an individual’s brain. And it can be chemical-induced to be securely encrypted and decrypted allowing for the secure recording and storage of confidential visual information. This provides a platform for secure financial transactions, which is a requirement for a digital ID.

MIT researchers have discussed how this very same technology can be used to fuse humans with machines. And while they’ve had problems working it out in the past, a recent paper has announced they’ve found success using the very same elements found in both the blood of the vaccinated and unvaccinated by Mihalcea and Carnicom.

In a lecture by Professor Sakhrat Khizroev at the University of Miami, it is discussed how advanced materials can be used for interfacing machines and the human brain. He references a research project funded by DARPA wherein magnetic nanoparticles are key to this technology. Mihalcea has published research that shows how the COVID shots alter torsion fields in the body and produce magnetism. A review by the Rand Corporation, “Brain Computer Interfaces: US Military Applications and Implications” discusses the convergence

You know damned well they aren't done milking their covid scam. Get ready for part 2.

This is old news. Everybody should already know this. Get ready for the new lock-downs and heightened covid scammery.

How many of you remember this Bill & Melinda Gates interview from 2020 that aired during the midst of the covid scam ? Look at the evil smirks on both of their faces as they discuss the next “pandemic.“ If you look through my Bitchute video archive, I have a full length video discussing this interview right after it was aired. The cats out of the bag folks. These people want you dead. Better start paying attention…

Note: The music I used in this video is from the “Aim to Head“ copyright free music archive on YouTube.

Through the combined mass effort of millions of freedom lovers worldwide, we have put forward into motion a massive, unrelenting counterattack against the New World Order & their crimes against humanity.

Operating through subterfuge, those seeking to bring the world to its knees used COVID-19 as their main battering ram to attempt to do so. An absolutely genius veil of camouflage was used to keep the common folk from becoming suspicious of their diabolical plans.

Healthcare became their smokescreen, & in a mad dash to get as much of the population vaccinated as possible, they largely succeeded.

Worried for their own health & the health of their loved ones, the masses have walked right into a trap. They have given their trust to wolves in sheep’s clothing & are entirely unaware.

It is now, at this very moment in time, more important than ever to question anything & everything they tell us. Do not give in. Do not give them an inch. Events will likely be unfolding in the near future that closely resemble those of the first wave of the covid19 medical attack. We cannot let another SCAMdemic materialize.

They are wise to the fact that we know what they are up to. If you think we are in the clear, you are incorrect. Isolate yourself from the hysteria of the masses, and avoid their injections like the plague. Things almost always get worse before they get better. Our day will come.

Anybody remember when Prince Phillip said in 1988 that " In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation." ?

These people are absolute psychopaths who are on record quoting how they’d love kill the majority of us. Yet many of you trust them. Why ? Because you know nothing about them & their dystopian desires for humanity, that’s why.

You were never given the correct information, & the media has made you a useful, trusting servant to your criminal overlords. This is what’s known as Stockholm syndrome. Might wana work on getting rid of that…

HOSEA 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

The absolute truth in the above 👆 scripture is painfully accurate. People only know what they’ve been taught. And the system is working overtime to keep you in a suspended state of ignorance that resembles a deep trance. This ensures that your odds of stumbling upon the truth & doing something about it is minimal. How convenient…

You might want to start vetting the people you trust. I can assure you that the international crime syndicate currently running the world, who want to inject you with their clot shots could care less whether you live or die. In fact, to them, you’d be better off dead.

Important information that everyone should be aware of. Thank you Greg Reese for the excellent coverage.

Original source video:

Many may not remember the monumental extent of evil the government imposed on us with their covid bullshit, but I do. Remember when churches were told to close, but liquor stores were deemed essential? How about when strip clubs were deemed essential but mom & pop stores were not? Remember when hair salons were forced to shut down but target could stay wide open? All for your safety right? Wrong.

Remember when they held a metaphoric gun to your head, forcing you to either be injected or lose your job? Thousands of health care workers that were last years hero’s were then thrown out like discardable waste, all for not wanting a forced medical procedure. That should have been enough to make you question the entire narrative. But many of you didn’t. How disappointing.

Remember the stay at home orders? Simultaneously the same pig politicians telling you to be shut in, hung-out unmasked at palatial restaurants, not social distanced. Large corporations thrived, while you were bled out. Never forget that covid nineteen is one of the biggest wealth transfers in human history, & it certainly wasn’t you & I that reaped the benefits.

Remember when big tech, allied with big pharma, became the speech police for the government? Suddenly you couldn’t even question the mainstream covid consensus without being ridiculed, censored, given medical watermarks, or entirely de-platformed. All of this makes 1984 look like cake.

How does all of this not infuriate you to the point where you gain enough lucidity to see what’s actually going on here? What’s wrong with you? Where did things go wrong, to the point where you doubt the evidence your own eyes observe? It’s truly sad how people couldn’t connect the dots.

The assault on our basic freedoms has never been more obvious. Deep down you knew. Maybe you thought it was cute to play covid theater & get high off the thrill of feeling like a victim, who knows.

You may not remember, but I do. Better wake up before it’s too late. Don’t wana look like a total jackass when the cards fall. And they are…


Onnits Total Human is an amazing multi nutrient all in one complex. It comes with 2 packets: a day packet and a night packet. Each packet contains 7 different capsules.

The day pack contains Alpha brain, Shroom tech immune, Stron bone, Shroom tech sport, total humab b complex, Spirulina & Chlorella, and Krill oil.

The night pack contains New mood, Virutech, Shroom tech immune, Key minerals, Spirulina & Chlorella, & Krill oil.

This free trial comes with a 7 day supply. It contains 14 separate packets. 7 day packs, & 7 night packs.

All you have to do to get this free trial is pay the 5 dollars shipping to get it. This is an absolute steal. You are paying 5 dollars for 7 days of hardcore nutrition. Tell me where else you can get a better deal than that? You cant even buy 3 things at a fast food joint for that. Do the right thing and treat your body to 7 days of solid nourishment and get the free trial. Make sure to cancel the subscription before 7 days is over to avoid the autoship. If you cancel before the 7 days are up - you will not be charged.

Click the following link to get a FREE bottle of SHROOM-TECH SPORT directly from ONNIT, just pay shipping I highly suggest taking advantage of this offer while it lasts.

In this video I give my review of Onnits Shroom Tech Sport. This product has absolutely blown me away and impressed me. If taken properly, shroom tech sport will provide a significant boost in physical energy, mental energy, sports performance, cognition, etc. The spike in energy is more than noticeable & to be honest, I am quite shocked that this product delivers such powerful results with such a small amount of ingredients.

When I first stumbled across shroom tech sport, I was skeptical to try it because of the limited amount of ingredients and to be honest, I just had a feeling that it would not work that well. After trying it however, I can firmly say that my assumption was dead wrong. This is the strongest pre-work out energy promoting supplement that I have taken to this date, & I have tried a ton of them.

The product contains a mixture of vitamin b12 methylcobalamin, chromium picolonate, cordyceps extract and whole cordyceps, ashwagandha root extract, green tea leaf extract, rhodiola root extract, & astragalus root extract.

All in all it is a very basic mixture of ingredients but the powerful synergy between them is shocking. I take this product as an exotic spice: I only take it on rare occasions, as a treat. I use the product to push myself beyond my normal exercise threshold, and push myself beyond my normal exercise/mental limits.

If you want a natural energy boosting supplement I would strongly suggest Onnit's Shroom Tech Sport. 10/10!

Click the following link to get a FREE bottle of ALPHA-BRAIN directly from ONNIT, just pay shipping shipping is less than $6!!! I highly suggest taking advantage of this offer while it lasts.

ALPHA BRAIN is a potent caffeine & gluten free Nootropic formula containing power health & brain promoting compounds. ALPHA BRAIN contains: Tyrosine, L-Theanine, Oat Straw Extract, Phosphatidylserine, Pterostilbene, L-Leucine, Cats Claw Extract, Huperzine, Bacopa Extract, Vitamin B-6, Alpha GPC ( a Choline source ).

Alpha brain is a synergistic blend of these ingredients and works wonders on the cognition, well being, verbal fluency, overall brain health, memory, and has a potent anti-anxiety effect. This is my favorite nootropic formula and I have found that this product has accumulative effects, unlike many other nootropic formulas that work for a while, but then stop. Alpha brain continues to produce results and it feels like everyday gets better while taking it.

If you need shungite, send me an email at [email protected] right now I have over 50 lbs of high quality, 100 percent real ( tested and verifiable ) black shungite.

I get asked regularly how I prepare my shungite water, as well as how much of it I consume. I consume 1-2 glasses ( sometimes more ) of shungite water daily. I make mine with a roughly 35-40 gram piece of elite shungite. I let the shungite steep in an estimated 11-14 ounce glass of filtered or distilled water for 24 hours.

Shungite is an incredibly unique mineral. It has a broad spectrum of one of a kind characteristics that put it an elite class all its own. There really is nothing like it. Shungite's energy is potent, transformational, shielding, harmonizing, and grounding. It is an Alchemical treasure waiting to be rediscovered at large and given the credit that it deserves. It is rather scarce & is quickly becoming more difficult to find quality Shungite.

Shungite is roughly 2 to 2.2 billion years old & although there quite a lot of debate regarding its origin, most people agree that Shungite is a Precambrian sediment amalgamation of fossilized organic material from the bottom of the sea. There are those however, who believe Shungite came to Earth from space. When you hold a piece of Shungite, you are holding something over 1 billion years old. It is extremely high in carbon, one of the most essential elements of life.

Shungite began forming roughly 2 billion years ago during the protozoic era & was first discovered in & named after Shun'ga, a village in Karelia which is located in Western Russia. Karelia is the only place on Earth that Shungite is found.

" Evidence shows dozens of NATO funded bio-labs surrounding Russia "

Original video source:

In this video I discuss the formulation of my raw egg shake ( venom ).
To learn more about raw eggs & why I consume them, consider checking out the following videos of mine:

🥚🐔 RAW~EGGS 🐔🥚 NATURES SUPER-FOOD. Why I Drink Them Daily.

Discussing Raw & Cooked Eggs, Health, What I Eat, ETC... A Mini Random Rant

🥚 How I Eat Raw Uncooked Eggs 🥚 & How To Get Used To Them 🥚

The Correct Way To Eat Raw Eggs ( Cup & Chew Method )

Click the following link to get a FREE bottle of ALPHA-BRAIN directly from ONNIT, just pay shipping shipping is less than $6!!! I highly suggest taking advantage of this offer while it lasts.
Click here to try Onnits TOTAL Human for free, just pay shipping:

The best place to buy Alpha Brain:


In this video I give my review of Onnit's Alpha Brain. For years I was more than skeptical about this product & always scoffed at the ads when I would see them pop up. I stumbled across a YouTube review saying the product worked well for him, and since I had a discount code to buy the product, I figured I would give it a shot. I am more than just impressed with this supplement, I am actually amazed. For such a simple blend of ingredients ranging from amino acids to herbal extracts, to things such as L-Tyrosine & L-Theanine, this is one of the most potent nootropic formulas I have tried to this date. When I take it, I feel like my brain is being fuelled with cognitive fertiliser. My verbal fluency skyrockets, as does my confidence, and memory, and my overall well-being. Something that I forgot to mention about Alpha Brain in this video is the supplements influence on dreaming. Overnight I have the most intense and vivid dreams. It really makes me wonder if this will eventually help me achieve lucidity in my dreams. I would not be shocked if it does.

The formula contains one of my favourite herbal extracts: Bacopa. This is a strong memory enhancing herb that has a long list of well documenting benefits. It also contains huperzine A, which is where I believe the dream enhancement is coming from, as well as the profound verbal fluency and speech enhancement. Cats claw is also in this formula and it pairs very well with the other ingredients.

One thing that continues to impress me about alpha brain is its potent accumulative effect. It seems like every day I take it, its been than the last. There is an increase in benefit the longer that I take it. This to me, is proof that my brain and body is actually utilising the ingredients as a fuel source and deriving much benefit from it.

All in all I give this supplement a 10/10.

I would strongly suggest people try this if they are finding that they are having difficulty focusing, staying on task, having issues with memory or cognitive function, depression, anxiety, etc. If it works half as well as it has for me, you will be in luck.

Whoever was in charge of deciding the ratios of each ingredient to be put in this formula did a fantastic job. Everything feels like its perfectly proportioned. Normally for instance, if I take too much alpha GPC, a choline source that is found in alpha brain, I get head aches, anxiety, and irritability. That is not the case with this formula. There seems to be just the right amount. The same goes with Theanine, as well as Tyrosine: 2 other ingredients in alpha brain.

If you a

" Ophiuchus is a large constellation straddling the celestial equator. Its name comes from the Ancient Greek ophioûkhos meaning "serpent-bearer", and it is commonly represented as a man grasping a snake. The serpent is represented by the constellation Serpens. Ophiuchus was one of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd-century astronomer Ptolemy, and it remains one of the 88 modern constellations. An old alternative name for the constellation was Serpentarius " From Wikipedia

"Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves. Be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves (Matthew 10:16)

"Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy, and you are that temple."
Corinthians 3:16-17

"You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him." Romans 8:9

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In this video we continue an ongoing discussion about Kundalini & its role in human, as well as spiritual evolution. We discuss the divine nature of man and womankind, and how we are currently living in a fallen state, separated from real gnosis aka godhood. We discuss the very real reality of angels and how they are intimated connected to the kundalini experience. I discuss a few things that I experienced during one of my first experiences with gnosis/kundalini, and I give my insight into the subject of kundalini as a whole.

" How to overthrow sovereign nations via violence and deceit "
Original video source:

" The United States’ first Pluto’s Return has just begun on the auspicious day of 2/22/2022 "
Video source:

" A brief history of crimes against humanity committed by governments around the world. "
Video source:

The painful truth about the covid situation is that if you diligently counter-research the mainstream covid consensus, you will find innumerable flaws. You will see clearly that you have been lied to by those claiming to have your best interest at heart. The discovery of these flaws, lies, etc within the mainstream consensus will lead the reasoning mind to connect the dots & do further research. Further research eventually leads to a what-the-fuck moment effect, whereby an Individual starts seeing things for what they actually are, & not just what they were encouraged by the enemy to believe in & see. We can relate this in a metaphoric sense to the initial phases of beginning to tumble down the rabbit hole 🐇 🕳. When your blinders are off, you no longer see what you want to see, you only see WHAT IS.

Those in charge hope that you will not develop the thirst to hunt for the truth. They spend millions of dollars every month to ensure that people remain blind, happy, & blissfully unaware. They entertain the plebs with smear-campaign television programs & propaganda which almost always casts those who who question the mainstream consensus as idiots, or conspiracy theorists. The way they bend the truth and make those who want to know the truth appear as utter fools is absolutely disgusting beyond words.

The same iron-hand oppressors that blocked valid prophylactics, therapeutics, & non invasive oxygen remedies are the same ones offering you their poison cure. The same idiots that locked the entire world down with fraudulently inflated PCR numbers, are the same ones telling you that if you just trust them a bit longer, everything will be okay. They promise security, at the expense of your freedoms being obliterated, & your life being reduced to a dystopian nightmare.

We are being led by an iniquitous oligarchy composed largely ( but not entirely ) of an elite class of psychopathic technocrats & eugenicists. These are wolves in sheep’s clothing, luring you in before they bite.

Watch your step. You’ve been warned.

Gluten intolerance/sensitivity is very common. In fact, many people will go their entire life suffering from various symptoms directly related to and or caused by gluten and never know it. Luckily, more and more people are beginning to connect the dots and are realizing that gluten, a family of proteins found in grains & starches such as wheat, barley, and rye, does not cooperate well with the human body, and when consumed, can cause a whole host of issues.

The main problem with Gluten is how difficult it is to digest. There are 2 main proteins found in gluten: gliadin, and glutenin. These proteins are very difficult for the stomach acid to break apart and predigest prior to them entering into the small intestine for nutrient absorption. The main purpose of the stomach is to break things apart and predigest food so that the small intestine can absorb liberated nutrients that the stomach broke apart for easy absorption. Because the stomach has a very difficult time breaking apart gluten proteins, they enter into the small intestine whole and cannot be absorbed properly by your intestinal villi. Villi are absorptive tissue that line your small intestine and their primary role is to absorb nutrients and ferry them into the bloodstream so that they can reach your vital organs, etc.

Because these proteins do not absorb in the small intestine, they tumble through the small intestine undigested and wipe and and kill your intestinal villi. Over time these means that you will not be able to absorb nutrients properly regardless of what you eat. In order to recover from this damage done to your villi from Gluten you must get off of it entirely! No more sympathy for this baneful food! Get off all the gluten containing grains and starches, as well as food additives, pasta's etc for 6 months and watch how you transform!

Join me on Patreon and gain access to thousands of Patreon-only posts, videos, ebooks, recipes, & future live streams for as little as $5 dollars a month. Cancel your subscription anytime.

Donations can be made at http://www.PayPal.Me/SacredSerpent

Kundalini, Known to the Ancient Egyptians as "Uraeus" , is the bio-physical, spiritual energy in mankind's body/mind complex & consciousness which when awakened & fully activated - enlightens every single aspect of the human organism & consciousness. Kundalini brings us into beautiful states of non causal joy, peace, bliss & ecstasy by completely aligning our consciousness with God. These states of God Intoxication are known by many as "Nirvana" , "Samadhi" , "Christ Consciousness" , "Enlightenment" , As well as "Gnosis" just to name a few. Kundalini offers us the divine gift of proving the existence of God, The Angels, Heaven, Enlightenment, & the absolute fact that there is no Death - & that life is an Eternal & never ending growth cycle of Evolution & Experience. Experiencing these states of awareness pushes the envelope of human evolution to an entirely new level. This is do to the fact that Kundalini Activates the dormant regions of the Human brain ( The typical Human uses 3 % of his or her brain ) Kundalini Activates our brains to a degree well past 3 % ! Activating the sleeping aspects of our biology is how we achieve evolution of the organism & its consciousness. When aroused , Kundalini has the potential to uncoil itself from the base of the spinal system where it lies sleeping & will travel up the spinal shaft , awakening and activating the energetic centers of the body ( also known as Chakras ) on its upward ascent to the crown Chakra where it then burrows itself within the brain, which in turn fully activates the Pineal Gland ( third eye ). I like to refer to this gland as the Star Gate gland due to the fact that it bridges our consciousness to the various dimensions of the absolute . To keep things simple - Kundalini is the energy in mankind which when aroused has the potential to fully activate the Merkaba light body field, the Aura, The Meridians ( energy pathways of the human organism ) , The Pineal Gland, & every single aspect of human biology/consciousness. Kundalini will activate the dormant aspects of mans DNA & transmute his old outdated, non stimulated DNA into what I Coined " ANGEL DNA" Through Kundalini we Can experience real Chakra activation and the Developing of the Genius Super Consciousness via the activation of the Dormant regions of the Human Brain/body complex. My mission in life is to help raise the Consciousness of the planet & the people of the world by Inspiring people to seek their own unique Kundalini awakening’s. I believe that through the Activation of Kundalini we can Heal the Planet through activation of the Super Angel DNA , The Merkaba, The Human Auric Field, & the Super Human abilities that come from the Activation of Kundalini Christ Consciousness. Peace


Created 5 years, 3 months ago.

294 videos

Category News & Politics

My goal is to help others become aware of & dismantle their mind control, regain perceptual fluidity & the proper positioning of their assemblage point,and in doing so regain their clarity here in the underworld. Humanity is currently trapped in a perceptual prison that they are fully unaware of. We can take simple steps towards freeing our perception from this baneful box that we are trapped within and in doing so experience the direct re-acquisition of power as we shed the multiple layers of mind control. This channel serves a a beacon of hope in a fallen world and a valuable tool or growth, health, etc.

Enjoy the Sacred Serpent Channel? Derive benefit from it? Please consider making a financial contribution to my cause. You can do so here: http://www.PayPal.Me/SacredSerpent

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