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Larry lives in S Florida and is outside all the time. He has his own personality and recognizes me as his fast food chef 👨‍🍳

A harmless mimic.

Golden pothos,red emerald philodendron and philodendron composportoanum getting along together.

These strange owls build their nests underground.

The cutest service dog I ever saw!

green anole

Attracted to wild passion fruit vines growing up my palm tree.

Another day another ray

Well, here we have a viral new song from Tom MacDonald. Let's see how Baby Bommer Steve reacts to it!

interesting catch 😆

When I was a kid, drag racing was cool, and Bicycles looked like the cars.

Spiritus sancti is the holy grail of philodendrons. This plant has tried over the winter in South Florida. please subscribe for more updates on this plant.

Never have I seen anything like this !

Trying this fruit from my yard for the first time.

Just found this on YouTube and after seeing it had so many views I decided to call Stephen over to do a reaction.

The Sun Godess cactus in bloom.

This Hoya has a crazy amount of flowers 💐 😳 So to all my plant peeps, enjoy!

This is a bike I didn't know existed. it has a 27-inch rear wheel and a 24 inch front wheel. The bike has a small light frame and was made for people 5 feet 3 inches and under.

These little guys are so cute and smart

Performed by Stingray Steve, Stephen on piano and the cranes !

There are always things to see in Steve's garden.

I have been growing these pineapples for about 3 years and they are always a head turner to all my plant friends !


Created 3 years, 10 months ago.

97 videos

Category Pets & Wildlife

For more fishing ,gardening and me videos I am also on youtube.