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See this cop in a heated battle on J6 who has another cop in a headlock, I guess they needed to look busy. A third policeman runs in throwing punches at the crowd by the fence. Notice protesters are walking casually away to the right. Still less violent than some Black Friday sales.

New #january6th video analysis of unhinged brutal cop Jason Bagshaw’s escalatory actions before he beat Victoria White viciously in the tunnel.

Whoever said the cops weren’t passing out water to the crowd, lied to you. The police most certainly did. No wonder people say this was a set up. It was!

Do police give out refreshments to trespassers? 🤔

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Trump is very clear about what he will do on his first day back in office. He said he will work with “the people” to help the J6 Hostages, who have been treated terribly and unfairly. I can’t wait! Until then I hope this is a dog whistle for America to support the J6 heroes and their families until that day comes.


In this video from J6, does this officer look like his life is in danger?

Tim will release this next week, sneak preview for y’all.😉

Strong language, let’s see some strong action!

Help identify the police officer in this “hit and run” against a civilian from January 6, 2021 X6039BCZM.
If you have any information, please contact us here or at [email protected].

Daniel Goodwyn of discusses the lawsuit against the federal government by Troy Smocks after event where Ken Paxton endorsed Katrina Pierson.

J6er Troy Smocks talks with candidate Katrina Pierson at the Rally for Constitutional Conservatives about AG Ken Paxton’s lack of support for the J6 defendants in Texas just after Paxton makes a run for it at Rockwall Golf and Athletic Club.

We'll be dropping this documentary!
America needs to see this. Don't miss it!

📖 Order your copy of the groundbreaking original Letters From Prison and/or Pre-Order your copy of the exciting sequel The Art of Confinement at today! 🇺🇸


The 12 days of Christmas auction is an exciting series of online silent bid auctions with great items and gifts up or bid to help fill your Santas wish list, maybe even find a little something special for yourself. holidays are a time for families, fellowship and celebrations. Its A time to create fond memories for life and remember the special reason for our gathering together. But there are many children who will not have that kind of Christmas this year because a parent will not be there to share. The children of the January 6th prisoners are often forgotten as victims of that day, but they need your support and love more than ever as we enter a third year of their imprisonments. A moral society always protects the innocents and defenseless and these children and families are certainly that. So register for this fun benefit Auction series as a bidder today and get ready for 12 days of fun filled bidding and help support this great cause. Be an Angel to a child this Christmas. Sign up as a donor or bidder today.

🇺🇸 The #J6 heroes fought alone for almost 3 years for our freedoms. Now we know the truth. Let’s give back to them in a big way!


or GIVE to a #J6er #GiveSendGo directly!

2 Corinthians 9:7
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

J6: a few Cops casually clear Senate chambers of peaceful, compliant protesters easily, with no resistance, as they are thanked, blessed, and shown love by patriots.
3:08:27 PM
This is another example of ignored footage that has been out there - court exhibit - NOT footage from the Speaker!

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Philip Anderson was almost murdered by police on January 6th, and now the government wants to put him in prison.
He was next to Rosanne Boyland when the police killed her.
See Philip being carried from the pile and imagine what the J6 Patriots endured for our freedom.

This has been happening to the J6 defendants from day one. These courts are out of control, and America is about to find out how much.

Please help J6ers fight back and help their families get through this most difficult time.
Find ways to help here:

David Sumrall, Daniel Goodwyn, and Donald Trump know the right word. Hostage. This is one of the worst moments in American history. We have American citizens being held as Political Hostages in prisons all over the country. Words matter, and people who know the truth call J6ers Political HOSTAGES.





🚨 Attention RAY EPPS: ‼️
Remember Dan? The guy you asked at the Ellipse to walk to the Capitol with you? He was with you all the way to the gate. He just started his 3+ year prison sentence.
Will you help him by coming out with the truth about J6? Or will you sit by while he spends years in prison. His family needs him.
Will you help him, Ray? Contact me, let’s talk about it.

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Jeremy Brown and other peaceful protesters try to reason with police not to be violent on J6.


Victoria White was brutally beaten by DC Metro Lt. Jason Bagshaw in the West tunnel just three minutes before this footage. Is this the parading she was charged with? This cop can't find a medic? What's going on here?


🕵️‍♂️ Help us find details in these videos.

How many peaceful protesters were terrorized by police at gunpoint in the Capitol on January 6, 2021?
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This Patriot almost got his head blown off by the police’s randomly thrown grenade into the lower west terrace.
A few inches closer may have killed him.
The violent attack by the police was unprovoked, unnecessary, and relentless.

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