Preparing for ET Contact

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Preparing for ET Contact

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I referred to the following links in this video:
The Worst Zen Story Ever | Ajahn Jayasāro Q&A

University Galacticus Launch Video - Part 1 of 3

Buddhist Cosmology, UFOs, Orbs, Devas & E.T.s with Ajahn Punnadhammo - Part 1 of 4

Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysicist Dr. Rudy Schild Endorses Brian Ruhe’s ET Hypothesis as More Comprehensive Than Any He Has Seen

I mentioned that I wrote to the leader of our order of Buddhist monks, Ajahn Amaro, at .
My letter to him, I later modified to be this blog:

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Bitcoin: 15Ls63J21zzhAPE7ke4P2JhaHyAEhUrJVe
Volunteer your time. Be part of a forward moving group.

MP3 audios and video at:
My priorities:

My three books are available at Amazon.

Join our Meetup and be in our Zoom videos.
Please phone into Brian Ruhe's live radio show at 1-603-635-4946 any Tuesday from 6-8 pm EST at Studio B at

Lenticular Clouds are not UFOs, with Brian Ruhe. See .
What’s that strange sight high up there in the sky? It doesn’t look like a bird. Could it be an airplane? Maybe it’s a UFO! Nope! None of the above—what we’re looking at is a cloud.

It’s not just any type of cloud, though. If it looks a bit like a UFO, it’s probably a lenticular cloud. These get their name from the fact that they’re shaped like a lens or a saucer.

Some people call lenticular clouds “flying saucer clouds.” And for good reason! More than one has been mistaken for a UFO. Some other nicknames for lenticular clouds include “cloudships,” “clouds of heaven,” and “lennies.” They also have a fancy scientific name: Altocumulus lenticularis.

Lenticular clouds may look like they’re from outer space. But they’re actually the result of normal scientific processes that happen right here on Earth! They are stationary clouds that form at high altitudes. They’re usually aligned at a right angle (perpendicular) to the direction of the wind.

This type of cloud often forms near mountain ranges. When stable humid air blows over the top of a mountain, it can form a group of big waves on the range’s downwind side. If the temperature is low enough on this side, the moisture in the air will condense. This forms the uniquely-shaped clouds we know as lenticular clouds.

In the right conditions, these can form what scientists call a “wave cloud.” Lenticular clouds are also unique in that sometimes you may see bright colors—what scientists call irisation—along their edges. This helps give them an outer space look!

Airplane pilots try to avoid flying near lenticular clouds. The waves of air that form the clouds can cause turbulence. That can make riding in an airplane near lenticular clouds a bouncy, scary experience.

Many people who fly gliders, however, love lenticular clouds. The same air currents that can make flying in an airplane scary allow gliders to sail to great heights and long distances.

Have you ever seen a lenticular cloud? Did you think it looked like a UFO? These clouds can be quite the sight high up in the sky!

The Catholic Church is believed to have ET information going back since before the Magenta, Italy UFO crash in 1933, which the Pope told the Americans about, at the end of WW II. I think it goes back centuries, maybe even for 1000 years. In the future, I hope to know more about that. I would like to have a Catholic researcher to work with. A Catholic can possibly gain further access, up the line. If you’re a Catholic and you’re listening this, wouldn’t you want 1.1 billion Catholics to be gradually introduced to the truth? The future is uncertain, to us, so please help me out here. I want to have a go-to guy for Catholic info on ETs.
There's more.
This is something that is a part of University Galacticus and I am the dean at . This is about the gradual development of the Catholic religion over a period of many years. Specifically, taking further steps beyond Catholic official and unofficial statements since the year 2000, regarding ET life in the universe and ET life coming to earth. We're talking about what a wholesome idea it would be to explain, in Catholic language, to fellow Catholics, how Jesus could have been an ET/ human hybrid.
Expanding upon that, ways that Catholic services could include more ideas about consciousness expansion, getting in touch with the angelic realm, and talking more about how God's creation cannot be limited. God has the power to create life on other planets, even in heaven, and those other beings may chose Jesus Christ as their personal saviour. God may also have another form of salvation for ETs because man cannot put limits on what God can do nor on what God has already created elsewhere. Perhaps Jesus is only for planet earth. Perhaps Jesus also goes to some other planets. But among the three trillion galaxies, perhaps God has other forms of salvation on other planets in and outside of the Milky Way galaxy. These are concepts we should gradually introduce into priests’ Sunday services.
I could use help with this, at least my writing on the topic. Our current University Galacticus modem of communication is with video and blogs so this is where I intend to publish the message. I expect I and others, such as Catholics, will come up with more ideas and good ideas in the future, to add to this video. Thank you for watching.

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Bitcoin: 15Ls63J21zzhAPE7ke4P2JhaHyAEhUrJVe
Volunteer your time. Be part of a group.

MP3 audios and video at:
My priorities:

My three books are available at Amazon.

Join our Meetup and be in our Zoom videos.
Please phone into Brian Ruhe's live radio show at 1-603-635-4946 any Tuesday from 6-8 pm EST at Studio B at

I hosted the late Stanton Friedman only once, in a 2017 video. He died at age 84, in 2019.
Here, at he express…
The Four Noble Truths in Ufology

1) The evidence is overwhelming that some UFOs are intelligently controlled alien craft.
2) This is the greatest cover-up in history.
3) There are no good arguments against the first two conclusions.
4) This is the biggest story of the millennium. Visit by aliens spacecraft to Earth and a cover-up by all governments of the world.

Credit for this video goes to the University of New Brunswick, at

12,884 views released May 18, 2011
The late Stanton T. Friedman, Nuclear Physicist, UFOologist, original civilian investigator of the UFO Roswell Incident, spoke about the energy of the stars at the 11 Minutes/11 Muscles event held on April 1, 2011, at the Fredericton Convention Centre, New Brunswick Canada. 11 Minutes/11 Muscles was an event conceived and organized by students in the MBA Professional Development program at the University of New Brunswick to create awareness of and support for Muscular Dystrophy Canada. It takes 11 muscles to talk; students challenged extraordinary people to say something inspiring in 11 minutes. Stanton was one of five people to take up the challenge.

My friend Pannobhasa introduced me to Otto Excelsior in New York, who recommend me to this YouTube channel outside of Chicago- The Wonderful World of Wierdness with Roger Hanson and friends.

I made a good impression and we plan to work together more. I am planning to bring some people into their circle. This is promising.

Their WWOW YouTube channel is

In Part 2 of 2 we had more Q & A. I asked about Budd Hopkins' talk in Germany in 1989, referred to in Glenn's book, "The U.F.O. Reality - Can Truth Prevail?" Budd was negative and fearful and agressive about the ETs so Glenn's father countered that with a speech right after Budd.

Glenn's parents came from Germany and were kids there, during WW II.

Glenn says that the ETs are humans and he denies that there are living beings who are the Greys and denies reptilians and mantids and "monsters".

George Adamski met with Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy.

George Adamski met with ET humans for Venus but says that Valient Thor was an Ameircan intelligence disinfo agent.

The Germans under Hitler tried to build off of UFOs but failed. He denies that Admiral Byrd was attacked by UFOs/ flying saucers in Antarctica in 1947 and he denies that the Germans had a based there that survived WW II.

At 1:09:00 Glenn says that Greys are mechanical constructs made by humans on earth. At 1:10:20 Rolf Eipper told him about the three Greys he saw in his bedroom in 1942 in Germany. How could those have been man made?

Glenn Steckling joined us on April 25, 2024. Glenn is the Director and copyright holder of the sixty-year-old George Adamski Foundation, one of the oldest enduring UFO organizations, discusses his family’s extensive history within the UFO field and their association with George Adamski. This includes the Steckling family’s pioneering Lunar anomaly research from the 1970s & 80s and his concerns regarding the developing agendas of misinformation focused on the revisionism of UFO history and perceptions. Glenn’s parents, the late Fred Steckling and his wife Ingrid, were personal friends and selected coworkers of George Adamski – considered by many as "The Pioneer" in the early UFO Contactee field.

Glenn's YouTube channel is at
LATEST book released, September 2023, available only at BLURB.COM, “The UFO Reality – Can Truth Prevail?” Other Books below at – Amazon,, eBay & G.A.F. Materials website page: - Email: [email protected]

Fred Steckling’s first book, “Why Are They Here: Spaceships from Other Worlds,” published by Vantage Press in 1968, is considered a classic in this field. His second 1981 book**, “We Discovered Alien Bases on the Moon”** - composes research many have attempted to copy since but never have successfully matched – and it continues as one of the foremost publications into the lunar anomaly investigation. (Revised & expanded into “We Discovered Alien Bases on the Moon 2” by Glenn in 1997; now well into its eleventh publication). In 2015 Adamski’s third book, “Flying Saucers Farewell” from 1961, was re-released and expanded by the Foundation into its new paperback title “Behind the Flying Saucer Mystery 2”, which includes 55 new pages of data, research and references, including an entirely new photographic section added.

Because of the Steckling Family’s association with Adamski, and the resulting UFO program and materials inherited from him, the late Fred Steckling was active in Ufology from the early 1960s throughout the remainder of his life until his passing in 1991. Both proactive personalities in this field, Fred and Ingrid Steckling were invited by Dr. Lowman to address a panel of 22 scientists at NASA's Goddard Space Center in 1967. Afterward also to brief Colonel Freeman and his staff at the Pentagon. His commitment to this subject included numerous appearances such as Life with Linkletter, Voice of America, National TV and radio in Japan and elsewhere.

As a result of this history and participation through Adamski & his parents, Glenn Steckling’s over half-century involvement within the UFO subject also spans nearly his entire lifetime. His partnership alongside his parents, connection to Adamski Coworkers, and network of researchers worldwide, plus his tenure as Foundation Director over the last 25 years, has helped to formalize his background in this field. Glenn has spoken in numerous countries and media events and continues to actively voice his concerns regarding the imbalances between within and without the UFO community, contributing to an ever-escalating series of misrepresentations plaguing this subject. His presentations include archival documentation, original Adamski UFO photos, re-mastered motion picture footage, and newly released, rare personal Adamski home movie footage. Also included are 1970s first-generation copies of NASA photographs from the Moon and 1966 movie footage of an array of UFOs his father took while traveling on a lecture tour by train through Germany.

Glenn Steckling joined us on April 25, 2024. Glenn is the Director and copyright holder of the sixty-year-old George Adamski Foundation, one of the oldest enduring UFO organizations, discusses his family’s extensive history within the UFO field and their association with George Adamski. This includes the Steckling family’s pioneering Lunar anomaly research from the 1970s & 80s and his concerns regarding the developing agendas of misinformation focused on the revisionism of UFO history and perceptions. Glenn’s parents, the late Fred Steckling and his wife Ingrid, were personal friends and selected coworkers of George Adamski – considered by many as "The Pioneer" in the early UFO Contactee field.

Glenn's YouTube channel is at
LATEST book released, September 2023, available only at BLURB.COM, “The UFO Reality – Can Truth Prevail?” Other Books below at – Amazon,, eBay & G.A.F. Materials website page: - Email: [email protected]

Fred Steckling’s first book, “Why Are They Here: Spaceships from Other Worlds,” published by Vantage Press in 1968, is considered a classic in this field. His second 1981 book**, “We Discovered Alien Bases on the Moon”** - composes research many have attempted to copy since but never have successfully matched – and it continues as one of the foremost publications into the lunar anomaly investigation. (Revised & expanded into “We Discovered Alien Bases on the Moon 2” by Glenn in 1997; now well into its eleventh publication). In 2015 Adamski’s third book, “Flying Saucers Farewell” from 1961, was re-released and expanded by the Foundation into its new paperback title “Behind the Flying Saucer Mystery 2”, which includes 55 new pages of data, research and references, including an entirely new photographic section added.

Because of the Steckling Family’s association with Adamski, and the resulting UFO program and materials inherited from him, the late Fred Steckling was active in Ufology from the early 1960s throughout the remainder of his life until his passing in 1991. Both proactive personalities in this field, Fred and Ingrid Steckling were invited by Dr. Lowman to address a panel of 22 scientists at NASA's Goddard Space Center in 1967. Afterward also to brief Colonel Freeman and his staff at the Pentagon. His commitment to this subject included numerous appearances such as Life with Linkletter, Voice of America, National TV and radio in Japan and elsewhere.

As a result of this history and participation through Adamski & his parents, Glenn Steckling’s over half-century involvement within the UFO subject also spans nearly his entire lifetime. His partnership alongside his parents, connection to Adamski Coworkers, and network of researchers worldwide, plus his tenure as Foundation Director over the last 25 years, has helped to formalize his background in this field. Glenn has spoken in numerous countries and media events and continues to actively voice his concerns regarding the imbalances between within and without the UFO community, contributing to an ever-escalating series of misrepresentations plaguing this subject. His presentations include archival documentation, original Adamski UFO photos, re-mastered motion picture footage, and newly released, rare personal Adamski home movie footage. Also included are 1970s first-generation copies of NASA photographs from the Moon and 1966 movie footage of an array of UFOs his father took while traveling on a lecture tour by train through Germany.

Capt. Steckling, a university graduate, veteran 30-year + Airline Pilot (Ret) with more than 22,000 hours of flight time globally, an amateur astronomer, author, and lecturer, emphatically shares his unique UFO history and experiences. Speaking worldwide, he maintains an extensive UFO archive and research program, which remains focused and resolute concerning the importance of preserving and educating the public regarding “accurate” UFO historical records and documentation. He stresses scientific fact and reasoning versus the trending populism, which substitutes “science fiction, wishful thinking, or vivid imagination,” frequently unscrupulously manipulated to sensationalize and exploit this most vital subject.

Glenn steadfastly remains concentrated on the rational and crucial importance of the progressive benefits of extraterrestrial visitations and our own vibrant space program.

The Future of Buddhist Cosmology with Aliens – Right View 2.0
by Brian Ruhe
The teachings of the Buddha are generally well thought of. It is one of the major spiritual paths available in the world. I want to go on record, in 2024, by publishing my view that in the future, because of UFOs and aliens, there will be a more realistic and profound understanding of the Buddha’s discourses about cosmology.

One step is for competent, knowledgeable Buddhists, monks and lay people, to compare the Buddha’s description of the heavens and devas with what is now understood in the UFO community to be inter-dimensional beings and shape-shifting extraterrestrials. Devas is a Buddhist word for angels but it could also mean ETs, as a deva is any being above human. The Buddha taught that shape-shifting is a hallmark of most of the devas. This is a part of Buddhism but to students of ufology this is something mysterious, intriguing and they have all kinds of worldviews about it, without a Buddhist worldview. 100 ufologists have 100 different worldviews so they could benefit from the leadership of the Buddhist worldview on cosmology. Instead of regarding this as another religion, it is true to say that at least there were people in the 5th century BC who knew a lot about what we have discovered today, about UFOs and aliens. That makes it worthy of serious attention. This is in contrast to Christian worldviews that blame aliens for all being demonic.

Right view in Buddhism includes a worldview, a view on how the universe works. Buddhism provides such a thorough, detailed and profound understanding of this big picture. I think the dharma is invaluable at giving some structure of thought, a systematic way on how to approach ETs, inter-dimensional beings, etc.

Being a Theravada Buddhist, of course, it’s not surprising that I believe that it is the best ancient description of our cosmology. But, it is ancient.

I think what we need in the 21st century is an updated Buddhist cosmological explanation for who is behind hundreds of thousands of UFO sightings per year. People have witnessed ETs shape shifting. UFOs have been seen and filmed changing in shape as they fly. The Buddha describes these Vimanas- the changing mansions that the devas fly in. People have seen orbs which seem to be beings, like devas. Buddhism describes similar things so we need to connect these two together- Buddhism and aliens. Intelligence mean connecting the dots. We need to read the ancient Pali language with today’s reality.

I’ve been trying to bring Buddhism and ufology together since the last century, when I published my first book in 1999, with a chapter, “Buddhism and UFOs”. I feel that Buddhist monks are currently failing in their duty to teach the dharma to Buddhists who ask them questions about extraterrestrials and UFOs. Extremely few Buddhist monks have publicly tried to answer these kinds of questions. It is time for them to step up and stop being so bashful. In the summer of 2023, US intelligence officer David Grusch spoke before Congress about crashed UFOs and “Biologics” in the possession of the US government. Now is the time for monks to speak!

I believe that the entire future of all Buddhist traditions, will be changed and improved by ETs. This is based upon My video and blog: Brian Ruhe’s ET Hypothesis and Sources . I am looking for Buddhist monks who will discuss this with me and my groups, in public videos. I believe that these profound realities and truths will be a part of right view in Buddhism in the future. I call this Right View 2.0. If respected monks don’t want to deal with controversial Brian Ruhe, I am happy to help in any way I can, to connect them to competent ufologists who they can work with.

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Volunteer your time. Be part of a group.

MP3 audios and video at:
My priorities:

My three books are available at Amazon.

Join our Meetup and be in our Zoom videos.
Please phone into Brian Ruhe's live radio show at 1-603-635-4946 any Tuesday from 6-8 pm EST at Studio B at

Part 1 of 3. This was the debut of University Galacticus (UG) at . This Zoom was held with the Preparing for ET Contact Meetup group, on April 14, 2024. That description was:

Brian and Aspen have been working on this since Dec. 2022. The whole direction of our Meetup group will likely be going this way so please join Brian as he introduces and explains University Galacticus (UG). If Aspen, in Texas, can join us that would be grand because 80% of the ideas for UG were channeled through Aspen from an entity called Betelgeuse, which is the star on the top left of the constellation of Orion.

The five page philosophy of UG is posted on our About page at

University Galacticus is about creating an online university which focuses on getting people prepared for contact with nonhuman Intellignce (NHI) both physical and non physical. Also, dialing down fear of ETs, considering why aliens are here, diplomacy in human/ ET relationships, a cultural exchange project between humans and ETs and hosting experts in a variety of fields of ET-related studies to help us define the curriculum and programs for UG.

Please give a listen to Betelgeuse’s high guidance in our first three UG launch videos on our Meetup channel at:
University Galacticus Launch Video - Part 1 of 3
University Galacticus Launch Video 2 of 3 - Dial Down Fear of Aliens
University Galacticus Launch Video 3 of 3 — JOIN US in this Great Initiative

Brian’s initial talk won’t be long, then he will open it up for questions and discussion and your ideas. We will also need many volunteers to help this online university to grow and flourish.

Join our Meetup and be in our Zoom videos.

Part 3 of 3. Our webmaster Michael Ney joined us and we talked about as well as Michael's website .

This was the debut of University Galacticus (UG) at the Preparing for ET Contact Meetup group, on April 14, 2024. That description was:
Brian and Aspen have been working on this since Dec. 2022. The whole direction of our Meetup group will likely be going this way so please join Brian as he introduces and explains University Galacticus (UG). If Aspen, in Texas, can join us that would be grand because 80% of the ideas for UG were channeled through Aspen from an entity called Betelgeuse, which is the star on the top left of the constellation of Orion.

The five page philosophy of UG is posted on our About page at

University Galacticus is about creating an online university which focuses on getting people prepared for contact with nonhuman Intellignce (NHI) both physical and non physical. Also, dialing down fear of ETs, considering why aliens are here, diplomacy in human/ ET relationships, a cultural exchange project between humans and ETs and hosting experts in a variety of fields of ET-related studies to help us define the curriculum and programs for UG.

Please give a listen to Betelgeuse’s high guidance in our first three UG launch videos on our Meetup channel at:
University Galacticus Launch Video - Part 1 of 3
University Galacticus Launch Video 2 of 3 - Dial Down Fear of Aliens
University Galacticus Launch Video 3 of 3 — JOIN US in this Great Initiative

Brian’s initial talk won’t be long, then he will open it up for questions and discussion and your ideas. We will also need many volunteers to help this online university to grow and flourish.

All video playlists: or click on "Click here for Playlists" and scroll down.
Bitcoin: 15Ls63J21zzhAPE7ke4P2JhaHyAEhUrJVe
Volunteer your time. Be part of a group.

My website:

MP3 audios and video at:
My priorities:

My three books are available at Amazon.

Join our Meetup and be in our Zoom videos.

Please phone into Brian Ruhe's live radio show at 1-603-635-4946 any Tuesday from 6-8 pm EST at Studio B at

Part 2 of 3. This was the debut of University Galacticus (UG) at . This Zoom was held with the Preparing for ET Contact Meetup group, on April 14, 2024. Kim shared that she and her family are experiencers and we talked with Brad about regression hypnosis to recall ET encounters.

The Meetup description was:
Brian and Aspen have been working on this since Dec. 2022. The whole direction of our Meetup group will likely be going this way so please join Brian as he introduces and explains University Galacticus (UG). If Aspen, in Texas, can join us that would be grand because 80% of the ideas for UG were channeled through Aspen from an entity called Betelgeuse, which is the star on the top left of the constellation of Orion.

The five page philosophy of UG is posted on our About page at

University Galacticus is about creating an online university which focuses on getting people prepared for contact with nonhuman Intellignce (NHI) both physical and non physical. Also, dialing down fear of ETs, considering why aliens are here, diplomacy in human/ ET relationships, a cultural exchange project between humans and ETs and hosting experts in a variety of fields of ET-related studies to help us define the curriculum and programs for UG.

Please give a listen to Betelgeuse’s high guidance in our first three UG launch videos on our Meetup channel at:
University Galacticus Launch Video - Part 1 of 3
University Galacticus Launch Video 2 of 3 - Dial Down Fear of Aliens
University Galacticus Launch Video 3 of 3 — JOIN US in this Great Initiative

Brian’s initial talk won’t be long, then he will open it up for questions and discussion and your ideas. We will also need many volunteers to help this online university to grow and flourish.

Join our Meetup and be in our Zoom videos.

This is my reply to a members only video that Ufologist Richard Dolan released on April 5th.
"The Question of Alien Ethics and Human Development"
He started off his essay with, "Hi Everyone, I have something a little different for you. A speculative and mostly theoretical exploration of the idea of alien (or galactic) ethics. I’m not saying such things exist; I don’t know. But in thinking about the long course of human development, a few thoughts occurred to me.
I think that exploring the concept of alien ethics and an alien perspective on human development offers a fascinating lens through which to view our own civilization’s progress and potential future........................"

I highly recommend that you spend about $10 a month and join .
Richard's YouTube channel is at

I also recommended these resources:

Pannobhasa'a fiancee Deide, turned me on to to make thumbnails so I used up my free account to make the thumbnail on this video. : - )

In this video I play my video from 8 years ago:
UFO Secrecy is Correct as it is Natural to not Know about Higher Realms

In the description of the above video, I wrote:

This video was recorded April 12, 2016 during one of my electronic DNA download experiences. What I was perceiving is the Buddhist idea that the higher realms are segregated from our human realm most of the time for a natural karmic reason. We don't deserve the free energy, etc. of aliens coming down to take care of us on a cosmic welfare system. I realized that this is a justification for UFO secrecy even though I am against it myself.

Please do download any of my videos and copy them to your own channels to spread the word.

Join our Meetup and be in our Zoom videos.

All video playlists: or click on "The Brian Ruhe Show" and scroll down.
Bitcoin: 15Ls63J21zzhAPE7ke4P2JhaHyAEhUrJVe
Volunteer your time. Be part of a group.

My website:

MP3 audios and video at:
My priorities:

My three books are available at Amazon, including
Adolf Hitler and Tibetan Buddhism

Who is God? The Mantid ETs?
The full text of this AI video is on my Brian Ruhe website blog at

Who is God? Different religions have very different answers. Some say God is a personal being. Some say God is a kind of oneness with the universe, or mind or something like that.

I am expressing my views in this video. My belief is that the role of God is being fulfilled by the mantid ETs. See my sources, linked below this video.

These ETs are the highest intelligence that mankind has encountered. They live for billions of years and have overseen the formation of planet earth. They have brought most life to our planet. The mantids are the architects of life on Earth and maybe throughout our galaxy. They give direction for the Greys and the spiritual gurus of the Greys are the ancient Greys which are their genetic old stock.

600 million years ago there was the Cambrian explosion.

The Cambrian explosion or the Biological Big Bang refers to an interval of time 538.8 million years ago in the Cambrian Period when there was a sudden radiation of complex life and practically all major animal phyla started appearing in the fossil record. It lasted for about 13 – 25 million years and resulted in the divergence of most modern metazoan phyla. The event was accompanied by major diversification. Before early Cambrian diversification, most organisms were relatively simple, composed of individual cells, or small multicellular organisms, occasionally organized into colonies. As diversification accelerated, the variety of life became complex. Almost all present-day animal phyla appeared during this period.

Scientists in the 19th century proposed that all modern animal phyla had appeared almost simultaneously in a rather short span of geological time.

How did this happen? Did they evolve? Suddenly evolve so fast?! Science probably has to tell us that, even though many scientists don’t believe it.

I think the mantids brought all those complex life forms to earth, starting about 539 million years ago.

The mantids have always been in the role of God. Religious people who believe in God have misplaced loyalty towards something that cannot answer their prayers. It would be best if they found out about the mantids, the Greys, the 200 mile across UFO motherships in orbit, housing these spiritually evolved beings.

It is time for religions to grow and face reality and adapt to the ET agenda for human advancement. Religions are getting in the way of truth and reality, except for Buddhism, Hinduism and a few others. At least Islam includes extraterrestrial life in their scriptures. Humanity needs to overcome the mental slavery of religion and liberate itself by embracing what the ETs are here to offer us.

It would be best if religions evolve from within and gradually introduce their flock to expanded consciousness and mind opening concepts. Amongst Christians, the Catholics are way ahead of the Protestants. They have had the Vatican Observatory since the 16th century. In recent years Catholicism has developed to include aliens as part of God’s creation, admitting that extraterrestrials may have another form of salvation, other than Jesus Christ. The Vatican is ready, in case UFO Disclosure descends upon the Catholics of the world.

Why? Because of the Vatican Secret Archive. Here is a link to the Newsweek article, “Pressure on Vatican to Reveal Archives After 'UFO Cover Up' Claims” . This is an excerpt from it, written Aug. 3, 2023:

Pressure is growing on the Vatican to shed light on whether it was aware of a UFO being retrieved from Italy in the 1930s, amid claims about the U.S. government's knowledge of contact with alien life.
It follows claims made by David Grusch, a U.S. Air Force veteran who previously worked at the National Reconnaissance Office on UFOs, in an interview in June that an Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) was recovered from Magenta, a town near Milan, in 1933, before becoming a U.S. possession with the help of the papal state.
The "whistleblower" was among three people to recently testify to the House Oversight Committee on the allegations. He repeated his earlier claim that the federal government had been aware of non-human activity since the 1930s.
(In 2024, he mentioned that the US has taken part in a fair amount of crash retrievals before 1933.)

He claimed that Benito Mussolini, the Italian government had recovered a UFO and moved it to a "secure airbase" in Italy.
Grusch alleged that then-Pope Pius XII had "backchanneled" knowledge of the UFO to the U.S., which "ended up scooping it" from them.
The rest is posted on my blog at

Part 3 of 3. These are notes produced by the program, below.
Light beings and global unity.
• ETs visit Earth, interact with humans, and encourage unity to advance civilization.
• Speaker 1 struggles to record audio, eventually finding solution in recording to cloud.

Unity, equality, and spirituality.
• Baha'i Faith teaches recognition of one God, oneness of mankind, and universal peace, with elimination of prejudice and unfettered freedom of investigation.
• Baha'i Faith emphasizes harmony between science and religion, and basic equality between men and women.
• Speaker advocates for universal education and spiritual solutions to global economic problems.

Life on other planets and the universe.
• Speaker 2 discusses the possibility of life on planets orbiting stable stars, citing a quote from the Bible and scientific research.
• Speaker 1 asks a question about the source of this information and the speaker's background in astronomy.
• Speaker 2 discusses extremophiles that can survive in extreme conditions, such as volcanic vents and radioactive environments, raising the possibility of life on other planets.
• Speaker 2 mentions the sun's potential for life, citing the Buddha's statement that the sun's death is the divine palace of a David Angel, and suggests that we should investigate and prove whether life exists on the sun or not.
UFOs, government, and religion.
• Ralston Usama and Speaker 2 connect over shared location and misspellings in writing.
• Participants discuss Dr. Greer's background and affiliations, with some questioning his motives and others defending him.
Extraterrestrial life and advanced weaponry.
• Brad asks about military weaponry used to shoot down UFOs, seeking details on the technology and reverse engineering.
• Speaker 2 discusses the use of electronic pulse weapons, particle beam weapons, and scalar wave energy weapons, which can target specific areas and affect everything around them.
• The speaker references Dr. Greer and a physicist who gave a presentation on scalar waves, and how these weapons can be used to heal or harm, depending on the intentions of those using them.
Extraterrestrial life and advanced technology.
• The speaker discusses the use of advanced technology to disable extraterrestrial spacecraft, with a focus on the navigation system as the key vulnerability.
• Richard demonstrates how towers can transmit energy wirelessly, potentially revolutionizing energy distribution.
Secret space programs and breakaway civilizations.
• Richard Dolan and Speaker 2 discuss the concept of a "breakaway civilization" in the context of secret space programs and ancient civilizations.
• Breakaway society developed by Germans in 1950s, independent of mainstream civilization.
• Breakaway society of wealthy elite with own military and resources, per Richard Dolan.
Global unity and moral guidance.
• Speaker 2 discusses how the wealthy are leaving the planet and living in a giant spaceship, while the rest of the population lives in poverty and chaos.
• Speaker 2 suggests that a balance between technology, social, and spiritual principles is needed to create a global civilization that is moral and just.
• Speaker 4 is looking for information on 12 basic principles of the faith, which Speaker 2 explains are similar to the 10 commandments but not specific to any one culture or religion.
• Speaker 2 explains that these principles are universal and have evolved over time to create a global unity, with examples from Jewish, Islamic, and modern-day laws and organizations.
Space colonization and intergalactic relations.
• Speaker 2 expresses skepticism about colonizing Mars, citing the presence of intelligent life on the planet.
• Speaker 4 raises the possibility of Martian intervention in Earth's conflicts, such as a third world war.
• Speaker 2 believes other nations will step in to prevent a nuclear war, citing examples of past interventions.
• Speaker 2 doubts their own qualifications to understand political thinking in other countries, but believes it's time for the world to come together to solve problems.
• Individuals must rethink their mentality and morality to address the issues caused by their technological advancements.
UFO sightings and extraterrestrial life.
• Speaker 6 discusses the complexity of changing human DNA and the potential for astrology to determine one's future.
• Speakers discuss the potential risks and ethical considerations of interacting with extraterrestrial life.
• They emphasize the importance of establishing a friendship and communication based on mutual respect and understanding.
Historical figures and their authenticity.
• Brian Ruhe questions the historicity of Maria Orsic.

Part 2 of 3. These are notes created by the program, below.
• The US made a breakthrough in electric robotics and anti-gravity in the mid-1950s, allowing them to fully understand and fly German aircraft.
UFO sightings and alleged German technology acquisition during WWII.
• Speaker 2 discusses Operation Paperclip and the transfer of Nazi scientists to Canada after WWII.
• Speaker 2 describes seeing a disc-shaped craft in a hangar in Multan, Pakistan in 1952, which later took off and landed again.
• Speaker 2's father saw a similar craft in the 1950s, leading Speaker 2 to believe that the sighting was not a coincidence and may have been a test run of German technology.

UFO sightings and alien encounters in Quebec, Canada.
• James and his brother found a Messerschmitt 163 Comet rocketplane outside a hangar and explored it, even opening the cockpit and playing with the joystick (1:41:57).
• While on a walk with his younger brother, James saw a flying saucer hovering overhead, with a dark top and a lighter bottom (1:43:39).
• Speaker 2 describes encountering ghostly beings in their home as a child, including a group of small, luminous creatures that looked like they were made of light.
• Speaker 2's mother calms them down, telling them it's just a bad dream, but the beings continue to appear in the room.

UFO sightings and secret projects in Canada in the 1950s.
• Child draws pictures of stars, planets, and rockets after experiencing paranormal activity in their room.
• Avro Canada was working on a secret project in Georgetown, Ontario, similar to Skunk Works, with advanced saucer-shaped aircraft designs.
• The project involved jet-powered saucers with hovering ability, and the British had a similar hovercraft project in the 1960s, but the Canadians were further ahead in their technology.

Historical UFO sightings and military knowledge.
• Sailors on USS Roosevelt in 1952 photographed UFOs flying over naval ships.
• David Felber and Ryan discuss the USS Franklin D. Roosevelt and USS Midway aircraft carriers in 1952, contradicting military claims of ignorance about UFOs.
• Speaker 2 claims scalar wave energy was used to shoot down UFOs, traveling at 1.5 times the speed of light.

UFOs, military technology, and presidential secrecy.
• Speaker 2 claims to have identified the source of a Particle Beam weapon used to bring down UFOs in Australia.
• Eisenhower warns of military-industrial complex's unchecked power in final speech.

Secret spacecraft designs and their capabilities.
• Bob Lazar describes various UFO sightings and alleged US military projects, including the "pumpkin seed" and "Manta" craft.
• Mark mccandlish describes a secret aircraft capable of faster-than-light travel with pilot seats, control mechanisms, and energy-based propulsion.

US military's secret space programs and extraterrestrial life.
• John Leonard Wilson took high-powered telescope photos of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) during the daytime, providing visual evidence of US military's secret black space program.
• Gary McKinnon believes these UFOs are part of a covert program, and their strange shapes and appendages suggest they are capable of electrical discharging and interplanetary warfare.
• Speaker 2 describes a UFO sighting in the Azores Islands in 1991, with a witness describing a manmade object being loaded or unloaded from an aircraft.
• Speaker 2 also mentions a similar sighting in California in 1976, with a robotic or cybernetic organism being observed, not a real life form.
• Speaker 2 describes encountering a being that looked like a slab of rock, which they speculate may be a silicone life form.
• Speaker 2 and others discuss the classification of various ETS types, including humanoids, robots, and non-human entities, and how they may be from different planets or dimensions.

UFOs, ETs, and their appearances.
• ETs are seen and photographed during CE5 event in Texas, including a tall being 10-12 feet high.
• Witness describes capturing an ET with a net in Brazil, with a dark black covering on its face.
• The speaker discusses various forms of extraterrestrial life, including non-humanoid forms like blobs of protoplasm and giant brains with eyes in the middle.

Part 1 of 3. Most people in Vancouver interested in the field of UFO and Extraterrestrial research will probably know or heard of Terry Tibando as the Coordinator of CSETI Vancouver who has for 30 years led teams of people on field expeditions to establish successful contact and communications with Extraterrestrial Intelligence.

Terry has had nearly 70 years of UFO (aka. ETV) sightings and ETI encounters and is one of the experts in Canada in understanding this phenomenon having had childhood encounters when ETI entered his bedroom on an RCAF military base in St Jeans, Quebec in 1953.

Terry Tibando's Battle for UFO Transparency, Summary by

• Terry talks about UFO sightings and encounters in Vancouver, Canada.

UFO sightings and extraterrestrial life.
• Speaker 1 is excited to share their UFO story and experiences in Colorado, but their wife is hesitant and disappointed about not getting a million dollar policy.
• The insurance company agrees to cover the case, but Speaker 1 and their wife are left with mixed emotions.
• Speaker 2 discusses their books on UFOs and eti, quoting Baha'i founder Baha'u'llah.
• Speaker 2 suggests that a star's stability is key to determining if planets in its system are inhabited with life.

UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence.
• Maria Orsic and young women with long hair channelled information from unknown sources.
• Young ladies in a rural society began channeling and mediumship in 1922, continuing until 1945.
• Whistleblower claims Pentagon lies about UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence.

UFOs and extraterrestrial life.
• David Gersh discusses UAPs, tax, and non-biologics as military nomenclature for UFOs, which he believes are extraterrestrial intelligence and vehicles.
• Witnesses from military and industry gave information on UFOs to Dr. Steven Greer, but media coverage was limited and infiltrated by intelligence shills.
• Maria Orsic and her colleagues believed that long hair helped with channeling cosmic energy, which they called Burrell energy.
• In 1919, Maria Orsic stated that through meditation and concentration exercises, she and her young colleagues received transmissions from the star system older or Deborah, about 68 light years away from Earth.
Nazi flying saucer projects and their connections.
• Jensen's flying disc project received funding from real and Ful society, which was then passed on to the SS.
• Dr. Richard Pine and John Frost worked on flying saucer program in Canada, with ties to Germany and Italy's UFO crash retrievals.
• Speaker 2 discusses a photo of a disk-shaped aircraft with a comical suction cup on top, believed to be an early prototype of a flying saucer.

UFO designs and photographs from WWII.
• Speaker 2 discusses UFO design evolution, highlighting changes in shape and materials.
• Witness describes seeing a large, flying craft with open area for entry and German soldiers nearby.
• German UFO designs included a flying warship and cigar-shaped craft.

Ether ships and zero-point energy devices.
• German scientists developed advanced spacecraft called "ether ships" during WWII, capable of traveling faster than light through a wormhole.
• Experiment discredited ether theory, leading to energy Dark Age.
• Inventor Viktor Schauberger created a device called "repulsine" that could channel energy from the atmosphere and create lift, causing strange objects to appear near aircraft during WWII.

NS Germany's advanced technology and space travel.
• In 1945, US Strategic Air Force in Europe recognized German technologies, including flying discs and interstellar ships, which were kept secret until after the war.
• Tests showed that the spacecraft was made of a new composite steel called Victor Lin, which was 4-4 inches thick and weighed over 100 tons.
• The US and British forces brought 16 Nazi scientists back to America through Operation Paperclip.

Secret Nazi flying craft during WWII.
• Italian physicist scientist worked on advanced spacecraft propulsion systems during WWII, including the Andromeda device.
• Speaker 2 discusses German "foo fighters" during WWII, including the Donaire and Honolulu craft.
UFO sightings and government cover-ups in the 1950s.
• Adamski's UFO sighting in '50s raises questions about post-war deception program involving German scientists.
• Church leaders in Britain feared that revealing UFO sightings would cause mass panic and undermine faith.

UFO incidents in 1940s America.
• In 1942, unknown craft were seen over Los Angeles, with artillery opening fire, and the Roswell and Gerado incidents occurred.
• Speaker 2 reveals that the US, Britain, France, and Canada were all working on saucer designs and advanced technology in the mid-1950s.

Part 2
At the beginning, Paul recommends The Pleiadians with the girl Marie Swaruu at Cosmic Agency at plus Paul Wallis.

Then, we talk about the nature of the moon.

Bio: Paul H. LeMay. As an independent science writer with an academic background in psychology, I co-authored two non-fiction books with a university teaching hospital psychiatrist on the victimization process. I have long been fascinated by the study of consciousness, and throughout the 1990s, I embarked on a considerable amount of independent study of eastern philosophy and meditative practice. Although I was a longtime fan of Star Trek, I only began to consider the possibility of extra-terrestrial beings in our midst after being coaxed by friends to attend several UFO conferences in British Columbia, where I had an opportunity to hear first hand testimonials from experiencers, as well as well-researched presentations from longstanding UFO investigators, such as Richard Dolan and Grant Cameron. Then in February 2015, I saw a UFO. After personally witnessing such an event, I began to engage in much more serious reading on the topic, and owing to my longstanding interest in psychological processes, I am fascinated about why some people are more open to accepting the reality of extra-terrestrials in human affairs, while others are not.

You have permission to download any of my videos and copy them to your own channels to spread the word.

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Phone into Brian Ruhe's live radio show at 1-603-635-4946 any Tuesday from 6-8 pm EST at Studio B at

Part 1 of 2. Paul LeMay covers the ET perspectives of:
Valiant Thor
The Council of 9
The Ra Teachings with the Law of One
We The Arcturians at 30:00
The Pleiadians with the girl Marie Swaruu at Cosmic Agency at
Jeff Selver

Disclosure from various Extra-terrestrial perspectives.

At 12:00 Paul talks about how the Council of 9 influence Gene Roddenberry in the creation of Star Trek. A side note is that the Council of 9 through Eric Huysmans was the original inspiration for University Galacticus, which is kind of like Star Trek in real life.

At 45:00 he talks about a base 12 system that can solve engineering problems that our base 10 system can’t.

I have known Paul since 2015, here in Vancouver, Canada. Paul is the most intelligent fellow in our ongoing Brian Ruhe Show group, which meets in person. So wonderful for me, as the new Meetup Organizer of Preparing for ET Contact, to have the honour and fun to host Paul! Our past Organizer, Nancy, has many responsibilities so she asked me to switch roles with her.

Description: When it comes to UFO-logy, the range of topics one can consider is vast. Among the many topics out there is disclosure. Normally, when we hear the word, many of us tend to think about how governments worldwide, with rare exception, have generally engaged in concealment and misdirection when it comes to officially acknowledging any involvement with advanced off-world civilizations. Indeed, many people seem to feel as though the reality of off-world civilizations will only become widely accepted by society when verifiably "real" information is released by government officials or agencies. This highly dubious standard has created an unnecessary "cultural bottleneck". While having open access to tangible physical pieces of evidence, akin to what Bob Lazar claims to possess, would be ideal to be sure, our society's excessive penchant for relying on governments for "trusted" official documentation, may well be a fool's errand if only for the fact that it plays directly into the hands of governments who are in possession of such information. So what are folks to do?

Enter the end run. For many years now, people from various walks of life have, in one form or another, reported encounters with benevolent members of stellar civilizations without any involvement or participation with governments.

Among these encounters have been: (1) Stranger at the Pentagon as reported by Dr. Frank E. Stranges*; (2) Outwitting Tomorrow by Valiant Thor with the help of Frank E. Stranges (2000); (3) Gene Roddenberry's behind-the-scenes secretive contacts with the Council of Nine, which formed the basis of the Star Trek narrative and franchise; (5) We, the Arcturians (A True Experience) channeled by Dr. Norma J. Milanovich, with the help of Betty Rice and Cynthia Ploski (1990); (6) Cosmic Agency, hosted by Gosia** and Taygetan Pleiadean Minerva Mari Swaruu***; and (7) The Rising by Jeff Selver (2024).

Each of these sources has made an effort to lay out information and perspectives provided by technologically advanced celestial races with the intent of empowering humans with greater awareness so they might make wiser personal, social and political choices as they live their lives. Given this fact, I believe it behooves serious UFO-logy investigators to consider the merits of the contents of this information.

Bio: Paul H. LeMay. As an independent science writer with an academic background in psychology, I co-authored two non-fiction books with a university teaching hospital psychiatrist on the victimization process. I have long been fascinated by the study of consciousness, and throughout the 1990s, I embarked on a considerable amount of independent study of eastern philosophy and meditative practice. Although I was a longtime fan of Star Trek, I only began to consider the possibility of extra-terrestrial beings in our midst after being coaxed by friends to attend several UFO conferences in British Columbia, where I had an opportunity to hear first hand testimonials from experiencers, as well as well-researched presentations from longstanding UFO investigators, such as Richard Dolan and Grant Cameron. Then in February 2015, I saw a UFO. After personally witnessing such an event, I began to engage in much more serious reading on the topic, and owing to my longstanding interest in psychological processes, I am fascinated about why some people are more open to accepting the reality of extra-terrestrials in human affairs, while others are not.

* Link to view Gaia interview on the topic:

** Link to Cosmic Agency library on the Odysee player platform:

*** Link to Mari Swaruu on YouTube: Sample report for March 6, 2024:

The Dean chose Judy Carroll to be the first ever guest, of UG.
It wasn't until AFTER this was released, that our ever mindful Dean Brian, realized that he did this on leap year day, Feb. 29th, 2024.

This was recorded 8:30 pm - 10:30 pm PST Feb. 25th, 2024. Please don't share this video with anyone, without the permission of either Brian, Nancy or Aspen.

Michael Ney and Brian Ruhe on this Private Zoom discussed, the Raelians. Michael reversed the decision he made on our previous Zoom. He had discussed the poor reputation of the Raelian "UFO cult" and decided to distance Beyond Being Human from them. Aspen and I decided not to allow our University Galacticus logo to be posted on their associated offshoot organization, so I replied to them with Aspen's 'visible unlisted' video here, made with them in mind:

University Galacticus - Diplomat to All, Aligned with None

Here you see, Michael made a 180 degree turn and surprised me by saying the he talked with Sylvain Rachon, who he has worked with for about three years. He decided that it's not going to harm our reputations to have our logos posted on their website. For further explanations, please listen to what Michael says about that, at the beginning of this private video. That group is called, "The Alliance for Extraterrestrial Diplomatic Contact" at .

THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THIS VIDEO is that, before we logged onto this Zoom, I had in mind to ask Michael to build our UG website from scratch, since we talked about this during our last meeting, about two weeks ago.
Here is point form:

* will be constructed by Michael.

*Brian's webmaster since 2018 has been John Theobald, 75, in Kelowna, BC. Michael suggested we hire John to help with the site too. Brian is following up with John.

*On this video he showed templates/ flow chart of a website he planned many years ago, which gives ideas for how he will build this one. You can see him showing the "Simvoly" website design system, superior to Wordpress.

*We talked cost. We discussed Brian pay $100 / mth for Michael to build the website, plus put UG on Beyond Being Human (BBH) which he Directs. This would also benefit the BBH site with maybe others on BBH paying their share as well but this is vague in Brian's mind. We talked about commitment of how long does Brian need to pay this for. I decided I needed to consult with Aspen first. As this is maybe a bit worldly to consult with Betelgeuse about, Brian needs to decide if he should ask Nancy and others about this decision.

* There were many details that Brian has forgotten after the meeting (We are fortunate to have even this decade's technology, to share important meetings with our team members, thousands of miles away. Closer to ET technology.).

*LOGO. Michael first initiated the idea weeks ago that our UG logo should be improved. Brian was hesitant, knowing that Aspen/ Betelgeuse approved of it and seemed happy enough with it. Brian agreed to see if we could find an artist to make a better one. Ours cost $65 with a $30 tip, on, to a man in Serbia.
The day after this video, Michael emailed Brian:
Hi Brian (and Sylvain)
Meet Elikatta !
I met Elikatta Dekuto on Facebook (as you do) and was impressed by his skills.

Brian - as discussed - I feel your logo can be improved… and soon I will be asking Elikatta to create an outline version of my logo too… so that can work better on your page Sylvain - - as I need to replace the outdated aztec logo with the Planet Gaia Baby.

Anyway, Elikatta assures me he can create a better logo for you Brian… so I’m passing him over to you to discuss the brief and costing.

My other comment would be that the words are way too prominent. I’d suggest putting them together either at the top, side or bottom… but may just look like a smile. Anyway up you… trust the designer - a few choices would be good.
Over to you :-)

Elikatta Dekuto

EMAIL: [email protected]
Work Examples -

Art -
Merch -
Music -
Donate -

*More details in this two hour video but the most important concepts have been explained, above.

Like most organizations, there is the public face of what is said, and there is the inner working group, which explores deeper ideas and what is not said publicly. Most people don't state that in emails to strangers, but Brian does.

Like Brian stated publicly, in Launch Video 1, the core of UG is Aspen who channels Betelgeuse, and himself. Brian has a deferential relationship with Betelgeuse. Some decisions he needs to consult Aspen with and some I should decide on my own. Aspen and I have already clarified that this is something that cannot be clarified in advance. Meaning, I will always make some mistakes about when I should have consulted with Aspen and when I should not bother her with my questions.

At 9:35 Aspen/ Betelgeuse explains this video is intended for our University Galacticus curriculum on, "What is the Mindset that University Galacticus is meant to take".

Part 3 of 3. In this last part, Brian and Aspen/ Betelgeuse discuss the last two of these five objectives:

University Galacticus Top Five Objectives
• Dial down the tension and fear created from the idea of ETs
• Why Are ETs Here/Coming? What is their agenda? Raising awareness that there is an ET agenda.
• Understand the intention and level of threat and deescalate conflict (includes the darker repterrains)
• Cultural exchange project between people and ETs, includes contact modalities
• We ask experts in a variety of fields of ET-related studies to help us define the curriculum and programs for UG.

Aspen/ Betelgeuse says we need to have normalize cultural exchanges with ETs. This is being done by groups all over the world but it is regarded by many as strange or delusional. But this is essential and normal.

Aspen/ Betelgeuse talks about using the imagination as a contact modality, with meditation and channeling. If our own representatives experience fear while doing this in meditation, then we have to work on our first objective of removing fear of ETs.

At 17:30 Betelgeuse talks about #5 - We ask experts in a variety of fields of ET-related studies to help us define the curriculum and programs for UG.
Part of this is to go back through my 3,500 previous videos, going back to 2011, to see which ones can be used for the programs for University Galacticus. We need volunteers to help develop this and other departments within University Galacticus, such as people in the “back office” who’s strengths and preferences may not be in front of the camera. We need people of every skill set. People who are good with moderator roles, teachers, designers, transcription, graphics, video management, etc. Without all of these roles, University Galacticus cannot function and flourish in the long term.

UFO Disclosure is not a government concept. It is not owned by the government. Disclosure is taken away from a few elite decision makers and it is population-wide, species wise. This is a right, not a privilege. We all need to be a part of this.

More people need to be exposed and desensitized to the fear of other.

23:50 The last objective is • We ask experts in a variety of fields of ET-related studies to help us define the curriculum and programs for UG.

Brian has already spoken to many respected individuals in the field in the lead-up to this launch and many have been very generous with their time and ideas.

What people involved with University Galacticus do, outside of University Galacticus, is their business.

Our website at is currently under construction. When is it up, you can go there to express your interest in joining and other channeled messages will be there. Please share this with your friends and we look forward to seeing you in future videos and blogs with University Galacticus!

Please listen to the Launch video Part 1 at before going on to Part 2.
In Part 2 of 3, Brian reads the five objectives of University Galacticus and Aspen/ Betelgeuse describe the first three.

Betelgeuse emphasizes that we want to dial down fear of aliens and they state that we are diplomatic and we do not place value labels on the different types of aliens. We discussed the first three of these five objectives:

University Galacticus Top Five Objectives
• Dial down the tension and fear created from the idea of ETs
• Why Are ETs Here/Coming? What is their agenda? Raising awareness that there is an ET agenda.
• Understand the intention and level of threat and deescalate conflict (includes the darker repterrains)
• Cultural exchange project between people and ETs, includes contact modalities
• We ask experts in a variety of fields of ET-related studies to help us define the curriculum and programs for UG.

Betelgeuse references the movie “Arrival” which you can rent on YouTube at . This is highly recommended viewing for University Galacticus.

This the second University Galacticus video, in a three part short series that are to launch the concept and introduce you to University Galacticus.

In this first segment, we introduced the two main characters, actors, motivators, the two main people who have brought this into the state of the world. They are Brian Ruhe, and my alter ego, higher vibrational alter ego, the dean of University Galacticus. The second character is the seventh or eighth dimensional being Betelguese (Bay-tel-geus), who chooses to incarnate as the physical- the orange super giant star that we see in the night sky, in the top left star of Orion, as Betelguese who is called a stellar engine of transformation. And when choosing to interface with humans, channels through an American woman in Texas. She views Betelgeuse as being an aspect of her higher self.

The high self needs to talk, not the low self, not the lower version, the higher self needs to talk. So we will be talking to and listening to Betelguese.

Part 1 of 3. Welcome to the first ever University Galacticus video filmed Feb. 3, 2024! This is the first in a three part short series that are to launch the concept and introduce you to University Galacticus (UG). You can read the whole concept of UG at .

In this first segment, we're introducing the two main characters, actors, motivators, the two main people who have brought this into the state of the world. And we're going to talk about the stage where it's at right now, which is me, Brian Ruhe, and my alter ego, higher vibrational alter ego, the dean of University Galacticus.

And the second character is the seventh or eighth dimensional being Betelguese (Bay-tel-geus), who chooses to incarnate as the physical- the orange super giant star that we see in the night sky, in the top left star of Orion, as Betelguese who is called a stellar engine of transformation. And when choosing to interface with humans, channels through an American woman in Texas. She views Betelgeuse as being an aspect of her higher self. The high self needs to talk, not the low self, not the lower version, the higher self needs to talk. So we will be talking to and listening to Betelguese.

If there's ever a Q&A session much later, or we're teaching people how to channel or how to experience being a channel, then we will talk to the woman, the channel, as an individual.

But for the purposes of university Galacticus, she doesn't matter. And she's the first person who says that she doesn't matter. It's Betelguese and his even higher vibrational committee, who are the impetus and the motivator and the guidance and the adjudicators for what university Galacticus is doing.

Then, I describe my journey with Preparing for ET Contact Meetup, Eric Huysmans and Aspen taking me on a journey on Dec. 29, 2022 in this video: University Galacticus , I also describe many meetings and cosmic timing. I talked about how the rainbow bridge rainbow bridge meditation, bilocation training since 1994 on devas and the higher self.

I was able to work with that every day to really tap into understanding the energetic behind this initiative so that I can bring that high vibrational energy to human existence in a form that is relatable and actionable by human beings.

And that's who we're recruiting and that's who we're appealing to- our human beings. Betelgeuse is my mentor and the go between, with the high council.

We do meditative journeys, the channel and I, and I also do meditative journeys to go get the guidance. And sometimes it's really inspirational with sweetness and light and sometimes it's kind of parental and tough and scary. We've had the gamut of that over the past year. But what we want to do is as much as we possibly can, we need to humanize the objective of university Galacticus because who University Galacticus is appealing to is humanity.


Created 2 years, 10 months ago.

436 videos

Category Education

This channel features videos made by the Preparing for ET Contact Meetup group at