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One of many Who pocketed off of the Missing 5 yr old Summer Wells. Molly Go Lightly
knows her way around a cash cow. Ask St Judes how much she raped them for..
Each time she held a "fundraiser". Hint 10s of 1000s. Research social blade.

Ernie Tweekin' in NYC Talkin' bout Meeting His New plug and how his frenemies said he was tweekin' the night before. Must 've got some good smack!

STREET SLUTS, ADDICTS, CLAIMING TO BE SURVIVORS, Went on a year and half long campaign of spreading lies and misinformation about my wife and I all in an effort to rid youtube of me so they could operate freely exploiting and bullying and harassing others.The effectively destroyed my channel took monetization from me through subs leaving and she gain monetization doing these acts.

#Dontgetittwisted The truth does hurt but lying to these people would be disrespectful.

You have been searching for a man to blame and you have settled on me. A total stranger? So be it.

June 15, 2022, Summer Moon Utah Wells age 5 disappeared from her home in Rogersville, Tenn. in the county of Hawkins. A local resident put a donation drive together and procured the use of 3 digital Billboards that kept her name and face in public view for over 6 months. Did he ask for the credit? Absolutely Not. What he did receive was a slanderous campaign put together by several so called YouTube creators that painted him as a crook and pushed him to be banished from YouTube. Exploiters who were given a voice that was local and went out of his way to help spread info needed to help find her chose to destroy this man and possibly destroy any chance at recovering or closure. The case is still open. 888TBIFIND


Created 1 year, 7 months ago.

9 videos

Category Vlogging

I am a member of The GENERATION X, a former Latch Key Kid, and a result of two Baby Boomers. I am a Father of three great children that Graduated High School and produced a Valedictorian as well. I have been blessed with three beautiful grandchildren and have just celebrated my 20th anniversary of marriage to my best friend. I have seen many historical changes and have been effected in one way or another by each of them. From Atari to the Rubix cube to Pacman and Super Mario. From the birth of MTV and the Challenger tragedy to the collapse of the Soviet Union and The Berlin Wall. I seen the end of the cold war, and the birth of the yuppies. Madonna , Yugo, Back to the Future, Bo Jackson, Hershel Walker, Bryan Bosworth, and Hulk Hogan, The death of Lynn Bias, Princess Diana, Max Head Room, Rodney King and the LA Riots. OJ Simpson, read my lips, Oliver North Iran Contra and the First Gulf War. And with all that I still Graduated high school and college and helped raise a family.