Haku Momochi

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Haku Momochi



Only in America

The true history of the black race.

Crackheaded Retards Blame Whitey

Batshit Crazy SJW Uncensored

Jewish Censorship


Just a video on the Commies.

A sh@t kicker film showing American ignorance.

The myth of White Privilege is insane. That the most censored, oppressed and hated people in America some how have Privilege is utter nonsense but it is taught in universities. I can't believe the brain washing propaganda. Looking for white inventors online you are hit with Black Inventors yet 78% of all inventions are accredited to whites by Google's own statistics. When looking up white inventors you are hit with Black Inventors which mostly are mixed inventors. This nonsense is outstanding.

The Best Video on Retardation

No Context

Sorry It Cuts Off In The Middle

No Context Old Nazi Video


Created 1 month, 3 weeks ago.

24 videos

Category Vlogging

I am for freedom of speech and trying to express that mind control is coming in a way that Hollywood only dreamed. The CIA has plans to use technology to place in everyone that will reduce them to little more than a slave. It is nice that this site seems to be like YouTube in 2016. The US government is planning something big. If your a Christian this might mark the beginning of the end for us. This mind control might be the mark of the beast for all I know. Anyone warming of it though seems to be shut down instantly. Misinformation is spread more by the government than any other source. This makes an era of the death of independent media. The Berlin book burning saw 20,000 books burnt but the internet saw a great travesty with billions of channels shut down in 2017 and massive campaigns of cyber terrorism. With 2021 and God knows what the government injected us with we see now a greater campaign of terror. I miss the old days of thinkers being promoted to the top of the internet and sites that catered to people that had a mind and a voice. What has become of the internet and what is becoming of us with ai and the totalitarianism of the government. It is truly alarming to see the direction in which our society is heading, with increasing control and censorship by the government. The suppression of freedom of speech and independent thought is a dangerous path to go down, and it is essential that we fight against this before it is too late. The power of technology can be used for great good, but in the wrong hands, it can be a tool for oppression and control. We must not stay silent and allow ourselves to be manipulated and controlled in such a way. We must continue to speak out and resist these efforts to diminish our individuality and freedom. Stay vigilant and keep fighting for what is right. With hope in time the righteous will prevail. God save us. God secure our future away from this new Mk-Ultra that has taken us. What if anything remains of us in this age of terrors.