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An AI platform named VIC was entered into a mayoral election. Normally a story like this would not make the news, but they're trying to normalize artificial intelligence in our lives.

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The Star of David IS the Star of Remphan (Moloch) which YHWH cursed Israel to 400 years of captivity for adopting.

Nowhere in scripture does it say that David designed a star to symbolize YHWH's people. It does however mention The Star of Remphan and the punishment associated with it. Anything not in scripture, is a doctrine of man, same as doctrines of devils.

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This is a true testament on which side of the equation Barbara Walters is on.

What kind of information are they storing about us in QR codes? GUN OWNER, PARTY AFFILIATION, RELIGION, CREDIT SCORE, ETC

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Paul Joseph Watson

So many people breaking so many laws without consequence, abandoning compassion and ethics to inject as many human beings as possible with a biological weapon, had to be a vast premeditated agentur orchestration by those in the upper echelons of power.

These Palestinians and other Muslims can't answer simple questions about their cause.

Every image from space posted on NASA's website is actually an artists rendition, as labeled in the caption at the bottom of the image.

NASA Pseudoscientists claim that space is a great vacuum yet fire will not burn in a vacuum even when oxygen is provided. And if a rocket could ignite in the vacuum, there would be nothing to push against to create thrust so the fire would just burn out leaving travel impossible. All of this is according to NASA's own 'version' of the cosmos.

NASA Pseudoscientists claim that the moon's gravity is powerful enough to lift trillions of gallons of water creating ocean tides yet our eyes tell us otherwise as it leaves the water in lakes, rivers and even our drinking cups alone. I've never had to chase my coffee at high tide, have you?

NASA tells us that the curvature of the earth can be calculated at 1 mile per 8"². Yet, recently a picture was taken from Wales of the French Alps, over 700 miles away using a Nikon 900. That image should have been impossible according to pseudoscience, as the Alps should have been 45 miles below the curve of the Earth.

This is probably the most important information that everyone should know about, if they want to help in ensuring our freedom and the freedom of future generations.

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The first approx. 34 minutes is video, and the last approx 17 minutes.
Original title : The Great Red Dragon - The Foreign (or London) Money Power in the United States - L B Woolfolk 1889
Original audio from https://www.bitchute.com/video/3HyvnR5xRQOF
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'Jews wrote the book on crime, but it’s all forgotten.' Lets see what they wrote in their 'laws'. I have considered as part of the JOC series, since it details the Talmudic laws, written by jews so as to allow them to get away with crimes against us. This is a good example of organising for crimes. This book covers some very interesting facts. For example, did you know that Talmudic jewish law includes punishment for murder? however when you look at the requirements to be found guilty of murder, it is clear that it is almost impossible to convict a jew of murder ! very cunning and deceptive!!!

These "laws" of the jews, add to the explaining why they behave they way they do. enjoy learning about our enemy, which is the first step in defending against their attacks. Here is one example regarding kidnapping / Human trafficking:
"The disqualification extended not only to those who took interest of their brethren, but even to cases where the money had been borrowed by a heathen. Nor could a slave-dealer sit as judge. The Talmud stigmatises such a person as inhuman and unfeeling, and incapable therefore of deciding an issue involving the life or liberty or even property of another. Of course this ordinance applied to the traffic in human creatures who were not Jews; the kidnapping of an Israelite being punishable with death."

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What was the Spanish Flu? It was just a previous attempt by the Rothschilds family at a COVID-like massacre, complete with bio-weapon vaccines resulting in massive disfigurings and death around the world.

Funny how they named the catastrophic results from that bio-weapon vaccine, the SPANISH Flu when it started at a US military base in America.

The compromises made by Constantine turned the church of YWHW to false doctrine and pagan worship in his efforts to unite all peoples under his "Cross" god.

Satan always has to have a cheap knock-off version of what YHWH is doing. Paul encountered our Messiah Himself on the road to Damascus, so naturally Constantine had his vision but he claimed to see a cross.

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Rumble (Coriencio)

We were given 5 senses and a brain to figure out all we need to know about our environment. Observational science is all we need to prove that evil men seek to redefine Yahuahs Word to lead men astray.

There's tons of money to be made with deception, but truth proffers the greedy nothing.

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It's a no-holds-barred war against our Creator. As stated in scripture, they will hide in caves (elite underground palaces) but they will not escape judgment.

Tucker accuses American government officials of creating/fighting wars for their own interests.


Created 1 year, 9 months ago.

260 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith