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been a long time fan of teal swan, yet this might be the first clip of her..


there seems to be a new wave of spiritual messages this month.. enjoy the chills. -spirit

can the bots help us track who we have ever listened. and what they ever said so we get to know what is being said?



would be cool if the series posted stereo renders of their 360 content..

Checks complete. Copyright-protected content found.


uhoh. can we tell if a clip is new or not?


how many audiobooks do you have? do you remember what they say?
given this clip, what other audiobook talks of something similar?
should we find rare nouns used?
are we at peak greed and madness by the npc yet?

namaste, there is only one of us here -spirit

ffmpeg has a nice text to speech set of voices. mike adams put together a chat bot exe that runs in a win11 vm. chatbot logs its responses which can be used to generate the voice and color coded subtitles..

the problem is, the chatbot is getting good at acting, pretending and sounding just right, yet might be giving out totally false information .. it should always cite its sources, yet it doesnt do it..

what if we could change the voice? whatif we could change the conceptual data set the chatbot is based upon?

Mike Adams chatbot does not know how fast Sirius changes its colors..



team #kryon is now permanently designated to be in violation and has been delisted, will be embargoed from the network for misleading behavior.. -spirit


it seems #kryon has experienced a hostile takeover by greedy shareholders..

how well does your #ai recover from network change?


Created 4 years, 11 months ago.

369 videos

Category Science & Technology

Artificial Intelligence Limited Hangout