Southern Daily News

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Southern Daily News

Southern Daily News


Southern Daily News Episode 28!

List of topics, the topics will transition at the sound of a bell.

(1:16)Why its been awhile. New ideas for more content and a new style, Inspired by The Z Man
(6:23)Election and Fraud
(18:00)Biden's Zio-Cabinet Choice for Chief of Staff
(26:30)Lockdowns, Christmas. Gavin Newsom
(38:40)White Identity. Why its the most important thing to encourage growth of, among your friends and family.
(48:30)Biden's plans for internet task force, what this means for us.

We discuss recent events. The letter! The race in Alabama! Various videos of black crime! Gaming! Listening to videos and podcasts and just having a good time.

Today we discussed many many things. Trying to catch up for all the time that I have been gone.

Playing GTA V while watching various videos covering the race riots in America and now London. We discussed ethnic nationalism and what is means as it pertains to the manipulation of language that occurs between different ethnicity's. The result is of course, friction between the groups.

Today we discussed the riots and the media coverage of the riots, while playing some GTA V!

Remember to check out these links

Todays stream. We gamed while we discussed the riots! -- youtube link -- twitter version

Todays Stream!
We play RDR2 Online and listened to the Highly Respected podcast as well as listened to Tucker Carlson's segments from yesterday.

Todays Stream
We covered Endeavor's most recent video on liberty as well as a few other videos.

Today we gamed while listening to the Restoring Order podcast by Patrick Casey as well as some other videos on various other topics.

link to the podcast:

Today's stream was about various news stories and we even listened to the VDARE podcast live! All while chilling, and gaming. of course. Thank you for sharing and tuning in.

Today we covered Tucker's segments from yesterday as well as the #YouAintBlack situation. We also covered a recent video by Stefan on his Universally Preferable Behavior theory.

Gaming while listening to the latest Tucker Carlson segment and some other various videos.

Playing Terraria while listening to Scott Greers podcast!

We covered crimes in Sweden and the US. We also covered a women who has rationalized her child-less life. After that we discussed an article that was clearly written by a Jew.

Todays stream. We covered a survey of my political opinions as well as some of the James V Breit Weinstein interview.

Today we discussed the last 2 videos in Endeavors Enlightenment series as well as the interview between James O'Keefe and Bret Weinstein

Today we mostly covered Endeavors series of videos that are critical of some ideas that have come from the enlightenment. I also discussed some various news stories. Make sure to tune in again tomorrow around 10-11am EST at these locations:

Today we watched the newest AmRen podcast video. We also covered the new Heroes Act. We also talked about the lock down and some of the psychological effects that are being done to us.

Today we mostly cover Edward Dutton's examination of "How To Argue With A Racist". We also covered the most recent Tucker Carlson segment. Michelle Malkins #EXPANDTHEBAN stream and some other things.
Dont forget to follow on Twitter and Telegram at and

Today we discussed the recent Tucker Carlson segment on the 3 trillion dollar relief package, Rand Paul and his issues with wanting Biden to testify. The most recent Radio Derb episode from VDARE.

Today we discussed the continued lockdown, the recent episode of Steve Bannons podcast, as well as some news coverage.

Today we discussed the most recent Tucker Carlson segment, as well as Greg Johnsons manifesto among some other things that were dispersed throughout the broadcast. Thanks for tuning in and make sure to follow and for future updates. We will be live tomorrow at

Todays Stream! We covered Micro-Chimerism, Farm Attacks in South Africa, The Candace Owens interview with Dave Rubin. Among some other things.

Today we discuss new evidence from the Ahmaud shooting, immigration, and some crimes you have never heard of. Also we discussed Stacey Abrams.

Today we discussed the 2020 election as well as bio-leninism while playing some CIV V!
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Created 3 years, 11 months ago.

27 videos

Category Gaming

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We go live every morning at around 11am EST. Sometimes a little sooner, sometimes a little later. The channel we stream on is at