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Surf English

subscribers - ES LA DEGENERACIÓN DE LA VISTA GENETICA? - ¿CUÁLES SON LAS CAUSAS DEL DETERIORO DE LA VISIÓN? (SEGUNDA PARTE) Cuando tienes una lupa entre tú y el mundo, es antinatural decir que no afecta al pensamiento y creo que debemos considerar los aspectos emocionales de dar gafas a los niños y no dejar que crezcan los músculos oculares. Hay yoga para los ojos. ¿Qué significa tener todo el cuerpo equilibrado o tener una parte del cuerpo sobrecargada (en este caso los ojos)? Son preguntas que aún no tienen respuesta según un modelo médico que lo ve todo de forma aislada. Si uno tiene un problema en los ojos, va al oftalmólogo. Incluso si no tienes problemas de visión, en Estados Unidos, igual vas al oftalmólogo como para prevenir. Si tenemos un problema con el oído nos vamos al doctor del oído. Si hay problema con las hormonas, quizá veamos a un especialista en hormonas, y si tienes un problema con el pie, vas al doctor de los pies. Pero el cuerpo es un sistema y no puede aislarse así. El gran error de nuestro tiempo en la medicina convencional es que vemos todo de forma aislada sin mirar el cuerpo como un sistema, como un todo, donde cada parte afecta a todas las demás, incluido el papel de la visión en la formación de las emociones. Hasta hace poco, no existía una cartografía del cuerpo para poder comprender cómo la psique se relaciona con el cerebro y el cerebro con el cuerpo, pero gracias a los descubrimientos del Dr. Hamer, un médico alemán que descubrió las 5 leyes biológicas, ahora podemos empezar a hablar de la lógica de nuestros cuerpos y de la integración cosmológica de los procesos biológicos. Debería haber recibido 50 premios Nobel. En lugar de eso, lo metieron en la cárcel. No está diciendo que la medicina convencional esté equivocada, pero sí que es incompleta y que ahora comprendemos mejor cómo funciona todo el cuerpo como un solo sistema, incluida la interacción entre la psique, el cerebro y el órgano. Utilizando este modelo, también podemos ver cómo ciertas afecciones pueden llegar a tener su vida propia y autoalimentarse. En este vídeo examino el deterioro de la visión como ejemplo de ello. Hay médicos disidentes sobre este tema, ¡pero sus voces no se oyen!

A través de mi historia personal, entrelazada con lo que he aprendido de las 5 leyes biológicas, en este vídeo espero demostrar que la deterioración de la vista no es genético, como se suponía anteriormente, sino en realidad el resultado de factores culturales que son fáciles de ver y muy obvios y también verificado por estudios sobre la educación. Si fuera realmente un resultado de los genes, como se cree ampliamente, entonces veríamos el mismo nivel de miopía y de hipermetropía repartido por igual entre las poblaciones del mundo, pero esto es exactamente lo que no vemos, donde el uso de gafas está correlacionado con las familias que son de un mejor nivel socioeconómico y que viven en lugares donde hay una tendencia al sobretratamiento por tener mejor acceso a servicios y chequeos excesiva. Que es excesiva o no depende de la información presentado aquí. Incluso recuerdo una vez a las diecisiete años me fui a una optometrista con lentes de contactos, teniendo en examen con los tentes contactos después de haber trabajado en una granja quemando basura y me hicieron la revisión ocular con el humo en los ojos, esto fue después de que en poco tiempo hubiera pasado de ver perfectamente sin gafas a estar legalmente ciego sin ellas desde que recibí los primeros alrededor de doce años. Espero que ahora podamos ver que a través de la Nueva Medicina Germánica, también conocida como las 5 leyes biológicas, hay otra manera de entender el deterioro de la visión que incluye programas biológicos que se autoalimentan y la combinación de sobretratamiento con programas de autoalimentación (querer ver pero no poder o que te digan que no puedes ver.... lo que absolutamente puede iniciar un programa biológico especial). Siento que las únicas dos preguntas que se nos permite hacer y asumir es si una condición es genética o infecciosa y así los factores culturales se pasan por alto y se supone que no son importantes. Ahora nos han traído la epigenética, que es cómo interactúan nuestros genes con el entorno, aunque no tengamos una estructura genética estable y las moléculas de nuestro cuerpo estén siempre cambiando. Si algún día la ciencia corrige su rumbo, el concepto de una estructura genética estable y congelada se verá seguramente como el mayor error de nuestro tiempo, en el que el entusiasmo por los descubrimientos del ADN nos han hecho ir tan lejos hacia un extremo.

Ahora podemos ver cómo un caso de pus que sale de la vagina no es puesto allí por un hombre, transmitido, sino la propia sabiduría natural del cuerpo tratando de llegar a un acuerdo con las circunstancias. A través de la Nueva Medicina del Dr. Ryke Hamer, descubrí cómo las cosas podían autoalimentarse y tomar su vida propia. Las implicaciones para todo, desde los llamados trastornos psicológicos hasta la vista, pasando por lo que este doctor describe en este vídeo, son realmente revolucionario. Lo que la Dra. Matelda describe en este vídeo es una perspectiva diferente y aunque usa el ejemplo de un caso de candidiasis en una mujer podemos comenzar imaginar algo semejante en diferente partes de la vida que la medicina corriente aún no reconoce. Pregunto yo ¿y si esta mujer, en circunstancias diferentes, hubiera llegado a ser etiquetada como seropositiva basado en estas falsas pruebas luego como paciente de sida? Si no han escuchado de la Nueva Medicina o Los 5 Leyes Biológica, vale la pena comenzar investigar. En algunos de los otros vídeos, en los que se habla del cáncer de mama, Dra. Matelda describe una situación en la que, sólo a causa de un chequeo rutinario, una mujer es llevada a lo más alto del tratamiento y luego sólo mirando hacia atrás se pregunta cómo habría sido si nunca se hubieran hecho la prueba en primer lugar, en el caso de la mamografía, que está demostrado que en realidad no reduce la tasa de cáncer de mama en absoluto, las estadísticas son claras al respecto. Cuántos de nosotros, por el optimismo ante la tecnología y las pruebas, nos dejamos llevar por un programa de autoalimentación. El concepto de un programa biológico de autoalimentación sólo se mencionó de pasada en este vídeo, pero quiero que se lo imaginen y extrapolen. Este vídeo también es muy importante porque en otras circunstancias, aunque no con el caso clínico presentado aquí, a una mujer a la que le sale pus de la vagina le dirán que ha contactado con una enfermedad venérea por mantener relaciones sexuales y entonces empezarán a culpar a los hombres.

Carl Schmitt and the Concept of the Political in a nutshell by Michael Millerman.

Dip your hand in fluoride and you die! Why are we putting this in our water and salt? ´´They took the toxic waste, but used the term fluoride for a whole subgroup of deadly chemicals, to dump in our water,`` Alex Jones. It`s identified as a health hazzard. A lot of people think it`s pharmeceutical grade that is used in the water. In Latin America it`s in the salt. It`s not a mineral, although they try to say that online in the ``debunking articles``. It`s pure industrial waste meant to kill us slowly! Thousands of studies. The fight to warn the unsuspecting populous about fluoride is on! So why are they doing it? Studies show that fluoride has a calmative effect, as it fries your brain from the inside out, it also makes you passive and able to accept tyranny. It has the effect of making one passive in the face of extreme oppresion, which is why flouride is used in all the major antidepressants. Those that carry out the school shootings, many of them, like the infamous Colombine shooters, were getting high dosis of flouride from drugs like prosac. This is the mass medication of the population, we`re told for our teeth, although really to poison us and, in the process, make us passive to be able to accept government tyranny and genocide. This is a report by Share far and wide! Thank you Alex Jones!!

Carl Schmitt`s concept of the friend/enemy distinction (``us verses them``) is a necessary element of politics. Schmitt says if we get rid of that, as liberal democracy has done, all sort of distortions arise. Realizing that to be political means to choose who one is in opposition to, this can help us see that the us verses them dichotomy with which Trump and Trump supporters are called out over, is as anti-historical as it is self-refuting, self-refuting because even that kind of an analysis presupposed an ingroup and an outgroup. One of the distortions that arise when you get rid of the friend/enemy distinction is the way liberal democracy tries to escape being political, in the Carl Schmitt sense, by arguing for being in favor of all of humanity and then if anyone opposes them, call them anti-human -- ironic indeed as they drag us kicking and screaming into the post-human world. To be political, according to Schmitt, is to choose who one is in opposition to. ``How can we be political if there is no politics?`` asks Alexander Dugin. That is the challenge! We have to recover what it means to have an overt political philosophy.

Scientistic Pragmatism, the Heart and the Post-human Epistemology. Drawing heavily from a talk by Fr. Thomas Hopko on the Abolition of Man, I go further and describe what it means to even think you can have a conversation with someone who is just a brain and a body, a calculator and a copulator, with no upper story at all. What does it mean to act very religious about emptying the human from the scene (where the human has left the building) all the while presenting the post-human epistemology as natural and implicit?

Priest Thomas Hopko, ``They´re in politics and in the White House but they`re not human!``

Patrick Phillips is Fourth Political Theory Pervert and Postmodern Man

Yesterday ex-CIA agent Feliz Rodriquez went on Tucker Carlson`s podcast. To put it lightly, I have a problem with the way he presented himself. I made this short video to counter the lies.

The C.I.A and Drugs. The year is 1980. Ronald Reagan is President and it´s morning in America and Reagan is about to go full drug smuggling. What you never knew about the 1980s! A lot of people don´t know that 1980s was when the United States government started a massive drug smuggling operation that continues to this day. Not really started, because it was there all along, but took it into overdrive. All the talk of family values and being touch on crime that we heard from the Republican party, this was all a sham. The criminal conspiracy continued until they carried out the Sep 11th and untold atrocities to this day. Thank you Daniel Hopsicker for putting together this documentary. Hopsicker wrote the book on Barry Seal which was turned into the movie American Made with Tom Cruise. You can watch the rest of his reports here:

Jim Marrs: The Secret Society That Hijacked The World. 9/11 and the U.S Goverment Orchestration

Secret Heartbeat of America - The CIA and Drugs In August 1987, two Arkansas high school seniors were brutally murdered, their bodies dismemebered by a speeding train.The evidence leads to a massive CIA drug and weapons smuggling operation, and raises stunning questions about CIA and US government involvement in drug and arms trafficking, world-wide. Republished here, the investigative reporter Daniel Hopsicker talks about his long-ignored book, WELCOME TO TERRORLAND: MOHAMED ATTA AND THE 9/11 COVER-UP IN FLORIDA, in which a plethora of first-hand sources connect flight schools in Florida with the 9/11 terrorists and CIA drug-dealing, talk about the FBI intimidating sources to keep quiet, including Atta’s American girlfriend, and describe how, shortly after 9/11, the FBI grabbed local law enforcement files on pre-9/11 activities and drug dealing and put them on military plane flown out of Florida accompanied by Florida governor Jeb Bush.

Daniel Hopsicker is the author of Welcome to Terror Land. (For more about this groundbreaking work on the so-called ´´ring leader´´ of the Sep 11th attacks.) Venice Florida was the biggest part of the crime scene that wasn´t reduced to rubble and Hopsicker got the scoop of the century. He ties it all to U.S government drug dealing and Atta as a government agent working for the Bush and Clinton crime families as a drug dealer!

David Ray Griffin 2007 Speech ´´9/11: Let's Get Empirical´´ BEST EVIDENCE FOR 9/11, ANOTHER SPEECH BY DAVID RAY GRIFFIN

A young Tucker Carlson antagonistically interviews Professor Steven Jones about Sep 11th. Tucker refuses Dr. Steven Jones, BYU Physics Prof, request to play WTC7 collapse video 2005. (Also check out this gym, Tucker interviewing David Ray Griffin)

In retrospect, I do indeed find it strange that the media, although not all, and the world´s public, although not all, could somehow accept that we would get a truthful version of Sep 11th by virtue of the Bush administration running the investigation. OF COURSE they would find themselves innocent! BEST EVIDENCE FOR 9/11, A SPEECH BY DAVID RAY GRIFFIN

Making Sense of the UFO Debate

The new generation has no idea of the toxicity of AZT, which is why AIDS has so much power over the imagination. The image of an entire generation dying is firmly cemented in the collective consciousness.

Denier or Intelligent?

Loose Change Final Cut was a 2007 documentary showing that the official story of 9/11 was false. In other words, the fairy tale that the world has been spoon fed about the impact of two planes flying into two World Trade Center towers and the resulting fires causing three World Trade Center steel framed buildings to collapse. Using witness testimony, expert analysis, news footage, and corroborating evidence, this film was one of the most explosive and important films of the decade. There was so many documentaries made about Sep 11th, now swept into the politicaly correct black memory hole. Starring George W Bush, Condoleeza RIce, DIck Cheney, Philip Zelikow, Dan Rather, the late Peter Jennings, contributors from Fox News, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, firefighters, first responders and 9/11 victims, the film exposes the inconsistencies and lies put forward by the Bush administration in the hours, days and weeks after 9/11, and their role in hoaxing the American people that 19 islamic terrorists were the sole perpetrators of 9/11, the crime of the century. For a more complete picture of who were the players of Sep 11th, what were their motives, how they financed it, and the larger connections with criminal organizations, I cannot recommend this following documentary enough: THE BUSH CRIME FAMILY: NARCOTRAFFICKING, MASS MURDER, MONDEY LAUNDERING

Watch Bill Clinton Being Confronted on Cocaine Smuggling!

I´m republishing this short video (original source here: because I´m concerned that knee-jerk reactions to a lot of my journalism center around concepts like´´evidence´´ and ´´proof´´ without people really stepping back to consider what these terms mean. The proverbial ´´conspiracy theory´´ as a dismissive epithet is a good example. In court they put the pieces of the puzzle together, even if there is not always direct evidence like eye witness, or even if there might be a problem with direct evidence. Here he says that circumstancial evidence is actually sometimes better than direct evidence. We do the same thing in journalism! Although ´´circumstantial evidence´´ gets a bad rap, judges actually look for this because it is considered very strong!! Often people react the way they do to hard stories in journalism implicating people in power because, having not looked at the reports, they cannot imagine any type of evidence that would support the conclusion of the headlines. Then there is the tedency to caricature the reports as obviously imposible from the outselt, ´´Our leaders would never do something that horrific!´´, for example, in response to the Sep 11th truth movement, weather manipulation or U.S government drug dealing. My concern is that we toss around words like ´´evidence´´, ´´theory´´, ´´proof´´ without stopping to consider what these concepts really mean and, after all, what is good for the goose is good for the gander and it seems, in the hit pieces written against alternative journalism, the standards that are used in court are dropped. Circumstantial evidence is indirect evidence that does not, on its face, prove a fact in issue but gives rise to a logical inference that the fact exists. Circumstantial evidence requires drawing additional reasonable inferences in order to support the claim. Although this gets a bad rap, it´s what judges look for!